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hughsimpson edited this page Nov 8, 2013 · 11 revisions

To use the monitoring, include an output module and at least one agent module in your project dependencies for the modules you wish to monitor

##Configuration create META-INF.monitor, containing agent.conf and output.conf ###agent.conf This file paramaterises the pointcutting agent. You need to specify here which output module is being used, and can configure the behaviour of the agent.

Example configuration file for the akka monitoring agent:

org.eigengo.monitor.agent {
    output {
        class: "org.eigengo.monitor.output.datadog.StatsdCounterInterface"

    akka {
        includeRoutees: true
        included: [
        ] # This list is currently treated as a conjunction -- i.e. an actor must match all filters to be included. This behaviour may change.
        sampling: [
                rate: 5
                for: [ "akka:*" ]
                rate: 4
                for: [ "akka://default/user/*" ]
        allowExclusions: false # If this is false, we only include 'included' actors
        excluded: [ 

##Dependencies ###Output modules

####StatsD output for datadog

For sbt
  "org.eigengo.monitor" % "output-statsd" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
For maven

###Monitoring Agent modules

####Akka monitoring #####For sbt

  "org.eigengo.monitor" % "agent-akka" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

#####For maven

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