A Python client for the Kuna API v3
Changes from the original client
Update API to v3
Only support Python 3, removed support of Python 2
import logging
from pprint import pprint
from dateutil .parser import isoparse
logging .basicConfig (level = logging .DEBUG )
access_key = '****'
secret_key = '****'
k = KunaAPI (access_key , secret_key )
pprint (k .get_server_time ())
pprint (k .get_currencies ())
pprint (k .get_markets ())
pprint (k .get_recent_market_data (['btcusdt' ]))
pprint (k .get_recent_market_data (['zecuah' , 'xemuah' ]))
pprint (k .get_order_book ('btcusdt' ))
pprint (k .get_fees ())
pprint (k .get_account_info ())
pprint (k .get_account_wallets ())
pprint (k .get_account_orders ())
pprint (k .get_account_orders ('btcuah' ))
pprint (k .get_account_orders ('btcusdt' ))
start_date_in_isoformat = '2020-08-28T20:56:35.450686Z'
start_milliseconds = int (isoparse (start_date_in_isoformat ).timestamp () * 1000 )
pprint (k .get_orders_history (start = start_milliseconds ))
pprint (k .get_orders_history ('btcuah' ))
pprint (k .get_orders_history ('btcusdt' ))