From b7dbf7c036116423323306ec23cf99a948b02344 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Lange <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 12:53:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Frontend: Remove utilities and tests that were purely used
 for OFP

 loki/expression/tests/ | 39 +-----------
 loki/frontend/           | 14 +----
 loki/frontend/                  | 75 +-----------------------
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

diff --git a/loki/expression/tests/ b/loki/expression/tests/
index 2722d455b..16cd4d1b1 100644
--- a/loki/expression/tests/
+++ b/loki/expression/tests/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 from import jit_compile, clean_test
 from loki.expression import symbols as sym, parse_expr, AttachScopesMapper
 from loki.frontend import (
-    available_frontends, OMNI, FP, HAVE_FP, parse_fparser_expression
+    available_frontends, OMNI, HAVE_FP, parse_fparser_expression
 from import (
     nodes as ir, FindNodes, FindVariables, FindExpressions,
@@ -924,43 +924,6 @@ def test_masked_statements_nested(tmp_path, frontend):
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends(xfail=[
-    (OMNI, 'Not implemented'), (FP, 'Not implemented')
-def test_data_declaration(tmp_path, frontend):
-    """
-    Variable initialization with DATA statements
-    """
-    fcode = """
-subroutine data_declaration(data_out)
-  implicit none
-  integer, dimension(5, 4), intent(out) :: data_out
-  integer, dimension(5, 4) :: data1, data2
-  integer, dimension(3) :: data3
-  integer :: i, j
-  data data1 /20*5/
-  data ((data2(i,j), i=1,5), j=1,4) /20*3/
-  data data3(1), data3(3), data3(2) /1, 2, 3/
-  data_out(:,:) = data1(:,:) + data2(:,:)
-  data_out(1:3,1) = data3
-end subroutine data_declaration
-    filepath = tmp_path/(f'expression_data_declaration_{frontend}.f90')
-    routine = Subroutine.from_source(fcode, frontend=frontend)
-    function = jit_compile(routine, filepath=filepath, objname='data_declaration')
-    expected = np.ones(shape=(5, 4), dtype=np.int32, order='F') * 8
-    expected[[0, 1, 2], 0] = [1, 3, 2]
-    result = np.zeros(shape=(5, 4), dtype=np.int32, order='F')
-    function(result)
-    assert np.all(result == expected)
-    clean_test(filepath)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('frontend', available_frontends())
 def test_pointer_nullify(tmp_path, frontend):
diff --git a/loki/frontend/ b/loki/frontend/
index eeb6d092c..ad2780923 100644
--- a/loki/frontend/
+++ b/loki/frontend/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 from loki.logging import debug, detail
 from loki.config import config
 from import as_tuple, gettempdir, filehash
-from import VariableDeclaration, Intrinsic, FindNodes
+from import Intrinsic, FindNodes
 from loki.frontend.util import OMNI, FP, REGEX
@@ -126,18 +126,6 @@ def sanitize_input(source, frontend):
     return source, pp_info
-def reinsert_contiguous(ir, pp_info):
-    """
-    Reinsert the CONTIGUOUS marker into declaration variables.
-    """
-    if pp_info:
-        for decl in FindNodes(VariableDeclaration).visit(ir):
-            if decl.source.lines[0] in pp_info:
-                for var in decl.symbols:
-                    var.scope.symbol_attrs[] = var.scope.symbol_attrs[].clone(contiguous=True)
-    return ir
 def reinsert_convert_endian(ir, pp_info):
     Reinsert the CONVERT='BIG_ENDIAN' or CONVERT='LITTLE_ENDIAN' arguments
diff --git a/loki/frontend/ b/loki/frontend/
index 49caa08bc..621599d2d 100644
--- a/loki/frontend/
+++ b/loki/frontend/
@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@
 from loki.logging import debug, warning
-__all__ = [
-    'Source', 'FortranReader', 'extract_source', 'extract_source_from_range', 'source_to_lines',
-    'join_source_list'
+__all__ = ['Source', 'FortranReader', 'source_to_lines', 'join_source_list']
 class Source:
@@ -368,76 +365,6 @@ def source_from_current_line(self):
         return Source(lines=line.span, string='\n'.join(self.source_lines[start:end+1]))
-def extract_source(ast, text, label=None, full_lines=False):
-    """
-    Extract the marked string from source text.
-    """
-    attrib = getattr(ast, 'attrib', ast)
-    lstart = int(attrib['line_begin'])
-    lend = int(attrib['line_end'])
-    cstart = int(attrib['col_begin'])
-    cend = int(attrib['col_end'])
-    return extract_source_from_range((lstart, lend), (cstart, cend), text, label=label, full_lines=full_lines)
-def extract_source_from_range(lines, columns, text, label=None, full_lines=False):
-    """
-    Extract the marked string from source text.
-    """
-    text = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
-    lstart, lend = lines
-    cstart, cend = columns
-    if full_lines:
-        return Source(string=''.join(text[lstart-1:lend]).strip('\n'), lines=lines)
-    lines = text[lstart-1:lend]
-    # Scan for line continuations and honour inline
-    # comments in between continued lines
-    def continued(line):
-        if '!' in line:
-            line = line.split('!')[0]
-        return line.strip().endswith('&')
-    def is_comment(line):
-        return line.strip().startswith('!')
-    # We only honour line continuation if we're not parsing a comment
-    if not is_comment(lines[-1]):
-        while continued(lines[-1]) or is_comment(lines[-1]):
-            lend += 1
-            # TODO: Strip the leading empty space before the '&'
-            lines.append(text[lend-1])
-    # If line continuation is used, move column index to the relevant parts
-    while cstart >= len(lines[0]):
-        if not is_comment(lines[0]):
-            cstart -= len(lines[0])
-            cend -= len(lines[0])
-        lines = lines[1:]
-        lstart += 1
-    # Move column index by length of the label if given
-    if label is not None:
-        cstart += len(label)
-        cend += len(label)
-    # Avoid stripping indentation
-    if lines[0][:cstart].strip() == '':
-        cstart = 0
-    # TODO: The column indexes are still not right, so source strings
-    # for sub-expressions are likely wrong!
-    if lstart == lend:
-        lines[0] = lines[0][cstart:cend]
-    else:
-        lines[0] = lines[0][cstart:]
-        lines[-1] = lines[-1][:cend]
-    return Source(string=''.join(lines).strip('\n'), lines=(lstart, lend))
 def _merge_source_match_source(pre, match, post):
     Merge a triple of :class:`Source`, :class:`re.Match`, :class:`Source` objects