diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index acb9d983..efa5c6d6 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
 # Changelog
+## 7.17.0
+* 7.17.0 as default version.
+| PR | Author | Title |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| [#845](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/pull/845) | [@jmlrt](https://github.com/jmlrt) | Remove CentOS 8 tests  |
 ## 7.16.3
 * 7.16.3 as default version.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index caa7a5a0..02848f72 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ This role uses the json_query filter which [requires jmespath](https://github.co
 Create your Ansible playbook with your own tasks, and include the role elasticsearch. You will have to have this repository accessible within the context of playbook.
-ansible-galaxy install elastic.elasticsearch,v7.16.3
+ansible-galaxy install elastic.elasticsearch,v7.17.0
 Then create your playbook yaml adding the role elasticsearch.
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ The simplest configuration therefore consists of:
     - role: elastic.elasticsearch
-    es_version: 7.16.3
+    es_version: 7.17.0
-The above installs Elasticsearch 7.16.3 in a single node 'node1' on the hosts 'localhost'.
+The above installs Elasticsearch 7.17.0 in a single node 'node1' on the hosts 'localhost'.
 Elasticsearch default version is described in [`es_version`](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/blob/main/defaults/main.yml#L2). You can override this variable in your playbook to install another version.
-While we are testing this role only with one 7.x and one 6.x version (respectively [7.16.3](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/blob/main/defaults/main.yml#L2) and [6.8.23](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/blob/main/.kitchen.yml#L22) at the time of writing), this role should work with other versions also in most cases.
+While we are testing this role only with one 7.x and one 6.x version (respectively [7.17.0](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/blob/main/defaults/main.yml#L2) and [6.8.23](https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elasticsearch/blob/main/.kitchen.yml#L22) at the time of writing), this role should work with other versions also in most cases.
 This role also uses [Ansible tags](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/user_guide/playbooks_tags.html). Run your playbook with the `--list-tasks` flag for more information.
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ In addition to es_config, the following parameters allow the customization of th
 * ```oss_version```  Default `false`. Setting this to `true` will install the oss release of Elasticsearch (for version <7.11.0 only).
 * `es_xpack_trial` Default `false`. Setting this to `true` will start the 30-day trail once the cluster starts.
-* ```es_version``` (e.g. "7.16.3").
+* ```es_version``` (e.g. "7.17.0").
 * ```es_api_host``` The host name used for actions requiring HTTP e.g. installing templates. Defaults to "localhost".
 * ```es_api_port``` The port used for actions requiring HTTP e.g. installing templates. Defaults to 9200. **CHANGE IF THE HTTP PORT IS NOT 9200**
 * ```es_api_basic_auth_username``` The Elasticsearch username for making admin changing actions. Used if Security is enabled. Ensure this user is admin.
diff --git a/defaults/main.yml b/defaults/main.yml
index a0c3c41a..47c94790 100644
--- a/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/defaults/main.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-es_version: "7.16.3"
+es_version: "7.17.0"
 es_use_snapshot_release: false
 oss_version: false
 es_package_name: "elasticsearch"