diff --git a/class.py b/class.py
index 2d041c6..b5db0c8 100644
--- a/class.py
+++ b/class.py
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
import ECHO_modules.utilities as utilities
import ECHO_modules.presets as presets
-import geopandas as geopandas
-import topojson as tp
-import rtree
import json
+import geopandas as geopandas
+import pygeos
+import ipyleaflet
import folium
from folium.plugins import FastMarkerCluster
import urllib
import pandas as pd
import requests
+import zipfile
+import io
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
class Echo:
def __init__( self, units, unit_type, programs=[], intersection=False, intersecting_geo=None):
@@ -821,3 +826,92 @@ def batch(p, id_string, program_data):
program_data['Date'] = program_data['EARLIEST_FRV_DETERM_DATE'].fillna(program_data['HPV_DAYZERO_DATE'])
return program_data
+class EJScreen:
+ """
+ Class for creating EJScreen analysis objects around a location (lat/lng)
+ EJScreen objects host a variety of methods for collecting, analyzing, and display EJScreen data
+ Currently hard-coded for New Jersey
+ """
+ def __init__( self , location=None):
+ import ipywidgets as widgets
+ # Load and join census data
+ self.census_data = utilities.add_spatial_data(url="https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2017/BG/tl_2017_34_bg.zip", name="census", projection=26918) # NJ specific
+ self.ej_data = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/ECHO-SDWA/raw/main/EJSCREEN_2021_StateRankings_NJ.csv") # NJ specific
+ self.ej_data["ID"] = self.ej_data["ID"].astype(str)
+ self.census_data.set_index("GEOID", inplace=True)
+ self.ej_data.set_index("ID", inplace=True)
+ self.census_data = self.census_data.join(self.ej_data)
+ # EJ variable picking parameters
+ self.pick_ejvar = None
+ self.picker = widgets.Output()
+ self.options = ["LOWINCPCT", "MINORPCT", "OVER64PCT", "CANCER"] # list of EJScreen variables that will be selected
+ display(self.picker)
+ self.out = widgets.Output()
+ display(self.out)
+ self.location = location # Should be a single shapely geometry (point or polygon)
+ def show_pick_variable (self):
+ import ipywidgets as widgets
+ self.pick_ejvar = widgets.Dropdown(
+ options=self.options,
+ description='EJ Variable:'
+ )
+ with self.picker:
+ display(self.pick_ejvar)
+ display(HTML("
see also for details on each variable: Metadata"))
+ self.pick_ejvar.observe(self.make_map)
+ # map
+ def make_map (self, change):
+ if self.location is not None:
+ if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value':
+ import branca
+ from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps, basemap_to_tiles, GeoJSON, LayersControl
+ import json
+ # get EJ variable
+ ejvar = self.pick_ejvar.value
+ # filter to area
+ bgs = self.census_data[ self.census_data.geometry.intersects(self.location.buffer(10000)[0]) ] #block groups in the area around the clicked point
+ # set colorscale
+ colorscale = branca.colormap.linear.YlOrRd_09.scale(bgs[ejvar].min(), bgs[ejvar].max())
+ # set layers and style
+ def style_function(feature):
+ # choropleth approach
+ return {
+ "fillOpacity": .5,
+ "weight": .5,
+ "fillColor": "#d3d3d3" if feature["properties"][ejvar] is None else colorscale(feature["properties"][ejvar]),
+ }
+ # Create the map
+ m = Map(
+ basemap=basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.CartoDB.Positron),
+ )
+ # Load the layer
+ bgs = bgs.to_crs(4326) # transformation to geographic coordinate system required
+ geo_json = GeoJSON(
+ data = json.loads(bgs.to_json()),
+ style_callback = style_function
+ )
+ m.add_layer(geo_json)
+ # fits the map to the polygon layer
+ bounds = bgs.total_bounds
+ bounds = [[bounds[1], bounds[0]], [bounds[3], bounds[2]]]
+ m.fit_bounds(bounds)
+ m.zoom = 13
+ m.add_control(LayersControl()) # add a control for toggling layers on/off
+ with self.out:
+ self.out.clear_output()
+ display(m)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utilities.py b/utilities.py
index d71bceb..c2d7fc6 100644
--- a/utilities.py
+++ b/utilities.py
@@ -4,16 +4,15 @@
# Import libraries
import os
import csv
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
-import ipywidgets as widgets
import urllib
+import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual, Layout
-from IPython.display import display
+from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
def get_data( sql, index_field=None ):
@@ -48,6 +47,313 @@ def get_data( sql, index_field=None ):
# print( "get_data() returning {} records.".format( len(ds) ))
return ds
+def place_picker():
+ '''
+ Allow users to pick a point on an ipyleaflet map and store those coordinates in `marker`
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ None
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ Displays an ipyleaflet map with a moveable marker
+ Returns the marker, whose current coordinates can be accessed with marker.location
+ '''
+ from ipyleaflet import Map, Marker, basemaps, basemap_to_tiles
+ m = Map(
+ basemap=basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.CartoDB.Positron),
+ center=(40, -74),
+ zoom=7
+ ) # Default to NJ
+ marker = Marker(location=(40, -74), draggable=True) # defaults to New Jersey for SDWA project
+ m.add_layer(marker);
+ display(m)
+ return marker
+def add_spatial_data(url, name, projection=4326):
+ """
+ Gets external geospatial data
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ url: a zip of shapefile (in the future, extend to geojson)
+ name: a string handle for the data files
+ projection (optional): an EPSG projection for the spatial dataa
+ Returns
+ -------
+ sd: spatial data reads ]as a geodataframe and projected to a specified projected coordinate system, or defaults to GCS
+ """
+ import requests, zipfile, io, geopandas
+ r = requests.get(url)
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))
+ z.extractall("/content/"+name)
+ sd = geopandas.read_file("/content/"+name+"/")
+ sd.to_crs(crs=projection, inplace=True) # transform to input projection, defaults to WGS GCS
+ return sd
+def place_by_point(places, point):
+ """
+ get the place that contains a point
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ place: a geopandas geodataframe of polygons
+ point: a geopandas geoseries (in the future, extend to gdf)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Filtered geodataframe
+ """
+ # Try to find overlap. If none, report it
+ place = places.loc[places.geometry.contains(point[0])]
+ if place.empty:
+ print("Looks like your point doesn't fall within any of the places")
+ else:
+ return place # Theoretically, for some data, multiple places could contain a point (extend)
+def show_map(layers, style):
+ """
+ maps layers according to styles
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ layers: a dict like {"places": places} where places is geojson, ordered in the z order you want
+ styles: a dict like {"places": {"fill": none}} with other leaflet style properties
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ Displays an ipyleaflet map
+ """
+ from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps, basemap_to_tiles, GeoData, LayersControl
+ m = Map(
+ basemap=basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.CartoDB.Positron),
+ )
+ for name, layer in layers.items():
+ layer = layer.to_crs(4326) # transformation to geographic coordinate system required for mapping
+ l = GeoData(
+ geo_dataframe = layer,
+ name = name,
+ style = style[name]
+ )
+ m.add_layer(l)
+ # hacky - iteratively fits the map frame to the bounds/extent of the layers
+ bounds = layer.total_bounds
+ bounds = [[bounds[1], bounds[0]], [bounds[3], bounds[2]]]
+ m.fit_bounds(bounds)
+ m.zoom = 13
+ m.add_control(LayersControl()) # adds a toggle for the layers
+ display(m)
+def get_data_from_ids(table, key, input):
+ """
+ Gets ECHO data from table based on matching ids
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ input: dataframe to get ids out of
+ table: str, ECHO table of interest
+ key: str, the field to match ids on
+ currently only works where column names are same between input and table (extend)
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ dataframe from SBU ECHO database copy
+ """
+ from ECHO_modules.utilities import get_data
+ # process ids
+ ids = ""
+ for id in list(input[key].unique()):
+ ids += "'"+id +"',"
+ ids = ids[:-1]
+ ids
+ # get data
+ sql = 'select * from "'+table+'" where "'+key+'" in ({})'.format(ids)
+ data = get_data(sql)
+ return data
+def chart_top_violators(ranked, values, size, labels):
+ '''
+ rank and chart entities based on a provided dataframe
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ranked: dataframe sorted by the variable of interest (# of violations)
+ values: str, name of variable (column) of interest
+ size: int, how many of the top rows/entities to rank
+ labels: dict, labels for the chart e.g. {'title': 'title', 'x': 'x-axis', 'y':'y-axis'}
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ Matplotlib chart
+ '''
+ import seaborn as sns
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ if ranked is None:
+ print( 'There is no data to graph.')
+ return None
+ # Process data
+ ranked = ranked.head(size)
+ unit = ranked.index
+ values = ranked[values]
+ # Create chart
+ sns.set(style='whitegrid')
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
+ try:
+ g = sns.barplot(x=values, y=unit, order=list(unit), orient="h", color = "red")
+ g.set_title(labels["title"])
+ ax.set_xlabel(labels["x"])
+ ax.set_ylabel(labels["y"])
+ ax.set_yticklabels(unit)
+ return ( g )
+ except TypeError as te:
+ print( "TypeError: {}".format( str(te) ))
+ return None
+def bivariate_map(points, point_attribute, polygons, polygon_attribute):
+ """
+ Creates a bivariate map consisting of a point and a polygon layer symbolized according to specified attributes
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ points: geodataframe of point features
+ point_attribute: str, indicating the field in the `points` to symbolize
+ polygons: geodataframe of polygon features
+ polygon_attribute: str, indicating the field in the `polygons` to symbolize
+ """
+ import branca
+ from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps, basemap_to_tiles, GeoJSON, LayersControl, LayerGroup, Circle
+ import json
+ # set colorscale
+ colorscale = branca.colormap.linear.YlOrRd_09.scale(polygons[polygon_attribute].min(), polygons[polygon_attribute].max())
+ # set layers and style
+ def style_function(feature):
+ """
+ Assumes a geojson as input feature
+ """
+ return {
+ "fillOpacity": .5,
+ "weight": .1,
+ "fillColor": "#d3d3d3" if feature["properties"][polygon_attribute] is None else colorscale(feature["properties"][polygon_attribute]),
+ }
+ # Create map
+ m = Map(
+ basemap=basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.CartoDB.Positron),
+ center=(40,-74),
+ zoom = 7
+ )
+ # Create polygon layer
+ polygons = polygons.to_crs(4326) # transformation to geographic coordinate system required
+ geo_json = GeoJSON(
+ data = json.loads(polygons.to_json()), # load as geojson
+ style_callback = style_function
+ )
+ m.add_layer(geo_json)
+ # Create points layer
+ circles = []
+ points = points.loc[points[point_attribute] > 0] # remove NaNs :(
+ points = json.loads(points.to_json()) # convert to geojson
+ for row in points["features"]:
+ try:
+ circle = Circle(
+ location = (row["properties"]["FAC_LAT"], row["properties"]["FAC_LONG"]), #Need to un-hard code this. Should be able to use geometry.
+ title = str(row["properties"][point_attribute]),
+ radius = int(row["properties"][point_attribute]) * 2,
+ color = "black",
+ weight = 1,
+ fill_color = "black",
+ fill_opacity= 1
+ )
+ circles.append(circle)
+ except:
+ pass
+ layer_group = LayerGroup(layers=(circles))
+ m.add_layer(layer_group)
+ # fits the map to the polygon layer
+ bounds = polygons.total_bounds
+ bounds = [[bounds[1], bounds[0]], [bounds[3], bounds[2]]]
+ m.fit_bounds(bounds)
+ m.add_control(LayersControl()) # add control to toggle layers on/off
+ display(m)
+def choropleth(polygons, polygon_attribute):
+ '''
+ creates choropleth map - shades polygons by attribute
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ polygons: geodataframe of polygons to be mapped
+ polygon_attribute: str, name of field in `polygons` geodataframe to symbolize
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ Displays a map
+ '''
+ import branca
+ import json
+ from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps, basemap_to_tiles, Choropleth, LayersControl
+ m = Map(
+ basemap=basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.CartoDB.Positron),
+ center=(40,-74),
+ zoom = 7
+ )
+ # split data into geo and choro data for mapping
+ polygons = polygons.to_crs(4326) # requires transformation to geographic coordinate system
+ geo_data = json.loads(polygons[["geometry"]].to_json()) # convert to geojson
+ choro_data = polygons[[polygon_attribute]] # the attribute data
+ choro_data = json.loads(choro_data.to_json()) # convert to geojson
+ # Create layer
+ layer = Choropleth(
+ geo_data=geo_data,
+ choro_data=choro_data[polygon_attribute],
+ colormap=branca.colormap.linear.YlOrRd_09,
+ border_color='black',
+ style={'fillOpacity': 0.5, 'weight': .1},
+ key_on = "id" #leaflet default
+ )
+ m.add_layer(layer)
+ # fits the map to the layer
+ bounds = polygons.total_bounds
+ bounds = [[bounds[1], bounds[0]], [bounds[3], bounds[2]]]
+ m.fit_bounds(bounds)
+ display(m)
def fix_county_names( in_counties ):