Bug | Solution | Date |
Gym class application is going to an Sinatra error page if signup fails | Implement response pages for both success and fail of signup | 01 August 2020 |
If people signup with HTML tags in their name the webpage displays back that HTML to everybody | Use the <%== %> escaping functionality in my erb templates. | 01 August 2020 |
Instructors are showing up as null on pages displaying classes | instructor was spelled wrong in gymclass initializer. Spell it correctly. | 04 August 2020 |
Peoples names and bookings are appearing multiple times | Have the web application clear the data base after testing is successful | 05 August 2020 |
All the text on the page is displaying as wingdings on my other computer | Use font that is not in the 'fantasy' font group | 07 August 2020 |