From c1e9fc55d3d7de9989dce66ccf550515833e0e49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 14:46:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] loki.batch: Move ItemFactory into separate module

 loki/batch/     |   1 +
 loki/batch/         | 639 ++-----------------------------------
 loki/batch/ | 599 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 loki/batch/    |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 632 insertions(+), 610 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 loki/batch/

diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index 51cbbab00..88ee90d9b 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 from loki.batch.configure import * # noqa
 from loki.batch.item import * # noqa
+from loki.batch.item_factory import * # noqa
 from loki.batch.pipeline import * # noqa
 from loki.batch.scheduler import * # noqa
 from loki.batch.sfilter import * # noqa
diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index 49d2378f1..36435078f 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 from functools import reduce
 import sys
-from pathlib import Path
 from loki.batch.configure import SchedulerConfig, ItemConfig
 from loki.frontend import REGEX, RegexParserClass
@@ -18,21 +17,45 @@
     Import, CallStatement, TypeDef, ProcedureDeclaration, Interface,
     FindNodes, FindInlineCalls
-from loki.logging import warning
 from loki.module import Module
-from loki.sourcefile import Sourcefile
 from loki.subroutine import Subroutine
 from import as_tuple, flatten, CaseInsensitiveDict
 from loki.types import DerivedType
-# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
 __all__ = [
-    'Item', 'FileItem', 'ModuleItem', 'ProcedureItem', 'TypeDefItem',
-    'InterfaceItem', 'ProcedureBindingItem', 'ExternalItem', 'ItemFactory'
+    'get_all_import_map', 'Item', 'FileItem', 'ModuleItem', 'ProcedureItem',
+    'TypeDefItem', 'InterfaceItem', 'ProcedureBindingItem', 'ExternalItem'
+def get_all_import_map(scope):
+    """
+    Map of imported symbol names to objects in :data:`scope` and any parent scopes
+    For imports that shadow imports in a parent scope, the innermost import
+    takes precedence.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    scope : :any:`Scope`
+        The scope for which the import map is built
+    Returns
+    -------
+    CaseInsensitiveDict
+        Mapping of symbol name to symbol object
+    """
+    imports = getattr(scope, 'imports', ())
+    while (scope := scope.parent):
+        imports += getattr(scope, 'imports', ())
+    return CaseInsensitiveDict(
+        (, imprt)
+        for imprt in reversed(imports)
+        for s in imprt.symbols or [r[1] for r in imprt.rename_list or ()]
+    )
 class Item(ItemConfig):
     Base class of a work item in the :any:`Scheduler` graph, to which
@@ -445,7 +468,7 @@ def _add_new_child(name, is_excluded, child_exclusion_map):
             child_exclusion_map[name] = child_exclusion_map.get(name, False) or is_excluded
         child_exclusion_map = CaseInsensitiveDict()
-        import_map = ItemFactory._get_all_import_map(self.scope_ir)
+        import_map = get_all_import_map(self.scope_ir)
         for dependency in dependencies:
             if isinstance(dependency, Import):
                 # Exclude all imported symbols if the module is excluded, otherwise
@@ -988,605 +1011,3 @@ def path(self):
         This raises a :any:`RuntimeError`
         raise RuntimeError(f'No .path available for ExternalItem `{}`')
-class ItemFactory:
-    """
-    Utility class to instantiate instances of :any:`Item`
-    It maintains a :attr:`item_cache` for all created items. Most
-    important factory method is :meth:`create_from_ir` to create (or
-    return from the cache) a :any:`Item` object corresponding to an
-    IR node. Other factory methods exist for more bespoke use cases.
-    Attributes
-    ----------
-    item_cache : :any:`CaseInsensitiveDict`
-        This maps item names to corresponding :any:`Item` objects
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.item_cache = CaseInsensitiveDict()
-    def __contains__(self, key):
-        """
-        Check if an item under the given name exists in the :attr:`item_cache`
-        """
-        return key in self.item_cache
-    def clone_procedure_item(self, item, suffix='', module_suffix=''):
-        """
-        Clone and create a :any:`ProcedureItem` and additionally create a :any:`ModuleItem`
-        (if the passed :any:`ProcedureItem` lives within a module ) as well
-        as a :any:`FileItem`.
-        """
-        path = Path(item.path)
-        new_path = Path(item.path).with_suffix(f'.{module_suffix}{item.path.suffix}')
-        local_routine_name = item.local_name
-        new_local_routine_name = f'{local_routine_name}_{suffix}'
-        mod_name ='#')[0]
-        if mod_name:
-            new_mod_name = mod_name.replace('mod', f'{module_suffix}_mod')\
-                    if 'mod' in mod_name else f'{mod_name}{module_suffix}'
-        else:
-            new_mod_name = ''
-        new_routine_name = f'{new_mod_name}#{new_local_routine_name}'
-        # create new source
-        orig_source = item.source
-        new_source = orig_source.clone(path=new_path)
-        if not mod_name:
-            new_source[local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
-        else:
-            new_source[mod_name][local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
-            new_source[mod_name].name = new_mod_name
-        # create new ModuleItem
-        if mod_name:
-            orig_mod = self.item_cache[mod_name]
-            self.item_cache[new_mod_name] = orig_mod.clone(name=new_mod_name, source=new_source)
-        # create new ProcedureItem
-        self.item_cache[new_routine_name] = item.clone(name=new_routine_name, source=new_source)
-        # create new FileItem
-        orig_file_item = self.item_cache[str(path)]
-        self.item_cache[str(new_path)] = orig_file_item.clone(name=str(new_path), source=new_source)
-        # return the newly created procedure/routine
-        if mod_name:
-            return new_source[new_mod_name][new_local_routine_name]
-        return new_source[new_local_routine_name]
-    def create_from_ir(self, node, scope_ir, config=None, ignore=None):
-        """
-        Helper method to create items for definitions or dependency
-        This is a helper method to determine the fully-qualified item names
-        and item type for a given IR :any:`Node`, e.g., when creating the items
-        for definitions (see :any:`Item.create_definition_items`) or dependencies
-        (see :any:`Item.create_dependency_items`).
-        This routine's responsibility is to determine the item name, and then call
-        :meth:`get_or_create_item` to look-up an existing item or create it.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        node : :any:`Node` or :any:`pymbolic.primitives.Expression`
-            The Loki IR node for which to create a corresponding :any:`Item`
-        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
-            The scope node in which the IR node is declared or used. Note that this
-            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
-            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
-            creation procedure.
-        config : any:`SchedulerConfiguration`, optional
-            The config object from which a bespoke item configuration will be derived.
-        ignore : list of str, optional
-            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
-        """
-        if isinstance(node, Module):
-            item_name =
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(ModuleItem, item_name, item_name, config))
-        if isinstance(node, Subroutine):
-            scope_name = getattr(node.parent, 'name', '').lower()
-            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}'.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return as_tuple(
-                self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-            )
-        if isinstance(node, TypeDef):
-            # A typedef always lives in a Module
-            scope_name =
-            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}'.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(TypeDefItem, item_name, scope_name, config))
-        if isinstance(node, Import):
-            # Skip intrinsic modules
-            if node.nature == 'intrinsic':
-                return None
-            # Skip CPP includes
-            if node.c_import:
-                return None
-            # If we have a fully-qualified import (which we hopefully have),
-            # we create a dependency for every imported symbol, otherwise we
-            # depend only on the imported module
-            scope_name = node.module.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(scope_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            if scope_name not in self.item_cache:
-                # This will instantiate an ExternalItem
-                return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(ModuleItem, scope_name, scope_name, config))
-            scope_item = self.item_cache[scope_name]
-            if node.symbols:
-                scope_definitions = {
-                    item.local_name: item
-                    for item in scope_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=self, config=config)
-                }
-                symbol_names = tuple(str(smbl.type.use_name or smbl).lower() for smbl in node.symbols)
-                non_ignored_symbol_names = tuple(
-                    smbl for smbl in symbol_names
-                    if not self._is_ignored(f'{scope_name}#{smbl}', config, ignore)
-                )
-                imported_items = tuple(
-                    it for smbl in non_ignored_symbol_names
-                    if (it := scope_definitions.get(smbl)) is not None
-                )
-                # Global variable imports are filtered out in the previous statement because they
-                # are not represented by an Item. For these, we introduce a dependency on the
-                # module instead
-                has_globalvar_import = len(imported_items) != len(non_ignored_symbol_names)
-                # Filter out ProcedureItems corresponding to a subroutine:
-                # dependencies on subroutines are introduced via the call statements, as this avoids
-                # depending on imported but not called subroutines
-                imported_items = tuple(
-                    it for it in imported_items
-                    if not isinstance(it, ProcedureItem) or
-                )
-                if has_globalvar_import:
-                    return (scope_item,) + imported_items
-                if not imported_items:
-                    return None
-                return imported_items
-            return (scope_item,)
-        if isinstance(node, CallStatement):
-            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(
-        elif isinstance(node, ProcedureSymbol):
-            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(node)
-        elif isinstance(node, (ProcedureDeclaration, Interface)):
-            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(node.symbols)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(f'{node} has an unsupported node type {type(node)}')
-        return tuple(
-            self._get_procedure_binding_item(symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore) if '%' in
-            else self._get_procedure_item(symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore)
-            for symbol in procedure_symbols
-        )
-    def get_or_create_item(self, item_cls, item_name, scope_name, config=None):
-        """
-        Helper method to instantiate an :any:`Item` of class :data:`item_cls`
-        with name :data:`item_name`.
-        This helper method checks for the presence of :data:`item_name` in the
-        :attr:`item_cache` and returns that instance. If none is found, an instance
-        of :data:`item_cls` is created and stored in the item cache.
-        The :data:`scope_name` denotes the name of the parent scope, under which a
-        parent :any:`Item` has to exist in :data:`self.item_cache` to find the source
-        object to use.
-        Item names matching one of the entries in the :data:`config` disable list
-        are skipped. If `strict` mode is enabled, this raises a :any:`RuntimeError`
-        if no matching parent item can be found in the item cache.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        item_cls : subclass of :any:`Item`
-            The class of the item to create
-        item_name : str
-            The name of the item to create
-        scope_name : str
-            The name under which a parent item can be found in the :attr:`item_cache`
-            to find the corresponding source
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`, optional
-            The config object to use to determine disabled items, and to use when
-            instantiating the new item
-        Returns
-        -------
-        :any:`Item` or None
-            The item object or `None` if disabled or impossible to create
-        """
-        if item_name in self.item_cache:
-            return self.item_cache[item_name]
-        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
-        scope_item = self.item_cache.get(scope_name)
-        if scope_item is None or isinstance(scope_item, ExternalItem):
-            warning(f'Module {scope_name} not found in self.item_cache. Marking {item_name} as an external dependency')
-            item = ExternalItem(item_name, source=None, config=item_conf, origin_cls=item_cls)
-        else:
-            source = scope_item.source
-            item = item_cls(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
-        self.item_cache[item_name] = item
-        return item
-    def get_or_create_file_item_from_path(self, path, config, frontend_args=None):
-        """
-        Utility method to create a :any:`FileItem` for a given path
-        This is used to instantiate items for the first time during the scheduler's
-        discovery phase. It will use a cached item if it exists, or parse the source
-        file using the given :data:`frontend_args`.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        path : str or pathlib.Path
-            The file path of the source file
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
-            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
-        frontend_args : dict, optional
-            Frontend arguments that are given to :any:`Sourcefile.from_file` when
-            parsing the file
-        """
-        item_name = str(path).lower()
-        if file_item := self.item_cache.get(item_name):
-            return file_item
-        if not frontend_args:
-            frontend_args = {}
-        if config:
-            frontend_args = config.create_frontend_args(path, frontend_args)
-        source = Sourcefile.from_file(path, **frontend_args)
-        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
-        file_item = FileItem(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
-        self.item_cache[item_name] = file_item
-        return file_item
-    def get_or_create_file_item_from_source(self, source, config):
-        """
-        Utility method to create a :any:`FileItem` corresponding to a given source object
-        This can be used to create a :any:`FileItem` for an already parsed :any:`Sourcefile`,
-        or when looking up the file item corresponding to a :any:`Item` by providing the
-        item's ``source`` object.
-        Lookup is not performed via the ``path`` property in :data:`source` but by
-        searching for an existing :any:`FileItem` in the cache that has the same source
-        object. This allows creating clones of source files during transformations without
-        having to ensure their path property is always updated. Only if no item is found
-        in the cache, a new one is created.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        source : :any:`Sourcefile`
-            The existing sourcefile object for which to create the file item
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
-            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
-        """
-        # Check for file item with the same source object
-        for item in self.item_cache.values():
-            if isinstance(item, FileItem) and item.source is source:
-                return item
-        if not source.path:
-            raise RuntimeError('Cannot create FileItem from source: Sourcefile has no path')
-        # Create a new file item
-        item_name = str(source.path).lower()
-        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
-        file_item = FileItem(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
-        self.item_cache[item_name] = file_item
-        return file_item
-    def _get_procedure_binding_item(self, proc_symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=None):
-        """
-        Utility method to create a :any:`ProcedureBindingItem` for a given
-        :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        proc_symbol : :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
-            The procedure symbol of the type binding
-        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
-            The scope node in which the procedure binding is declared or used. Note that this
-            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
-            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
-            creation procedure.
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
-            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
-        ignore : list of str, optional
-            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
-        """
-        is_strict = not config or config.default.get('strict', True)
-        # This is a typebound procedure call: we are only resolving
-        # to the type member by mapping the local name to the type name,
-        # and creating a ProcedureBindingItem. For that we need to find out
-        # the type of the derived type symbol.
-        # NB: For nested derived types, we create multiple such ProcedureBindingItems,
-        #     resolving one type at a time, e.g.
-        #     my_var%member%procedure -> my_type%member%procedure -> member_type%procedure -> procedure
-        type_name = proc_symbol.parents[0]
-        scope_name = None
-        # Imported in current or parent scopes?
-        if imprt := self._get_all_import_map(scope_ir).get(type_name):
-            scope_name = imprt.module
-            type_name = self._get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, type_name)
-        # Otherwise: must be declared in parent module scope
-        if not scope_name:
-            scope = scope_ir
-            while scope:
-                if isinstance(scope, Module):
-                    if type_name in scope.typedef_map:
-                        scope_name =
-                    break
-                scope = scope.parent
-        # Unknown: Likely imported via `USE` without `ONLY` list
-        if not scope_name:
-            # We create definition items for TypeDefs in all modules for which
-            # we have unqualified imports, to find the type definition that
-            # may have been imported via one of the unqualified imports
-            unqualified_import_modules = [
-                imprt.module for imprt in scope_ir.all_imports if not imprt.symbols
-            ]
-            candidates = self.get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(
-                type_name, config, module_names=unqualified_import_modules, only=TypeDefItem
-            )
-            if not candidates:
-                msg = f'Unable to find the module declaring {type_name}.'
-                if is_strict:
-                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
-                warning(msg)
-                return None
-            if len(candidates) > 1:
-                msg = f'Multiple definitions for {type_name}: '
-                msg += ','.join( for item in candidates)
-                if is_strict:
-                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
-                warning(msg)
-            scope_name = candidates[0].scope_name
-        item_name = f'{scope_name}#{type_name}%{"%".join(proc_symbol.name_parts[1:])}'.lower()
-        if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-            return None
-        return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureBindingItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-    def _get_procedure_item(self, proc_symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=None):
-        """
-        Utility method to create a :any:`ProcedureItem`, :any:`ProcedureBindingItem`,
-        or :any:`InterfaceItem` for a given :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        proc_symbol : :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
-            The procedure symbol for which the corresponding item is created
-        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
-            The scope node in which the procedure symbol is declared or used. Note that this
-            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
-            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
-            creation procedure.
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
-            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
-        ignore : list of str, optional
-            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
-        """
-        proc_name =
-        if proc_name in scope_ir:
-            if isinstance(scope_ir, TypeDef):
-                # This is a procedure binding item
-                scope_name =
-                item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}%{proc_name}'.lower()
-                if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                    return None
-                return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureBindingItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-            if (
-                isinstance(scope_ir, Subroutine) and
-                any( == proc_name for r in scope_ir.subroutines)
-            ):
-                # This is a call to an internal member procedure
-                # TODO: Make it configurable whether to include these in the callgraph
-                return None
-        # Recursively search for the enclosing module
-        current_module = None
-        scope = scope_ir
-        while scope:
-            if isinstance(scope, Module):
-                current_module = scope
-                break
-            scope = scope.parent
-        if current_module and any(proc_name.lower() == for r in current_module.subroutines):
-            # This is a call to a procedure in the same module
-            scope_name =
-            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-        if current_module and proc_name in current_module.interface_symbols:
-            # This procedure is declared in an interface in the current module
-            scope_name =
-            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return self.get_or_create_item(InterfaceItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-        if imprt := self._get_all_import_map(scope_ir).get(proc_name):
-            # This is a call to a module procedure which has been imported via
-            # a fully qualified import in the current or parent scope
-            scope_name = imprt.module
-            proc_name = self._get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, proc_name)
-            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
-            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-                return None
-            return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
-        # This may come from an unqualified import
-        unqualified_imports = [imprt for imprt in scope_ir.all_imports if not imprt.symbols]
-        if unqualified_imports:
-            # We try to find the ProcedureItem in the unqualified module imports
-            module_names = [imprt.module for imprt in unqualified_imports]
-            candidates = self.get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(
-                proc_name, config, module_names=module_names, only=ProcedureItem
-            )
-            if candidates:
-                if len(candidates) > 1:
-                    candidate_modules = [it.scope_name for it in candidates]
-                    raise RuntimeError(
-                        f'Procedure {item_name} defined in multiple imported modules: {", ".join(candidate_modules)}'
-                    )
-                return candidates[0]
-        # This is a call to a subroutine declared via header-included interface
-        item_name = f'#{proc_name}'.lower()
-        if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
-            return None
-        if config and config.is_disabled(item_name):
-            return None
-        if item_name not in self.item_cache:
-            if not config or config.default.get('strict', True):
-                raise RuntimeError(f'Procedure {item_name} not found in self.item_cache.')
-            warning(f'Procedure {item_name} not found in self.item_cache.')
-            return None
-        return self.item_cache[item_name]
-    def get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(self, name, config, module_names=None, only=None):
-        """
-        Utility routine to get definition items matching :data:`name`
-        from a given list of module candidates
-        This can be used to find a dependency that has been introduced via an unqualified
-        import statement, where the local name of the dependency is known and a set of
-        candidate modules thanks to the unqualified imports on the use side.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        name : str
-            Local name of the item(s) in the candidate modules
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
-            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
-        module_names : list of str, optional
-            List of module candidates in which to create the definition items. If not provided,
-            all :any:`ModuleItem` in the cache will be considered.
-        only : list of :any:`Item` classes, optional
-            Filter the generated items to include only those of the type provided in the list
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tuple of :any:`Item`
-            The items matching :data:`name` in the modules given in :any:`module_names`.
-            Ideally, only a single item will be found (or there would be a name conflict).
-        """
-        if not module_names:
-            module_names = [ for item in self.item_cache.values() if isinstance(item, ModuleItem)]
-        items = []
-        for module_name in module_names:
-            module_item = self.item_cache.get(module_name)
-            if module_item:
-                definition_items = module_item.create_definition_items(
-                    item_factory=self, config=config, only=only
-                )
-                items += [_it for _it in definition_items if['#')+1:] == name.lower()]
-        return tuple(items)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, symbol_name):
-        """
-        For a :data:`symbol_name` and its corresponding :any:`Import` node :data:`imprt`,
-        determine the symbol in the defining module.
-        This resolves renaming upon import but, in most cases, will simply return the
-        original :data:`symbol_name`.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        :any:`MetaSymbol` or :any:`TypedSymbol` :
-            The symbol in the defining scope
-        """
-        imprt_symbol = imprt.symbols[imprt.symbols.index(symbol_name)]
-        if imprt_symbol and imprt_symbol.type.use_name:
-            symbol_name = imprt_symbol.type.use_name
-        return symbol_name
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_all_import_map(scope):
-        """
-        Map of imported symbol names to objects in :data:`scope` and any parent scopes
-        For imports that shadow imports in a parent scope, the innermost import
-        takes precedence.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        scope : :any:`Scope`
-            The scope for which the import map is built
-        Returns
-        -------
-        CaseInsensitiveDict
-            Mapping of symbol name to symbol object
-        """
-        imports = getattr(scope, 'imports', ())
-        while (scope := scope.parent):
-            imports += getattr(scope, 'imports', ())
-        return CaseInsensitiveDict(
-            (, imprt)
-            for imprt in reversed(imports)
-            for s in imprt.symbols or [r[1] for r in imprt.rename_list or ()]
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def _is_ignored(name, config, ignore):
-        """
-        Utility method to check if a given :data:`name` is ignored
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        name : str
-            The name to check
-        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`, optional
-            An optional config object, in which :any:`SchedulerConfig.is_disabled`
-            is checked for :data:`name`
-        ignore : list of str, optional
-            An optional list of names, as typically provided in a config value.
-            These are matched via :any:`SchedulerConfig.match_item_keys` with
-            pattern matching enabled.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        bool
-            ``True`` if matched successfully via :data:`config` or :data:`ignore` list,
-            otherwise ``False``
-        """
-        keys = as_tuple(config.disable if config else ()) + as_tuple(ignore)
-        return keys and SchedulerConfig.match_item_keys(
-            name, keys, use_pattern_matching=True, match_item_parents=True
-        )
diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c89eaa7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2018- ECMWF.
+# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
+# which can be obtained at
+# In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
+# nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
+from pathlib import Path
+from loki.batch.configure import SchedulerConfig
+from loki.batch.item import (
+    get_all_import_map, ExternalItem, FileItem, InterfaceItem, ModuleItem,
+    ProcedureBindingItem, ProcedureItem, TypeDefItem
+from loki.expression import ProcedureSymbol
+from import nodes as ir
+from loki.logging import warning
+from loki.module import Module
+from loki.subroutine import Subroutine
+from loki.sourcefile import Sourcefile
+from import CaseInsensitiveDict, as_tuple
+__all__ = ['ItemFactory']
+class ItemFactory:
+    """
+    Utility class to instantiate instances of :any:`Item`
+    It maintains a :attr:`item_cache` for all created items. Most
+    important factory method is :meth:`create_from_ir` to create (or
+    return from the cache) a :any:`Item` object corresponding to an
+    IR node. Other factory methods exist for more bespoke use cases.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    item_cache : :any:`CaseInsensitiveDict`
+        This maps item names to corresponding :any:`Item` objects
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.item_cache = CaseInsensitiveDict()
+    def __contains__(self, key):
+        """
+        Check if an item under the given name exists in the :attr:`item_cache`
+        """
+        return key in self.item_cache
+    def clone_procedure_item(self, item, suffix='', module_suffix=''):
+        """
+        Clone and create a :any:`ProcedureItem` and additionally create a :any:`ModuleItem`
+        (if the passed :any:`ProcedureItem` lives within a module ) as well
+        as a :any:`FileItem`.
+        """
+        path = Path(item.path)
+        new_path = Path(item.path).with_suffix(f'.{module_suffix}{item.path.suffix}')
+        local_routine_name = item.local_name
+        new_local_routine_name = f'{local_routine_name}_{suffix}'
+        mod_name ='#')[0]
+        if mod_name:
+            new_mod_name = mod_name.replace('mod', f'{module_suffix}_mod')\
+                    if 'mod' in mod_name else f'{mod_name}{module_suffix}'
+        else:
+            new_mod_name = ''
+        new_routine_name = f'{new_mod_name}#{new_local_routine_name}'
+        # create new source
+        orig_source = item.source
+        new_source = orig_source.clone(path=new_path)
+        if not mod_name:
+            new_source[local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
+        else:
+            new_source[mod_name][local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
+            new_source[mod_name].name = new_mod_name
+        # create new ModuleItem
+        if mod_name:
+            orig_mod = self.item_cache[mod_name]
+            self.item_cache[new_mod_name] = orig_mod.clone(name=new_mod_name, source=new_source)
+        # create new ProcedureItem
+        self.item_cache[new_routine_name] = item.clone(name=new_routine_name, source=new_source)
+        # create new FileItem
+        orig_file_item = self.item_cache[str(path)]
+        self.item_cache[str(new_path)] = orig_file_item.clone(name=str(new_path), source=new_source)
+        # return the newly created procedure/routine
+        if mod_name:
+            return new_source[new_mod_name][new_local_routine_name]
+        return new_source[new_local_routine_name]
+    def create_from_ir(self, node, scope_ir, config=None, ignore=None):
+        """
+        Helper method to create items for definitions or dependency
+        This is a helper method to determine the fully-qualified item names
+        and item type for a given IR :any:`Node`, e.g., when creating the items
+        for definitions (see :any:`Item.create_definition_items`) or dependencies
+        (see :any:`Item.create_dependency_items`).
+        This routine's responsibility is to determine the item name, and then call
+        :meth:`get_or_create_item` to look-up an existing item or create it.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        node : :any:`Node` or :any:`pymbolic.primitives.Expression`
+            The Loki IR node for which to create a corresponding :any:`Item`
+        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
+            The scope node in which the IR node is declared or used. Note that this
+            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
+            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
+            creation procedure.
+        config : any:`SchedulerConfiguration`, optional
+            The config object from which a bespoke item configuration will be derived.
+        ignore : list of str, optional
+            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
+        """
+        if isinstance(node, Module):
+            item_name =
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(ModuleItem, item_name, item_name, config))
+        if isinstance(node, Subroutine):
+            scope_name = getattr(node.parent, 'name', '').lower()
+            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}'.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return as_tuple(
+                self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+            )
+        if isinstance(node, ir.TypeDef):
+            # A typedef always lives in a Module
+            scope_name =
+            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}'.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(TypeDefItem, item_name, scope_name, config))
+        if isinstance(node, ir.Import):
+            # Skip intrinsic modules
+            if node.nature == 'intrinsic':
+                return None
+            # Skip CPP includes
+            if node.c_import:
+                return None
+            # If we have a fully-qualified import (which we hopefully have),
+            # we create a dependency for every imported symbol, otherwise we
+            # depend only on the imported module
+            scope_name = node.module.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(scope_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            if scope_name not in self.item_cache:
+                # This will instantiate an ExternalItem
+                return as_tuple(self.get_or_create_item(ModuleItem, scope_name, scope_name, config))
+            scope_item = self.item_cache[scope_name]
+            if node.symbols:
+                scope_definitions = {
+                    item.local_name: item
+                    for item in scope_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=self, config=config)
+                }
+                symbol_names = tuple(str(smbl.type.use_name or smbl).lower() for smbl in node.symbols)
+                non_ignored_symbol_names = tuple(
+                    smbl for smbl in symbol_names
+                    if not self._is_ignored(f'{scope_name}#{smbl}', config, ignore)
+                )
+                imported_items = tuple(
+                    it for smbl in non_ignored_symbol_names
+                    if (it := scope_definitions.get(smbl)) is not None
+                )
+                # Global variable imports are filtered out in the previous statement because they
+                # are not represented by an Item. For these, we introduce a dependency on the
+                # module instead
+                has_globalvar_import = len(imported_items) != len(non_ignored_symbol_names)
+                # Filter out ProcedureItems corresponding to a subroutine:
+                # dependencies on subroutines are introduced via the call statements, as this avoids
+                # depending on imported but not called subroutines
+                imported_items = tuple(
+                    it for it in imported_items
+                    if not isinstance(it, ProcedureItem) or
+                )
+                if has_globalvar_import:
+                    return (scope_item,) + imported_items
+                if not imported_items:
+                    return None
+                return imported_items
+            return (scope_item,)
+        if isinstance(node, ir.CallStatement):
+            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(
+        elif isinstance(node, ProcedureSymbol):
+            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(node)
+        elif isinstance(node, (ir.ProcedureDeclaration, ir.Interface)):
+            procedure_symbols = as_tuple(node.symbols)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f'{node} has an unsupported node type {type(node)}')
+        return tuple(
+            self._get_procedure_binding_item(symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore) if '%' in
+            else self._get_procedure_item(symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore)
+            for symbol in procedure_symbols
+        )
+    def get_or_create_item(self, item_cls, item_name, scope_name, config=None):
+        """
+        Helper method to instantiate an :any:`Item` of class :data:`item_cls`
+        with name :data:`item_name`.
+        This helper method checks for the presence of :data:`item_name` in the
+        :attr:`item_cache` and returns that instance. If none is found, an instance
+        of :data:`item_cls` is created and stored in the item cache.
+        The :data:`scope_name` denotes the name of the parent scope, under which a
+        parent :any:`Item` has to exist in :data:`self.item_cache` to find the source
+        object to use.
+        Item names matching one of the entries in the :data:`config` disable list
+        are skipped. If `strict` mode is enabled, this raises a :any:`RuntimeError`
+        if no matching parent item can be found in the item cache.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        item_cls : subclass of :any:`Item`
+            The class of the item to create
+        item_name : str
+            The name of the item to create
+        scope_name : str
+            The name under which a parent item can be found in the :attr:`item_cache`
+            to find the corresponding source
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`, optional
+            The config object to use to determine disabled items, and to use when
+            instantiating the new item
+        Returns
+        -------
+        :any:`Item` or None
+            The item object or `None` if disabled or impossible to create
+        """
+        if item_name in self.item_cache:
+            return self.item_cache[item_name]
+        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
+        scope_item = self.item_cache.get(scope_name)
+        if scope_item is None or isinstance(scope_item, ExternalItem):
+            warning(f'Module {scope_name} not found in self.item_cache. Marking {item_name} as an external dependency')
+            item = ExternalItem(item_name, source=None, config=item_conf, origin_cls=item_cls)
+        else:
+            source = scope_item.source
+            item = item_cls(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
+        self.item_cache[item_name] = item
+        return item
+    def get_or_create_file_item_from_path(self, path, config, frontend_args=None):
+        """
+        Utility method to create a :any:`FileItem` for a given path
+        This is used to instantiate items for the first time during the scheduler's
+        discovery phase. It will use a cached item if it exists, or parse the source
+        file using the given :data:`frontend_args`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path : str or pathlib.Path
+            The file path of the source file
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
+            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
+        frontend_args : dict, optional
+            Frontend arguments that are given to :any:`Sourcefile.from_file` when
+            parsing the file
+        """
+        item_name = str(path).lower()
+        if file_item := self.item_cache.get(item_name):
+            return file_item
+        if not frontend_args:
+            frontend_args = {}
+        if config:
+            frontend_args = config.create_frontend_args(path, frontend_args)
+        source = Sourcefile.from_file(path, **frontend_args)
+        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
+        file_item = FileItem(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
+        self.item_cache[item_name] = file_item
+        return file_item
+    def get_or_create_file_item_from_source(self, source, config):
+        """
+        Utility method to create a :any:`FileItem` corresponding to a given source object
+        This can be used to create a :any:`FileItem` for an already parsed :any:`Sourcefile`,
+        or when looking up the file item corresponding to a :any:`Item` by providing the
+        item's ``source`` object.
+        Lookup is not performed via the ``path`` property in :data:`source` but by
+        searching for an existing :any:`FileItem` in the cache that has the same source
+        object. This allows creating clones of source files during transformations without
+        having to ensure their path property is always updated. Only if no item is found
+        in the cache, a new one is created.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        source : :any:`Sourcefile`
+            The existing sourcefile object for which to create the file item
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
+            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
+        """
+        # Check for file item with the same source object
+        for item in self.item_cache.values():
+            if isinstance(item, FileItem) and item.source is source:
+                return item
+        if not source.path:
+            raise RuntimeError('Cannot create FileItem from source: Sourcefile has no path')
+        # Create a new file item
+        item_name = str(source.path).lower()
+        item_conf = config.create_item_config(item_name) if config else None
+        file_item = FileItem(item_name, source=source, config=item_conf)
+        self.item_cache[item_name] = file_item
+        return file_item
+    def _get_procedure_binding_item(self, proc_symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=None):
+        """
+        Utility method to create a :any:`ProcedureBindingItem` for a given
+        :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        proc_symbol : :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
+            The procedure symbol of the type binding
+        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
+            The scope node in which the procedure binding is declared or used. Note that this
+            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
+            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
+            creation procedure.
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
+            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
+        ignore : list of str, optional
+            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
+        """
+        is_strict = not config or config.default.get('strict', True)
+        # This is a typebound procedure call: we are only resolving
+        # to the type member by mapping the local name to the type name,
+        # and creating a ProcedureBindingItem. For that we need to find out
+        # the type of the derived type symbol.
+        # NB: For nested derived types, we create multiple such ProcedureBindingItems,
+        #     resolving one type at a time, e.g.
+        #     my_var%member%procedure -> my_type%member%procedure -> member_type%procedure -> procedure
+        type_name = proc_symbol.parents[0]
+        scope_name = None
+        # Imported in current or parent scopes?
+        if imprt := get_all_import_map(scope_ir).get(type_name):
+            scope_name = imprt.module
+            type_name = self._get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, type_name)
+        # Otherwise: must be declared in parent module scope
+        if not scope_name:
+            scope = scope_ir
+            while scope:
+                if isinstance(scope, Module):
+                    if type_name in scope.typedef_map:
+                        scope_name =
+                    break
+                scope = scope.parent
+        # Unknown: Likely imported via `USE` without `ONLY` list
+        if not scope_name:
+            # We create definition items for TypeDefs in all modules for which
+            # we have unqualified imports, to find the type definition that
+            # may have been imported via one of the unqualified imports
+            unqualified_import_modules = [
+                imprt.module for imprt in scope_ir.all_imports if not imprt.symbols
+            ]
+            candidates = self.get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(
+                type_name, config, module_names=unqualified_import_modules, only=TypeDefItem
+            )
+            if not candidates:
+                msg = f'Unable to find the module declaring {type_name}.'
+                if is_strict:
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                warning(msg)
+                return None
+            if len(candidates) > 1:
+                msg = f'Multiple definitions for {type_name}: '
+                msg += ','.join( for item in candidates)
+                if is_strict:
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                warning(msg)
+            scope_name = candidates[0].scope_name
+        item_name = f'{scope_name}#{type_name}%{"%".join(proc_symbol.name_parts[1:])}'.lower()
+        if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+            return None
+        return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureBindingItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+    def _get_procedure_item(self, proc_symbol, scope_ir, config, ignore=None):
+        """
+        Utility method to create a :any:`ProcedureItem`, :any:`ProcedureBindingItem`,
+        or :any:`InterfaceItem` for a given :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        proc_symbol : :any:`ProcedureSymbol`
+            The procedure symbol for which the corresponding item is created
+        scope_ir : :any:`Scope`
+            The scope node in which the procedure symbol is declared or used. Note that this
+            is not necessarily the same as the scope of the created :any:`Item` but
+            serves as the entry point for the lookup mechanism that underpins the
+            creation procedure.
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
+            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
+        ignore : list of str, optional
+            A list of item names that should be ignored, i.e., not be created as an item.
+        """
+        proc_name =
+        if proc_name in scope_ir:
+            if isinstance(scope_ir, ir.TypeDef):
+                # This is a procedure binding item
+                scope_name =
+                item_name = f'{scope_name}#{}%{proc_name}'.lower()
+                if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                    return None
+                return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureBindingItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+            if (
+                isinstance(scope_ir, Subroutine) and
+                any( == proc_name for r in scope_ir.subroutines)
+            ):
+                # This is a call to an internal member procedure
+                # TODO: Make it configurable whether to include these in the callgraph
+                return None
+        # Recursively search for the enclosing module
+        current_module = None
+        scope = scope_ir
+        while scope:
+            if isinstance(scope, Module):
+                current_module = scope
+                break
+            scope = scope.parent
+        if current_module and any(proc_name.lower() == for r in current_module.subroutines):
+            # This is a call to a procedure in the same module
+            scope_name =
+            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+        if current_module and proc_name in current_module.interface_symbols:
+            # This procedure is declared in an interface in the current module
+            scope_name =
+            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return self.get_or_create_item(InterfaceItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+        if imprt := get_all_import_map(scope_ir).get(proc_name):
+            # This is a call to a module procedure which has been imported via
+            # a fully qualified import in the current or parent scope
+            scope_name = imprt.module
+            proc_name = self._get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, proc_name)
+            item_name = f'{scope_name}#{proc_name}'.lower()
+            if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+                return None
+            return self.get_or_create_item(ProcedureItem, item_name, scope_name, config)
+        # This may come from an unqualified import
+        unqualified_imports = [imprt for imprt in scope_ir.all_imports if not imprt.symbols]
+        if unqualified_imports:
+            # We try to find the ProcedureItem in the unqualified module imports
+            module_names = [imprt.module for imprt in unqualified_imports]
+            candidates = self.get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(
+                proc_name, config, module_names=module_names, only=ProcedureItem
+            )
+            if candidates:
+                if len(candidates) > 1:
+                    candidate_modules = [it.scope_name for it in candidates]
+                    raise RuntimeError(
+                        f'Procedure {item_name} defined in multiple imported modules: {", ".join(candidate_modules)}'
+                    )
+                return candidates[0]
+        # This is a call to a subroutine declared via header-included interface
+        item_name = f'#{proc_name}'.lower()
+        if self._is_ignored(item_name, config, ignore):
+            return None
+        if config and config.is_disabled(item_name):
+            return None
+        if item_name not in self.item_cache:
+            if not config or config.default.get('strict', True):
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Procedure {item_name} not found in self.item_cache.')
+            warning(f'Procedure {item_name} not found in self.item_cache.')
+            return None
+        return self.item_cache[item_name]
+    def get_or_create_module_definitions_from_candidates(self, name, config, module_names=None, only=None):
+        """
+        Utility routine to get definition items matching :data:`name`
+        from a given list of module candidates
+        This can be used to find a dependency that has been introduced via an unqualified
+        import statement, where the local name of the dependency is known and a set of
+        candidate modules thanks to the unqualified imports on the use side.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        name : str
+            Local name of the item(s) in the candidate modules
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`
+            The config object from which the item configuration will be derived
+        module_names : list of str, optional
+            List of module candidates in which to create the definition items. If not provided,
+            all :any:`ModuleItem` in the cache will be considered.
+        only : list of :any:`Item` classes, optional
+            Filter the generated items to include only those of the type provided in the list
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tuple of :any:`Item`
+            The items matching :data:`name` in the modules given in :any:`module_names`.
+            Ideally, only a single item will be found (or there would be a name conflict).
+        """
+        if not module_names:
+            module_names = [ for item in self.item_cache.values() if isinstance(item, ModuleItem)]
+        items = []
+        for module_name in module_names:
+            module_item = self.item_cache.get(module_name)
+            if module_item:
+                definition_items = module_item.create_definition_items(
+                    item_factory=self, config=config, only=only
+                )
+                items += [_it for _it in definition_items if['#')+1:] == name.lower()]
+        return tuple(items)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_imported_symbol_name(imprt, symbol_name):
+        """
+        For a :data:`symbol_name` and its corresponding :any:`Import` node :data:`imprt`,
+        determine the symbol in the defining module.
+        This resolves renaming upon import but, in most cases, will simply return the
+        original :data:`symbol_name`.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        :any:`MetaSymbol` or :any:`TypedSymbol` :
+            The symbol in the defining scope
+        """
+        imprt_symbol = imprt.symbols[imprt.symbols.index(symbol_name)]
+        if imprt_symbol and imprt_symbol.type.use_name:
+            symbol_name = imprt_symbol.type.use_name
+        return symbol_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def _is_ignored(name, config, ignore):
+        """
+        Utility method to check if a given :data:`name` is ignored
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        name : str
+            The name to check
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`, optional
+            An optional config object, in which :any:`SchedulerConfig.is_disabled`
+            is checked for :data:`name`
+        ignore : list of str, optional
+            An optional list of names, as typically provided in a config value.
+            These are matched via :any:`SchedulerConfig.match_item_keys` with
+            pattern matching enabled.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+            ``True`` if matched successfully via :data:`config` or :data:`ignore` list,
+            otherwise ``False``
+        """
+        keys = as_tuple(config.disable if config else ()) + as_tuple(ignore)
+        return keys and SchedulerConfig.match_item_keys(
+            name, keys, use_pattern_matching=True, match_item_parents=True
+        )
diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index ff3359122..ea27c5b31 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
 from loki.batch.configure import SchedulerConfig
 from loki.batch.item import (
     FileItem, ModuleItem, ProcedureItem, ProcedureBindingItem,
-    InterfaceItem, TypeDefItem, ExternalItem, ItemFactory
+    InterfaceItem, TypeDefItem, ExternalItem
+from loki.batch.item_factory import ItemFactory
 from loki.batch.pipeline import Pipeline
 from loki.batch.sfilter import SFilter
 from loki.batch.sgraph import SGraph

From 822cdb8e05f9c56edc41d073623b70ccc37209a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 11:12:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Duplicate/Remove tests: Split plan and trafo tests,
 small fixes

 loki/transformations/tests/ | 218 ++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/transformations/tests/ b/loki/transformations/tests/
index 3a1f8029e..c31ec53a1 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/tests/
+++ b/loki/transformations/tests/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ def fixture_config():
-@pytest.fixture(scope='module', name='fcode_as_module')
-def fixture_fcode_as_module():
+def fixture_fcode_as_module(tmp_path):
     fcode_driver = """
 subroutine driver(NLON, NB, FIELD1)
     use kernel_mod, only: kernel
@@ -90,10 +90,12 @@ def fixture_fcode_as_module():
     end subroutine kernel
 end module kernel_mod
-    return fcode_driver, fcode_kernel
+    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
+    (tmp_path/'kernel_mod.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
-@pytest.fixture(scope='module', name='fcode_no_module')
-def fixture_fcode_no_module():
+def fixture_fcode_no_module(tmp_path):
     fcode_driver = """
 subroutine driver(NLON, NB, FIELD1)
     implicit none
@@ -122,69 +124,111 @@ def fixture_fcode_no_module():
 end subroutine kernel
-    return fcode_driver, fcode_kernel
+    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
+    (tmp_path/'kernel.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('duplicate_suffix', (('duplicated', None), ('dupl1', 'dupl2'), ('d_test_1', 'd_test_2')))
-def test_dependency_duplicate(fcode_as_module, tmp_path, frontend, duplicate_suffix, config):
-    fcode_driver, fcode_kernel = fcode_as_module
-    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
-    (tmp_path/'kernel_mod.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix,module_suffix', (
+    ('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
+def test_dependency_duplicate_plan(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config, full_parse):
     scheduler = Scheduler(
-        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config), frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
-    suffix = duplicate_suffix[0]
-    module_suffix = duplicate_suffix[1] or duplicate_suffix[0]
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
                         kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
-    root_path = tmp_path
     scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
-    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=root_path)
+    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=tmp_path)
+    module_suffix = module_suffix or suffix
+    # Validate the Scheduler graph:
+    # - New procedure item has been added
+    # - Module item has been created but is not in the sgraph
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    item = scheduler.item_factory.item_cache[f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}']
+    assert isinstance(item, ModuleItem)
+    assert == item.local_name
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}' not in scheduler
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler
+    item = scheduler[f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}']
+    assert isinstance(item, ProcedureItem)
+    assert == item.local_name
     # Validate the plan file content
     plan_pattern = re.compile(r'set\(\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\)', re.DOTALL)
     loki_plan = plan_file.read_text()
     plan_dict = {k: v.split() for k, v in plan_pattern.findall(loki_plan)}
     plan_dict = {k: {Path(s).stem for s in v} for k, v in plan_dict.items()}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == {'kernel_mod', f'kernel_mod.{module_suffix}', 'driver'}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == {'kernel_mod', f'kernel_mod.{module_suffix}', 'driver'}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'kernel_mod.{module_suffix}.idem', 'kernel_mod.idem', 'driver.idem'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == {'kernel_mod', 'driver'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == {'kernel_mod', 'driver'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}.idem', 'kernel_mod.idem', 'driver.idem'}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix,module_suffix', (
+    ('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')
+def test_dependency_duplicate_trafo(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config):
+    scheduler = Scheduler(
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+    )
+    pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
+                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_module_suffix=module_suffix)
+    module_suffix = module_suffix or suffix
+    # Validate the Scheduler graph:
+    # - New procedure item has been added
+    # - Module item has been created but is not in the sgraph
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    item = scheduler.item_factory.item_cache[f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}']
+    assert isinstance(item, ModuleItem)
+    assert == item.local_name
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}' not in scheduler
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    assert f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler
+    item = scheduler[f'kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}']
+    assert isinstance(item, ProcedureItem)
+    assert == item.local_name
     driver = scheduler["#driver"].ir
     kernel = scheduler["kernel_mod#kernel"].ir
-    new_kernel = scheduler[f"kernel_{module_suffix}_mod#kernel_{suffix}"].ir
-    item_cache = dict(scheduler.item_factory.item_cache)
-    assert f'kernel_{module_suffix}_mod' in item_cache
-    assert isinstance(item_cache['kernel_mod'], ModuleItem)
-    assert item_cache['kernel_mod'].name == 'kernel_mod'
-    assert f'kernel_{module_suffix}_mod#kernel_{suffix}' in item_cache
-    assert isinstance(item_cache[f'kernel_{module_suffix}_mod#kernel_{suffix}'], ProcedureItem)
-    assert item_cache[f'kernel_{module_suffix}_mod#kernel_{suffix}'].name\
-            == f'kernel_{module_suffix}_mod#kernel_{suffix}'
+    new_kernel = scheduler[f"kernel_mod{module_suffix}#kernel{suffix}"].ir
     calls_driver = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)
     assert len(calls_driver) == 2
-    assert id(new_kernel) != id(kernel)
+    assert new_kernel is not kernel
     assert calls_driver[0].routine == kernel
     assert calls_driver[1].routine == new_kernel
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-def test_dependency_remove(fcode_as_module, tmp_path, frontend, config):
-    fcode_driver, fcode_kernel = fcode_as_module
-    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
-    (tmp_path/'kernel_mod.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+def test_dependency_remove(tmp_path, frontend, config):
     scheduler = Scheduler(
-        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config), frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
@@ -210,71 +254,96 @@ def test_dependency_remove(fcode_as_module, tmp_path, frontend, config):
     calls_driver = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)
     assert len(calls_driver) == 0
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('duplicate_suffix', (('duplicated', None), ('dupl1', 'dupl2'), ('d_test_1', 'd_test_2')))
-def test_dependency_duplicate_no_module(fcode_no_module, tmp_path, frontend, duplicate_suffix, config):
-    fcode_driver, fcode_kernel = fcode_no_module
-    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
-    (tmp_path/'kernel.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
+def test_dependency_duplicate_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config, full_parse):
     scheduler = Scheduler(
-        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config), frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
-    suffix = duplicate_suffix[0]
-    module_suffix = duplicate_suffix[1] or duplicate_suffix[0]
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
                         kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
-    root_path = tmp_path # if use_rootpath else None
     scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
-    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=root_path)
+    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=tmp_path)
+    # Validate Scheduler graph
+    assert f'#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    assert f'#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler
+    assert isinstance(scheduler[f'#kernel{suffix}'], ProcedureItem)
+    assert scheduler[f'#kernel{suffix}'] == f'kernel{suffix}'
+    # Validate IR objects
+    kernel = scheduler["#kernel"].ir
+    new_kernel = scheduler[f"#kernel{suffix}"].ir
+    assert new_kernel is not kernel
     # Validate the plan file content
     plan_pattern = re.compile(r'set\(\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\)', re.DOTALL)
     loki_plan = plan_file.read_text()
     plan_dict = {k: v.split() for k, v in plan_pattern.findall(loki_plan)}
     plan_dict = {k: {Path(s).stem for s in v} for k, v in plan_dict.items()}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == {'kernel', f'kernel.{module_suffix}', 'driver'}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == {'kernel', f'kernel.{module_suffix}', 'driver'}
-    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'kernel.{module_suffix}.idem', 'kernel.idem', 'driver.idem'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == {'kernel', 'driver'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == {'kernel', 'driver'}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'kernel{suffix}.idem', 'kernel.idem', 'driver.idem'}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')))
+def test_dependency_duplicate_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config):
+    scheduler = Scheduler(
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+    )
+    pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
+                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_module_suffix=module_suffix)
+    # Validate Scheduler graph
+    assert f'#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler.item_factory.item_cache
+    assert f'#kernel{suffix}' in scheduler
+    assert isinstance(scheduler[f'#kernel{suffix}'], ProcedureItem)
+    assert scheduler[f'#kernel{suffix}'] == f'kernel{suffix}'
+    # Validate transformed objects
     driver = scheduler["#driver"].ir
     kernel = scheduler["#kernel"].ir
-    new_kernel = scheduler[f"#kernel_{suffix}"].ir
-    item_cache = dict(scheduler.item_factory.item_cache)
-    assert f'#kernel_{suffix}' in item_cache
-    assert isinstance(item_cache[f'#kernel_{suffix}'], ProcedureItem)
-    assert item_cache[f'#kernel_{suffix}'].name == f'#kernel_{suffix}'
+    new_kernel = scheduler[f"#kernel{suffix}"].ir
     calls_driver = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)
     assert len(calls_driver) == 2
-    assert id(new_kernel) != id(kernel)
+    assert new_kernel is not kernel
     assert calls_driver[0].routine == kernel
     assert calls_driver[1].routine == new_kernel
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-def test_dependency_remove_no_module(fcode_no_module, tmp_path, frontend, config):
-    fcode_driver, fcode_kernel = fcode_no_module
-    (tmp_path/'driver.F90').write_text(fcode_driver)
-    (tmp_path/'kernel.F90').write_text(fcode_kernel)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
+def test_dependency_remove_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, config, full_parse):
     scheduler = Scheduler(
-        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config), frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
-    root_path = tmp_path
     scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
-    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=root_path)
+    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=tmp_path)
     # Validate the plan file content
     plan_pattern = re.compile(r'set\(\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\)', re.DOTALL)
@@ -285,9 +354,22 @@ def test_dependency_remove_no_module(fcode_no_module, tmp_path, frontend, config
     assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == {'driver'}
     assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {'driver.idem'}
+    assert '#kernel' not in scheduler
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+def test_dependency_remove_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, config):
+    scheduler = Scheduler(
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
+    )
+    pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
+                        kernels=('kernel',))
     driver = scheduler["#driver"].ir
     assert "#kernel" not in scheduler
-    calls_driver = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)
-    assert len(calls_driver) == 0
+    assert not FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)

From f0ca0bbddfedf792eb406258e58f105bb9b239ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:04:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Sourcefile and program unit: make sure (deep) cloning
 works as expected

 loki/          |  3 +-
 loki/            | 28 +++++++++--
 loki/tests/ | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/ b/loki/
index 73a8e245d..369c4bd82 100644
--- a/loki/
+++ b/loki/
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ def make_complete(self, **frontend_args):
         xmods = frontend_args.get('xmods')
         parser_classes = frontend_args.get('parser_classes', RegexParserClass.AllClasses)
         if frontend == Frontend.REGEX and self._parser_classes:
-            if self._parser_classes == parser_classes:
+            if self._parser_classes == (self._parser_classes | parser_classes):
             parser_classes = parser_classes | self._parser_classes
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ def clone(self, **kwargs):
         if self._source is not None and 'source' not in kwargs:
             kwargs['source'] = self._source
         kwargs.setdefault('incomplete', self._incomplete)
+        kwargs.setdefault('parser_classes', self._parser_classes)
         # Rebuild IRs
         rebuild = Transformer({}, rebuild_scopes=True)
diff --git a/loki/ b/loki/
index d1b665dda..a88d9c0ca 100644
--- a/loki/
+++ b/loki/
@@ -76,13 +76,31 @@ def clone(self, **kwargs):
         Replicate the object with the provided overrides.
-        if 'path' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs['path'] = self.path
+        kwargs.setdefault('path', self.path)
         if is not None and 'ir' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs['ir'] =
+            kwargs['ir'] =
+            ir_needs_clone = True
+        else:
+            ir_needs_clone = False
+        if self._ast is not None and 'ast' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['ast'] = self._ast
         if self.source is not None and 'source' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs['source'] = self._source.clone(file=kwargs['path']) # .clone()
-        return type(self)(**kwargs)
+            kwargs['source'] = self._source.clone(file=kwargs['path'])
+        kwargs.setdefault('incomplete', self._incomplete)
+        if self._parser_classes is not None and 'parser_classes' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['parser_classes'] = self._parser_classes
+        obj = type(self)(**kwargs)
+        # When the IR has been carried over from the current sourcefile
+        # we need to make sure we perform a deep copy
+        if and ir_needs_clone:
+            ir_body = tuple(
+                node.clone(rescope_symbols=True) if isinstance(node, ProgramUnit)
+                else node.clone() for node in
+            )
+   =
+        return obj
     def from_file(cls, filename, definitions=None, preprocess=False,
diff --git a/loki/tests/ b/loki/tests/
index e66d06595..448f4a175 100644
--- a/loki/tests/
+++ b/loki/tests/
@@ -352,3 +352,93 @@ def test_sourcefile_lazy_comments(frontend):
     assert '! Comment outside' in code
     assert '! Comment inside' in code
     assert '! Other comment outside' in code
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends(include_regex=True))
+def test_sourcefile_clone(frontend, tmp_path):
+    """
+    Make sure cloning a source file works as expected
+    """
+    fcode = """
+! Comment outside
+module my_mod
+  implicit none
+  contains
+    subroutine my_routine
+      implicit none
+    end subroutine my_routine
+end module my_mod
+subroutine other_routine
+  use my_mod, only: my_routine
+  implicit none
+  call my_routine()
+end subroutine other_routine
+    """.strip()
+    source = Sourcefile.from_source(fcode, frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path])
+    # Clone the source file twice
+    new_source = source.clone()
+    new_new_source = source.clone()
+    # Apply some changes that should only be affecting each clone
+    new_source['other_routine'].name = 'new_name'
+    new_new_source['my_mod']['my_routine'].name = 'new_mod_routine'
+    assert 'other_routine' in source
+    assert 'other_routine' not in new_source
+    assert 'other_routine' in new_new_source
+    assert 'new_name' not in source
+    assert 'new_name' in new_source
+    assert 'new_name' not in new_new_source
+    assert 'my_mod' in source
+    assert 'my_mod' in new_source
+    assert 'my_mod' in new_new_source
+    assert 'my_routine' in source['my_mod']
+    assert 'my_routine' in new_source['my_mod']
+    assert 'my_routine' not in new_new_source['my_mod']
+    assert 'new_mod_routine' not in source['my_mod']
+    assert 'new_mod_routine' not in new_source['my_mod']
+    assert 'new_mod_routine' in new_new_source['my_mod']
+    if not source._incomplete:
+        assert isinstance([0], Comment)
+        comment_text =[0].text
+        new_comment_text = comment_text + ' some more text'
+        assert[0].text == new_comment_text
+        assert[0].text == comment_text
+        assert[0].text == comment_text
+    else:
+        assert new_source._incomplete
+        assert new_new_source._incomplete
+        assert source['other_routine']._incomplete
+        assert new_source['new_name']._incomplete
+        assert new_new_source['other_routine']._incomplete
+        assert new_source['new_name']._parser_classes == source['other_routine']._parser_classes
+        assert new_new_source['other_routine']._parser_classes == source['other_routine']._parser_classes
+        mod = source['my_mod']
+        new_mod = new_source['my_mod']
+        new_new_mod = new_new_source['my_mod']
+        assert mod._incomplete
+        assert new_mod._incomplete
+        assert new_new_mod._incomplete
+        assert new_mod._parser_classes == mod._parser_classes
+        assert new_new_mod._parser_classes == mod._parser_classes
+        assert mod['my_routine']._incomplete
+        assert new_mod['my_routine']._incomplete
+        assert new_new_mod['new_mod_routine']._incomplete
+        assert new_mod['my_routine']._parser_classes == mod['my_routine']._parser_classes
+        assert new_new_mod['new_mod_routine']._parser_classes == mod['my_routine']._parser_classes

From e3eff9639513b977dd342a57d6522ae3ee69b795 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:08:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Remove recursive_clone

 loki/ir/ | 17 -----------------
 1 file changed, 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/ir/ b/loki/ir/
index b4a65d64c..3d462f8c4 100644
--- a/loki/ir/
+++ b/loki/ir/
@@ -461,23 +461,6 @@ def prepend(self, node):
     def __repr__(self):
         return 'Section::'
-    def recursive_clone(self, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Clone the object and recursively clone all the elements
-        of the object's body.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        **kwargs :
-            Any parameters from the constructor of the class.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Object of type ``self.__class__``
-            The cloned object.
-        """
-        return self.clone(body=tuple(elem.clone(**kwargs) for elem in self.body), **kwargs)
 class _AssociateBase():

From 1f72a9b48982db9c2e1c3cef37e915c83a2e4083 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:09:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Apply dependency changes from plan_data in

 loki/batch/ | 63 +++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index 36435078f..f55476444 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -330,21 +330,22 @@ def create_dependency_items(self, item_factory, config=None, only=None):
             The list of :any:`Item` nodes
-        if not (dependencies := self.dependencies):
-            return ()
         ignore = [*self.disable, *self.block]
-        items = tuple(
-            item
-            for node in dependencies
-            for item in as_tuple(item_factory.create_from_ir(node, self.scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore))
-            if item is not None
-        )
+        items = as_tuple(self.plan_data.get('additional_dependencies'))
+        if (dependencies := self.dependencies):
+            items += tuple(
+                item
+                for node in dependencies
+                for item in as_tuple(item_factory.create_from_ir(node, self.scope_ir, config, ignore=ignore))
+                if item is not None
+            )
         if self.disable:
             items = tuple(
                 item for item in items
                 if not SchedulerConfig.match_item_keys(, self.disable)
+        if (removed_dependencies := self.plan_data.get('removed_dependencies')):
+            items = tuple(item for item in items if item not in removed_dependencies)
         if only:
             items = tuple(item for item in items if isinstance(item, only))
@@ -670,28 +671,10 @@ def _dependencies(self):
         Return the list of :any:`Import` nodes that constitute dependencies
         for this module, filtering out imports to intrinsic modules.
-        deps = tuple(
+        return tuple(
             imprt for imprt in
             if not imprt.c_import and str(imprt.nature).lower() != 'intrinsic'
-        # potentially add dependencies due to transformations that added some
-        if 'additional_dependencies' in self.plan_data:
-            deps += self.plan_data['additional_dependencies']
-        # potentially remove dependencies due to transformations that removed some of those
-        if 'removed_dependencies' in self.plan_data:
-            new_deps = ()
-            for dep in deps:
-                if isinstance(dep, Import):
-                    new_symbols = ()
-                    for symbol in dep.symbols:
-                        if str( not in self.plan_data['removed_dependencies']:
-                            new_symbols += (symbol,)
-                    if new_symbols:
-                        new_deps += (dep.clone(symbols=new_symbols),)
-                else:
-                    new_deps += (dep,)
-            return new_deps
-        return deps
     def local_name(self):
@@ -759,29 +742,7 @@ def _dependencies(self):
                 import_map = self.scope.import_map
                 typedefs += tuple(typedef for type_name in type_names if (typedef := typedef_map.get(type_name)))
                 imports += tuple(imprt for type_name in type_names if (imprt := import_map.get(type_name)))
-        deps = imports + interfaces + typedefs + calls + inline_calls
-        # potentially add dependencies due to transformations that added some
-        if 'additional_dependencies' in self.plan_data:
-            deps += self.plan_data['additional_dependencies']
-        # potentially remove dependencies due to transformations that removed some of those
-        if 'removed_dependencies' in self.plan_data:
-            new_deps = ()
-            for dep in deps:
-                if isinstance(dep, CallStatement):
-                    if str( not in self.plan_data['removed_dependencies']:
-                        new_deps += (dep,)
-                elif isinstance(dep, Import):
-                    new_symbols = ()
-                    for symbol in dep.symbols:
-                        if str( not in self.plan_data['removed_dependencies']:
-                            new_symbols += (symbol,)
-                    if new_symbols:
-                        new_deps += (dep.clone(symbols=new_symbols),)
-                else:
-                    # TODO: handle interfaces and inline calls as well ...
-                    new_deps += (dep,)
-            return new_deps
-        return deps
+        return imports + interfaces + typedefs + calls + inline_calls
 class TypeDefItem(Item):

From 957aa91e264713dbb7e33f95bd8718ac5c101ee5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:09:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Pass item_factory and scheduler_config to
 transformation only if they modify items

 loki/batch/ | 22 ++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index ea27c5b31..a041ef200 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -535,17 +535,26 @@ def _get_definition_items(_item, sgraph_items):
                     include_external=self.config.default.get('strict', True)
+            # Collect common transformation arguments
+            kwargs = {
+                'depths': graph.depths,
+                'build_args': self.build_args,
+                'plan_mode': proc_strategy == ProcessingStrategy.PLAN,
+            }
+            if transformation.renames_items or transformation.creates_items:
+                kwargs['item_factory'] = self.item_factory
+                kwargs['scheduler_config'] = self.config
             for _item in traversal:
                 if isinstance(_item, ExternalItem):
                     raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot apply {trafo_name} to {}: Item is marked as external.')
-                    _item.scope_ir, role=_item.role, mode=_item.mode,
-                    item=_item, targets=_item.targets, items=_get_definition_items(_item, sgraph_items),
+                    _item.scope_ir, item=_item, items=_get_definition_items(_item, sgraph_items),
                     successors=graph.successors(_item, item_filter=item_filter),
-                    depths=graph.depths, build_args=self.build_args,
-                    plan_mode=proc_strategy == ProcessingStrategy.PLAN,
-                    item_factory=self.item_factory
+                    role=_item.role, mode=_item.mode, targets=_item.targets,
+                    **kwargs
         if transformation.renames_items:
@@ -553,7 +562,8 @@ def _get_definition_items(_item, sgraph_items):
         if transformation.creates_items:
-            self._parse_items()
+            if self.full_parse:
+                self._parse_items()
     def callgraph(self, path, with_file_graph=False, with_legend=False):

From a24cc6910aef278bdefb91e0d5e3eb9c49fc6bf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:04:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] New ItemFactory method to duplicate items

 loki/batch/     | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 loki/batch/tests/ |  70 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index c89eaa7a9..1d11636ef 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
 # nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
-from pathlib import Path
 from loki.batch.configure import SchedulerConfig
 from loki.batch.item import (
     get_all_import_map, ExternalItem, FileItem, InterfaceItem, ModuleItem,
@@ -48,53 +46,6 @@ def __contains__(self, key):
         return key in self.item_cache
-    def clone_procedure_item(self, item, suffix='', module_suffix=''):
-        """
-        Clone and create a :any:`ProcedureItem` and additionally create a :any:`ModuleItem`
-        (if the passed :any:`ProcedureItem` lives within a module ) as well
-        as a :any:`FileItem`.
-        """
-        path = Path(item.path)
-        new_path = Path(item.path).with_suffix(f'.{module_suffix}{item.path.suffix}')
-        local_routine_name = item.local_name
-        new_local_routine_name = f'{local_routine_name}_{suffix}'
-        mod_name ='#')[0]
-        if mod_name:
-            new_mod_name = mod_name.replace('mod', f'{module_suffix}_mod')\
-                    if 'mod' in mod_name else f'{mod_name}{module_suffix}'
-        else:
-            new_mod_name = ''
-        new_routine_name = f'{new_mod_name}#{new_local_routine_name}'
-        # create new source
-        orig_source = item.source
-        new_source = orig_source.clone(path=new_path)
-        if not mod_name:
-            new_source[local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
-        else:
-            new_source[mod_name][local_routine_name].name = new_local_routine_name
-            new_source[mod_name].name = new_mod_name
-        # create new ModuleItem
-        if mod_name:
-            orig_mod = self.item_cache[mod_name]
-            self.item_cache[new_mod_name] = orig_mod.clone(name=new_mod_name, source=new_source)
-        # create new ProcedureItem
-        self.item_cache[new_routine_name] = item.clone(name=new_routine_name, source=new_source)
-        # create new FileItem
-        orig_file_item = self.item_cache[str(path)]
-        self.item_cache[str(new_path)] = orig_file_item.clone(name=str(new_path), source=new_source)
-        # return the newly created procedure/routine
-        if mod_name:
-            return new_source[new_mod_name][new_local_routine_name]
-        return new_source[new_local_routine_name]
     def create_from_ir(self, node, scope_ir, config=None, ignore=None):
         Helper method to create items for definitions or dependency
@@ -265,6 +216,92 @@ def get_or_create_item(self, item_cls, item_name, scope_name, config=None):
         self.item_cache[item_name] = item
         return item
+    def get_or_create_item_from_item(self, name, item, config=None):
+        """
+        Helper method to instantiate an :any:`Item` as a clone of a given :data:`item`
+        with the given new :data:`name`.
+        This helper method checks for the presence of :data:`name` in the
+        :attr:`item_cache` and returns that instance. If none is in the cache, it tries
+        a lookup via the scope, if applicable. Otherwise, a new item is created as
+        a duplicate.
+        This duplication is performed by replicating the corresponding :any:`FileItem`
+        and any enclosing scope items, applying name changes for scopes as implied by
+        :data:`name`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        name : str
+            The name of the item to create
+        item : :any:`Item`
+            The item to duplicate to create the new item
+        config : :any:`SchedulerConfig`, optional
+            The config object to use when instantiating the new item
+        Returns
+        -------
+        :any:`Item`
+            The new item object
+        """
+        # Sanity checks and early return if an item by that name exists
+        if name in self.item_cache:
+            return self.item_cache[name]
+        if not isinstance(item, ProcedureItem):
+            raise NotImplementedError(f'Cloning of Items is not supported for {type(item)}')
+        # Derive name components for the new item
+        pos = name.find('#')
+        local_name = name[pos+1:]
+        if pos == -1:
+            scope_name = None
+            if local_name == item.local_name:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} with the same name in global scope')
+            if item.scope_name:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} from local scope to global scope is not supported')
+        else:
+            scope_name = name[:pos]
+            if scope_name and scope_name == item.scope_name:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} as {name} creates name conflict for scope {scope_name}')
+            if scope_name and not item.scope_name:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} from global scope to local scope is not supported')
+        # We may need to create a new item as a clone of the given item
+        # For this, we start with replicating the source and updating the
+        if not scope_name or scope_name not in self.item_cache:
+            # Clone the source and update names
+            new_source = item.source.clone()
+            if scope_name:
+                scope = new_source[item.scope_name]
+       = scope_name
+                ir = scope[item.local_name]
+            else:
+                ir = new_source[item.local_name]
+   = local_name
+            # Create a new FileItem for the new source
+            new_source.path = item.path.with_name(f'{scope_name or local_name}{item.path.suffix}')
+            file_item = self.get_or_create_file_item_from_source(new_source, config=config)
+            # Get the definition items for the FileItem and return the new item
+            definition_items = {
+       it for it in file_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=self, config=config)
+            }
+            self.item_cache.update(definition_items)
+            if name in definition_items:
+                return definition_items[name]
+        # Check for existing scope item
+        if scope_name and scope_name in self.item_cache:
+            scope = self.item_cache[scope_name].ir
+            if local_name not in scope:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} as {name} failed, {local_name} not found in existing scope {scope_name}')
+            return self.create_from_ir(scope[local_name], scope, config=config)
+        raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to clone item {} as {name}')
     def get_or_create_file_item_from_path(self, path, config, frontend_args=None):
         Utility method to create a :any:`FileItem` for a given path
diff --git a/loki/batch/tests/ b/loki/batch/tests/
index 2a44c468f..1cae6c614 100644
--- a/loki/batch/tests/
+++ b/loki/batch/tests/
@@ -671,6 +671,76 @@ def test_procedure_item_external_item(tmp_path, enable_imports, default_config):
     assert [it.origin_cls for it in items] == [ModuleItem, ProcedureItem]
+def test_procedure_item_from_item1(testdir, default_config):
+    proj = testdir/'sources/projBatch'
+    # A file with a single subroutine definition that calls a routine via interface block
+    item_factory = ItemFactory()
+    scheduler_config = SchedulerConfig.from_dict(default_config)
+    file_item = item_factory.get_or_create_file_item_from_path(proj/'source/comp1.F90', config=scheduler_config)
+    item = file_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=item_factory, config=scheduler_config)[0]
+    assert == '#comp1'
+    assert isinstance(item, ProcedureItem)
+    expected_cache = {str(proj/'source/comp1.F90').lower(), '#comp1'}
+    assert set(item_factory.item_cache) == expected_cache
+    # Create a new item by duplicating the existing item
+    new_item = item_factory.get_or_create_item_from_item('#new_comp1', item, config=scheduler_config)
+    expected_cache |= {str(proj/'source/new_comp1.F90').lower(), '#new_comp1'}
+    assert set(item_factory.item_cache) == expected_cache
+    # Assert the new item differs from the existing item in the name, with the original
+    # item unchanged
+    assert == '#new_comp1'
+    assert isinstance(new_item, ProcedureItem)
+    assert == 'new_comp1'
+    assert == 'comp1'
+    # Make sure both items have the same dependencies but the dependency
+    # objects are distinct objects
+    assert item.dependencies == new_item.dependencies
+    assert all(d is not new_d for d, new_d in zip(item.dependencies, new_item.dependencies))
+def test_procedure_item_from_item2(testdir, default_config):
+    proj = testdir/'sources/projBatch'
+    # A file with a single subroutine declared in a module that calls a typebound procedure
+    # where the type is imported via an import statement in the module scope
+    item_factory = ItemFactory()
+    scheduler_config = SchedulerConfig.from_dict(default_config)
+    file_item = item_factory.get_or_create_file_item_from_path(proj/'module/other_mod.F90', config=scheduler_config)
+    mod_item = file_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=item_factory, config=scheduler_config)[0]
+    assert == 'other_mod'
+    assert isinstance(mod_item, ModuleItem)
+    item = mod_item.create_definition_items(item_factory=item_factory, config=scheduler_config)[0]
+    assert == 'other_mod#mod_proc'
+    assert isinstance(item, ProcedureItem)
+    expected_cache = {str(proj/'module/other_mod.F90').lower(), 'other_mod', 'other_mod#mod_proc'}
+    assert set(item_factory.item_cache) == expected_cache
+    # Create a new item by duplicating the existing item
+    new_item = item_factory.get_or_create_item_from_item('my_mod#new_proc', item, config=scheduler_config)[0]
+    expected_cache |= {str(proj/'module/my_mod.F90').lower(), 'my_mod', 'my_mod#new_proc'}
+    assert set(item_factory.item_cache) == expected_cache
+    # Assert the new item differs from the existing item in the name, with the original
+    # item unchanged
+    assert == 'my_mod#new_proc'
+    assert isinstance(new_item, ProcedureItem)
+    assert == 'new_proc'
+    assert == 'my_mod'
+    assert == 'mod_proc'
+    assert == 'other_mod'
+    # Make sure both items have the same dependencies but the dependency
+    # objects are distinct objects
+    assert item.dependencies == new_item.dependencies
+    assert all(d is not new_d for d, new_d in zip(item.dependencies, new_item.dependencies))
 def test_typedef_item(testdir):
     proj = testdir/'sources/projBatch'

From 0a0fb4882df5252854d94f1950c52b57e7b23324 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:05:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Modify DuplicateTrafo and RemoveTrafo to new API

 loki/transformations/build_system/ |  13 +-
 loki/transformations/        | 149 ++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/transformations/build_system/ b/loki/transformations/build_system/
index cf14628de..88240d352 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/build_system/
+++ b/loki/transformations/build_system/
@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ def plan_file(self, sourcefile, **kwargs):
         sourcepath = item.path.resolve()
+        # This makes sure the sourcepath does in fact exist. Combined with
+        # item duplication or other transformations we might end up adding
+        # items on-the-fly that did not exist before, with fake paths.
+        # There is possibly a better way of doing this, though.
+        source_exists = sourcepath.exists()
         if self.rootpath is not None:
             sourcepath = sourcepath.relative_to(self.rootpath)
@@ -88,14 +95,16 @@ def plan_file(self, sourcefile, **kwargs):
         debug(f'Planning:: {} (role={item.role}, mode={item.mode})')
         if newsource not in self.sources_to_append:
-            self.sources_to_transform += [sourcepath]
+            if source_exists:
+                self.sources_to_transform += [sourcepath]
             if item.replicate:
                 # Add new source file next to the old one
                 self.sources_to_append += [newsource]
                 # Replace old source file to avoid ghosting
                 self.sources_to_append += [newsource]
-                self.sources_to_remove += [sourcepath]
+                if source_exists:
+                    self.sources_to_remove += [sourcepath]
     def write_plan(self, filepath):
diff --git a/loki/transformations/ b/loki/transformations/
index 25872371d..7529b9fdb 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/
+++ b/loki/transformations/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from loki.batch import Transformation
 from import nodes as ir, Transformer, FindNodes
-from import as_tuple
+from import as_tuple, CaseInsensitiveDict
 __all__ = ['DuplicateKernel', 'RemoveKernel']
@@ -16,66 +16,87 @@ class DuplicateKernel(Transformation):
     creates_items = True
+    reverse_traversal = True
     def __init__(self, kernels=None, duplicate_suffix='duplicated',
         self.suffix = duplicate_suffix
         self.module_suffix = duplicate_module_suffix or duplicate_suffix
-        print(f"suffix: {self.suffix}")
-        print(f"module_suffix: {self.module_suffix}")
         self.kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(kernels))
-    def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
-        item = kwargs.get('item', None)
-        item_factory = kwargs.get('item_factory', None)
-        if not item and 'items' in kwargs:
-            if kwargs['items']:
-                item = kwargs['items'][0]
+    def _create_duplicate_items(self, successors, item_factory, config):
+        new_items = ()
+        for item in successors:
+            if item.local_name in self.kernels:
+                # Determine new item name
+                scope_name = item.scope_name
+                local_name = f'{item.local_name}{self.suffix}'
+                if scope_name:
+                    scope_name = f'{scope_name}{self.module_suffix}'
+                # Try to get existing item from cache
+                new_item_name = f'{scope_name or ""}#{local_name}'
+                new_item = item_factory.item_cache.get(new_item_name)
+                # Try to get an item for the scope or create that first
+                if new_item is None and scope_name:
+                    scope_item = item_factory.item_cache.get(scope_name)
+                    if scope_item:
+                        scope =
+                        if local_name not in scope and item.local_name in scope:
+                            # Rename the existing item to the new name
+                            scope[item.local_name].name = local_name
+                        if local_name in scope:
+                            new_item = item_factory.create_from_ir(
+                                scope[local_name], scope, config=config
+                            )
+                # Create new item
+                if new_item is None:
+                    new_item = item_factory.get_or_create_item_from_item(new_item_name, item, config=config)
+                new_items += as_tuple(new_item)
+        return tuple(new_items)
-        successors = as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors'))
-        item.plan_data['additional_dependencies'] = ()
-        new_deps = {}
-        for child in successors:
-            if child.local_name.lower() in self.kernels:
-                new_dep = item_factory.clone_procedure_item(child, self.suffix, self.module_suffix)
-                new_deps[] = new_dep
-        imports = as_tuple(FindNodes(ir.Import).visit(routine.spec))
-        parent_imports = as_tuple(FindNodes(ir.Import).visit( if routine.parent is not None else ()
-        all_imports = imports + parent_imports
-        import_map = {}
-        for _imp in all_imports:
-            for symbol in _imp.symbols:
-                import_map[symbol] = _imp
-        calls = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body)
+    def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
+        # Create new dependency items
+        new_dependencies = self._create_duplicate_items(
+            successors=as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors')),
+            item_factory=kwargs.get('item_factory'),
+            config=kwargs.get('scheduler_config')
+        )
+        new_dependencies = CaseInsensitiveDict((new_item.local_name, new_item) for new_item in new_dependencies)
+        # Duplicate calls to kernels
         call_map = {}
-        for call in calls:
-            if str( in self.kernels:
-                new_call_name = f'{str(}_{self.suffix}'.lower()
-                call_map[call] = (call, call.clone(name=new_deps[new_call_name].procedure_symbol))
-                if in import_map:
-                    new_import_module = \
-                            import_map[].module.upper().replace('MOD', f'{self.module_suffix.upper()}_MOD')
-                    new_symbols = [symbol.clone(name=f"{}_{self.suffix}")
-                                   for symbol in import_map[].symbols]
-                    new_import = ir.Import(module=new_import_module, symbols=as_tuple(new_symbols))
-                    routine.spec.append(new_import)
-        routine.body = Transformer(call_map).visit(routine.body)
+        new_imports = []
+        for call in FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body):
+            call_name = str(
+            if call_name in self.kernels:
+                # Duplicate the call
+                new_call_name = f'{call_name}{self.suffix}'.lower()
+                new_item = new_dependencies[new_call_name]
+                proc_symbol =
+                call_map[call] = (call, call.clone(name=proc_symbol))
+                # Register the module import
+                if new_item.scope_name:
+                    new_imports += [ir.Import(module=new_item.scope_name, symbols=(proc_symbol,))]
+        if call_map:
+            routine.body = Transformer(call_map).visit(routine.body)
+            if new_imports:
+                routine.spec.prepend(as_tuple(new_imports))
     def plan_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
-        item = kwargs.get('item', None)
-        item_factory = kwargs.get('item_factory', None)
-        if not item and 'items' in kwargs:
-            if kwargs['items']:
-                item = kwargs['items'][0]
+        item = kwargs.get('item')
+        item.plan_data.setdefault('additional_dependencies', ())
+        item.plan_data['additional_dependencies'] += self._create_duplicate_items(
+            successors=as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors')),
+            item_factory=kwargs.get('item_factory'),
+            config=kwargs.get('scheduler_config')
+        )
-        successors = as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors'))
-        item.plan_data['additional_dependencies'] = ()
-        for child in successors:
-            if child.local_name.lower() in self.kernels:
-                new_dep = item_factory.clone_procedure_item(child, self.suffix, self.module_suffix)
-                item.plan_data['additional_dependencies'] += as_tuple(new_dep)
 class RemoveKernel(Transformation):
@@ -85,27 +106,17 @@ def __init__(self, kernels=None):
         self.kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(kernels))
     def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
-        calls = FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body)
-        call_map = {}
-        for call in calls:
-            if str( in self.kernels:
-                call_map[call] = None
+        call_map = {
+            call: None for call in FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body)
+            if str( in self.kernels
+        }
         routine.body = Transformer(call_map).visit(routine.body)
     def plan_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
-        item = kwargs.get('item', None)
-        item_factory = kwargs.get('item_factory', None)
-        if not item and 'items' in kwargs:
-            if kwargs['items']:
-                item = kwargs['items'][0]
+        item = kwargs.get('item')
         successors = as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors'))
-        item.plan_data['removed_dependencies'] = ()
-        for child in successors:
-            if child.local_name.lower() in self.kernels:
-                item.plan_data['removed_dependencies'] += (child.local_name.lower(),)
-        # propagate 'removed_dependencies' to corresponding module (if it exists)
-        module_name ='#')[0]
-        if module_name:
-            module_item = item_factory.item_cache['#')[0]]
-            module_item.plan_data['removed_dependencies'] = item.plan_data['removed_dependencies']
+        item.plan_data.setdefault('removed_dependencies', ())
+        item.plan_data['removed_dependencies'] += tuple(
+            child for child in successors if child.local_name in self.kernels
+        )

From 24289b6989fcbdb00e2511486ec88a9060e899cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:48:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Rename kernels argument in dependency trafos

 loki/transformations/            | 16 ++++++++--------
 loki/transformations/tests/ | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/transformations/ b/loki/transformations/
index 7529b9fdb..92aeddd5c 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/
+++ b/loki/transformations/
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ class DuplicateKernel(Transformation):
     reverse_traversal = True
-    def __init__(self, kernels=None, duplicate_suffix='duplicated',
+    def __init__(self, duplicate_kernels=None, duplicate_suffix='duplicated',
         self.suffix = duplicate_suffix
         self.module_suffix = duplicate_module_suffix or duplicate_suffix
-        self.kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(kernels))
+        self.duplicate_kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(duplicate_kernels))
     def _create_duplicate_items(self, successors, item_factory, config):
         new_items = ()
         for item in successors:
-            if item.local_name in self.kernels:
+            if item.local_name in self.duplicate_kernels:
                 # Determine new item name
                 scope_name = item.scope_name
                 local_name = f'{item.local_name}{self.suffix}'
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
         new_imports = []
         for call in FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body):
             call_name = str(
-            if call_name in self.kernels:
+            if call_name in self.duplicate_kernels:
                 # Duplicate the call
                 new_call_name = f'{call_name}{self.suffix}'.lower()
                 new_item = new_dependencies[new_call_name]
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ class RemoveKernel(Transformation):
     creates_items = True
-    def __init__(self, kernels=None):
-        self.kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(kernels))
+    def __init__(self, remove_kernels=None):
+        self.remove_kernels = tuple(kernel.lower() for kernel in as_tuple(remove_kernels))
     def transform_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
         call_map = {
             call: None for call in FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(routine.body)
-            if str( in self.kernels
+            if str( in self.remove_kernels
         routine.body = Transformer(call_map).visit(routine.body)
@@ -118,5 +118,5 @@ def plan_subroutine(self, routine, **kwargs):
         successors = as_tuple(kwargs.get('successors'))
         item.plan_data.setdefault('removed_dependencies', ())
         item.plan_data['removed_dependencies'] += tuple(
-            child for child in successors if child.local_name in self.kernels
+            child for child in successors if child.local_name in self.remove_kernels
diff --git a/loki/transformations/tests/ b/loki/transformations/tests/
index c31ec53a1..c31527320 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/tests/
+++ b/loki/transformations/tests/
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def test_dependency_duplicate_plan(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, co
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def test_dependency_duplicate_trafo(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, c
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def test_dependency_remove(tmp_path, frontend, config):
         frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',))
+                        remove_kernels=('kernel',))
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
     root_path = tmp_path
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ def test_dependency_duplicate_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ def test_dependency_duplicate_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
+                        duplicate_kernels=('kernel',), duplicate_suffix=suffix,
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def test_dependency_remove_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, config, full_parse
         frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',))
+                        remove_kernels=('kernel',))
     plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
     scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ def test_dependency_remove_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, config):
         frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path]
     pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
-                        kernels=('kernel',))
+                        remove_kernels=('kernel',))
     driver = scheduler["#driver"].ir

From a4cf4bbd70e3570b2e89da74bfea18a65f24c51b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:15:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Add test for combined duplicate/remove

 loki/transformations/tests/ | 99 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/loki/transformations/tests/ b/loki/transformations/tests/
index c31527320..4de174f9c 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/tests/
+++ b/loki/transformations/tests/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from loki.frontend import available_frontends
 from import nodes as ir, FindNodes
+from import as_tuple
 from loki.transformations.dependency import (
         DuplicateKernel, RemoveKernel
@@ -373,3 +374,101 @@ def test_dependency_remove_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, config):
     assert "#kernel" not in scheduler
     assert not FindNodes(ir.CallStatement).visit(driver.body)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('duplicate_kernels,remove_kernels', (
+    ('kernel', 'kernel'), ('kernel', 'kernel_new'), ('kernel', None), (None, 'kernel')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
+def test_dependency_duplicate_remove_plan(tmp_path, frontend, duplicate_kernels, remove_kernels,
+                                          config, full_parse):
+    scheduler = Scheduler(
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
+    )
+    expected_items = {'kernel_mod#kernel', '#driver'}
+    assert { for item in scheduler.items} == expected_items
+    pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
+                        duplicate_kernels=duplicate_kernels, duplicate_suffix='_new',
+                        remove_kernels=remove_kernels)
+    plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
+    scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
+    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=tmp_path)
+    for kernel in as_tuple(duplicate_kernels):
+        for name in list(expected_items):
+            scope_name, local_name = name.split('#')
+            if local_name == kernel:
+                expected_items.add(f'{scope_name}_new#{local_name}_new')
+    for kernel in as_tuple(remove_kernels):
+        for name in list(expected_items):
+            scope_name, local_name = name.split('#')
+            if local_name == kernel:
+                expected_items.remove(name)
+    # Validate Scheduler graph
+    assert { for item in scheduler.items} == expected_items
+    # Validate the plan file content
+    plan_pattern = re.compile(r'set\(\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\)', re.DOTALL)
+    loki_plan = plan_file.read_text()
+    plan_dict = {k: v.split() for k, v in plan_pattern.findall(loki_plan)}
+    plan_dict = {k: {Path(s).stem for s in v} for k, v in plan_dict.items()}
+    transformed_items = {name.split('#')[0] or name[1:] for name in expected_items if not name.endswith('_new')}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == transformed_items
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == transformed_items
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'{name.split("#")[0] or name[1:]}.idem' for name in expected_items}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('duplicate_kernels,remove_kernels', (
+    ('kernel', 'kernel'), ('kernel', 'kernel_new'), ('kernel', None), (None, 'kernel')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
+def test_dependency_duplicate_remove_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, duplicate_kernels, remove_kernels,
+                                                    config, full_parse):
+    scheduler = Scheduler(
+        paths=[tmp_path], config=SchedulerConfig.from_dict(config),
+        frontend=frontend, xmods=[tmp_path], full_parse=full_parse
+    )
+    expected_items = {'#kernel', '#driver'}
+    assert { for item in scheduler.items} == expected_items
+    pipeline = Pipeline(classes=(DuplicateKernel, RemoveKernel, FileWriteTransformation),
+                        duplicate_kernels=duplicate_kernels, duplicate_suffix='_new',
+                        remove_kernels=remove_kernels)
+    plan_file = tmp_path/'plan.cmake'
+    scheduler.process(pipeline, proc_strategy=ProcessingStrategy.PLAN)
+    scheduler.write_cmake_plan(filepath=plan_file, rootpath=tmp_path)
+    if duplicate_kernels:
+        expected_items.add(f'#{duplicate_kernels}_new')
+    if remove_kernels:
+        expected_items.remove(f'#{remove_kernels}')
+    # Validate Scheduler graph
+    assert { for item in scheduler.items} == expected_items
+    # Validate the plan file content
+    plan_pattern = re.compile(r'set\(\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\)', re.DOTALL)
+    loki_plan = plan_file.read_text()
+    plan_dict = {k: v.split() for k, v in plan_pattern.findall(loki_plan)}
+    plan_dict = {k: {Path(s).stem for s in v} for k, v in plan_dict.items()}
+    transformed_items = {name[1:] for name in expected_items if not name.endswith('_new')}
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_TRANSFORM'] == transformed_items
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_REMOVE'] == transformed_items
+    assert plan_dict['LOKI_SOURCES_TO_APPEND'] == {f'{name[1:]}.idem' for name in expected_items}

From fab1ce0f0d0bd64f7a2fdf034a9eb9a6a37d791e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balthasar Reuter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:28:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Linter compliance

 loki/batch/                    | 11 +++++++----
 loki/transformations/tests/ |  8 ++++++--
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/batch/ b/loki/batch/
index 1d11636ef..b4d411155 100644
--- a/loki/batch/
+++ b/loki/batch/
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ def get_or_create_item_from_item(self, name, item, config=None):
             if scope_name:
                 scope = new_source[item.scope_name]
        = scope_name
-                ir = scope[item.local_name]
+                item_ir = scope[item.local_name]
-                ir = new_source[item.local_name]
-   = local_name
+                item_ir = new_source[item.local_name]
+   = local_name
             # Create a new FileItem for the new source
             new_source.path = item.path.with_name(f'{scope_name or local_name}{item.path.suffix}')
@@ -297,7 +297,10 @@ def get_or_create_item_from_item(self, name, item, config=None):
         if scope_name and scope_name in self.item_cache:
             scope = self.item_cache[scope_name].ir
             if local_name not in scope:
-                raise RuntimeError(f'Cloning item {} as {name} failed, {local_name} not found in existing scope {scope_name}')
+                raise RuntimeError((
+                    f'Cloning item {} as {name} failed, '
+                    f'{local_name} not found in existing scope {scope_name}'
+                ))
             return self.create_from_ir(scope[local_name], scope, config=config)
         raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to clone item {} as {name}')
diff --git a/loki/transformations/tests/ b/loki/transformations/tests/
index 4de174f9c..84b2d3ca3 100644
--- a/loki/transformations/tests/
+++ b/loki/transformations/tests/
@@ -258,7 +258,9 @@ def test_dependency_remove(tmp_path, frontend, config):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (
+    ('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('full_parse', (True, False))
 def test_dependency_duplicate_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config, full_parse):
@@ -298,7 +300,9 @@ def test_dependency_duplicate_plan_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix, module_suffix', (
+    ('_duplicated', None), ('_dupl1', '_dupl2'), ('_d_test_1', '_d_test_2')
 def test_dependency_duplicate_trafo_no_module(tmp_path, frontend, suffix, module_suffix, config):
     scheduler = Scheduler(