diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 681de6fc6c..888904f0ad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 The **e**nhanced **C**ommunication **A**bstraction **L**ayer (eCAL) is a middleware that enables scalable, high performance interprocess communication on a single computer node or between different nodes in a computer network.
-eCAL uses a **publish - subscribe** pattern to automatically connect different nodes in the network.
+eCAL provides **publish - subscribe** and **server - client** pattern to connect different nodes in the network with almost no configuration required.
-eCAL automatically chooses the best available data transport mechanism for each link:
+eCAL automatically chooses the best available data transport mechanism for each link, it supports:
 - **Shared memory** for local communication _(incredibly fast!)_
-- **UDP** for network communication
+- **UDP** and **TCP** for network communication
-Visit the eCAL Documentation at 🌐 http://ecal.io for more information.
+Visit the eCAL Documentation at 🌐 https://ecal.io for more information.
 ## Architecture
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ sudo apt-get install ecal
 This PPA will always upgrade you to the latest eCAL Release (-> Rolling Release PPA). If you intend to stay on an specific release, check out other PPAs [here](https://eclipse-ecal.github.io/ecal/getting_started/setup.html#fa-ubuntu-automatically-install-ecal-from-a-ppa).
-*Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 20.10, 21.04 for CPU architectures i386, x64, armhf, arm64 are supported at the time of writing.*
+*Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 23.04, 23.10 for CPU architectures (i386), x64, armhf, arm64 are supported at the time of writing.*
 ## Example
@@ -125,8 +125,6 @@ eCAL comes with a set of read-to-use tools that will help you with developing, t
 ## eCAL & ROS
 * [rmw_ecal](https://github.com/eclipse-ecal/rmw_ecal) - eCAL / ROS2 middleware layer
 * [rosidl_typesupport_protobuf](https://github.com/eclipse-ecal/rosidl_typesupport_protobuf) - Protobuf based rosidl typesupport
-* [ecal-ros2-publisher](https://github.com/ecal-io/ecal-ros2-publisher) - Publishing eCAL topics to ROS2
-* [ecal-ros2-subscriber](https://github.com/ecal-io/ecal-ros2-subscriber) - Subscribing ROS2 topics in eCAL
 ## Other projects related to eCAL
 * [fineftp-server](https://github.com/eclipse-ecal/fineftp-server) - FTP functionality to collect distributed measurement artifacts over network
diff --git a/ecal/core/src/service/ecal_service_client_impl.cpp b/ecal/core/src/service/ecal_service_client_impl.cpp
index d1d04d768b..269c59d595 100644
--- a/ecal/core/src/service/ecal_service_client_impl.cpp
+++ b/ecal/core/src/service/ecal_service_client_impl.cpp
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ namespace eCAL
         const auto port_to_use = (protocol_version == 0 ? iter.tcp_port_v0 : iter.tcp_port_v1);
         // Create the client and add it to the map
-        const auto new_client_session = client_manager->create_client(protocol_version, iter.hname, port_to_use, event_callback);
+        const auto new_client_session = client_manager->create_client(static_cast<uint8_t>(protocol_version), iter.hname, port_to_use, event_callback);
         if (new_client_session)
           m_client_map[iter.key] = new_client_session;
diff --git a/ecal/service/sample/src/main.cpp b/ecal/service/sample/src/main.cpp
index 40f4761bfb..be38fbca0f 100644
--- a/ecal/service/sample/src/main.cpp
+++ b/ecal/service/sample/src/main.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <thread>
 #include <chrono>
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
+int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
   // Create an io_context
   auto io_context = std::make_shared<asio::io_context>();
diff --git a/lang/csharp/Continental/eCAL/Core/ecal_clr.cpp b/lang/csharp/Continental/eCAL/Core/ecal_clr.cpp
index 6e3c6f1735..083276ddcf 100644
--- a/lang/csharp/Continental/eCAL/Core/ecal_clr.cpp
+++ b/lang/csharp/Continental/eCAL/Core/ecal_clr.cpp
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ bool ServiceServer::RemMethodCallback(String^ methodName, MethodCallback^ callba
-int ServiceServer::OnMethodCall(const std::string& method_, const std::string& req_type_, const std::string& resp_type_, const std::string& request_, std::string& response_)
+int ServiceServer::OnMethodCall(const std::string& method_, const std::string& /*req_type_*/, const std::string& /*resp_type_*/, const std::string& request_, std::string& response_)
     array<Byte>^ result = m_callbacks(StlStringToString(method_), StlStringToString(method_), StlStringToString(method_), StlStringToByteArray(request_));
     response_ = ByteArrayToStlString(result);