Here you can find some examples showing how to use libkafka-asio
: Examples using the C++03 language and features. This should also work with rather old compiler versions.cpp11
: Showcasing some C++11 language features. Requires newer compilers and at least CMake version 3.1
The following examples are available in the above folders:
: Use a fetch request to get messages for a topic partition. (C++03, C++11)metadata.cpp
: Get topic metadata to determine leading brokers. (C++03, C++11)offset.cpp
Get the current offset number of a topic partition. (C++03, C++11)offset_fetch.cpp
: Shows how to get offset data for a topic in a consumer group. Also illustrates the use of futures and promises. (C++03, C++11)produce.cpp
: Produce a Hello World message on a topic partition. (C++03, C++11)