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File metadata and controls

1318 lines (957 loc) · 42.1 KB
Status: Accepted
Type: Feature
Created: 2020-09-03
Authors: Paul Colomiets <[email protected]>
RFC PR: `edgedb/rfcs#0004 <>`_

RFC 1004: Robust Client API


This RFC describes client API that is:

  1. Resilient against network errors and server failover (i.e. when server changes IP address) both within a single transactions and for non-transactional queries.
  2. Retries transactions in a number of error conditions such as deadlock and concurrent update error.
  3. Provides uniform access to the underlying querying API from pool, connection and transaction objects.


The major motivation for the API change is having robust language bindings that:

  1. Tolerate server restart and IP address migration
  2. Robust towards intermittent network errors or dropping via idle timeout
  3. Ready for replica support

4. And (mostly as a consequence of (1)) don't crash when application and server are started at the same time

Additional details on the transaction API enhancements follow.

Improvements to Transaction API

We want to encourage users using connection pools rather than connections directly. Older API requires connection to acquire a connection first:

with pool.acquire() as connection:
    with connection.trasaction():

With the new API we don't need to acquire a connection separately. This not only simplifies the code, but also allows reconnecting on network errors.

More discussion on this topic

This part of API change is also motivated by the fact that EdgeDB (as is PostgreSQL) sometimes can't apply concurrent transactions and errors out with:

Error: could not serialize access due to concurrent update

It's expected that transaction may be repeated and be successful when repeated. Common case when this happens is using INSERT ... UNLESS CONFLICT .. statement in EdgeDB. See `Repeating-EdgeQL<#repeating-edgeql>`_ section for an explanation of why Postgres and EdgeDB can't repeat transactions automatically.

EdgeDB supports only REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE isolation levels. That means errors like the above may happen more often than with the default READ COMMITTED isolation level in Postgres.

As we implement retrying connection on "concurrent update" we also want to handle:

  1. Transaction deadlocks
  2. Connection errors anywhere between BEGIN TRANSACTION and before COMMIT (we can't reliably know whether commit itself worked if we sent last COMMIT and got no response)

More discussion on retrying


Connections and Pools

Instead of exposing a TCP connection to the user we use a set of wrapper classes:

class AsyncIOConnection:
    _impl: _SingletonPool
    _desired_config: SessionConfig

class AsyncIOReadOnlyConnection:
    _impl: _SingletonPool
    _desired_config: SessionConfig

class _SingletonPool
    _impl: RawConnection

class AsyncIORawConnection:
    _protocol: BlockingIOProtocol
    _current_config: SessionConfig

async def connect() -> AsyncIOConnection: ...

Similarly we update connection pool classes API:

class AsyncIOPool(AsyncIOReadOnlyPool):
    _impl: _PoolImpl
    _desired_config: SessionConfig

class AsyncIOReadOnlyPool:
    _impl: _SingletonPool
    _desired_config: SessionConfig

class _PoolImpl:
    _connections: deque[RawConnection]  # Simplified

Both AsyncIOPool and AsyncIOConnection have:

  1. execute, query`, ``query_one set of query functions (implement Executor abstract class defined below). All the methods reconnect if called on broken connection. Read-only queries broken in the middle of the query are retried.
  2. retrying_transaction method (described below)
  3. raw_transaction method for more fine-grained control over transactions (this is older transaction method, see below)

ReadOnly* counterparts differ from non-read-only ones in two important ways:

  1. They send read-only flag to the database server, which can reject queries that modify data. And may use replica connection.
  2. Works as type-checker hint that function that received a connection does no modifications to the data.

RawConnection class is exposed for users who want to do their own session config management stuff, connection pooling or control of reconnection.

Note: this section contains only async Python example, sync Python and JavaScript bindings undergo changes similar enough that we don't think it makes sense to put them here explicitly.

Connection Configuration Methods

The following things are modified by a method that returns a distinct object of the same type and same underlying network connections but distinct config (i.e. Connection retains the same _SingletonPool and Pool retains the same _PoolImpl):

  • Asking for a read-only access
  • Setting session configuration
  • Transaction options

Here are method signatures:

class AsyncIOConnection:
    async def read_only(self, primary: bool = false) -> \
        ReadOnlyConnection: ...

    async def with_session_config(self, **config) -> \
        Connection: ...

    async def with_transaction_options(self,
        options: TransactionOptions,
    ) -> Connection: ...

    async def with_retry_options(self,
        options: RetryOptions,
    ) -> Connection: ...

class AsyncIOPool:
    async def read_only(self, primary: bool = false) -> \
        ReadOnlyConnection: ...

    async def with_session_config(self, **config) -> Pool: ...
    async def with_transaction_options(self,
        options: TransactionOptions,
    ) -> Pool: ...
    async def with_retry_options(self,
        options: RetryOptions,
    ) -> Pool: ...

The AsyncIOReadOnlyPool and AsyncIOReadOnlyConnection get the same methods (including read_only method itself, which is no-op).

After modification, connection/pool object can be used interchangeably:

conn = await edgedb.connect()
read_only_conn = await conn.read_only()
await conn.execute("INSERT User { ... }", ...)
print(await read_only_conn.query("SELECT User"))
await read_only_conn.execute("INSERT User { .. }", ...)  # throws an error

Or session config example:

conn = await edgedb.connect()
conn2 = await conn.with_session_config(param="value")
await conn.execute("INSERT User { ... }", ...)  # without config
print(await conn2.query("SELECT User"))  # with config
await conn.execute("INSERT User { .. }", ...)  # without config again

There are different ways of these options are actually applied:

  1. Read-only access is marked as a header to query compilation message (i.e. metadata for compiling specific query)
  2. Session configuration is currently applied by sending extra queries prior to the query itself and persist in that connection until reset or the connection is closed
  3. Transactions options are client-side and don't require any change in either connection or network protocol

But all of that are implementation details. We provide uniform interface for all these options and future protocols or connection pools may use a different underlying implementation. E.g. in the future:

  1. Multiple session configuration options may be gathered and applied in one batch
  2. Connection pool may pick a separate connection to a read-only replica for a read-only query.
  3. Session configuration is cached in the connection state and is not touched if the same configuration is used.
  4. Connection pool may cache connections with the same session state so we don't need to apply session state on each request.
  5. Eventually we may allow some session configuration to be applied on a per-request basis or vice versa make the read-only flag the session configuration.

All of these optimizations would be seamless for the API users, who should trust the language bindings to do the optimal thing.

Transactions API

General idea of the feature:

  1. Introduce a block of user's code that may be repeated
  2. Pass a transaction object to the block
  3. Repeat the block within a new transaction until succeeds or attempt number is exhausted

The block is introduced by connection_pool.retrying_transaction, the exact code is different for different languages because of language limitations and convetions.

Normal transactions that aren't retried are executed with raw_transaction method.

The retrying_transaction function configured by the number of attempts and backoff function. This is configured by calling with_retry_options prior to the retrying_transaction function. Former can be called prior to setting global connection pool variable to achieve global setting, or can be called at any time to achieve needed granularity for this setting.

Current attempt number N is global. Which means if the last error is a deadlock and N is greater than the number of attempts on a deadlock we stop retrying and return error (even if previous error was a network error).

Backoff function by default is 2^N * 100 plus random number in range 0..100 milliseconds. Where first retry (second attempt) has N=1. Technically:

  • In JavaScript: n => (2**n) * 100 + Math.random()*100
  • In Python: lambda n: (2**n) * 0.1 + randrange(100)*0.1 (seconds)
  • In Rust: |n| Duration::from_millis(2u64.pow(n)*100 + thread_rng().gen_range(0,100)

Backoff is randomized so that if there was a coordinated failure (i.e. server restart which triggers all current transactions to retry) transactions don't overwhelm a database by reconnecting simultaneously. If backoff function is adjusted it's recommeded to keep some randomization anyway.

TypeScript Transactions API

Introduce two methods on a connection pool and connection:

type TransactionBlock = (Transaction) => Promise<T>;

interface Pool {
    async retry<T>(block: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;
    async rawTransaction<T>(action: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;
class Connection {
    async retry<T>(block: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;
    async rawTransaction<T>(action: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;

Raw connection has only rawTransaction method:

class RawConnection {
async rawTransaction<T>(
action: TransactionBlock, options?: TransactionOptions,

): Promise<T>;


Note: transaction options are passed directly to rawTransaction as it doesn't have withTransactionOptions method.

Introduce interface for making queries:

interface ReadOnlyExecutor {
    async query(query: string, args: QueryArgs = null): Promise<Set>;
    async queryOne(query: string, args: QueryArgs = null): Promise<any>;
    async queryJSON(query: string, args: QueryArgs = null): Promise<string>;
    async queryOneJSON(query: string, args: QueryArgs = null): Promise<string>;
    async execute(query: string): Promise<void>;
interface Executor extends ReadOnlyExecutor {}

And implement interface by respective classes:

class Transaction implements Executor {/*...*/}
class Connection implements Executor {/*...*/}
interface Pool extends Executor {/*...*/}
class ReadOnlyTransaction implements ReadOnlyExecutor {/*...*/}
class ReadOnlyConnection implements ReadOnlyExecutor {/*...*/}
interface ReadOnlyPool extends ReadOnlyExecutor {/*...*/}

While removing inherent methods with the same name.

Note: while Connection.rawTransaction block is active, Executor methods are disabled on the connection object itself (i.e. they throw TransactionIsActiveError).

Example of the recommended transaction API:

await pool.retryingTransaction(tx => {
    let val = await tx.query("...")
    await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

Example using rawTransaction:

await pool.rawRransaction(tx => {
let val = await tx.query("...") await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))


Note the new API is very similar to older transaction except the queries are executed using transaction object, instead of connection itself.

Deprecate transaction() method:

`connection.transaction(f)` is deprecated. Use
`pool.retryingTranscation(f)` (preferred) or

The RetryOptions signature:

type BackoffFunction = (attempt: number) => number;
enum RetryCondition {
class RetryOptions {
        attempts: number = 3,
        backoff: BackoffFunction = defaultBackoff,
        condition: RetryCondition,
        attempts?: number,
        backoff?: BackoffFunction,
    ): RetryOptions;
Subtransactions API

Subtransaction API is only accessible on the transaction and subtranssaction objects:

type SubtransactionBlock = (Subtransaction) => Promise<T>;
class Transaction {
    async subtransaction<T>(action: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;
class Subtransaction extends Executor {
    async subtransaction<T>(action: TransactionBlock): Promise<T>;
    async rollback(): Promise<void>;

Subtransaction objects also implement Executor interface.

Example using subtransaction:

await pool.retryingTransaction(tx => {
    try {
        await tx.subtransaction(subtx => {
            await subtx.query(`
                INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
            `, {name, text})
    } catch(e) {
        if(e instanceof ConstraintViolationError) {
            await tx.subtransaction(subtx => {
                await subtx.query(`
                    UPDATE Note
                    FILTER .name = <str>$name
                    SET { text := <str>$text }
                `, {name, text})
        } else {
            raise e


  1. Transaction object is "borrowed" for the duration of subtransaction, you can't execute queries on original transaction object when subtransaction is active.
  2. Catching errors needs some care, in particular, errors that induce retry of the whole transaction (e.g. disconnect) should propatate to the retry loop. So it's recommeded to pick the most specific error in the catch statement and reraise everything else.

Example using connection instead of pool:

async conn.retryingTransaction(tx => {
    async tx.subtransaction(subtx => {
        async with tx.subtransaction(subtx => {
            await subtx.query(`
                INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
            `, {name, text})

In this example, both conn and tx can't be used while subtransaction is active.

Subtransactions can be nested:

await tx.subtransaction(tx1 => {
    await tx1.subtransaction(tx2 => {

Subtransactions can be rolled back without without closing, for first example in this section could be rewritten as:

await tx.subtransaction(subtx => {
    try {
        await subtx.query(`
            INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
        `, {name, text})
    } catch(e) {
        if(e instanceof ConstraintViolationError) {

            // Rolling back subtransaction
            await subtx.rollback()

            // Executing new query in the same subtransaction
            await subtx.query(`
                UPDATE Note
                FILTER .name = <str>$name
                SET { text := <str>$text }
            `, {name, text})
        } else {
            raise e
Exceptions API

Error hierarchy is amended by introducing TransientError, NetworkError and EarlyNetworkError with the following relationships:

class TransientError extends TransactionError {}
class TransactionDeadlockError extends TransientError {}
class TransactionSerializationError extends TransientError {}
class NetworkError extends ClientError {}
class EarlyNetworkError extends NetworkError {}

All network error within connection should be converted into EarlyNetworkError or NetworkError. Former is used in context where we catch network error before sending a request.

TransactionIsActiveError is introduced to signal that queries can't be executed on the connection object:

class TransactionIsActiveError extends InterfaceError {}
Python Transactions API

For python API plain with doesn't work any more, so we introduce a loop and with block. See example below.

Pool methods for creating a transaction:

class AsyncIOPool:
    def retrying_transaction() -> \
        AsyncIterable[AsyncContextManager[AsyncIOTransaction]]: ...

    async def raw_transaction(*,
        isolation: str = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
        deferrable: bool = None,
    ) -> AsyncContextManager[AsyncIOTransaction]: ...

class AsyncIOConnection:
    def retrying_transaction() -> \
        AsyncIterable[AsyncContextManager[AsyncIOTransaction]]: ...

    async def raw_transaction(*,
        isolation: str = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
        deferrable: bool = None,
    ) -> AsyncContextManager[AsyncIOTransaction]: ...

class Pool:
    def retrying_transaction() -> \
        Iterable[ContextManager[Transaction]]: ...

    def raw_transaction(
        isolation: str = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
        deferrable: bool = None,
    ) -> ContextManager[Transaction]: ...

class Connection:
    def retrying_transaction() -> \
        Iterable[ContextManager[Transaction]]: ...

    def raw_transaction(
        isolation: str = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
        deferrable: bool = None,
    ) -> ContextManager[Transaction]: ...

Example usage of retrying_transaction on async pool:

async for tx in db.retrying_transaction():
  async with tx:
    let val = await tx.query("...")
    await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

Example usage of retrying_transaction on sync pool:

for tx in db.retrying_transaction():
  with tx:
    let val = tx.query("...")
    tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

This works roughly as follows:

  1. retrying_transaction() returns an (async-)iterator which has no methods.
  2. Every yielded element is a transaction object, strongly referencing the iterator that created it internally.
  3. If the code in the async with / `with block succeeds, the transaction object messages its iterator to stop iteration.

Example of raw_transaction:

async with db.raw_transaction() as tx:
  let val = await tx.query("...")
  await tx.execute("...", process_value(val))

Note the new API is very similar to older transaction except the queries are executed using transaction object, instead of connection itself.

Deprecate old transaction API:

DeprecationWarning: `connection.transaction()` is deprecated. Use
`pool.retrying_transaction()` (preferred) or `connection.raw_transaction()`.

Add RetryOptions class:

class RetryCondition(enum.Enum):
    TransactionConflict =
    NetworkError =

class RetryOptions:
    def __init__(self,
        attempts: int = 3,
        backoff: Callable[[int], [float]] = default_backoff,
    ): ...
    def attempts(
        which: AttemptsOption,
        attempts: int,
        backoff: Callable[[int], [float]],
    ): RetryOptions: ...

Introduce the abstract classes for queries:

class AsyncReadOnlyExecutor(abc.AbstraceBaseClass):
    async def execute(self, query): ...
    async def query(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> datatypes.Set: ...
    async def query_one(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ...
    async def query_json(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str: ...
    async def query_one_json(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str: ...

class AsyncExecutor(AsyncReadOnlyExecutor):

class ReadOnlyExecutor(abc.AbstractClass):
    def query(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> datatypes.Set: ...
    def query_one(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ...
    def query_json(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str: ...
    def query_one_json(self, query: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str: ...
    def execute(self, query: str) -> None: ...

class ReadOnlyExecutor(ReadOnlyExecutor):

Note: while Connection.raw_transaction block is active, Executor methods are disabled on the connection object itself (i.e. they throw TransactionIsActiveError).

These base classes should be implemented by respective classes:

class AsyncIOTransaction(AsyncExecutor): ...
class AsyncIOConnection(AsyncExecutor): ...
class AsyncIOPool(AsyncExecutor): ...
class Transaction(Executor): ...
class Connection(Executor): ...
class Pool(Executor): ...
class AsyncIOReadOnlyTransaction(AsyncReadOnlyExecutor): ...
class AsyncIOReadOnlyConnection(AsyncReadOnlyExecutor): ...
class AsyncIOReadOnlyPool(AsyncReadOnlyExecutor): ...
class ReadOnlyTransaction(ReadOnlyExecutor): ...
class ReadOnlyConnection(ReadOnlyExecutor): ...
class ReadOnlyPool(ReadOnlyExecutor): ...
Subtransactions API

Subtransaction API is only accessible on the transaction and subtransaction objects:

class AsyncIOTransaction:
    async def subtransaction() -> AsyncIOSubtransaction: ...

class AsyncIOSubtransaction(Executor):
    async def subtransaction() -> AsyncIOSubtransaction: ...
    async def rollback() -> None: ...

Subtransaction objects also implement Executor interface.

Example using subtransaction:

async for tx in pool.retry():
    async with tx:
            async with tx.subtransaction() as subtx:
                await subtx.query('''
                    INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
                ''', name=name, text=text)
        except ConstraintViolationError:
            async with tx.subtransaction() as subtx:
                await subtx.query('''
                    UPDATE Note
                    FILTER .name = <str>$name
                    SET { text := <str>$text }
                ''', name=name, text=text)


  1. Transaction object is "borrowed" for the duration of subtransaction, you can't execute queries on original transaction object when subtransaction is active.
  2. Catching errors needs some care, in particular, errors that induce retry of the whole transaction (e.g. disconnect) should propatate to the retry loop. So it's recommeded to pick the most specific error in the except statement.

Example using connection instead of pool:

async for tx in conn.retry():
    async with tx:
        async with tx.subtransaction() as subtx:
            await subtx.query('''
                INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
            ''', name=name, text=text)

In this example, both conn and tx can't be used while subtransaction is active.

Subtransactions can be nested:

async with tx.subtransaction() as tx1:
    async with tx1.subtransaction() as tx2:
        await tx2.query("...")

Subtransactions can be rolled back without without closing, for first example in this section could be rewritten as:

async with tx.subtransaction() as subtx:
        await subtx.query('''
            INSERT Note { name := <str>$name, text := <str>$text }
        ''', name=name, text=text)
    except ConstraintViolationError:

        # Rolling back subtransaction
        await subtx.rollback()

        # Executing new query in the same subtransaction
        await subtx.query('''
            UPDATE Note
            FILTER .name = <str>$name
            SET { text := <str>$text }
        ''', name=name, text=text)
Exceptions API

Error hierarchy is amended by introducing TransientError, NetworkError and EarlyNetworkError with the following relationships:

class TransientError(TransactionError): ...
class TransactionDeadlockError(TransientError): ...
class TransactionSerializationError(TransientError): ...
class NetworkError(ClientError): ...
class EarlyNetworkError(NetworkError): ...

All network error within connection should be converted into EarlyNetworkError or NetworkError. Former is used in context where we catch network error before sending a request.

Additionally TransactionIsActiveError is introduced to signal that queries can't be executed on the connection object (i.e. when connection object is "borrowed" for the duration of the transaction):

class TransactionIsActiveError(InterfaceError):
    _code = 0x_FF_02_01_04

Server Availability Timeout

Previously, when TCP connect gets "connection refused" error or when timeout happens on handshake both connection and pool API would crash the application. This can be inconvenient when initially starting an application cluster simultaneously with the database, or just when starting a project locally using docker-compose up.

This RFC introduces a connection parameter:

edgedb.connect('inst1', wait_until_available_sec=30)
await edgedb.async_connect('inst1', wait_until_available_sec=30)
await edgedb.async_connection_pool('inst1', wait_until_available_sec=30)
await edgedb.connect('inst1', {wait_until_available_sec: 30})
await edgedb.createPool('inst1', {
    connectOptions: {
        waitUntilAvailableMicros: 30000,

The semantics are the following:

  1. On initial connect or pool creation, function blocks for up to the specified number of seconds until connection is established (at least single one for connection pool).
  2. If first connection could not be established for this timeout, error is thrown that holds the reason of the last failure.
  3. On the subsequent reconnects this timeout is also obeyed (i.e. connection might try to reconnect multiple times) and error is thrown after the specified timeout as a result of the operation that requires connection (i.e. on query or transaction start).
  4. For retrying_transaction we bail out if this timeout is reached during any single reconnect. We don't retry immediately after database is marked as unavailable.
  5. Subsequent queries or transactions after failure will retry for the specified timeout each time.

Only the following conditions are treated as eligible for reconnect:

  1. Name resolution failed
  2. File not found (Unix socket not bound yet)
  3. Connection reset, connection aborted, connection refused (server is restarting or not ready yet)
  4. Timeout happened during connect or authentication

All other errors are propagated immediately.

This timeout is different from connect_timeout. Connect timeout determines how long individual connect attempt may take. And wait_until_available determines how many such attempts could be made (i.e. how many ones fits the time frame).

Default wait_until_available is 30 seconds or 30000 microseconds for JavaScript.

EdgeDB Changes

To support features above we add two headers to EdgeDB queries:

  1. For PrepareComplete, CommandComplete server-side messages: CAPABILITIES
  2. For Prepare, OptimisticExecute, Execute, ExecuteScript client-side messages: ALLOW_CAPABILITIES

Both contain 64bit bitmap of the following:

  1. MODIFICATONS 0b00001 -- query is not read-only
  2. SESSION_CONFIG 0b00010 -- query contains session config change
  3. TRANSACTION 0b00100 -- query contains start/commit/rollback of transaction or savepoint manipulation
  4. DDL 0b01000 -- query contains DDL
  5. PERSISTENT_CONFIG 0b10000 -- server or database config change

In case of CAPABILITIES it describes what is actually contained in the query. And in case of ALLOW_CAPABILITIES client can specify what of these things are allowed in this query.

Read-only queries are always allowed. When ALLOW_CAPABILITIES is omitted any query is allowed (default). With the bit mask of zero only read-only queries are allowed.

CAPABILITIES is zero for read-only queries (the field is present) as it indicates that query has been analyzed.

The CAPABILITIES is needed for the following tasks:

  1. Retry standalone (non-transactional) read-only queries
  2. Warn when capabilities are used in inapropriate context (e.g. when session modification queries are sent on non-raw connection, which means they can be lost at any point due to reconnect)

By default:

  1. Pool supports all except TRANSACTION | SESSION_CONFIG
  2. Read-only pool and read-only connection support none
  3. Connection warns on SESSION_CONFIG and TRANSACTION
  4. Connection got from pool errors on SESSION_CONFIG and TRANSACTION
  5. Everything is allowed in RawConnection

Note: session settings and transactions should be activated using special methods with_session_config, raw_transaction and retrying_transaction, rather than by using execute(...) or query(...) in the former case they are allowed internally. And this should be indicated in the respective error messages.

Future Work

More Configuration

Setting tracing/debugging metadata for queries may be implemented in the same way in the future:

def handle(request, db):
    db = db.with_metadata(
    handle_user_request(request, db)

And this can be done on transaction level too:

async for tx in db.retrying_transaction():
  async with tx:
    tx = tx.with_metadata(

More Read-Only Options

Replica config may be specified when configuring a read-only connection:

def read_only(self, primary=False, max_replica_lag=10): ...

Perhaps this should be encapsulated into replica options:

def read_only(self, primary=False, replicas: ReplicaOptions): ...

Add with_modifications Method

It's intuitive that databases are mutable by default. But there is a large class of applications that are mostly read-only and must have limited and easy to find places having mutations. For those apps it's better to have read-only connection by default and use a pattern like this for writes:

async def save(conn):
    async for tx in conn.with_modifications().retrying_transaction():
      async with tx:

While retry is also easy to find, nothing stops user from writing:

await conn.query("INSERT User { .. }")

Except the read_only configuration.

Learning Curve

The retrying_transaction() method complicates the learning curve, but:

  1. Letting the application to error out instead of automatically retrying certain transactions is a wildly known, yet an entirely preventable problem.
  2. The design of the proposed retrying_transaction() method emphasizes that the code block might be executed more than one time, suggesting to the user to factor out slow blocking code, like making API calls over network. This ensures that DB transactions would not be open longer than it is necessary.
  3. The API adds resilience against not only errors related to failing to serialize concurrent updates, but also against possible network errors caused by the DB server restart, primary/replica changes, etc.
  4. In the future we will consider adding a connection setting to inject failures into transactions to help users discover incorrect transactional code.

So while increasing learning curve, we fix heisenbugs and simplify operations.


Alternative Names

For retrying_transaction method:

  1. db.atomic(t => t.execute(..))
  2. db.mutate(transaction => transaction.execute(..))
  3. db.apply(transaction => transaction.execute(..))
  4. db.unit_of_work(t => t.execute(..))
  5. db.block(t => t.execute(..))
  6. db.try(transaction => transaction.execute(..))
  7. db.retry_transaction(t => t.execute(..))

For raw_transaction method:

  1. with db.try_transaction() as t:
  2. with db.plain_transaction() as t:
  3. with db.unreliable_transaction() as t:
  4. with db.single_transaction() as t:

read_only could be with_read_only to support convention. But it looks like it's clear enough.

Alternative Python API

For python API we could support funcional API:

def handler(req, db: edgedb.Pool):
    await db.retry(my_tx, req)

async def my_tx(transaction, req):
    let val = await transaction.query("...")
    await transaction.execute("...", process_value(val))

And/or decorator API:

def handler(req, db: edgedb.Pool):

    def my_tx(transaction):
        let val = transaction.query("...")
        transaction.execute("...", process_value(val))

    return render_page(val)

Function call API has the issue of variables are propagated either are parameters to retrying_transaction function itself or force users using partial.

While decorator API doesn't work for async code or at least requires extra await ... line.

Alternative Exceptions API

Instead of classes we might have is_transient, is_network_failure, is_early_network_error method on EdgeDBError class. This would allow adding more errors later without changing class hierarchy.

Repeating EdgeQL

One may think that why we can collect all the queries in the client (or even at the server) and retry.

The problem is that sometimes writes depend on previous reads:

user = await db.query_row("SELECT User {balance}")
prod = await db.query_row("SELECT Product {price}")
if user.balance > prod.price:
    await db.query(
        "SELECT User { balance := .balance - <decimal>$price }",
    return "not enough money"

If it happens that two transactions updating money will happen concurrently, it's possible that user have negative balance, even while code suggests it can't (when retrying transaction we don't check if again). But if we retry the whole block of code it will work correctly.

Enabling Retries in Connection Options

At least for JavaScript we could keep old API, and then use connection configuration to introduce retries:

let conn = connect('mydb', {transactionRetries: 5});
await conn.transaction(t => {
  // ...

There are few problems of this approach:

  1. This is not composable: some sub-application might want to rely on repeating transaction, but no way to ensure that. Another sub-application might repeat manually an extra repeating automatically might make transaction slower and introduce unexpected repeatable side effects.
  2. This doesn't help in case of pythonic with db.transaction() as we allow now.
  3. If we're advising transaction on connection object, reconnecting on network failures would be an issue

Separate Retry API

The problem of adding a separate transaction retry API while keeping the current Connection.transaction() family of methods is that it will be hard to educate the users that they should almost always use the former. Most of the time transaction serialization and network errors are uncommon during the development and only surface when in production.

Retry All Single Queries

This specification describes that read-only non-transactional queries should be retried automatically.

But here is an example where retrying single .query() is wrong:

user = conn.query(
    "SELECT User {money} FILTER .id = <uuid>$uid",
if > price:
            UPDATE User FILTER .id = <uuid>$uid
            SET {
                money := - <int32>$price,
                goods := User.goods + 1,
        uid=user_id, price=price,

In some cases, retrying the second query() alone yields negative money or a constraint violation error, but retrying the whole block wrapped into a transaction is always safe. Therefore our recommendation to users would be to use the new retrying_transaction() API when they know that the query would be safe to repeat.

Use Context Manager

While it's tempting to use context manager for configuring connection, in particular for the session config:

def handler(conn):
    with conn.session_config(name="value"):

But behavior implies that session config is reset on each with/__exit__, which has consequences:

  • When handler() is interrupted, e.g. a timeout occurred, connection could be left in the inconsistent state (i.e. should be dropped)
  • It prevents caching the session config, e.g. in the case above: handler(c); handler(c) will not set session config second time, but use the knowledge that these settings are already active.

Also it improves clarity and composition. E.g. (here we demonstrate with_metadata method with is a part of Future Work:

def money_transfer(tx):
    user1 = tx.with_metadata(user='user1')
    user2 = tx.with_metadata(user='user2')

(This implies Transaction also contains with_metadata method)

Additional thing considered is that with context manager, if connection is failed in the middle of the block:

with conn.session_config(name="value"):
    # << -- here

The implementation should reconnect and reapply the session configuration anyway. So it deviates from the usual behavior of context manager anyway.

Seamless Subtransaction API

Old API allowed nesting transaction() calls seamlessly:

with conn.transaction():  # this is an actual transaction
    with conn.transaction():  # this is a savepoint

But this isn't great with retry/try_transaction, because we want top-level block to be retry() block and nested blocks to be savepoints.

This still allows composition of subtransactions themselves:

for tx in conn.retry():
    with tx:
        with tx.subtransaction():
            with tx.subtransaction():

We could also borrow transaction for a subtransaction:

with tx.subtransaction() as tx1:
    with tx1.subtransaction() as tx2:

But this doesn't seem to add enough value.

Disabling Capabilities

We may introduce a pool and/or connection configuration to disable DDL and PERSISTENT_CONFIG capabilities on the requests. And/or disable SESSION_CONFIG and TRANSACTION capabilities on connection. This should be default for many applications. But since scripting DDL and database configuration is also a valid use case and since the risk of misusing that is quite small we don't include it into the specification. Also disabling DDL and PERSISTENT_CONFIG capabilities should be covered by permissions.

External References