maintainer |
randomsort |
In this repository you find a bunch of Git exercises. The concept is stolen without shame from They have unfortunately not maintained the system - and we need more good git exercises.
Each kata resides in its own directory. It contains a file describing the task.
It also contains a file that will setup a git repository for you to do the exercise in.
Note that not all terminals will be able to run the
script for you.
If you are on Windows you might need to use Git bash that is a part of the ordinary git installation.
To do an exercise go to the directory, run the
script and checkout what is in the
If you are confused about git - the best place to start is basic-commits
cd <folder>
to go into a folderls
to list directory content./
to run the script that sets up the kata
You can set up aliases such as:
git config --global 'log --oneline --decorate --graph --all'
This might be useful to you.