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CVARS: Describe as much CVARS as possible. #188

ghost opened this issue Oct 22, 2022 · 11 comments

CVARS: Describe as much CVARS as possible. #188

ghost opened this issue Oct 22, 2022 · 11 comments


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ghost commented Oct 22, 2022

Complete almost all CVAR descriptions.

There is an opportunity to describe what each CVAR does (by typing the name of the CVAR into your console). Only a few CVARS are currently described. I made a pull request adding descriptions to as many CVARS as possible. By using the already existing function: Cvar_SetDescription.

The real problem is that there are roughly 3 'types' of undescribed CVARs:

  1. CVARS that are easy to describe and check.
  2. CVARS whose description is incorrect or unclear.
  3. CVARS for which I have not found any description at all.

For 'type 2' CVARS I choose the descriptions from here: (I think those are the most original descriptions) or if those are obviously outdated or wrong, I additionaly use the descriptions from here:
Even using those sites, I had to search a lot to find some information for CVARS that were still not described at all.
Finally I took some describtions from @themuffinator and his Q3e fork
Since his dm-engine is forked from Q3e, the CVAR descriptions are more accurate I think.

Well, there are still the 'type 3' CVARS, cvars I didn't find any description at all. Due to my lack of knowledge I don't understand what they are made for (when looking at the code). Some are dysfunctional as it seems.
The only thing I could do was list them separately. Of course not within the code. I have created a small list (see below) where it is marked which CVARS I have not added a description to.

Anyways, here is the pull request:

You really should check this PR twice before using it.
The reason why more people should check the descriptions is that:

  • I'm no native english speaker. Please check the spelling.
  • I took most of the descriptions from Internet, there are more people who understand the individual CVARS better than I do.
  • Q3e specific CVAR descriptions I simply took from the docs (@ec is this okay?).
  • Some CVAR descriptions are, and always have been, totally meaningless and dumb. Find better ones?


  • Of course, there are also many CVARs that are not described and are not listed here. Either because they elude the current Cvar SetDescription functionality (not registered), or because they cannot or do not have to be described for whatever reason.

The CVAR list:

One possible workflow would be that we could tick it if anyone has a description for the missing CVARS, so I've included the list below. In addition, the descriptions are easier to read.

  • = CVAR descriptions are added by the associated PR.
  • = CVAR descriptions are still missing.

Description added:

  • con_notifytime: Defines how long messages (from players or the system) are on the screen (in seconds).
  • con_conspeed: Console opening/closing scroll speed.
  • con_autoclear: Enable/disable clearing console input text when console is closed.
  • con_scale: Console font size scale.
  • cl_nodelta: Flag server to disable delta compression on server snapshots.
  • cl_debugMove: Prints a graph of view angle deltas.\n 0: Disabled\n 1: Yaw\n 2: Pitch"
  • cl_showSend: Prints client to server packet information.
  • cl_yawspeed: Side-to-side turning speed using keys (+left and +right).
  • cl_pitchspeed: Up and down pitching speed using keys (+lookup and +lookdown).
  • cl_anglespeedkey: Set the speed that the direction keys (not mouse) change the view angle.
  • cl_maxpackets: Set how many client packets are sent to the server per second, can't exceed \com_maxFPS.
  • cl_packetdup: Limits the number of previous client commands added in packet, helps in packet loss mitigation, increases client command packets size a bit.
  • cl_run: Persistent player running movement.
  • cl_sensitivity: Sets base mouse sensitivity (mouse speed).
  • cl_mouseAccel: Toggle the use of mouse acceleration the mouse speeds up or becomes more sensitive as it continues in one direction.
  • cl_freelook: Allow pitching or up/down look with mouse.
  • cl_mouseAccelStyle: Choose between two different mouse acceleration styles.
  • cl_mouseAccelOffset: Sets how much base mouse delta will be doubled by acceleration. Requires 'cl_mouseAccelStyle 1'.
  • cl_showMouseRate: Prints mouse acceleration info when 'cl_mouseAccel' has a value set (rate of mouse samples per frame).
  • m_pitch: Set the up and down movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves.
  • m_yaw: Set the speed at which the player's screen moves left and right while using the mouse.
  • m_forward: Set the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves.
  • m_side: Set the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves.
  • m_filter: Toggle use of mouse 'smoothing'.
  • cl_stencilbits: Stencil buffer size, value decreases Z-buffer depth.
  • cl_depthbits: Sets precision of Z-buffer.
  • cl_drawBuffer: Specifies buffer to draw from: GL_FRONT or GL_BACK.
  • cl_renderer: Sets your desired renderer, requires \vid_restart.
  • cl_noprint: Disable printing of information in the console.
  • cl_motd: Toggle the display of the 'Message of the day'. When Quake 3 Arena starts a map up, it sends the GL_RENDERER string to the Message Of The Day server at id. This responds back with a message of the day to the client.
  • cl_timeout: Duration of receiving nothing from server for client to decide it must be disconnected (in seconds).
  • cl_autoNudge: Automatic time nudge that uses your average ping as the time nudge, values:\n 0 - use fixed \cl_timeNudge\n (0..1] - factor of median average ping to use as timenudge\n"
  • cl_timeNudge: Allows more or less latency to be added in the interest of better smoothness or better responsiveness.
  • cl_shownet: Toggle the display of current network status.
  • cl_showTimeDelta: Prints the time delta of each packet to the console (the time delta between server updates).
  • rcon_client_password: Sets a remote console password so clients may change server settings without direct access to the server console.
  • cl_autoRecordDemo: Auto-record demos when starting or joining a game.
  • cl_aviFrameRate: The framerate used for capturing video.
  • cl_aviMotionJpeg: Enable/disable the MJPEG codec for avi output.
  • cl_forceavidemo: Forces all demo recording into a sequence of screenshots in TGA format.
  • cl_aviPipeFormat: Encoder parameters used for \video-pipe.
  • rconAddress: The IP address of the remote console you wish to connect to.
  • cl_allowDownload: Enables downloading of content needed in server. Valid bitmask flags:\n 1: Downloading enabled\n 2: Do not use HTTP/FTP downloads\n 4: Do not use UDP downloads"
  • cl_mapAutoDownload: Automatic map download for play and demo playback (via automatic \dlmap call).
  • cl_cURLLib: Filename of cURL library to load.
  • cl_conXOffset: Console notifications X-offset.
  • cl_conColor: Console background color, set as R G B A values from 0-255, use with \seta to save in config.
  • cl_inGameVideo: Controls whether in-game video should be drawn.
  • cl_serverStatusResendTime: Time between re-sending server status requests if no response is received (in milliseconds)
  • cl_motdString: Message of the day string from id's master server, it is a read only variable.
  • cl_maxPing: Specify the maximum allowed ping to a server.
  • cl_guidServerUniq: Makes cl_guid unique for each server.
  • cl_dlURL: Cvar must point to download location.
  • s_khz: Specifies the sound sampling rate, (8, 11, 22, 44, 48) in kHz. Default value is 22.
  • s_mixahead: Amount of time to pre-mix sound data to avoid potential skips/stuttering in case of unstable framerate. Higher values add more CPU usage.
  • s_show: Debugging output (used sound files).
  • s_testsound: Debugging tool that plays a simple sine wave tone to test the sound system.
  • s_volume: Sets master volume for all game audio.
  • s_musicVolume: Sets volume for in-game music only.
  • s_doppler: Enables doppler effect on moving projectiles.
  • s_muteWhenUnfocused: Mutes all audio while game window is unfocused.
  • s_muteWhenMinimized: Mutes all audio while game is minimized.
  • s_initsound: Whether or not to startup the sound system.
  • com_soundMegs: Amount of memory (RAM) assigned to the sound buffer (in MB).
  • cm_noAreas: Do not use areaportals, all areas are connected.
  • cm_noCurves: Do not collide against curves.
  • cm_playerCurveClip: Collide player against curves.
  • com_zoneMegs: Initial amount of memory (RAM) allocated for the main block zone (in MB).
  • com_journal: When enabled, writes events and its data to 'journal.dat' and 'journaldata.dat'.
  • com_protocol: Specify network protocol version number, use -compat suffix for OpenArena compatibility.
  • com_dedicated: Enables dedicated server mode.\n 0: Listen server\n 1: Unlisted dedicated server \n 2: Listed dedicated server"
  • com_maxfps: Sets maximum frames per second.
  • com_maxfpsUnfocused: Sets maximum frames per second in unfocused game window.
  • com_yieldCPU: Attempt to sleep specified amount of time between rendered frames when game is active, this will greatly reduce CPU load. Use 0 only if you're experiencing some lag.
  • com_affinityMask: Bind Quake3e process to bitmask-specified CPU core(s).
  • com_timescale: System timing factor:\n < 1: Slows the game down\n = 1: Regular speed\n > 1: Speeds the game up"
  • com_fixedtime: Toggle the rendering of every frame the game will wait until each frame is completely rendered before sending the next frame.
  • com_showtrace: Debugging tool that prints out trace information.
  • com_viewlog: Toggle the display of the startup console window over the game screen.
  • com_speeds: Prints speed information per frame to the console. Used for debugging.
  • com_timedemo: When set to '1' times a demo and returns frames per second like a benchmark.
  • cl_paused: Read-only CVAR to toggle functionality of paused games (the variable holds the status of the paused flag on the client side).
  • cl_packetdelay: Artificially set the client's latency. Simulates packet delay, which can lead to packet loss.
  • com_cl_running: Can be used to check the status of the client game.
  • sv_packetdelay: Simulates packet delay, which can lead to packet loss. Server side.
  • com_sv_running: Communicates to game modules if there is a server currently running.
  • com_buildScript: Loads all game assets, regardless whether they are required or not.
  • com_introPlayed: Skips the introduction cinematic.
  • com_skipIdLogo: Skip playing Id Software logo cinematic at startup.
  • com_version: Read-only CVAR to see the version of the game.
  • cvar_cheats: Enable cheating commands (server side only).
  • cvar_developer: Toggles developer mode. Prints more info to console and provides more commands.
  • fs_debug: Debugging tool for the filesystem. Run the game in debug mode. Prints additional information regarding read files into the console.
  • fs_copyfiles: Whether or not to copy files when loading them into the game. Every file found in the cdpath will be copied over.
  • fs_basepath: Write-protected CVAR specifying the path to the installation folder of the game.
  • fs_basegame: Write-protected CVAR specifying the path to the base game folder.
  • fs_gamedirvar: Specify an alternate mod directory and run the game with this mod.
  • showpackets: Toggles information of all packets sent and received.
  • showdrop: Toggles information of dropped packet traffic.
  • qport: Set internal network port. This allows more than one person to play from behind a NAT router by using only one IP address.
  • net_ip: Specifies network interface address client should use for outgoing UDP connections using IPv4.
  • net_port: The network port to use (IPv4).
  • net_ip6: Specifies network interface address client should use for outgoing UDP connections using IPv6.
  • net_port6: The network port to use (IPv6).
  • net_mcast6addr: Multicast address to use for scanning for IPv6 servers on the local network.
  • net_mcast6iface: Outgoing interface to use for scan.
  • net_socksEnabled: Toggle the use of network socks 5 protocol enabling firewall access (can only be set at initialization time from the OS command line).
  • net_socksServer: Set the address (name or IP number) of the SOCKS server (firewall machine), NOT a Q3ATEST server (can only be set at initialization time from the OS command line).
  • net_socksPort: Set proxy and/or firewall port, default is 1080 (can only be set at initialization time from the OS command line).
  • net_socksUsername: Variable holds username for socks firewall. Supports no authentication and username/password authentication method (RFC-1929). It does NOT support GSS-API method (RFC-1961) authentication (can only be set at initialization time from the OS command line).
  • net_socksPassword: Variable holds password for socks firewall access. Supports no authentication and username/password authentication method (RFC-1929). It does NOT support GSS-API method (RFC-1961) authentication (can only be set at initialization time from the OS command line).
  • net_dropsim: Simulated packet drops.
  • vid_xpos: Saves/sets window X-coordinate when windowed, requires \vid_restart.
  • vid_ypos: Saves/sets window Y-coordinate when windowed, requires \vid_restart.
  • r_allowSoftwareGL: Toggle the use of the default software OpenGL driver supplied by the Operating System.
  • r_swapInterval: V-blanks to wait before swapping buffers.\n 0: No V-Sync\n 1: Synced to the monitor's refresh rate.
  • r_glDriver: Specifies the OpenGL driver to use, will revert back to default if driver name set is invalid.
  • r_noborder: Setting to 1 will remove window borders and title bar in windowed mode, hold ALT to drag & drop it with opened console.
  • r_fullscreen: Fullscreen mode. Set to 0 for windowed mode.
  • r_customPixelAspect: Enables custom aspect of the screen, with \r_mode -1.
  • r_customwidth: Custom width to use with \r_mode -1.
  • r_colorbits: Sets color bit depth, set to 0 to use desktop settings.
  • r_fullbright: Debugging tool to render the entire level without lighting.
  • r_overBrightBits: Sets the intensity of overall brightness of texture pixels.
  • r_mapOverBrightBits: Sets the number of overbright bits baked into all lightmaps and map data.
  • r_intensity: Global texture lighting scale.
  • r_singleShader: Debugging tool that only uses the default shader for all rendering.
  • r_defaultImage: Replace default (missing) image texture by either exact file or solid #rgb|#rrggbb background color.
  • r_simpleMipMaps: Whether or not to use a simple mipmapping algorithm or a more correct one:\n 0: off (proper linear filter)\n 1: on (for slower machines)"
  • r_vertexLight: Set to 1 to use vertex light instead of lightmaps, collapse all multi-stage shaders into single-stage ones, might cause rendering artifacts.
  • r_neatsky: Disables texture mipping for skies.
  • r_roundImagesDown: When images are scaled, round images down instead of up.
  • r_colorMipLevels: Debugging tool to artificially color different mipmap levels so that they are more apparent (default 0).
  • r_detailTextures: Enables usage of shader stages flagged as detail.
  • r_texturebits: Number of texture bits per texture.
  • r_mergeLightmaps: Merge built-in small lightmaps into bigger lightmaps (atlases).
  • r_vbo: Use Vertex Buffer Objects to cache static map geometry, may improve FPS on modern GPUs, increases hunk memory usage by 15-30MB (map-dependent).
  • r_mapGreyScale: Desaturate world map textures only, works independently from \r_greyscale, negative values only desaturate lightmaps.
  • r_subdivisions: Distance to subdivide bezier curved surfaces. Higher values mean less subdivision and less geometric complexity.
  • r_maxpolys: Maximum number of polygons to draw in a scene.
  • r_maxpolyverts: Maximum number of polygon vertices to draw in a scene.
  • r_lodCurveError: Level of detail error on curved surface grids. Higher values result in better quality at a distance.
  • r_lodbias: Sets the level of detail of in-game models:\n -2: Ultra (further delays LOD transition in the distance)\n -1: Very High (delays LOD transition in the distance)\n 0: High\n 1: Medium\n 2: Low"
  • r_znear: Viewport distance from view origin (how close objects can be to the player before they're clipped out of the scene).
  • r_zproj: Projected viewport frustum.
  • r_stereoSeparation: Control eye separation. Resulting separation is \r_zproj divided by this value in standard units.
  • r_ignoreGLErrors: Ignore OpenGL errors.
  • r_fastsky: Draw flat colored skies.
  • r_drawSun: Draw sun shader in skies.
  • r_dynamiclight: Enables dynamic lighting.
  • r_dlightMode: Dynamic light mode:\n 0: VQ3 'fake' dynamic lights\n 1: High-quality per-pixel dynamic lights, slightly faster than VQ3's on modern hardware\n 2: Same as 1 but applies to all MD3 models too"
  • r_dlightScale: Scales dynamic light radius.
  • r_dlightSpecPower: Factors specularity effect from dynamic lights on surfaces.
  • r_dlightSpecColor: Color base for specular component:\n <= 0: use current texture and modulate by abs(r_dlightSpecColor)\n > 0: use constant color with RGB components set to \r_dlightSpecColor"
  • r_dlightIntensity: Adjusts dynamic light intensity but not radius.
  • r_ext_multisample: For anti-aliasing geometry edges, valid values: 0|2|4|6|8. Requires \r_fbo 1.
  • r_hdr: Enables high dynamic range frame buffer texture format. Requires \r_fbo 1.\n -1: 4-bit, for testing purposes, heavy color banding, might not work on all systems\n 0: 8 bit, default, moderate color banding with multi-stage shaders\n 1: 16 bit, enhanced blending precision, no color banding, might decrease performance on AMD / Intel GPUs\n"
  • r_bloom: Enables bloom post-processing effect. Requires \r_fbo 1.
  • r_bloom_threshold: Color level to extract to bloom texture, default is 0.6.
  • r_bloom_threshold_mode: Color extraction mode:\n 0: (r|g|b) >= threshold\n 1: (r + g + b ) / 3 >= threshold\n 2: luma(r, g, b) >= threshold"
  • r_bloom_intensity: Final bloom blend factor, default is 0.5.
  • r_bloom_passes: Count of downsampled passes (framebuffers) to blend on final bloom image, default is 5.
  • r_bloom_blend_base: 0-based, topmost downsampled framebuffer to use for final image, high values can be used for stronger haze effect, results in overall weaker intensity.
  • r_bloom_modulate: Modulate extracted color:\n 0: off (color = color, i.e. no changes)\n 1: by itself (color = color * color)\n 2: by intensity (color = color * luma(color))"
  • r_bloom_filter_size: Filter size of Gaussian Blur effect for each pass, bigger filter size means stronger and wider blur, lower values are faster, default is 6.
  • r_bloom_reflection: Bloom lens reflection effect, value is an intensity factor of the effect, negative value means blend only reflection and skip main bloom texture.
  • r_dlightBacks: Whether or not dynamic lights should light up back-face culled geometry, affects only VQ3 dynamic lights.
  • r_finish: Force a glFinish call after rendering a scene.
  • r_textureMode: Texture interpolation mode:\n GL_NEAREST: Nearest neighbor interpolation and will therefore appear similar to Quake II except with the added colored lighting\n GL_LINEAR: Linear interpolation and will appear to blend in objects that are closer than the resolution that the textures are set as\n GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Nearest neighbor interpolation with mipmapping for bilinear hardware, mipmapping will blend objects that are farther away than the resolution that they are set as\n GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Linear interpolation with mipmapping for bilinear hardware\n GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Nearest neighbor interpolation with mipmapping for trilinear hardware\n GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Linear interpolation with mipmapping for trilinear hardware"
  • r_gamma: Gamma correction factor.
  • r_facePlaneCull: Enables culling of planar surfaces with back side test.
  • r_railWidth: Radius of railgun trails.
  • r_railCoreWidth: Size of railgun trail rings when enabled in game code (normally \cg_oldRail 0).
  • r_railSegmentLength: Length of segments in railgun trails.
  • r_ambientScale: Light grid ambient light scaling on entity models.
  • r_directedScale: Light grid direct light scaling on entity models.
  • r_anaglyphMode: Enable rendering of anaglyph images. Valid options for 3D glasses types:\n 0: Disabled\n 1: Red-cyan\n 2: Red-blue\n 3: Red-green\n 4: Green-magenta"
  • r_greyscale: Desaturate rendered frame, requires \r_fbo 1.
  • r_showImages: Draw all images currently loaded into memory:\n 0: Disabled\n 1: Show images set to uniform size\n 2: Show images with scaled relative to largest image"
  • r_debugLight: Debugging tool to print ambient and directed lighting information.
  • r_debugSort: Debugging tool to filter out shaders with depth sorting order values higher than the set value.
  • r_printShaders: Debugging tool to print on console of the number of shaders used.
  • r_nocurves: Set to 1 to disable drawing world bezier curves. Set to 0 to enable.
  • r_drawworld: Set to 0 to disable drawing the world. Set to 1 to enable.
  • r_lightmap: Show only lightmaps on all world surfaces.
  • r_portalOnly: Set to 1 to render only first mirror/portal view if it is present on the scene.
  • r_flareSize: Radius of light flares. Requires \r_flares 1.
  • r_flareFade: Distance to fade out light flares. Requires \r_flares 1.
  • r_flareCoeff: Coefficient for the light flare intensity falloff function. Requires \r_flares 1.
  • r_skipBackEnd: Skips loading rendering backend.
  • r_lodscale: Set scale for level of detail adjustment.
  • r_norefresh: Bypasses refreshing of the rendered scene.
  • r_drawentities: Draw all world entities.
  • r_nocull: Draw all culled objects.
  • r_novis: Disables usage of PVS.
  • r_showcluster: Shows current cluster index.
  • r_speeds: Prints out various debugging stats from PVS:\n 0: Disabled\n 1: Backend BSP\n 2: Frontend grid culling\n 3: Current view cluster index\n 4: Dynamic lighting\n 5: zFar clipping\n 6: Flares"
  • r_debugSurface: Backend visual debugging tool for bezier mesh surfaces.
  • r_nobind: Backend debugging tool: Disables texture binding.
  • r_showtris: Debugging tool: Wireframe rendering of polygon triangles in the world.
  • r_showsky: Forces sky in front of all surfaces.
  • r_shownormals: Debugging tool: Show wireframe surface normals.
  • r_clear: Forces screen buffer clearing every frame, removing any hall of mirrors effect in void.\n Use \r_clearColor to set color.
  • r_offsetFactor: Offset factor for shaders with polygonOffset stages.
  • r_offsetUnits: Offset units for shaders with polygonOffset stages.
  • r_drawBuffer: Sets which frame buffer to draw into.
  • r_lockpvs: Debugging tool: Locks to current potentially visible set. Useful for testing vis-culling in maps.
  • r_noportals: Disables in-game portals, valid values: 0: Portals enabled\n 1: Portals disabled\n 2: Portals and mirrors disabled"
  • r_marksOnTriangleMeshes: Enables impact marks on triangle mesh surfaces (ie: MD3 models.) Requires impact marks to be enabled in the game code.
  • r_aviMotionJpegQuality: Controls quality of Jpeg video capture when \cl_aviMotionJpeg 1.
  • r_screenshotJpegQuality: Controls quality of Jpeg screenshots when using screenshotJpeg.
  • r_allowExtensions: Use all of the OpenGL extensions your card is capable of.
  • r_ext_compressed_textures: Enables texture compression.
  • r_ext_multitexture: Enables hardware multi-texturing (0: off, 1: on).
  • r_ext_compiled_vertex_array: Enables hardware-compiled vertex array rendering method.
  • r_ext_texture_env_add: Enables additive blending in multitexturing. Requires \r_ext_multitexture 1.
  • r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic: Allow anisotropic filtering.
  • r_ext_max_anisotropy: Sets maximum anisotropic level for your graphics driver. Requires \r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic.
  • r_stencilbits: Stencil buffer size, value decreases Z-buffer depth.
  • r_flares: Enables corona effects on light sources.
  • r_fbo: Use framebuffer objects, enables gamma correction in windowed mode and allows arbitrary video size and screenshot/video capture.\n Required for bloom, HDR rendering, anti-aliasing and greyscale effects.\n OpenGL 3.0+ required.
  • r_ext_supersample: Super-sample anti-aliasing, requires \r_fbo 1.
  • r_renderWidth: Video width to render to when \r_renderScale > 0.
  • r_renderHeight: Video height to render to when \r_renderScale > 0.
  • r_ext_alpha_to_coverage: Enables alpha-to-coverage multisampling, requires \r_fbo 1.
  • r_stereoEnabled: Enable stereo rendering for techniques like shutter glasses.
  • in_nograb: Do not capture mouse in game, may be useful during online streaming.
  • in_availableJoysticks: List of available joysticks.
  • in_joystickNo: Select which joystick to use.
  • in_joystickUseAnalog: Do not translate joystick axis events to keyboard commands.
  • in_keyboardDebug: Print keyboard debug info.
  • in_joystick: Whether or not joystick support is on.
  • in_joystickThreshold: Threshold of joystick moving distance.
  • j_pitch: Joystick pitch rotation speed/direction.
  • j_yaw: Joystick yaw rotation speed/direction.
  • j_forward: Joystick forward movement speed/direction.
  • j_side: Joystick side movement speed/direction.
  • j_up: Joystick up movement speed/direction.
  • j_pitch_axis: Selects which joystick axis controls pitch.
  • j_yaw_axis: Selects which joystick axis controls yaw.
  • j_forward_axis: Selects which joystick axis controls forward/back.
  • j_side_axis: Selects which joystick axis controls left/right.
  • j_up_axis: Selects which joystick axis controls up/down.
  • cl_consoleKeys: Space delimited list of key names or characters that toggle the console.
  • s_sdlBits: Bits per-sample to request for SDL audio output (possible options: 8 or 16). When set to 0 it uses 16.
  • s_sdlChannels: Number of audio channels to request for SDL audio output. The Quake 3 audio mixer only supports mono and stereo. Additional channels are silent.
  • s_sdlDevSamps: Number of audio samples to provide to the SDL audio output device. When set to 0 it picks a value based on s_sdlSpeed.
  • s_sdlMixSamps: Number of audio samples for Quake 3's audio mixer when using SDL audio output.
  • s_sdlCapture: Set to 1 to enable SDL audio capture.
  • sv_gametype: Set the gametype to mod.
  • sv_mapname: Display the name of the current map being used on a server.
  • sv_privateClients: The number of spots, out of sv_maxclients, reserved for players with the server password (sv_privatePassword).
  • sv_hostname: Sets the name of the server.
  • sv_maxclients: Maximum number of people allowed to join the server dedicated server memory optimizations.
  • sv_clientTLD: Client country detection code.
  • sv_minRate: Minimum server bandwidth (in bit per second) a client can use.
  • sv_maxRate: Maximum server bandwidth (in bit per second) a client can use.
  • sv_dlRate: Bandwidth allotted to PK3 file downloads via UDP, in kbyte/s.
  • sv_floodProtect: Toggle server flood protection to keep players from bringing the server down.
  • sv_pure: Requires clients to only get data from pk3 files the server is using.
  • sv_referencedPakNames: Variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the server loaded data from.
  • sv_rconPassword: Password for remote server commands.
  • sv_privatePassword: Set password for private clients to login with.
  • sv_fps: Set the max frames per second the server sends the client.
  • sv_allowDownload: Toggle the ability for clients to download files maps etc. from server.
  • sv_reconnectlimit: Number of seconds a disconnected client should wait before next reconnect.
  • sv_padPackets: Adds padding bytes to network packets for rate debugging.
  • sv_killserver: Internal flag to manage server state.
  • sv_mapChecksum: Allows check for client server map to match.
  • sv_lanForceRate: Forces LAN clients to the maximum rate instead of accepting client setting.
  • sv_banFile: Name of the file that is used for storing the server bans.
  • sv_filter: Cvar that point on filter file, if it is "" then filtering will be disabled.
  • in_subframe: Toggle X sub-frame event handling.
  • in_dgamouse: DGA Mouse support.
  • sndbits: Bit resolution.
  • sndchannels: Number of channels.
  • r_maskMinidriver: If set to 1, then a mini driver will be treated as a normal ICD.
  • r_stereoEnabled: Enable stereo rendering for techniques like shutter glasses.
  • r_verbose: Turns on additional startup information when renderer is starting up.
  • in_midiport: Toggle the use of a midi port as an input device.
  • in_midichannel: Toggle the use of a midi channel as an input device.
  • in_mididevice: Toggle the use of a midi device as an input device.
  • in_joyBallScale: Sets the scale of a joyball rotation to player model rotation.
  • in_logitechbug: Toggle the use of special code in the game that addresses a bug in the logitech mouse driver software.
  • in_minimize: Hotkey for minimize/restore main window.
  • in_forceCharset: Try to translate non-ASCII chars in keyboard input or force EN/US keyboard layout.
  • cl_activeAction: Contents of this variable will be executed upon first frame of play.\nNote: It is cleared every time it is executed.
  • cl_lanForcePackets: Bypass \cl_maxpackets for LAN games, send packets every frame.
  • sv_levelTimeReset: Whether or not to reset leveltime after new map loads.
  • joy_threshold: Threshold of joystick moving distance.
  • ttycon: Enable access to input/output console terminal.
  • ttycon_ansicolor: Convert in-game color codes to ANSI color codes in console terminal.

No description found (TODO):

  • cl_reconnectArgs
  • s_mixOffset
  • com_noErrorInterrupt
  • com_cameraMode
  • sv_paused
  • fs_steampath
  • r_dlightSaturation
  • r_saveFontData
  • r_shadows
  • r_ignore
  • r_measureOverdraw
  • sv_serverid
  • in_shiftedKeys
  • in_joystickDebug
  • sndspeed
  • snddevice
  • in_midi
  • in_debugJoystick
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ghost commented Oct 23, 2022

23.10.2022 - EDIT: list edited to represent latest changes to some descriptions (ec-): f3c7c3e
24.10.2022 - EDIT: list edited to represent latest changes to some descriptions (default case - ensiform): 10c975a
30.10.2022 - EDIT: list edited to represent latest changes to some descriptions (cl_nodelta - ensiform): 6fe4ff1
02.11.2022 - EDIT: list edited to represent latest changes to some descriptions (ensiform - ztm - ec-): fb9f727 726c1eb
28.04.2022 - EDIT: list edited to represent latest changes to some descriptions.
01.08.2023 - EDIT: list edited to represent recent changes (Calinou): 8bfb53f

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ghost commented Oct 23, 2022

@ec No description for sv_gametype? Please talk to @ensiform

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sv_gametype isn't a cvar anywhere in the code. You must be careful to avoid looking at the code variable names and look at the string name 🥲

cvar_t *blah = Cvar_Get("g_gametype"....) is still just g_gametype

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Should avoid including the default values in the description strings as the default value is displayed with the current value when looking up the help text.

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ghost commented Oct 23, 2022

Good point! Saved! I'll wait a bit, just in case you find more points, or ec will change ...

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ec- commented Oct 24, 2022

Fixed all know issues at this moment

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ghost commented Oct 24, 2022

Thank you so much @ec. I will leave the issue open for a while, if that is okay to you. Just in case other people want to complain/make suggestions etc. Though, feel free to close it, if this is better for you.

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ec- commented Oct 24, 2022

LMAO, why are you keep referencing wrong person (ec but not ec-) ?

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ghost commented Oct 24, 2022

@ec- OMG 🤦‍♂️

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ensiform commented Oct 26, 2022


You may wish to check through the following:

There may also be some which were not included in this commit that I already wrote in, in surrounding code blocks too.

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ghost commented Oct 30, 2022

Thanks for the tip and thanks for fixing the cl_nodelta description! I'm currently doing a new PR with descriptions that you pointed out (ETe).

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