- Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design date picker and time picker for (react-native-paper)
- Tested on Android, iOS and the web
- Uses the native Date.Intl API's which work out of the box on the web / iOS an on Android with Hermes from RN version 0.66 (automatic day name, month translations without bundle size increase)
- For RN below 0.66 see for Android Intl support the android-caveats guide
- Simple API
- Typesafe
- Endless (virtual) scrolling
- Performant
- Great React Native Web support
- Dependencies are react-native-paper
Check out the official docs: web-ridge.github.io/react-native-paper-dates
RichardLindhout from web_ridge
Brandon Fitzwater
- Simple cross platform navigation library for React Native (web): react-native-ridge-navigation
- Simple form library for React Native with great UX for developer and end-user: react-native-use-form
- Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design Tabs for React Native Paper: react-native-paper-tabs
- Simple translations in React (Native): react-ridge-translations