The fundamental idea is to separate UIWebView
responsibilities in two groups: WebEngine
, which is a dependency of the Interactor, and WebPresentation
which belongs to the View.
- Loads HTML code.
- Executes JavaScript.
- Renders content with a set of predefined actions.
- Notifies the Interactor of drawing, loading and rendering processes completion.
- Notifies the View of different events: links, images and different embeds taps.
- Provides an interface of obtaining real content size and other view properties.
- The Assembly setups two delegates for the
object - one is the View and another is the Interactor. - The Presenter (or the View in case of a cell) is an entry point of the module. It's only input is raw html data.
- The Presenter receives View's
and passes it to the Interactor. - The Presenter passes html data to the Interactor.
- The Interactor setups the
environment by executing a number of JavaScript scripts. - The Interactor passes html data to the
. WebEngine
notifies the Interactor on rendering completion.- The Interactor notifies the Presenter, which obtains the content size from the View and passes it to the module output.
These are very simple steps - each method consists of no more than 5 lines of code.
Let's investigate the implementation of each component.
@interface PostContentCell : UITableViewCell <PostContentViewInput, WebPresentationDelegate>
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIWebView *contentWebView;
@property (strong, nonatomic) id<PostContentViewOutput> output;
@property (strong, nonatomic) id<WebPresentation> webPresentation;
@implementation PostContentCell
- (BOOL)shouldUpdateCellWithObject:(PostContentCellObject *)object {
[self.output didTriggerModuleSetupEventWithHtmlContent:object.htmlContent];
return YES;
#pragma mark - PostContentViewInput
- (void)setupInitialState {
[self.webPresentation setupWithWebView:self.contentWebView];
#pragma mark - WebPresentationDelegate
- (void)webPresentation:(id<WebPresentation>)webPresentation
didTapLink:(NSURL *)link {
[self.output didTriggerLinkTapEventWithURL:link];
- (void)webPresentation:(id<WebPresentation>)webPresentation
didTapImageWithLink:(NSURL *)link {
[self.output didTriggerImageTapWithURL:link];
@implementation PostContentPresenter
#pragma mark - PostContentViewOutput
- (void)didTriggerModuleSetupEventWithHtmlContent:(NSString *)htmlContent {
self.rawHtmlContent = htmlContent;
[self.interactor renderContent:self.rawHtmlContent];
- (void)didTriggerLinkTapEventWithURL:(NSURL *)url {
[self.router showBrowserModuleWithURL:url];
- (void)didTriggerImageTapWithURL:(NSURL *)url {
[self.router showFullscreenImageModuleWithImageURL:url];
#pragma mark - PostContentInteractorOutput
- (void)didCompleteRenderingContent {
CGFloat contentHeight = [self.view obtainCurrentContentHeight];
[self.moduleOutput didUpdatePostContentWithContentHeight:contentHeight];
@interface PostContentInteractor : NSObject <PostContentInteractorInput, WebEngineDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<PostContentInteractorOutput> output;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id<WebEngine> webEngine;
@property (nonatomic, strong) ContentHTMLComposer *contentComposer;
@property (nonatomic, strong) JSScriptProvider *scriptProvider;
@property (nonatomic, strong) ContentRenderStrategyFactory *renderStrategyFactory;
@implementation PostContentInteractor
#pragma mark - PostContentInteractorInput
- (void)renderContent:(NSString *)content {
NSArray *scripts = [self.scriptProvider obtainScriptsForPostEnvironmentSetup];
for (NSString *script in scripts) {
[self.webEngine executeScript:script];
NSString *processedContent = [self.contentComposer composeValidHtmlForRenderingFromRawHtml:content];
[self.webEngine loadHtml:processedContent];
#pragma mark - WebEngineDelegate
- (void)didCompleteLoadingContentWithWebEngine:(id<WebEngine>)webEngine {
ContentRenderStrategy *renderStrategy = [self.renderStrategyFactory postContentRenderStrategy];
[self.webEngine renderContentWithStrategy:renderStrategy];
- (void)didCompleteRenderingContentWithWebEngine:(id<WebEngine>)webEngine {
[self.output didCompleteRenderingContent];
@interface WebEngineImplementation : NSObject <WebPresentation, WebEngine>
@property (weak, nonatomic) id<WebEngineDelegate> webEngineDelegate;
@property (weak, nonatomic) id<WebPresentationDelegate> webPresentationDelegate;
@property (strong, nonatomic) WebBridgeFactory *bridgeFactory;
@implementation WebEngineImplementation
#pragma mark - WebPresentation
- (void)setupWithWebView:(UIWebView *)webView {
self.webView = webView;
self.bridge = [self.bridgeFactory obtainBridgeForWebView:webView
[self setupJavascriptHandlers];
#pragma mark - Handlers Setup
- (void)setupJavascriptHandlers {
[self.bridge registerHandler:kImageTapHandler
handler:^(id data, WVJBResponseCallback responseCallback) {
NSString *imageURLString = data[kDataLinkKey];
NSURL *imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:imageURLString];
[self.webPresentationDelegate webPresentation:self
#pragma mark - WebEngine
- (void)loadHtml:(NSString *)html {
[self.webView loadHTMLString:html
- (void)executeScript:(NSString *)script {
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:script];
- (void)renderContentWithStrategy:(ContentRenderStrategy *)renderStrategy {
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
JSResponseBlock responseBlock = ^(NSDictionary *responseData) {
NSString *logDescription = responseData[JSLogDescriptionKey];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@", logDescription);
for (NSString *handlerKey in renderStrategy.scriptNames) {
[self.bridge callHandler:handlerKey
[self.webEngineDelegate didCompleteRenderingContentWithWebEngine:self];
#pragma mark - UIWebViewDelegate
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
[self.webEngineDelegate didCompleteLoadingContentWithWebEngine:self];
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
NSString *urlString = request.URL.absoluteString;
if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked) {
[self.webPresentationDelegate webPresentation:self
return NO;
return YES;
Besides the clear separation of concerns, we've also hidden the fact of using a third party library for bridging - it's just an implementation detail of our WebEngine
. Unit tests for this setup are easy and reliable - all that we have to test is the data flow.