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External contributor memo

Didier Vojtisek edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 10 revisions

Useful tip and tricks for external contributors.

Submitting issue

You can use the github issue trackers for submitting bug and feature request. Ideally, if you know that your issue is related to a specific component, open the issue directly in the repository containing the component (this will help to handle it more efficiently). If you don't know which repository, use the tracker of gemoc-studio repository.

TODO : list the repositories and an overview of their content.


Make sure to have subscribed to the developer mailing list in order to contact all the other contributors (including official commiters) and discuss technical points.

Contributing code

  • Fork the required repositories (you can fork in you own repositories or you may consider sharing your work and use the repositories of the GEMOC initiative (see

  • Make sure to have an Eclipse account and accepted the Eclipse contributor agreement in your profile.

  • Prepare your contribution (ideally in separate branches if you plan to propose several contributions)

  • Make sure that every commit you propose has the Signed-off-by information in the comment

    This can be enforced automatically in eclipse by setting the preferences (in Team>Git>Committing tick the "insert Signed-off-by" check box).

  • Configure your fork to keep synchronization in order to minimize conflicts and

    ⚠️ I advice you to not use "upstream" as name for your remote, because it may lead to confusion in Eclipse user interface where the upstream keyword is also used in the popup menu of local branches in order pull/fetch from the main remote.

    I prefer using "eclipse_upstream" in order to clarify the remotes.

    ex for gemoc-studio (adapt for other repositories):

YOURLOGIN@ubuntu:~/git/YOURLOGIN/gemoc-studio$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
YOURLOGIN@ubuntu:~/git/YOURLOGIN/gemoc-studio$ git remote add eclipse_upstream
YOURLOGIN@ubuntu:~/git/YOURLOGIN/gemoc-studio$ git remote -v
eclipse_upstream (fetch)
eclipse_upstream (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
  • Open a Pull Request for your contribution.
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