diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 36311834..f8201a5a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Athena is a tool to generate coverage statistics for NGS data, and combine these
Dependencies may be installed from the requirements.txt file using ```pip install -r requirements.txt```.
This should contains all the required python packages required to generate coverage statistics and reports.
-For optional calculating of variant coverage from VCFs, [BEDtools][bedtools-url] is also required to be installed.
+In addition, [BEDtools][bedtools-url] is also required to be installed and on path.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.4 and macOS 10.15.4
@@ -22,35 +22,52 @@ Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.4 and macOS 10.15.4
It is written to take in per base coverage data (as output from tools such as [mosdepth][mosdepth-url]) as input to calculate coverage for target regions defined in a bed file.
The general workflow for generating the statistics and report is as follows:
-- Annotate each region of the bed file with the gene, exon and per base coverage data using `annotate_bed.sh`
+- Annotate each region of the bed file with the gene, exon and per base coverage data using `annotate_bed.py`
- Generate per exon and per gene statistics using `coverage_stats_single.py`
- Generate HTML coverage report with `coverage_report_single.py`
For DNAnexus cloud platform users, an Athena [dx applet][dx-url] has also been built.
+### Expected file formats
+As a minimum, Athena requires 3 input files. These are a bed file for the gene panel, a file of transcript information and the output of your coverage tool (mosdepth, samtools etc.). These files MUST have the following columns:
+- panel bed file: `chromosome start end transcript`
+- transcript file: `chromosome start end gene transcript exon`
+- coverage file: `chromosome start end coverage`
+n.b. the process for creating the transcript file may be found [here][transcript-file-url].
### Annotating BED file
-The BED file containing regions of interest is first required to be annotated with gene, exon and coverage information prior to analysis. This may be done using [BEDtools intersect][bedtools-intersect-url], with a file containing transcript to gene and exon information, and then the per base coverage data.
+The BED file containing regions of interest is first required to be annotated with gene, exon and coverage information prior to analysis. This may be done using [BEDtools intersect][bedtools-intersect-url], with a file containing transcript to gene and exon information, and then the per base coverage data. Currently, 100% overlap is required between coordinates in the panel bed file and the transcript annotation file, therefore you must ensure any added flank regions etc. are the same.
-Included is a Bash script (`annotate_bed.sh`) to perform the required BED file annotation.
+Included is a Python script (`annotate_bed.py`) to perform the required BED file annotation.
Expected inputs:
--i : Input panel bed file; must have ONLY the following 4 columns chromosome, start position, end position, gene/transcript.
--g : Exons nirvana file, contains required gene and exon information.
--b : Per base coverage file (output from mosdepth or similar).
+-p / --panel_bed : Input panel bed file; must have ONLY the following 4 columns chromosome, start position, end position, gene/transcript
+-t / --transcript_file : Transcript annotation file, contains required gene and exon information. Must have ONLY the following 6 columns:
+chromosome, start, end, gene, transcript, exon
+-c / --coverage_file : Per base coverage file (output from mosdepth or similar)
+-s / -chunk_size : (optional) nrows to split per-base coverage file for intersecting, with <16GB RAM can lead to bedtools intersect failing. Reccomended values: 16GB RAM -> 20000000; 8GB RAM -> 10000000
+-n / --output_name : (optional) Prefix for naming output file, if not given will use name from per base coverage file
Example usage:
-$ annotate_bed.sh -i panel_bed_file.bed -g exons_nirvana -b {input_file}.per_base.bed
+$ annotate_bed.py -p panel_bed_file.bed -t transcript_file.tsv -c {input_file}.per_base.bed
This wraps the bedtools intersect commands below. These commands are given as an example, the output file column ordering must match that given in /data/example example_annotated_bed for calculating coverage statistics:
-$ bedtools intersect -a beds/sorted_bed_file.bed -b beds/exons_nirvana2010_no_PAR_Y_noflank.bed -wa -wb | awk 'OFS="\t" {if ($4 == $9) print}' | cut -f 1,2,3,8,9,10 > sample1_genes_exons.bed
+$ bedtools intersect -a beds/sorted_bed_file.bed -b beds/exons_nirvana2010_no_PAR_Y_noflank.bed -wa -wb -f 1.0 -r | awk 'OFS="\t" {if ($4 == $9) print}' | cut -f 1,2,3,8,9,10 > sample1_genes_exons.bed
- sorted_bed_file.bed -- bed file defining regions of interest (columns: chromosome, start, end, transcript)
- exons_nirvana2010_no_PAR_Y.bed -- a bed file containing transcript -> exon and gene information
@@ -108,13 +125,6 @@ $ python3 bin/coverage_report_single.py --gene_stats output/sample1-exon-coverag
-### For development
-Features to be developed:
-- Generate run level statistics from multiple samples
-- Generate run level report from multiple samples
-- Add interactive elements to tables to increase useability (i.e sorting, filtering, searching)
Any bugs or suggestions for improvements please raise an issue.
@@ -130,3 +140,4 @@ Any bugs or suggestions for improvements please raise an issue.
[mosdepth-url]: https://github.com/brentp/mosdepth
[dx-url]: https://github.com/eastgenomics/eggd_athena
+[transcript-file-url]: https://cuhbioinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/P/pages/2241101840/Generating+transcripts+file+for+Athena
diff --git a/bin/annotate_bed.py b/bin/annotate_bed.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39f5af3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/annotate_bed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+Script to annotate a panel bed file with transcript information and per
+base coverage data.
+Requires: bedtools
+Jethro Rainford
+import argparse
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+from pathlib import Path
+import pybedtools as bedtools
+from load_data import loadData
+class annotateBed():
+ def add_transcript_info(self, panel_bed, transcript_info_df):
+ """
+ Use pybedtools to annotate panel bed file with coverage data
+ Args:
+ - panel_bed (df): panel bed file regions df
+ - transcript_info_df (df): transcript info file df
+ Returns:
+ - bed_w_transcript (df): panel bed file with transcript information
+ """
+ print("calling bedtools to add transcript info")
+ # get total number of transcripts before to ensure none are dropped
+ panel_transcripts = panel_bed.transcript.unique().tolist()
+ # turn dfs into BedTools objects
+ bed = bedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(panel_bed)
+ transcript_info = bedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(transcript_info_df)
+ # intersecting panel bed file with transcript/gene/exon information
+ # requires 100% overlap on panel -> transcript coordinates
+ bed_w_transcript = bed.intersect(
+ transcript_info, wa=True, wb=True, F=1.0
+ )
+ # convert pybedtools object to df
+ bed_w_transcript = bed_w_transcript.to_dataframe(names=[
+ "p_chrom", "p_start", "p_end", "p_transcript",
+ "t_chrom", "t_start", "t_end", "t_gene", "t_transcript", "t_exon"
+ ])
+ # check for empty file
+ assert len(bed_w_transcript.index) > 0, """Empty file returned from
+ intersecting panel bed and transcript file. Check if flanks are
+ being used as 100% coordinate overlap is currently required."""
+ # panel bed file defines transcript to use, filter transcript file for
+ # just those transcripts
+ bed_w_transcript = bed_w_transcript[
+ bed_w_transcript["p_transcript"] == bed_w_transcript["t_transcript"]
+ ]
+ # drop duplicate columns
+ bed_w_transcript = bed_w_transcript.drop(columns=[
+ 't_chrom', 't_start', 't_end', 'p_transcript'
+ ])
+ intersect_transcripts = bed_w_transcript.t_transcript.unique().tolist()
+ # ensure no transcripts dropped from panel due to missing from
+ # transcripts file
+ assert len(panel_transcripts) == len(intersect_transcripts), (
+ f"Transcript(s) dropped from panel during intersecting with "
+ f"transcript file. Total before {len(panel_transcripts)}. Total "
+ f"after {len(intersect_transcripts)}. Dropped transcripts: "
+ f"{set(panel_transcripts) - set(intersect_transcripts)}"
+ )
+ return bed_w_transcript
+ def add_coverage(self, bed_w_transcript, coverage_df, chunks=False):
+ """
+ Use pybedtools to add coverage bin data to selected panel regions
+ Args:
+ - bed_w_transcript (df): panel bed file with transcript information
+ - coverage_df (df / list): coverage bin data df / list of dfs if
+ chunks value passed
+ Returns:
+ - bed_w_coverage (df): panel bed with transcript and coverage info
+ """
+ print("calling bedtools to add coverage info")
+ # turn dfs into BedTools objects
+ bed_w_transcript = bedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(bed_w_transcript)
+ col_names = [
+ "t_chrom", "t_start", "t_end", "t_gene", "t_transcript", "t_exon",
+ "c_chrom", "cov_start", "cov_end", "cov"
+ ]
+ if not chunks:
+ # per-base coverage all in one df
+ coverage_df = bedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(coverage_df)
+ bed_w_coverage = bed_w_transcript.intersect(
+ coverage_df, wa=True, wb=True
+ )
+ bed_w_coverage = bed_w_coverage.to_dataframe(names=col_names)
+ else:
+ # coverage data in chunks, loop over each df and intersect
+ bed_w_coverage = pd.DataFrame(columns=col_names)
+ for num, df in enumerate(coverage_df):
+ print(f"intersecting {num + 1}/{len(coverage_df)} coverage chunks")
+ # read each to bedtools object, intersect and add back to df
+ chunk_df = bedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(df)
+ bed_w_coverage_chunk = bed_w_transcript.intersect(
+ chunk_df, wa=True, wb=True
+ )
+ bed_w_coverage_chunk = bed_w_coverage_chunk.to_dataframe(
+ names=col_names
+ )
+ bed_w_coverage = pd.concat(
+ [bed_w_coverage, bed_w_coverage_chunk],
+ ignore_index=True
+ )
+ # check again for empty output of bedtools, can happen due to memory
+ # maxing out and doesn't seem to raise an exception...
+ assert len(bed_w_coverage) > 0, """Error intersecting with coverage
+ data, empty file generated. Is this the correct coverage data for
+ the panel used? bedtools may also have reached memory limit and
+ died, try re-running with --chunk_size 1000000"""
+ # drop duplicate chromosome col and rename
+ bed_w_coverage.drop(columns=["c_chrom"], inplace=True)
+ bed_w_coverage.columns = [
+ "chrom", "exon_start", "exon_end", "gene", "tx", "exon",
+ "cov_start", "cov_end", "cov"
+ ]
+ return bed_w_coverage
+def write_file(bed_w_coverage, outfile):
+ """
+ Write annotated bed to file
+ Args:
+ - bed_w_coverage (df): bed file with transcript and coverage info
+ - output_prefix (str): prefix for naming output file
+ Outputs: annotated_bed.tsv
+ """
+ # tiny function but want this separate for writing a wrapper script later
+ bed_w_coverage.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", header=False, index=False)
+ print(f"annotated bed file written to {outfile}")
+def parse_args():
+ """
+ Parse cmd line arguments
+ Args: None
+ Returns:
+ - args (arguments): args passed from cmd line
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Annotate panel bed file with transcript & coverage data.'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--panel_bed', '-p',
+ help='panel bed file'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--transcript_file', '-t',
+ help='file with gene and exon information'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--coverage_file', '-c',
+ help='per base coverage data file'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--chunk_size', '-s', type=int,
+ help='number lines to read per-base coverage file in one go'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--output_name', '-n',
+ help='name preifx for output file, if none will use coverage file'
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ return args
+def main():
+ annotate = annotateBed()
+ load = loadData() # class of functions for reading in data
+ args = parse_args()
+ if not args.output_name:
+ # output name not defined, use sample identifier from coverage file
+ args.output_name = Path(args.coverage_file).name.split('_')[0]
+ # set dir for writing to
+ bin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ out_dir = os.path.join(bin_dir, "../output/")
+ outfile_name = f"{args.output_name}_annotated.bed"
+ outfile = os.path.join(out_dir, outfile_name)
+ # read in files
+ panel_bed_df = load.read_panel_bed(args.panel_bed)
+ transcript_info_df = load.read_transcript_info(args.transcript_file)
+ pb_coverage_df = load.read_coverage_data(
+ args.coverage_file, args.chunk_size
+ )
+ # add transcript info
+ bed_w_transcript = annotate.add_transcript_info(
+ panel_bed_df, transcript_info_df
+ )
+ # add coverage
+ if args.chunk_size:
+ # per-base coverage split to multiple dfs to limit memory usage
+ bed_w_coverage = annotate.add_coverage(
+ bed_w_transcript, pb_coverage_df, chunks=True
+ )
+ else:
+ bed_w_coverage = annotate.add_coverage(
+ bed_w_transcript, pb_coverage_df, chunks=False
+ )
+ # sense check generated file isn't empty, should be caught earlier
+ assert len(bed_w_coverage.index) > 0, (
+ 'An error has occured: annotated bed file is empty. This is likely ',
+ 'due to an error in regions defined in bed file (i.e. different ',
+ 'transcripts to those in the transcripts file). Start debugging by ',
+ 'intersecting files manually...'
+ )
+ write_file(bed_w_coverage, outfile)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/bin/annotate_bed.sh b/bin/annotate_bed.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 08fdb160..00000000
--- a/bin/annotate_bed.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- # Display Help
- echo "
- This script may be used to perform bedtools intersect commands to generate the required annotated bed file
- for generating single sample coverage statistics."
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo ""
- echo "-i Input panel bed file; must have columns chromosome, start position, end position, transcript."
- echo "-g Exons nirvana file, contains required gene and exon information."
- echo "-b Per base coverage file (output from mosdepth or similar)."
- echo "-h Print this Help."
- echo ""
-# display help message on -h
-while getopts ":i:g:b:h" option; do
- case $option in
- i) input_bed="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- g) gene_file="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- b) bp_coverage="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- h) # display Help
- Help
- exit 1
- ;;
- \?) # incorrect option
- echo "Error: Invalid option, please see usage below."
- Help
- exit
- ;;
- \*) # incorrect option
- ;;
- esac
-# check for missing args
-if [ -z $input_bed ] ||
- [ -z $gene_file ] ||
- [ -z $bp_coverage ]; then
- echo "Error: Missing arguments, please see usage below."
- Help
- exit 0
-# check for empty and non existent input files
-for file in $input_bed $gene_file $bp_coverage; do
- [ ! -s $file ] && echo "$file does not exist or is empty. Exiting." && exit;
-# name outfile from mosdepth coverage file
-outfile=$(basename $bp_coverage)
-# add gene and exon annotation to panel bed file from exons nirvana tsv
-bedtools intersect -f 1.0 -r -a $input_bed -b $gene_file -wa -wb | awk 'OFS="\t" {if ($4 == $9) print}' | cut -f 1,2,3,8,9,10 > ${tmp}.txt
-# add coverage annotation from per base coverage bed file
-bedtools intersect -wa -wb -a $tmp.txt -b $bp_coverage | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 > $outfile
-echo "Done. Output file: " $outfile
diff --git a/bin/coverage_report_single.py b/bin/coverage_report_single.py
index 463a9f10..fccd95d6 100644
--- a/bin/coverage_report_single.py
+++ b/bin/coverage_report_single.py
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ def img2str(self, plt):
- img (str): HTML formatted string of plot
buffer = BytesIO()
- plt.savefig(buffer, format='png')
+ plt.savefig(buffer, format='png', dpi=65, transparent=True)
image_png = buffer.getvalue()
graphic = base64.b64encode(image_png)
data_uri = graphic.decode('utf-8')
- img_tag = " ".format(
- data_uri
+ img_tag = (
+ f" "
return img_tag
@@ -66,36 +66,27 @@ def img2str(self, plt):
def low_exon_plot(self, low_raw_cov):
- Plot bp coverage of exon, used for those where coverage is given
- threshold
+ Generate array of low exon plot values to pass into report
- low_raw_cov (df): df of raw coverage for exons with low
- - threshold (int): defined threshold level (default: 20)
- - fig (figure): plots of low coverage regions
+ - low_exon_plots (str): list of plot values in div tags
- print("Generating plots of low covered regions")
+ if len(low_raw_cov.index) == 0:
+ # empty df passed, likely from difference in total cores and plots
+ return
# get list of tuples of genes and exons to define plots
genes = low_raw_cov.drop_duplicates(
["gene", "exon"])[["gene", "exon"]].values.tolist()
genes = [tuple(exon) for exon in genes]
- if len(genes) == 0:
- # everything above threshold, don't generate plots
- fig = "All regions in panel above threshold, no plots\
- to show. "
- return fig
# sort list of genes/exons by gene and exon
genes = sorted(genes, key=lambda element: (element[0], element[1]))
- plot_titles = [str(x[0]) + " exon: " + str(int(x[1])) for x in genes]
low_raw_cov["exon_len"] =\
low_raw_cov["exon_end"] - low_raw_cov["exon_start"]
@@ -103,31 +94,9 @@ def low_exon_plot(self, low_raw_cov):
low_raw_cov["cov_end"] + low_raw_cov["cov_start"]) / 2
- # set no. rows to no. of plots / no of columns to define grid
- columns = 4
- rows = math.ceil(len(genes) / 4)
- # variable height depeendent on no. of plots
- v_space = (1 / rows) * 0.25
- # define grid to add plots to
- fig = make_subplots(
- rows=rows, cols=columns, print_grid=False,
- horizontal_spacing=0.04, vertical_spacing=v_space,
- subplot_titles=plot_titles
- )
- # counter for grid
- row_no = 1
- col_no = 1
+ low_exon_plots = [] # array to add string data of plots to
for gene in genes:
- # make plot for each gene / exon
- if row_no // 5 == 1:
- # counter for grid, gets to 5th entry & starts new row
- col_no += 1
- row_no = 1
# get rows for current gene and exon
exon_cov = low_raw_cov.loc[(
low_raw_cov["gene"] == gene[0]
@@ -165,59 +134,23 @@ def low_exon_plot(self, low_raw_cov):
pos_row, ignore_index=True
- # build list of first and last point for threshold line
- xval = [x for x in range(
- exon_cov_unbinned["cov_start"].iloc[0],
- exon_cov_unbinned["cov_end"].iloc[-1]
- )]
- xval = xval[::len(xval) - 1]
- yval = [self.threshold] * 2
- # info field for hovering on plot line
- label = 'position: %{x} coverage: %{y} '
- # generate plot and threshold line to display
- if sum(exon_cov_unbinned["cov"]) != 0:
- plot = go.Scatter(
- x=exon_cov_unbinned["cov_start"], y=exon_cov_unbinned["cov"],
- mode="lines",
- hovertemplate=label
- )
- else:
- # if any plots have no coverage, just display empty plot
- # very hacky way by making data point transparent but
- # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- plot = go.Scatter(
- x=exon_cov_unbinned["cov_start"], y=exon_cov_unbinned["cov"],
- mode="markers", marker={"opacity": 0}
- )
- threshold_line = go.Scatter(
- x=xval, y=yval, hoverinfo='skip', mode="lines",
- line=dict(color='rgb(205, 12, 24)', width=1)
- )
+ if sum(exon_cov_unbinned["cov"]) == 0:
+ continue
- # add to subplot grid
- fig.add_trace(plot, col_no, row_no)
- fig.add_trace(threshold_line, col_no, row_no)
+ # build div str of plot data to pass to template
+ x_vals = str(exon_cov_unbinned['cov_start'].tolist()).strip('[]')
+ y_vals = str(exon_cov_unbinned['cov'].tolist()).strip('[]')
+ title = f"{gene[0]} exon {gene[1]}"
- row_no = row_no + 1
+ gene_data = (
+ f"""'
+ )
- # set height of grid by no. rows and scale value of 325
- height = (rows * 300) + 150
+ low_exon_plots.append(gene_data)
- # update plot formatting
- fig.update_xaxes(nticks=3, ticks="", showgrid=True, tickformat=',d')
- fig.update_yaxes(title='coverage', title_standoff=0)
- fig.update_xaxes(title='exon position', color='#FFFFFF')
- fig["layout"].update(
- height=height, showlegend=False, margin=dict(l=50, r=0)
- )
+ low_exon_plots = ','.join(low_exon_plots)
- # write plots to html string
- fig = fig.to_html(full_html=False)
- return fig
+ return low_exon_plots
def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
@@ -230,7 +163,7 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
- threshold (int): defined threshold level (default: 20)
- - all-plots (figure): grid of all full gene- exon plots
+ - all-plots (str): str of lists of all plots with gene symbol
all_plots = ""
@@ -253,7 +186,7 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
# make subplot grid size of no. of exons, height variable
# splits large genes to several rows and maintains height
- height = math.ceil(len(exons) / 30) * 4
+ height = math.ceil(len(exons) / 30) * 4.5
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, height))
# generate grid with space for each exon
@@ -272,7 +205,7 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
axs = axs.flatten()
- fig.suptitle(gene, fontweight="bold")
+ fig.suptitle(gene, fontweight="bold", fontsize=14)
count = 0
for exon in exons:
@@ -311,7 +244,7 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
# threshold line
[0, 100], [self.threshold_val, self.threshold_val],
- color='red', linestyle='-', linewidth=2
+ color='red', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, rasterized=True
@@ -323,16 +256,21 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
[exon_cov["exon_start"], exon_cov["exon_end"]],
[self.threshold_val, self.threshold_val], color='red',
- linestyle='-', linewidth=1
+ linestyle='-', linewidth=1, rasterized=True
# add labels
xlab = str(
exon_cov["exon_end"].iloc[0] -
- ) + "\nbp"
+ ) + " bp"
+ if len(exons) > 20:
+ # drop bp to new line for better spacing
+ xlab = xlab.replace("bp", "\nbp")
- axs[count].set_xlabel(xlab)
+ axs[count].set_xlabel(xlab, fontsize=13)
count += 1
@@ -340,6 +278,7 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
for i in range(column_no * rows):
if i in [x * column_no for x in range(rows)]:
# first plot of line, keep ticks and labels
+ axs[i].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12)
@@ -352,11 +291,15 @@ def all_gene_plots(self, raw_coverage):
plt.ylim(bottom=0, top=ymax)
# remove outer white margins
- fig.tight_layout(h_pad=1.2)
+ fig.tight_layout(h_pad=1.4)
# convert plot png to html string and append to one string
img = self.img2str(plt)
- all_plots += img + " "
+ # add img to str list with gene symbol for filtering in table
+ # expects to be a string of lists to write in report
+ img_str = f'["{gene}", "{img}" ], '
+ all_plots += img_str
@@ -404,6 +347,7 @@ def summary_gene_plot(self, cov_summary):
genes100pct = len(summary_data.iloc[:-100])
summary_data = summary_data.iloc[-100:]
+ # generate the plot
[int(x) for x in summary_data[self.threshold]],
@@ -411,8 +355,8 @@ def summary_gene_plot(self, cov_summary):
if genes100pct is not None:
- genes100pct = str(genes100pct)
# more than 100 genes, add title inc. 100% covered not shown
+ genes100pct = str(genes100pct)
r"$\bf{" + genes100pct + "}$" + " genes covered 100% at " +
r"$\bf{" + self.threshold + "}$" +
@@ -427,7 +371,7 @@ def summary_gene_plot(self, cov_summary):
plt.text(1.005, 0.91, '95%', transform=axs.transAxes)
# plot formatting
- axs.tick_params(labelsize=6, length=0)
+ axs.tick_params(labelsize=8, length=0)
plt.xticks(rotation=55, color="#565656")
# adjust whole plot margins
@@ -446,13 +390,34 @@ def summary_gene_plot(self, cov_summary):
handles=[green, orange, red], loc='upper center',
- bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1),
- fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=12, fontsize=12
+ bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.18),
+ fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=12, fontsize=14
vals = np.arange(0, 110, 10).tolist()
plt.yticks(vals, vals)
- axs.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8)
+ if len(summary_data.index) > 250:
+ # x axis label overlap on lots of genes => skip every third
+ # shouldn't be a huge amount more than this to stop overlap
+ axs.set_xticks(axs.get_xticks()[::3])
+ axs.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
+ plt.figtext(
+ 0.5, 0.1,
+ "Some gene labels are not shown due to high number of genes",
+ ha="center", fontsize=12
+ )
+ elif len(summary_data.index) > 125:
+ # x axis label overlap on lots of genes => skip every second
+ axs.set_xticks(axs.get_xticks()[::2])
+ axs.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
+ plt.figtext(
+ 0.5, 0.1,
+ "Some gene labels are not shown due to high number of genes",
+ ha="center", fontsize=12
+ )
+ else:
+ axs.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
plt.ylabel("% coverage ({})".format(self.threshold), fontsize=11)
@@ -471,7 +436,10 @@ def summary_gene_plot(self, cov_summary):
class styleTables():
"""Functions for styling tables for displaying in report"""
- def __init__(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, threshold, threshold_cols, vals):
+ def __init__(
+ self, cov_stats: pd.DataFrame, cov_summary: pd.DataFrame,
+ threshold: str, threshold_cols: list, vals: list
+ ) -> None:
self.cov_stats = cov_stats
self.cov_summary = cov_summary
self.threshold = threshold
@@ -496,13 +464,9 @@ def style_sub_threshold(self):
Styling of sub threshold stats df for displaying in report
- Args:
- - cov_stats (df): df of per exon coverage stats
- - threshold (str): low coverage threshold value
- - threshold_cols (list): threshold values for coverage
- - sub_threshold_stats (str): HTML formatted str of cov stats
- table
+ - sub_threshold_stats (list): list of sub threshold coverage stats
+ - low_exon_columns (list): list of column headers for report
- gene_issues (int): total number of genes under threshold
- exon_issues (int): total number of exons under threshold
@@ -510,22 +474,26 @@ def style_sub_threshold(self):
"gene", "tx", "chrom", "exon", "exon_len", "exon_start",
"exon_end", "min", "mean", "max"
+ dtypes = {
+ 'gene': str, 'tx': str, 'chrom': str, 'exon': int, 'exon_len': int,
+ 'exon_start': int, 'exon_end': int, 'min': int, 'mean': float,
+ 'max': int
+ }
+ for col in self.threshold_cols:
+ # add dtype for threshold columns
+ dtypes[col] = float
sub_threshold = pd.DataFrame(columns=column)
+ sub_threshold.astype(dtype=dtypes)
# get all exons with <100% coverage at threshold
for i, row in self.cov_stats.iterrows():
if int(row[self.threshold]) < 100:
sub_threshold = sub_threshold.append(row, ignore_index=True)
- # pandas is terrible and forces floats, change back to int
- dtypes = {
- 'chrom': str, 'exon': int, 'exon_len': int, 'exon_start': int,
- 'exon_end': int, 'min': int, 'max': int
- }
if not sub_threshold.empty:
# some low covered regions identified
sub_threshold = sub_threshold.astype(dtypes)
@@ -538,6 +506,9 @@ def style_sub_threshold(self):
# reset index to fix formatting
sub_threshold_stats = sub_threshold_stats.reindex(self.vals, axis=1)
+ sub_threshold_stats.index = np.arange(
+ 1, len(sub_threshold_stats.index) + 1
+ )
gene_issues = len(list(set(sub_threshold_stats["gene"].tolist())))
exon_issues = len(sub_threshold_stats["exon"])
@@ -553,64 +524,29 @@ def style_sub_threshold(self):
- # reindex & set to begin at 1
- sub_threshold_stats.index = np.arange(
- 1, len(sub_threshold_stats.index) + 1
- )
+ # add index as column to have numbered rows in report
+ sub_threshold_stats.insert(0, ' ', sub_threshold_stats.index)
- # create slices of sub_threshold stats df to add styling to
- slice_ranges = {
- "x0": (10, 0), "x10": (30, 10), "x30": (50, 30), "x50": (70, 50),
- "x70": (90, 70), "x90": (95, 90), "x95": (99, 95), "x99": (101, 99)
- }
+ # threshold_cols -> list of strings, add mean to loop over for rounding
+ round_cols = ['Mean'] + self.threshold_cols
- sub_slice = {}
+ # limit to 2dp using math.floor, use of round() with
+ # 2dp may lead to inaccuracy such as 99.99 => 100.00
+ for col in round_cols:
+ sub_threshold_stats[col] = sub_threshold_stats[col].map(
+ lambda col: math.floor(col * 100) / 100
+ )
- for key, val in slice_ranges.items():
- sub_slice[key] = pd.IndexSlice[sub_threshold_stats.loc[(
- sub_threshold_stats[self.threshold] < val[0]
- ) & (
- sub_threshold_stats[
- self.threshold] >= val[1])].index, self.threshold]
- # df column index of threshold
- col_idx = sub_threshold_stats.columns.get_loc(self.threshold)
- # make dict for rounding coverage columns to 2dp
- rnd = {}
- for col in list(sub_threshold_stats.columns[10:]):
- rnd[col] = '{0:.2f}%'
- # set threshold column widths as a fraction of 40% table width
- t_width = str(40 / len(self.threshold_cols)) + "%"
- # apply colours to coverage cell based on value, 0 is given solid red
- s = sub_threshold_stats.style.apply(lambda x: [
- "background-color: #b30000" if x[self.threshold] == 0 and
- idx == col_idx else "" for idx, v in enumerate(x)
- ], axis=1)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x0"], color='#b30000', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x10"], color='#990000', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x30"], color='#C82538', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x50"], color='#FF4500', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x70"], color='#FF4500', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x90"], color='#FF4500', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x95"], color='#FFBF00', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .bar(subset=sub_slice["x99"], color='#007600', vmin=0, vmax=100)\
- .format(rnd)\
- .set_table_attributes('table border="1"\
- class="dataframe table table-hover table-bordered"')\
- .set_uuid("low_exon_table")\
- .set_properties(**{'font-size': '0.85vw', 'table-layout': 'auto'})\
- .set_properties(subset=self.threshold_cols, **{'width': t_width})\
- sub_threshold_stats["Mean"] = sub_threshold_stats["Mean"].apply(
- lambda x: int(x)
- )
+ # generate list of dicts with column headers for styling
+ low_exon_columns = []
- sub_threshold_stats = s.render()
+ for col in sub_threshold_stats.columns:
+ low_exon_columns.append({'title': col})
- return sub_threshold_stats, gene_issues, exon_issues
+ # convert df to list of lists to pass to report
+ sub_threshold_stats = sub_threshold_stats.values.tolist()
+ return sub_threshold_stats, low_exon_columns, gene_issues, exon_issues
def style_total_stats(self):
@@ -635,6 +571,7 @@ def style_total_stats(self):
total_stats = total_stats.reindex(self.vals, axis=1)
total_stats.index = np.arange(1, len(total_stats.index) + 1)
+ total_stats.insert(0, 'index', total_stats.index)
total_stats = total_stats.rename(columns=self.column_names)
@@ -646,15 +583,9 @@ def style_total_stats(self):
total_stats[col] = total_stats[col].map(
lambda col: math.floor(col * 100) / 100
- # CSS table class for styling tables
- style = (
- '',
- ''
- )
- total_stats = total_stats.to_html(justify='left').replace(
- style[0], style[1]
- )
+ # turn gene stats table into list of lists
+ total_stats = total_stats.values.tolist()
return total_stats
@@ -666,74 +597,42 @@ def style_cov_summary(self):
- cov_summary (df): df of gene coverage stats
- threshold_cols (list): list of threshold values
- - gene_stats (str): HTML formatted str of gene summary df
+ - gene_stats (list): HTML formatted str of gene summary df
- total_genes (int): total number of genes
# rename columns for displaying in report
- cov_summary = self.cov_summary.drop(columns=["exon"])
- cov_summary = cov_summary.rename(columns=self.column_names)
+ gene_stats = self.cov_summary.copy()
+ gene_stats = gene_stats.rename(columns=self.column_names)
# get values to display in report
- total_genes = len(cov_summary["Gene"].tolist())
+ total_genes = len(gene_stats["Gene"].tolist())
# limit to 2dp using math.floor, use of round() with
# 2dp may lead to inaccuracy such as 99.99 => 100.00
round_cols = ['Mean'] + self.threshold_cols
for col in round_cols:
- cov_summary[col] = cov_summary[col].map(
+ gene_stats[col] = gene_stats[col].map(
lambda col: math.floor(col * 100) / 100
# reset index to start at 1
- cov_summary.index = np.arange(1, len(cov_summary.index) + 1)
+ gene_stats.index = np.arange(1, len(gene_stats.index) + 1)
+ gene_stats.insert(0, 'index', gene_stats.index)
- # CSS table class for styling tables
- style = (
- '',
- ''
- )
- # generate HTML strings from table objects to write to report
- gene_stats = cov_summary.to_html(justify='left').replace(
- style[0], style[1]
- )
+ # turn gene stats table into list of lists
+ gene_stats = gene_stats.values.tolist()
return gene_stats, total_genes
- def check_snp_tables(self, snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov):
- """
- Check styled tables, if empty replace with appropriate text
- Args:
- - snps_low_cov (str): HTML styled table of low covered snps
- - snps_high_cov (str): HTML styled table of covered snps
- Returns:
- - snps_low_cov (str): HTML styled table of low covered snps
- - snps_high_cov (str): HTML styled table of covered snps
- """
- if snps_low_cov is None:
- snps_low_cov = "No variants with coverage < {} ".format(
- self.threshold
- )
- if snps_high_cov is None:
- snps_high_cov = "No variants covered at {}/b>".format(
- self.threshold
- )
- return snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov
def style_snps_cov(self, snps_cov):
Add styling to tables of SNPs covered above / beneath threshold
- snps_cov (df): df of snps above / below threshold
- - snps_cov (str): HTML formatted str of snps df
+ - snps_cov (list): list of snps to render in report
- total_snps (int): total number of snps in df
if not snps_cov.empty:
@@ -746,27 +645,16 @@ def style_snps_cov(self, snps_cov):
uuid = "var_low_cov"
snps_cov.index = np.arange(1, len(snps_cov.index) + 1)
total_snps = len(snps_cov.index)
- snps_cov = snps_cov.style\
- .set_table_attributes(
- 'class="dataframe table table-striped"')\
- .set_uuid(uuid)\
- .set_properties(**{
- 'font-size': '0.80vw', 'table-layout': 'auto'
- })\
- .set_properties(subset=["VCF", "Gene"], **{'width': '10%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Exon"], **{'width': '7.5%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Chromosome"], **{'width': '10%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Position"], **{'width': '12.5%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Ref"], **{'width': '20%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Alt"], **{'width': '20%'})\
- .set_properties(subset=["Coverage"], **{'width': '10%'})
- snps_cov = snps_cov.render()
+ # reset index to start at 1
+ snps_cov.index = np.arange(1, len(snps_cov.index) + 1)
+ snps_cov.insert(0, 'index', snps_cov.index)
+ # turn gene stats table into list of lists
+ snps_cov = snps_cov.values.tolist()
- snps_cov = None
+ snps_cov = []
total_snps = 0
return snps_cov, total_snps
@@ -779,52 +667,22 @@ def style_snps_no_cov(snps_no_cov):
- snps_no_cov (df): df of snps with no coverage values
- - snps_no_cov (str): HTML formatted str of snps with no cov
+ - snps_no_cov (list): list of snps for rendering in report
- snps_out_panel (int): total number snps with no cov
# if variants from vcf found that span exon boundaries
if not snps_no_cov.empty:
- # manually add div and styling around rendered table, allows
- # to be fully absent from the report if the table is empty
- snps_no_cov.index = np.arange(1, len(snps_no_cov) + 1)
# get number of variants to display in report
snps_out_panel = len(snps_no_cov.index)
- html_string = snps_no_cov.style\
- .set_table_attributes(
- 'class="dataframe table table-striped"')\
- .set_uuid("var_no_cov")\
- .set_properties(**{
- 'font-size': '0.80vw', 'table-layout': 'auto'
- })\
- .set_properties(subset=["VCF"], **{
- 'width': '7.5%'
- })\
- .set_properties(subset=[
- "Chromosome", "Position", "Ref", "Alt"
- ], **{'width': '10%'})
- html_string = html_string.render()
- snps_no_cov = """
- Variants included in the first table below either fully\
- or partially span panel region(s). These are most likely\
- large structural variants and as such do not have\
- coverage data available. See the "info" column for details\
- on the variant.
- Table of variants spanning panel regions(s)  
- Show /\
- hide table
- """.format(html_string)
+ # reset index to start at 1
+ snps_no_cov.index = np.arange(1, len(snps_no_cov.index) + 1)
+ snps_no_cov.insert(0, 'index', snps_no_cov.index)
+ # turn gene stats table into list of lists
+ snps_no_cov = snps_no_cov.values.tolist()
- snps_no_cov = ""
+ snps_no_cov = []
snps_out_panel = 0
return snps_no_cov, snps_out_panel
@@ -1073,8 +931,8 @@ def write_summary(self, cov_summary, threshold, panel_pct_coverage):
summary_text = """
Clinical report summary:
sub90 = ""
@@ -1087,7 +945,10 @@ def write_summary(self, cov_summary, threshold, panel_pct_coverage):
if gene[self.threshold] < 90:
# build string of genes with <90% coverage at threshold
- sub90 += "{} ({}); ".format(gene["gene"], gene["tx"])
+ sub90 += (
+ f'{gene["gene"]} ({gene["tx"]}) '
+ f'{math.floor(gene[self.threshold] * 100)/100.0}%; '
+ )
summary_text = summary_text.strip(" ;") + "."
@@ -1097,20 +958,15 @@ def write_summary(self, cov_summary, threshold, panel_pct_coverage):
sub90 = sub90.strip(" ;") + "."
- summary_text += """
- Genes with coverage at {} less than 90%:
- {}""".format(self.threshold, sub90)
- summary_text += """
- {} % of this panel was sequenced to a depth of {} or
- greater. """.format(pct_cov, self.threshold)
+ summary_text += (
+ f"Genes with coverage at {self.threshold} "
+ f"less than 90%: {sub90}"
+ )
- # add closing div and copy button for summary text
- summary_text += """
- Copy summary text
+ summary_text += (
+ f"
{pct_cov} % of this panel was sequenced to a depth "
+ f"of {self.threshold} or greater.
+ )
return summary_text
@@ -1153,13 +1009,25 @@ def generate_report(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, snps_low_cov,
vals = ["min", "mean", "max"]
+ # generate html formatted list of table headings for tables
+ gene_table_headings = [" ", "Gene", "Transcript"] + vals
+ exon_table_headings = gene_table_headings.copy()
+ exon_table_headings[3:3] = ['Chr', 'Exon', 'Length', 'Start', 'End']
+ gene_table_headings = "\n".join(
+ [f" {x.capitalize()} " for x in gene_table_headings]
+ )
+ exon_table_headings = "\n".join(
+ [f"{x.capitalize()} " for x in exon_table_headings]
+ )
styling = styleTables(
cov_stats, cov_summary, self.threshold, threshold_cols, vals
calculate = calculateValues(self.threshold)
# apply styling to tables for displaying in report
- sub_threshold_stats, gene_issues,\
+ sub_threshold_stats, low_exon_columns, gene_issues,\
exon_issues = styling.style_sub_threshold()
total_stats = styling.style_total_stats()
@@ -1168,9 +1036,6 @@ def generate_report(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, snps_low_cov,
snps_low_cov, snps_not_covered = styling.style_snps_cov(snps_low_cov)
snps_high_cov, snps_covered = styling.style_snps_cov(snps_high_cov)
snps_no_cov, snps_out_panel = styling.style_snps_no_cov(snps_no_cov)
- snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov = styling.check_snp_tables(
- snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov
- )
# get values to display in report
fully_covered_genes = total_genes - gene_issues
@@ -1188,6 +1053,8 @@ def generate_report(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, snps_low_cov,
report_vals["fully_covered_genes"] = str(fully_covered_genes)
report_vals["gene_issues"] = str(gene_issues)
report_vals["threshold"] = self.threshold
+ report_vals["gene_table_headings"] = gene_table_headings
+ report_vals["exon_table_headings"] = exon_table_headings
report_vals["exon_issues"] = str(exon_issues)
report_vals["build"] = build
report_vals["panel"] = panel
@@ -1205,8 +1072,8 @@ def generate_report(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, snps_low_cov,
# add tables & plots to template
html_string = self.build_report(
html_template, total_stats, gene_stats, sub_threshold_stats,
- snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov, snps_no_cov, fig, all_plots,
- summary_plot, report_vals, bootstrap
+ low_exon_columns, snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov, snps_no_cov, fig,
+ all_plots, summary_plot, report_vals, bootstrap
# write output report to file
@@ -1214,7 +1081,7 @@ def generate_report(self, cov_stats, cov_summary, snps_low_cov,
def build_report(self, html_template, total_stats, gene_stats,
- sub_threshold_stats, snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov,
+ sub_threshold_stats, low_exon_columns, snps_low_cov, snps_high_cov,
snps_no_cov, fig, all_plots, summary_plot, report_vals,
@@ -1230,7 +1097,7 @@ def build_report(self, html_template, total_stats, gene_stats,
- snsp_high_cov (df): table of snps with cov > threshold
- snps_no_cov (df): variants that span exon boundaries (i.e SVs)
- fig (figure): grid of low coverage exon plots (plotly)
- - all-plots (figure): grid of all full gene- exon plots
+ - all-plots (figure): grid of all full gene-exon plots
- summary_plot (figure): gene summary plot - % at threshold
- report_vals (dict): values to display in report text
@@ -1261,14 +1128,17 @@ def build_report(self, html_template, total_stats, gene_stats,
+ low_exon_columns=low_exon_columns,
+ gene_table_headings=report_vals["gene_table_headings"],
+ exon_table_headings=report_vals["exon_table_headings"],
- snps_high_cov=snps_high_cov,
- snps_low_cov=snps_low_cov,
- snps_no_cov=snps_no_cov,
+ snps_high_cov_data=snps_high_cov,
+ snps_low_cov_data=snps_low_cov,
+ snps_no_cov_data=snps_no_cov,
@@ -1308,6 +1178,7 @@ def write_report(self, html_string, output_name):
file = open(outfile, 'w')
+ print(f"Output report written to {outfile}")
def load_files(load, threshold, exon_stats, gene_stats, raw_coverage, snp_vcfs, panel):
@@ -1517,43 +1388,68 @@ def main():
# generate summary plot
summary_plot = plots.summary_gene_plot(cov_summary)
- # generate plot of sub optimal regions
- fig = plots.low_exon_plot(low_raw_cov)
+ if len(cov_summary.index) < int(args.limit) or int(args.limit) == -1:
+ # generate plots of each full gene
+ print("Generating full gene plots")
+ if num_cores == 1:
+ # specified one core, generate plots slowly
+ all_plots = plots.all_gene_plots(raw_coverage)
+ else:
+ raw_coverage = raw_coverage.sort_values(
+ ["gene", "exon"], ascending=[True, True]
+ )
+ # get unique list of genes
+ genes = raw_coverage.drop_duplicates(["gene"])["gene"].values.tolist()
- if num_cores == 1:
- print("blarg")
- all_plots = plots.all_gene_plots(raw_coverage)
+ # split gene list equally for seperate processes
+ gene_array = np.array_split(np.array(genes), num_cores)
- elif len(cov_summary.index) < int(args.limit) or int(args.limit) == -1:
- # generate plots of each full gene
- print("Generating full gene plots")
+ # split df into seperate dfs by genes in each list
+ split_dfs = np.asanyarray(
+ [raw_coverage[raw_coverage["gene"].isin(x)] for x in gene_array],
+ dtype=object
+ )
- raw_coverage = raw_coverage.sort_values(
- ["gene", "exon"], ascending=[True, True]
- )
+ with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) as pool:
+ # use a pool to spawn multiple processes
+ # uses number of cores defined and splits processing of df
+ # slices, add each to pool with threshold values
+ all_plots = pool.map(plots.all_gene_plots, split_dfs)
+ all_plots = "".join(all_plots)
+ else:
+ all_plots = "Full gene plots have been omitted from this report\
+ due to the high number of genes in the panel. "
+ if len(low_raw_cov.index) > 0:
+ # some low covered regions, generate plots
+ print("Generating plots of low covered regions")
# get unique list of genes
- genes = raw_coverage.drop_duplicates(["gene"])["gene"].values.tolist()
+ genes = low_raw_cov.drop_duplicates(["gene"])["gene"].values.tolist()
+ print(f"Plots for {len(genes)} to generate")
# split gene list equally for seperate processes
gene_array = np.array_split(np.array(genes), num_cores)
# split df into seperate dfs by genes in each list
split_dfs = np.asanyarray(
- [raw_coverage[raw_coverage["gene"].isin(x)] for x in gene_array],
+ [low_raw_cov[low_raw_cov["gene"].isin(x)] for x in gene_array],
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) as pool:
# use a pool to spawn multiple processes
# uses number of cores defined and splits processing of df
- # slices, add each to pool with threshold values and
- # concatenates together when finished
- all_plots = ''.join(pool.map(plots.all_gene_plots, split_dfs))
+ # slices, add each to pool with threshold values
+ fig = pool.map(plots.low_exon_plot, split_dfs)
+ # can return None => remove before joining
+ fig = [fig_str for fig_str in fig if fig_str]
+ fig = ",".join(fig)
- all_plots = "Full gene plots have been omitted from this report\
- due to the high number of genes in the panel. "
+ fig = "All regions in panel above threshold, no plots\
+ to show. "
if args.summary:
# summary text to be included
diff --git a/bin/coverage_stats_single.py b/bin/coverage_stats_single.py
index 119b455c..f31acfb3 100644
--- a/bin/coverage_stats_single.py
+++ b/bin/coverage_stats_single.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import argparse
+from functools import partial
import os
import re
import sys
@@ -165,17 +166,15 @@ def cov_stats(self, data, thresholds):
coords = list(np.unique(coords))
- if len(coords) > 1:
- # more than one region for exon in bed, exit as will
- # be incorrectly calculated
- print(
- "More than one region is present in the bed file for "
- "exon {} of {}: {}.\n".format(exon, gene, coords),
- "Currently each exon MUST be in one pair of start / "
- "end coordinates else coverage values will be "
- "incorrect for those regions. Exiting now."
- )
- sys.exit()
+ # if more than one region for exon in bed, exit as will
+ # be incorrectly calculated
+ assert len(coords) == 1, (
+ "More than one region is present in the bed file for "
+ "exon {} of {}: {}.\n".format(exon, gene, coords),
+ "Currently each exon MUST be in one pair of start / "
+ "end coordinates else coverage values will be "
+ "incorrect for those regions. Exiting now."
+ )
start = exon_cov.iloc[0]
end = exon_cov.iloc[-1]
@@ -280,11 +279,9 @@ def summary_stats(self, cov_stats, thresholds):
# calculate gene coverage values
min = gene_cov["min"].min()
- mean = sum(
- [x * y for x, y in zip(
- gene_cov["mean"], gene_cov["exon_frac"]
- )]
- )
+ mean = round(sum(
+ [x * y for x, y in zip(gene_cov["mean"], gene_cov["exon_frac"])]
+ ), 12)
max = gene_cov["max"].max()
# average coverage % at given thresholds, round to 12 dp to
@@ -468,11 +465,22 @@ def main():
# slices, add each to pool with threshold values and
# concatenates together when finished
print("Generating per base exon stats")
+ try:
+ # map threshold arg to function since same is passed to all, then
+ # use imap to pass each df to worker to generate stats
+ stats_w_arg = partial(single.cov_stats, thresholds=thresholds)
+ pool_output = pool.imap_unordered(stats_w_arg, split_dfs)
+ except AssertionError:
+ # more than one region for each exon found => exit
+ pool.close()
+ pool.terminate()
+ else:
+ cov_stats = pd.concat(pool_output, ignore_index=True)
- cov_stats = pd.concat(
- pool.starmap(
- single.cov_stats, map(lambda e: (e, thresholds), split_dfs)
- ), ignore_index=True)
+ # imap_unordered() returns everything out of order (funnily enough)
+ # sort by gene and exon to be nicely formatted
+ cov_stats.exon = cov_stats.exon.astype(int)
+ cov_stats = cov_stats.sort_values(['gene', 'exon'])
# split up output coverage stats df for multiprocessing
split_stats_dfs = np.asanyarray(
@@ -489,6 +497,9 @@ def main():
lambda e: (e, thresholds), split_stats_dfs
)), ignore_index=True)
+ cov_summary = cov_summary.sort_values(['gene'])
+ cov_summary = cov_summary.drop(columns=["exon"])
# write tables to output files
cov_stats, cov_summary, args.outfile, flagstat, build
diff --git a/bin/load_data.py b/bin/load_data.py
index 9c4a8377..e20d28f4 100644
--- a/bin/load_data.py
+++ b/bin/load_data.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-from pathlib import Path
import os
+import pandas as pd
+from pathlib import Path
import sys
-import pandas as pd
+from version import VERSION
class loadData():
@@ -11,8 +12,11 @@ def __init__(self):
"chrom": str,
"exon_start": 'Int64',
"exon_end": 'Int64',
+ "start": 'Int64',
+ "end": 'Int64',
"gene": str,
"tx": str,
+ "transcript": str,
"exon": 'Int64',
"exon_len": 'Int64',
"min": 'Int64',
@@ -36,6 +40,96 @@ def filter_dtypes(self, df):
return {k: v for k, v in self.dtypes.items() if k in df.columns}
+ def read_panel_bed(self, bed_file):
+ """
+ Read in panel bed file to dataframe
+ Args: bed_file (file): file handler of bed file
+ Returns: panel_bed_df (df): df of panel bed file
+ """
+ print("reading panel bed file")
+ panel_bed = pd.read_csv(
+ bed_file, sep="\t", dtype=self.dtypes, names=[
+ "chrom", "start", "end", "transcript"
+ ]
+ )
+ # strip chr from chrom if present
+ panel_bed["chrom"] = panel_bed["chrom"].apply(
+ lambda x: str(x).replace("chr", "")
+ )
+ return panel_bed
+ def read_transcript_info(self, transcript_file):
+ """
+ Read in file that contains transcript -> gene symbol, exon no.
+ Args: transcript_file (file): file handler
+ Returns: transcript_info_df (df): df of transcript info
+ """
+ print("reading transcript information file")
+ transcript_info_df = pd.read_csv(
+ transcript_file, sep="\t", dtype=self.dtypes, names=[
+ "chrom", "start", "end", "gene", "transcript", "exon"
+ ]
+ )
+ # strip chr from chrom if present
+ transcript_info_df["chrom"] = transcript_info_df["chrom"].apply(
+ lambda x: str(x).replace("chr", "")
+ )
+ return transcript_info_df
+ def read_coverage_data(self, coverage_file, chunk_size=None):
+ """
+ Read in per-base coverage file (i.e. output of mosdepth)
+ Args:
+ - coverage_file (file): file handler
+ - chunk_size (int): this can be 50 million + line file, use chunks
+ to read in df and return an iterable to stop bedtools breaking
+ Returns: pb_coverage_df (df / list): df of coverage data / list of dfs
+ if chunk_size value passed
+ """
+ print("reading coverage file, this might take a while...")
+ if chunk_size:
+ # build list of dataframes split by given chunk size
+ pb_coverage_df = []
+ for df in pd.read_csv(
+ coverage_file, sep="\t", compression="infer",
+ dtype=self.dtypes,
+ chunksize=chunk_size, names=["chrom", "start", "end", "cov"]
+ ):
+ # strip chr prefix if present
+ df["chrom"] = df["chrom"].apply(
+ lambda x: str(x).replace("chr", "")
+ )
+ # add to list of chunk dfs
+ pb_coverage_df.append(df)
+ print(
+ f"per-base coverage data read in to {len(pb_coverage_df)} "
+ f"of {chunk_size} rows"
+ )
+ else:
+ # read file into one df
+ pb_coverage_df = pd.read_csv(
+ coverage_file, sep="\t", compression="infer",
+ dtype=self.dtypes,
+ names=["chrom", "start", "end", "cov"]
+ )
+ # strip chr from chrom if present
+ pb_coverage_df["chrom"] = pb_coverage_df["chrom"].apply(
+ lambda x: str(x).replace("chr", "")
+ )
+ return pb_coverage_df
def read_exon_stats(self, exon_stats):
Read exon stats file from coverage_single_stats into df
@@ -269,8 +363,7 @@ def get_snp_vcfs(snp_vcfs):
if snp_vcfs:
# get names of SNP vcfs used to display in report
vcfs = ", ".join([Path(x).stem for x in snp_vcfs])
- vcfs = " VCF(s) of known variants included in report: {} \
- ".format(vcfs)
+ vcfs = f"VCF(s) of known variants included in report: {vcfs} "
vcfs = ""
@@ -280,25 +373,13 @@ def get_snp_vcfs(snp_vcfs):
def get_athena_ver():
- Attempt to get version of Athena from dir name to display in
- report footer, will only work for zip/tar
+ Return version of Athena to display in report footer
Args: None
- version (str): version of Athena
- bin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- try:
- path = str(os.path.join(bin_dir, "../")).split("/")
- version = [s for s in path if "athena" in s][0].split("-")[1]
- version = "({})".format(version)
- except Exception:
- print("Error getting version from dir name, continuing.")
- version = ""
- pass
- return version
+ return VERSION
diff --git a/bin/version.py b/bin/version.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee65984a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/version.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+VERSION = '1.2.0'
diff --git a/data/example/Example_coverage_report.html b/data/example/Example_coverage_report.html
index c0d224c5..7f9097e5 100644
--- a/data/example/Example_coverage_report.html
+++ b/data/example/Example_coverage_report.html
@@ -2,7 +2,31 @@
@@ -79,7 +136,7 @@ Report details
It contains the following sections:
Summary including per gene coverage chart.
- Table of exons with sub-optimal coverage (<100% coverage at 20x).
+ Table of exons with sub-optimal coverage (<100% coverage at 50x).
Interactive plots of exons with sub-optimal coverage.
A summary table of average coverage across all genes.
Full gene coverage plots.
@@ -98,19 +155,21 @@ Summary
Reference build used for aligment GRCh37 (hs37d5)
- Panel(s) / gene(s) included in report: Hydrocephalus
- Genes in the applied panel(s): 66
- Low coverage threshold: < 20x
- Panel coverage at 20x: 99.87 %
- Genes with 100% coverage at 20x: 59
- Genes not 100% covered at 20x: 7
+ Genes in the applied panel(s): 15
+ Low coverage threshold: < 50x
+ Panel coverage at 50x: 98.56 %
+ Genes with 100% coverage at 50x: 6
+ Genes not 100% covered at 50x: 9
Clinical report summary:
AKT3 (NM_005465.4); AP1S2 (NM_001272071.1); ARSB (NM_000046.3); B3GALNT2 (NM_152490.4); B3GLCT (NM_194318.3); BUB1B (NM_001211.5); CC2D2A (NM_001080522.2); CCDC88C (NM_001080414.3); CCND2 (NM_001759.3); CEP83 (NM_016122.2); COL4A1 (NM_001845.4); CRB2 (NM_173689.5); DAG1 (NM_004393.5); DENND5A (NM_015213.3); DHCR24 (NM_014762.3); EML1 (NM_001008707.1); ERF (NM_006494.2); FAM20C (NM_020223.3); FANCB (NM_001018113.1); FGFR1 (NM_001174067.1); FGFR2 (NM_022970.3); FGFR3 (NM_001163213.1); FKRP (NM_024301.4); FKTN (NM_006731.2); FLVCR2 (NM_017791.2); FMR1 (NM_002024.5); GFAP (NM_002055.4); GLI3 (NM_000168.5); GPSM2 (NM_013296.4); GUSB (NM_000181.3); HYLS1 (NM_001134793.1); IDS (NM_000202.5); ISPD (NM_001101426.3); KIAA1109 (NM_015312.3); L1CAM (NM_000425.4); LAMB1 (NM_002291.2); LARGE1 (NM_004737.4); MAN2B1 (NM_000528.3); NF1 (NM_000267.3); NSD1 (NM_022455.4); OSTM1 (NM_014028.3); PIK3CA (NM_006218.2); PIK3R2 (NM_005027.3); PLG (NM_000301.3); POMGNT1 (NM_001243766.1); POMGNT2 (NM_032806.5); POMK (NM_032237.4); POMT1 (NM_007171.3); POMT2 (NM_013382.5); PPP2R5D (NM_006245.3); PTCH1 (NM_000264.3); PTEN (NM_000314.4); RNF125 (NM_017831.3); RPS6KA3 (NM_004586.2); RXYLT1 (NM_014254.2); SKI (NM_003036.3); SNX10 (NM_001199835.1); STRADA (NM_001003787.2); SUFU (NM_016169.3); SUMF1 (NM_182760.3); TCF12 (NM_207036.1); TWIST1 (NM_000474.3); USP9X (NM_001039590.2); ZBTB20 (NM_001164342.1); ZIC2 (NM_007129.3); ZIC3 (NM_003413.3).
- 99 % of this panel was sequenced to a depth of 20x or
+ padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top:10px">ADGRG1 (NM_005682.5); ARX (NM_139058.2); CASK (NM_003688.3); DCX (NM_000555.3); DYNC1H1 (NM_001376.4); LAMB1 (NM_002291.2); NDE1 (NM_001143979.1); OCLN (NM_002538.3); PAFAH1B1 (NM_000430.3); RELN (NM_005045.3); TUBA1A (NM_001270399.1); TUBA8 (NM_018943.2); TUBB2B (NM_178012.4); TUBB3 (NM_006086.3); VLDLR (NM_003383.3).
+ Genes with coverage at 50x less than 90%:
+ ARX (NM_139058.2) 84.07%; OCLN (NM_002538.3) 85.87%.
+ 98 % of this panel was sequenced to a depth of 50x or
- Of the 66 genes included in the panel, 7 exons in
- 7 genes had sub optimal-coverage.
+ Of the 15 genes included in the panel, 19 exons in
+ 9 genes had sub optimal-coverage.
- Gene Transcript Chr Exon Length Start End Min Mean Max 10x 20x 30x 50x 100x
- 1
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 5
- 19
- 15846309
- 15846328
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 2
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 1
- 77
- 100259808
- 100259885
- 17
- 28
- 33
- 100.00%
- 90.91%
- 53.25%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 3
- NM_006494.2
- 19
- 1
- 32
- 42759124
- 42759156
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 0.00%
- 4
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 1
- 211
- 98270437
- 98270648
- 18
- 89
- 139
- 100.00%
- 99.05%
- 91.94%
- 72.51%
- 46.45%
- 5
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 1
- 979
- 2160200
- 2161179
- 16
- 189
- 332
- 100.00%
- 99.90%
- 99.69%
- 94.79%
- 76.71%
- 6
- NM_000474.3
- 7
- 1
- 619
- 19156330
- 19156949
- 6
- 97
- 206
- 97.58%
- 90.31%
- 87.56%
- 74.80%
- 49.27%
- 7
- ZIC2
- NM_007129.3
- 13
- 3
- 370
- 100637571
- 100637941
- 3
- 56
- 168
- 75.95%
- 70.54%
- 48.11%
- 33.24%
- 25.68%
@@ -315,87 +202,18 @@ Exons with sub-optimal coverage
an interactive window on hovering, showing the coverage at that current base.
The top right also contains a toolbar, with functions such as panning and zooming.
Per gene coverage summary
@@ -404,19888 +222,68 @@
Per gene coverage summary
The table below contains metrics for each gene averaged across all of its exons. Plots of each gene are also included below.
Show / hide table
- Gene
- Transcript
- Min
- Mean
- Max
- 10x
- 20x
- 30x
- 50x
- 100x
- 1
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 33
- 168.31
- 306
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.59
- 86.17
- 2
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- 0
- 203.80
- 297
- 96.43
- 96.43
- 96.43
- 96.43
- 94.74
- 3
- NM_000046.3
- 50
- 135.32
- 302
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.35
- 4
- NM_152490.4
- 26
- 191.01
- 395
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.69
- 95.19
- 90.44
- 5
- NM_194318.3
- 54
- 141.07
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 78.68
- 6
- NM_001211.5
- 46
- 144.20
- 319
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.85
- 84.39
- 7
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 46
- 169.47
- 388
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.80
- 78.70
- 8
- NM_001080414.3
- 61
- 211.51
- 429
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.54
- 9
- NM_001759.3
- 85
- 222.94
- 327
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.69
- 10
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 61
- 195.34
- 349
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.25
- 11
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 71
- 166.48
- 355
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.53
- 12
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 62
- 280.15
- 529
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.28
- 13
- DAG1
- NM_004393.5
- 104
- 303.96
- 500
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 14
- NM_015213.3
- 40
- 243.86
- 440
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.21
- 96.45
- 15
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 55
- 158.00
- 331
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.95
- 16
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 17
- 194.54
- 400
- 100.00
- 99.74
- 98.68
- 97.18
- 94.40
- 17
- NM_006494.2
- 6
- 231.38
- 355
- 98.10
- 98.10
- 98.10
- 98.10
- 98.10
- 18
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 36
- 133.12
- 248
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.35
- 65.01
- 19
- NM_001018113.1
- 89
- 215.94
- 332
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.43
- 20
- NM_001174067.1
- 54
- 159.13
- 285
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.87
- 21
- NM_022970.3
- 35
- 144.59
- 276
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.62
- 80.82
- 22
- NM_001163213.1
- 32
- 259.22
- 409
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.99
- 95.30
- 23
- NM_024301.4
- 107
- 209.48
- 414
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 24
- NM_006731.2
- 69
- 168.40
- 288
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.75
- 25
- NM_017791.2
- 66
- 184.52
- 350
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.63
- 26
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- 46
- 203.09
- 349
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.74
- 94.39
- 27
- NM_002055.4
- 77
- 202.12
- 344
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.67
- 28
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 44
- 216.40
- 597
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.87
- 92.13
- 29
- NM_013296.4
- 59
- 188.70
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.48
- 30
- NM_000181.3
- 51
- 174.34
- 363
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.56
- 31
- NM_001134793.1
- 83
- 292.70
- 454
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.19
- 32
- NM_000202.5
- 67
- 176.18
- 292
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.03
- 33
- NM_001101426.3
- 73
- 154.28
- 299
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.70
- 34
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 61
- 205.02
- 374
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.59
- 35
- NM_000425.4
- 96
- 321.62
- 486
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.90
- 36
- NM_002291.2
- 59
- 212.83
- 365
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.61
- 37
- NM_004737.4
- 45
- 161.56
- 360
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.37
- 87.39
- 38
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 77
- 201.48
- 371
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.53
- 39
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 36
- 163.42
- 356
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.00
- 82.39
- 40
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 45
- 238.36
- 466
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.73
- 95.76
- 41
- NM_014028.3
- 66
- 160.15
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.10
- 42
- NM_006218.2
- 63
- 187.39
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.30
- 43
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 35
- 218.33
- 379
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.86
- 84.21
- 44
- NM_000301.3
- 43
- 174.95
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.54
- 83.98
- 45
- NM_001243766.1
- 88
- 225.19
- 409
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.54
- 46
- NM_032806.5
- 57
- 210.02
- 445
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.93
- 47
- NM_032237.4
- 197
- 301.84
- 470
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 48
- NM_007171.3
- 63
- 157.90
- 291
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.76
- 49
- NM_013382.5
- 77
- 177.91
- 354
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.14
- 50
- NM_006245.3
- 115
- 275.77
- 447
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 51
- NM_000264.3
- 18
- 177.20
- 428
- 100.00
- 99.95
- 99.62
- 98.73
- 90.59
- 52
- NM_000314.4
- 55
- 184.67
- 348
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.17
- 53
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 98
- 198.61
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.73
- 54
- NM_004586.2
- 52
- 179.94
- 369
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.42
- 55
- NM_014254.2
- 80
- 235.04
- 385
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.95
- 56
- NM_003036.3
- 16
- 189.21
- 338
- 100.00
- 99.95
- 99.86
- 97.74
- 87.59
- 57
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 94
- 161.66
- 248
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.79
- 58
- NM_001003787.2
- 89
- 179.30
- 327
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.36
- 59
- NM_016169.3
- 84
- 168.53
- 275
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.36
- 60
- NM_182760.3
- 94
- 199.19
- 304
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.34
- 61
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 89
- 206.88
- 356
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.30
- 62
- NM_000474.3
- 6
- 97.66
- 206
- 97.57
- 90.30
- 87.56
- 74.79
- 49.27
- 63
- NM_001039590.2
- 42
- 211.87
- 476
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.44
- 92.70
- 64
- ZBTB20
- NM_001164342.1
- 125
- 294.26
- 448
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 65
- ZIC2
- NM_007129.3
- 3
- 186.79
- 446
- 94.53
- 93.30
- 88.21
- 83.60
- 76.55
- 66
- ZIC3
- NM_003413.3
- 87
- 244.56
- 372
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.32
Show / hide plots
Coverage for all regions of all genes
Per exon coverage
- The following section provides coverage metrics for each exon of each gene.
- This is a very large table with comprehensive coverage metrics of all target regions.
+ The following section provides coverage metrics for every exon of each gene.
Show / hide table
- Gene
- Transcript
- Chr
- Exon
- Length
- Start
- End
- Min
- Mean
- Max
- 10x
- 20x
- 30x
- 50x
- 100x
- 1
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 1
- 56
- 244006421
- 244006477
- 110
- 128.69
- 140
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 2
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 2
- 136
- 243858887
- 243859023
- 214
- 269.08
- 306
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 3
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 3
- 122
- 243828068
- 243828190
- 131
- 154.79
- 193
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 4
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 4
- 155
- 243809189
- 243809344
- 224
- 241.06
- 270
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 5
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 5
- 142
- 243800907
- 243801049
- 178
- 219.80
- 259
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 6
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 6
- 76
- 243778392
- 243778468
- 71
- 98.21
- 115
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 47.36
- 7
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 7
- 79
- 243776967
- 243777046
- 99
- 129.87
- 140
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.46
- 8
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 8
- 133
- 243736222
- 243736355
- 33
- 75.91
- 102
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.45
- 6.01
- 9
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 9
- 139
- 243727016
- 243727155
- 82
- 113.53
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.45
- 10
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 10
- 225
- 243716025
- 243716250
- 107
- 198.56
- 236
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 11
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 11
- 98
- 243708806
- 243708904
- 98
- 126.68
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.77
- 12
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 12
- 113
- 243675620
- 243675733
- 112
- 177.46
- 227
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 13
- AKT3
- NM_005465.4
- 1
- 13
- 96
- 243668545
- 243668641
- 72
- 127.55
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.33
- 14
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 2
- 189
- 15870463
- 15870652
- 211
- 262.69
- 297
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 15
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 3
- 119
- 15864020
- 15864139
- 166
- 225.54
- 251
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 16
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 4
- 148
- 15863496
- 15863644
- 140
- 171.70
- 191
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 17
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 5
- 19
- 15846309
- 15846328
- 0
- 0.00
- 0
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 18
- AP1S2
- NM_001272071.1
- X
- 6
- 58
- 15845442
- 15845500
- 96
- 116.02
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84.48
- 19
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 1
- 322
- 78280754
- 78281076
- 60
- 105.24
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 61.49
- 20
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 2
- 197
- 78264823
- 78265020
- 64
- 95.42
- 120
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 37.56
- 21
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 3
- 201
- 78260233
- 78260434
- 54
- 114.19
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.16
- 22
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 4
- 218
- 78251112
- 78251330
- 82
- 135.38
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.77
- 23
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 5
- 254
- 78181401
- 78181655
- 50
- 104.19
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 53.14
- 24
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 6
- 81
- 78135173
- 78135254
- 145
- 165.98
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 25
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 7
- 133
- 78077669
- 78077802
- 125
- 158.84
- 195
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 26
- NM_000046.3
- 5
- 8
- 276
- 78076214
- 78076490
- 110
- 222.60
- 302
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 27
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 1
- 122
- 235667435
- 235667557
- 26
- 43.81
- 62
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.90
- 36.06
- 0.00
- 28
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 2
- 158
- 235657985
- 235658143
- 212
- 277.23
- 311
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 29
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 3
- 111
- 235652467
- 235652578
- 109
- 143.28
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 30
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 4
- 204
- 235647632
- 235647836
- 200
- 250.85
- 283
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 31
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 5
- 106
- 235643364
- 235643470
- 95
- 118.21
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.45
- 32
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 6
- 121
- 235634158
- 235634279
- 90
- 119.78
- 140
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.69
- 33
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 7
- 89
- 235628947
- 235629036
- 102
- 145.33
- 166
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 34
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 8
- 194
- 235621905
- 235622099
- 96
- 181.59
- 218
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.45
- 35
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 9
- 136
- 235618865
- 235619001
- 93
- 127.11
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.76
- 36
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 10
- 170
- 235617462
- 235617632
- 186
- 237.56
- 275
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 37
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 11
- 67
- 235616396
- 235616463
- 133
- 148.66
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 38
- NM_152490.4
- 1
- 12
- 145
- 235613515
- 235613660
- 232
- 351.54
- 395
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 39
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 1
- 80
- 31774216
- 31774296
- 54
- 59.19
- 65
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 40
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 2
- 60
- 31789182
- 31789242
- 131
- 152.90
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 41
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 3
- 50
- 31797083
- 31797133
- 143
- 146.63
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 42
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 4
- 120
- 31803316
- 31803436
- 176
- 218.94
- 235
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 43
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 5
- 87
- 31821154
- 31821241
- 99
- 132.08
- 164
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.70
- 44
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 6
- 122
- 31821986
- 31822108
- 81
- 133.62
- 147
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.72
- 45
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 7
- 147
- 31835077
- 31835224
- 141
- 226.46
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 46
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 8
- 74
- 31843345
- 31843419
- 161
- 173.05
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 47
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 9
- 130
- 31848640
- 31848770
- 87
- 108.52
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 56.15
- 48
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 10
- 80
- 31850833
- 31850913
- 120
- 127.99
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 49
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 11
- 124
- 31858779
- 31858903
- 86
- 116.55
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.64
- 50
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 12
- 110
- 31860851
- 31860961
- 82
- 121.01
- 137
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.27
- 51
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 13
- 130
- 31891697
- 31891827
- 88
- 122.19
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.15
- 52
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 14
- 155
- 31897882
- 31898037
- 66
- 83.28
- 102
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1.93
- 53
- NM_194318.3
- 13
- 15
- 178
- 31903632
- 31903810
- 111
- 168.76
- 198
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 54
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 1
- 45
- 40453416
- 40453461
- 175
- 199.62
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 55
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 2
- 154
- 40457248
- 40457402
- 93
- 139.38
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.40
- 56
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 3
- 70
- 40462257
- 40462327
- 152
- 170.19
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 57
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 4
- 155
- 40462732
- 40462887
- 95
- 116.46
- 140
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.16
- 58
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 5
- 207
- 40468672
- 40468879
- 90
- 197.57
- 233
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.61
- 59
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 6
- 180
- 40475909
- 40476089
- 76
- 115.77
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.88
- 60
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 7
- 225
- 40477360
- 40477585
- 80
- 131.22
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 69.33
- 61
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 8
- 102
- 40477746
- 40477848
- 90
- 141.25
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.09
- 62
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 9
- 240
- 40488740
- 40488980
- 56
- 135.44
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.00
- 63
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 10
- 123
- 40491810
- 40491933
- 64
- 142.12
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.73
- 64
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 11
- 126
- 40492439
- 40492565
- 110
- 145.84
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 65
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 12
- 60
- 40493126
- 40493186
- 117
- 129.88
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 13
- 71
- 40494600
- 40494671
- 121
- 129.96
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 67
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 14
- 116
- 40494784
- 40494900
- 123
- 145.47
- 164
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 15
- 285
- 40498379
- 40498664
- 159
- 241.98
- 319
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 69
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 16
- 144
- 40500832
- 40500976
- 64
- 120.76
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 77.08
- 70
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 17
- 151
- 40501830
- 40501981
- 46
- 121.41
- 166
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.68
- 75.49
- 71
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 18
- 111
- 40502305
- 40502416
- 104
- 153.22
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 19
- 160
- 40504694
- 40504854
- 72
- 141.43
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.37
- 73
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 20
- 153
- 40505527
- 40505680
- 52
- 83.09
- 105
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 14.37
- 74
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 21
- 182
- 40509691
- 40509873
- 52
- 109.82
- 157
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.52
- 75
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 22
- 117
- 40510651
- 40510768
- 105
- 151.29
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76
- NM_001211.5
- 15
- 23
- 206
- 40512759
- 40512965
- 75
- 120.35
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.93
- 77
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 3
- 49
- 15477551
- 15477600
- 90
- 97.12
- 102
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 26.53
- 78
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 4
- 94
- 15480341
- 15480435
- 80
- 99.01
- 110
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 63.82
- 79
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 5
- 134
- 15482322
- 15482456
- 46
- 72.34
- 87
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.52
- 0.00
- 80
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 6
- 99
- 15504046
- 15504145
- 98
- 135.05
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.95
- 81
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 7
- 112
- 15504439
- 15504551
- 190
- 212.68
- 233
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 8
- 112
- 15511756
- 15511868
- 79
- 95.43
- 106
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 32.14
- 83
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 9
- 187
- 15512864
- 15513051
- 157
- 194.21
- 242
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 10
- 173
- 15516324
- 15516497
- 48
- 97.75
- 137
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.68
- 46.82
- 85
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 11
- 147
- 15517485
- 15517632
- 87
- 114.92
- 145
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 67.34
- 86
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 12
- 142
- 15518242
- 15518384
- 93
- 161.34
- 188
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.77
- 87
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 13
- 220
- 15529064
- 15529284
- 83
- 131.34
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76.36
- 88
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 14
- 117
- 15530237
- 15530354
- 51
- 101.29
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.39
- 89
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 15
- 151
- 15534810
- 15534961
- 159
- 194.38
- 227
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 16
- 167
- 15538537
- 15538704
- 276
- 337.40
- 388
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 17
- 249
- 15539516
- 15539765
- 301
- 338.14
- 377
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 18
- 188
- 15542454
- 15542642
- 215
- 245.00
- 273
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 19
- 167
- 15552441
- 15552608
- 74
- 109.93
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 70.65
- 94
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 20
- 158
- 15554775
- 15554933
- 231
- 283.07
- 318
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 21
- 149
- 15556689
- 15556838
- 67
- 114.46
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.82
- 96
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 22
- 214
- 15558921
- 15559135
- 86
- 181.52
- 227
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.66
- 97
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 23
- 103
- 15560782
- 15560885
- 159
- 193.62
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 24
- 102
- 15562148
- 15562250
- 220
- 249.39
- 265
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 25
- 178
- 15564972
- 15565150
- 86
- 123.71
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.14
- 100
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 26
- 116
- 15568994
- 15569110
- 172
- 204.60
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 101
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 27
- 120
- 15569294
- 15569414
- 209
- 226.86
- 242
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 102
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 28
- 107
- 15570910
- 15571017
- 79
- 103.64
- 119
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 67.28
- 103
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 29
- 109
- 15572015
- 15572124
- 184
- 221.02
- 266
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 104
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 30
- 187
- 15575767
- 15575954
- 52
- 73.41
- 97
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 105
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 31
- 214
- 15581585
- 15581799
- 121
- 214.36
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 106
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 32
- 100
- 15587774
- 15587874
- 159
- 178.89
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 107
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 33
- 124
- 15589433
- 15589557
- 63
- 104.77
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 54.03
- 108
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 34
- 145
- 15591162
- 15591307
- 60
- 111.23
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 69.65
- 109
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 35
- 133
- 15597702
- 15597835
- 96
- 147.37
- 163
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.99
- 110
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 36
- 69
- 15599024
- 15599093
- 83
- 90.84
- 96
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 111
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 37
- 188
- 15601146
- 15601334
- 61
- 109.71
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 64.36
- 112
- CC2D2A
- NM_001080522.2
- 4
- 38
- 199
- 15602854
- 15603053
- 143
- 191.94
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 113
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 1
- 70
- 91883969
- 91884039
- 77
- 109.16
- 123
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 75.71
- 114
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 2
- 111
- 91883076
- 91883187
- 140
- 166.79
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 115
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 3
- 119
- 91874997
- 91875116
- 120
- 164.71
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 116
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 4
- 80
- 91825980
- 91826060
- 123
- 171.82
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 117
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 5
- 69
- 91809937
- 91810006
- 77
- 116.52
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 75.36
- 118
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 6
- 94
- 91808718
- 91808812
- 109
- 139.51
- 154
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 119
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 7
- 151
- 91806222
- 91806373
- 81
- 123.31
- 156
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.83
- 120
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 8
- 195
- 91805616
- 91805811
- 204
- 252.98
- 295
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 121
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 9
- 92
- 91804827
- 91804919
- 127
- 178.21
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 122
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 10
- 169
- 91804343
- 91804512
- 94
- 134.54
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.71
- 123
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 11
- 157
- 91792248
- 91792405
- 89
- 102.19
- 121
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 53.50
- 124
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 12
- 155
- 91791117
- 91791272
- 92
- 142.05
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.12
- 125
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 13
- 195
- 91787458
- 91787653
- 69
- 132.19
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 65.12
- 126
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 14
- 148
- 91781988
- 91782136
- 114
- 140.93
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 127
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 15
- 1081
- 91779418
- 91780499
- 77
- 284.23
- 429
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.92
- 128
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 16
- 138
- 91776197
- 91776335
- 90
- 122.01
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.60
- 129
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 17
- 152
- 91774689
- 91774841
- 155
- 204.32
- 236
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 130
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 18
- 199
- 91773376
- 91773575
- 102
- 164.69
- 208
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 131
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 19
- 172
- 91772103
- 91772275
- 61
- 147.72
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.97
- 132
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 20
- 288
- 91770039
- 91770327
- 91
- 283.08
- 373
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.26
- 133
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 21
- 154
- 91766265
- 91766419
- 119
- 173.42
- 218
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 134
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 22
- 197
- 91763643
- 91763840
- 84
- 124.52
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 78.17
- 135
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 23
- 156
- 91760511
- 91760667
- 95
- 175.77
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.71
- 136
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 24
- 100
- 91757333
- 91757433
- 166
- 189.77
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 137
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 25
- 249
- 91755443
- 91755692
- 235
- 277.66
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 138
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 26
- 199
- 91749667
- 91749866
- 95
- 152.40
- 202
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.97
- 139
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 27
- 79
- 91747795
- 91747874
- 121
- 165.30
- 190
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 140
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 28
- 79
- 91745576
- 91745655
- 90
- 119.51
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.68
- 141
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 29
- 300
- 91744260
- 91744560
- 219
- 298.07
- 359
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 142
- NM_001080414.3
- 14
- 30
- 1039
- 91738963
- 91740002
- 102
- 264.35
- 334
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 143
- NM_001759.3
- 12
- 1
- 205
- 4383201
- 4383406
- 85
- 171.19
- 252
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.14
- 144
- NM_001759.3
- 12
- 2
- 226
- 4385165
- 4385391
- 116
- 167.25
- 188
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 145
- NM_001759.3
- 12
- 3
- 170
- 4387920
- 4388090
- 198
- 289.39
- 327
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 146
- NM_001759.3
- 12
- 4
- 159
- 4398002
- 4398161
- 202
- 276.18
- 319
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 147
- NM_001759.3
- 12
- 5
- 160
- 4409020
- 4409180
- 177
- 244.43
- 279
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 148
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 3
- 183
- 94806088
- 94806271
- 142
- 176.31
- 195
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 149
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 4
- 161
- 94805467
- 94805628
- 221
- 245.49
- 265
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 150
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 5
- 103
- 94796940
- 94797043
- 137
- 161.88
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 151
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 6
- 142
- 94794620
- 94794762
- 71
- 127.80
- 155
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.80
- 152
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 7
- 262
- 94772561
- 94772823
- 156
- 214.26
- 262
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 153
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 8
- 142
- 94769656
- 94769798
- 84
- 121.35
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 75.35
- 154
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 9
- 125
- 94763692
- 94763817
- 61
- 118.10
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.80
- 155
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 10
- 155
- 94761827
- 94761982
- 201
- 251.34
- 282
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 156
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 11
- 160
- 94761564
- 94761724
- 211
- 314.77
- 349
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 157
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 12
- 86
- 94729359
- 94729445
- 107
- 113.88
- 123
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 158
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 13
- 168
- 94727252
- 94727420
- 212
- 271.95
- 322
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 159
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 14
- 140
- 94725470
- 94725610
- 99
- 148.06
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.14
- 160
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 15
- 114
- 94706684
- 94706798
- 133
- 146.58
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 161
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 16
- 200
- 94703688
- 94703888
- 145
- 241.20
- 291
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 162
- CEP83
- NM_016122.2
- 12
- 17
- 115
- 94702583
- 94702698
- 98
- 134.58
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.78
- 163
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 1
- 94
- 110959285
- 110959379
- 74
- 85.86
- 91
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 164
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 2
- 70
- 110895016
- 110895086
- 88
- 114.81
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.85
- 165
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 3
- 100
- 110866267
- 110866367
- 149
- 165.99
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 166
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 4
- 55
- 110866123
- 110866178
- 153
- 184.33
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 167
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 5
- 55
- 110864915
- 110864970
- 199
- 231.35
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 168
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 6
- 73
- 110864758
- 110864831
- 245
- 294.95
- 322
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 169
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 7
- 64
- 110864210
- 110864274
- 129
- 149.11
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 170
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 8
- 37
- 110863988
- 110864025
- 146
- 167.35
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 171
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 9
- 94
- 110862470
- 110862564
- 158
- 194.72
- 220
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 172
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 10
- 73
- 110862321
- 110862394
- 185
- 200.26
- 216
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 173
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 11
- 46
- 110861733
- 110861779
- 137
- 150.07
- 165
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 174
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 12
- 52
- 110861190
- 110861242
- 141
- 152.90
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 175
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 13
- 97
- 110859744
- 110859841
- 81
- 109.28
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 70.10
- 176
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 14
- 37
- 110859206
- 110859243
- 123
- 129.03
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 177
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 15
- 61
- 110859006
- 110859067
- 128
- 141.10
- 154
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 178
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 16
- 55
- 110857835
- 110857890
- 151
- 158.44
- 162
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 179
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 17
- 64
- 110857694
- 110857758
- 103
- 114.56
- 125
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 180
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 18
- 52
- 110855907
- 110855959
- 76
- 88.06
- 96
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 181
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 19
- 95
- 110853779
- 110853874
- 102
- 120.47
- 131
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 182
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 20
- 46
- 110853195
- 110853241
- 73
- 77.87
- 86
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 183
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 21
- 175
- 110850808
- 110850983
- 87
- 140.97
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.00
- 184
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 22
- 106
- 110847364
- 110847470
- 226
- 254.18
- 276
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 185
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 23
- 94
- 110845171
- 110845265
- 88
- 122.94
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76.59
- 186
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 24
- 81
- 110844555
- 110844636
- 115
- 145.04
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 187
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 25
- 202
- 110839479
- 110839681
- 85
- 156.38
- 193
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.54
- 188
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 26
- 179
- 110838726
- 110838905
- 279
- 321.76
- 355
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 189
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 27
- 103
- 110835525
- 110835628
- 169
- 199.63
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 190
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 28
- 115
- 110835334
- 110835449
- 226
- 275.20
- 321
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 191
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 29
- 108
- 110833633
- 110833741
- 125
- 166.86
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 192
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 30
- 161
- 110831612
- 110831773
- 80
- 105.24
- 126
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 54.65
- 193
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 31
- 124
- 110831264
- 110831388
- 185
- 224.70
- 253
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 194
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 32
- 178
- 110830405
- 110830583
- 118
- 146.12
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 195
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 33
- 100
- 110830183
- 110830283
- 111
- 148.91
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 196
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 34
- 163
- 110829226
- 110829389
- 111
- 176.35
- 220
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 197
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 35
- 109
- 110828967
- 110829076
- 136
- 184.16
- 211
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 198
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 36
- 100
- 110828765
- 110828865
- 127
- 158.10
- 169
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 199
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 37
- 150
- 110827559
- 110827709
- 86
- 132.47
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.33
- 200
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 38
- 137
- 110826964
- 110827101
- 80
- 112.64
- 130
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.43
- 201
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 39
- 91
- 110826787
- 110826878
- 105
- 125.19
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 202
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 40
- 109
- 110826241
- 110826350
- 159
- 191.28
- 210
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 203
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 41
- 61
- 110825061
- 110825122
- 103
- 120.11
- 131
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 204
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 42
- 196
- 110822888
- 110823084
- 173
- 221.85
- 242
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 205
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 43
- 144
- 110821970
- 110822114
- 80
- 112.17
- 134
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.91
- 206
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 44
- 83
- 110819499
- 110819582
- 76
- 98.47
- 119
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 49.39
- 207
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 45
- 82
- 110818573
- 110818655
- 130
- 140.32
- 147
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 208
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 46
- 139
- 110817203
- 110817342
- 143
- 217.01
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 209
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 47
- 109
- 110815804
- 110815913
- 73
- 92.83
- 108
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 33.02
- 210
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 48
- 223
- 110814571
- 110814794
- 71
- 133.32
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.37
- 211
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 49
- 188
- 110813533
- 110813721
- 228
- 297.73
- 332
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 212
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 50
- 125
- 110807624
- 110807749
- 95
- 159.25
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.00
- 213
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 51
- 183
- 110804675
- 110804858
- 74
- 123.56
- 156
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.23
- 214
- COL4A1
- NM_001845.4
- 13
- 52
- 92
- 110802704
- 110802796
- 97
- 141.93
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.39
- 215
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 1
- 104
- 126118534
- 126118638
- 72
- 111.08
- 130
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.34
- 216
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 2
- 334
- 126125138
- 126125472
- 273
- 367.87
- 454
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 217
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 3
- 206
- 126128190
- 126128396
- 220
- 255.98
- 284
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 218
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 4
- 150
- 126128500
- 126128650
- 247
- 293.22
- 329
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 219
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 5
- 196
- 126129445
- 126129641
- 170
- 215.33
- 240
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 220
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 6
- 124
- 126129846
- 126129970
- 190
- 223.25
- 266
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 221
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 7
- 883
- 126132381
- 126133264
- 243
- 353.84
- 453
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 222
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 8
- 519
- 126133343
- 126133862
- 212
- 350.08
- 529
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 223
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 9
- 176
- 126134450
- 126134626
- 282
- 335.01
- 374
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 224
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 10
- 797
- 126135407
- 126136204
- 122
- 214.13
- 354
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 225
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 11
- 127
- 126136852
- 126136979
- 154
- 192.95
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 226
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 12
- 137
- 126137490
- 126137627
- 62
- 89.96
- 101
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 17.51
- 227
- CRB2
- NM_173689.5
- 9
- 13
- 235
- 126139111
- 126139346
- 164
- 236.79
- 279
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 228
- DAG1
- NM_004393.5
- 3
- 2
- 295
- 49547962
- 49548257
- 104
- 203.47
- 290
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 229
- DAG1
- NM_004393.5
- 3
- 3
- 2413
- 49568224
- 49570637
- 162
- 316.25
- 500
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 230
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 1
- 119
- 9286502
- 9286621
- 40
- 54.14
- 68
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.10
- 0.00
- 231
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 2
- 82
- 9229102
- 9229184
- 108
- 140.84
- 155
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 232
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 3
- 120
- 9228214
- 9228334
- 119
- 150.75
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 233
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 4
- 668
- 9225201
- 9225869
- 201
- 322.29
- 440
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 234
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 5
- 198
- 9215035
- 9215233
- 160
- 233.41
- 277
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 235
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 6
- 328
- 9202308
- 9202636
- 264
- 342.21
- 392
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 236
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 7
- 226
- 9200399
- 9200625
- 116
- 178.20
- 209
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 237
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 8
- 245
- 9199673
- 9199918
- 163
- 215.93
- 240
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 238
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 9
- 161
- 9192168
- 9192329
- 273
- 378.61
- 411
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 239
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 10
- 104
- 9191397
- 9191501
- 110
- 123.19
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 240
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 11
- 142
- 9187377
- 9187519
- 71
- 116.08
- 145
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.69
- 241
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 12
- 163
- 9182254
- 9182417
- 274
- 322.56
- 357
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 242
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 13
- 95
- 9173899
- 9173994
- 141
- 172.76
- 191
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 243
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 14
- 95
- 9172221
- 9172316
- 124
- 166.83
- 188
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 244
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 15
- 139
- 9171622
- 9171761
- 138
- 175.14
- 213
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 245
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 16
- 132
- 9168571
- 9168703
- 123
- 182.67
- 209
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 246
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 17
- 156
- 9167211
- 9167367
- 247
- 319.95
- 374
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 247
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 18
- 129
- 9166536
- 9166665
- 117
- 147.09
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 248
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 19
- 192
- 9165638
- 9165830
- 210
- 278.86
- 329
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 249
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 20
- 93
- 9164944
- 9165037
- 110
- 143.43
- 166
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 250
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 21
- 134
- 9164263
- 9164397
- 113
- 187.98
- 228
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 251
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 22
- 179
- 9163481
- 9163660
- 251
- 342.18
- 386
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 252
- NM_015213.3
- 11
- 23
- 194
- 9161212
- 9161406
- 199
- 255.73
- 284
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 253
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 1
- 241
- 55352556
- 55352797
- 69
- 123.02
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 70.12
- 254
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 2
- 166
- 55349285
- 55349451
- 67
- 136.99
- 193
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 77.71
- 255
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 3
- 116
- 55341609
- 55341725
- 87
- 139.94
- 176
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.65
- 256
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 4
- 129
- 55340760
- 55340889
- 94
- 134.25
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.92
- 257
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 5
- 274
- 55337017
- 55337291
- 55
- 129.96
- 194
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 70.80
- 258
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 6
- 154
- 55330970
- 55331124
- 101
- 149.60
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 259
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 7
- 208
- 55319704
- 55319912
- 199
- 259.51
- 331
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 260
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 8
- 189
- 55319101
- 55319290
- 109
- 175.29
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 261
- DHCR24
- NM_014762.3
- 1
- 9
- 164
- 55317900
- 55318064
- 119
- 168.21
- 209
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 262
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 1
- 77
- 100259808
- 100259885
- 17
- 28.13
- 33
- 100.00
- 90.90
- 53.24
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 263
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 2
- 193
- 100317184
- 100317377
- 180
- 256.87
- 305
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 264
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 3
- 143
- 100331845
- 100331988
- 91
- 138.47
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.90
- 265
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 4
- 67
- 100341262
- 100341329
- 111
- 140.00
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 266
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 5
- 145
- 100344816
- 100344961
- 238
- 297.63
- 331
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 267
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 6
- 39
- 100357530
- 100357569
- 139
- 162.18
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 268
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 7
- 140
- 100360960
- 100361100
- 81
- 126.24
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.85
- 269
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 8
- 160
- 100363476
- 100363636
- 141
- 236.45
- 273
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 270
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 9
- 80
- 100364564
- 100364644
- 105
- 148.51
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 271
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 10
- 121
- 100367260
- 100367381
- 86
- 137.56
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.08
- 272
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 11
- 106
- 100373969
- 100374075
- 99
- 133.47
- 164
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.62
- 273
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 12
- 145
- 100375676
- 100375821
- 237
- 289.72
- 345
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 274
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 13
- 110
- 100376573
- 100376683
- 135
- 153.07
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 275
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 14
- 165
- 100377753
- 100377918
- 170
- 213.75
- 229
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 276
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 15
- 136
- 100380510
- 100380646
- 150
- 189.28
- 213
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 277
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 16
- 142
- 100380897
- 100381039
- 266
- 351.49
- 400
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 278
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 17
- 78
- 100384113
- 100384191
- 124
- 144.06
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 279
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 18
- 99
- 100387120
- 100387219
- 112
- 168.11
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 280
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 19
- 108
- 100402360
- 100402468
- 121
- 178.09
- 213
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 281
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 20
- 98
- 100402578
- 100402676
- 219
- 248.84
- 272
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 282
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 21
- 106
- 100404148
- 100404254
- 113
- 154.13
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 283
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 22
- 141
- 100405528
- 100405669
- 112
- 174.21
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 284
- EML1
- NM_001008707.1
- 14
- 23
- 136
- 100406318
- 100406454
- 88
- 156.74
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.52
- 285
- NM_006494.2
- 19
- 1
- 32
- 42759124
- 42759156
- 6
- 7.03
- 8
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
- 286
- NM_006494.2
- 19
- 2
- 245
- 42754477
- 42754722
- 229
- 248.78
- 279
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 287
- NM_006494.2
- 19
- 3
- 126
- 42753973
- 42754099
- 175
- 234.07
- 263
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 288
- NM_006494.2
- 19
- 4
- 1284
- 42752611
- 42753895
- 119
- 233.39
- 355
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 289
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 1
- 615
- 193194
- 193809
- 36
- 79.02
- 105
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.03
- 6.50
- 290
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 2
- 189
- 195548
- 195737
- 133
- 177.37
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 291
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 3
- 89
- 208892
- 208981
- 116
- 130.19
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 292
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 4
- 103
- 286375
- 286478
- 121
- 147.38
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 293
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 5
- 126
- 288275
- 288401
- 133
- 161.01
- 178
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 294
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 6
- 191
- 295809
- 296000
- 78
- 131.36
- 188
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 78.53
- 295
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 7
- 120
- 296614
- 296734
- 129
- 171.62
- 200
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 296
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 8
- 92
- 296965
- 297057
- 140
- 168.84
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 297
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 9
- 70
- 298606
- 298676
- 117
- 160.44
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 298
- FAM20C
- NM_020223.3
- 7
- 10
- 260
- 299691
- 299951
- 69
- 174.33
- 248
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.30
- 299
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 3
- 961
- 14882676
- 14883637
- 110
- 206.80
- 332
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 300
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 4
- 163
- 14877298
- 14877461
- 207
- 231.74
- 264
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 301
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 5
- 103
- 14875978
- 14876081
- 200
- 218.25
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 302
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 6
- 139
- 14871155
- 14871294
- 152
- 176.84
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 303
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 7
- 180
- 14868621
- 14868801
- 161
- 200.22
- 249
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 304
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 8
- 441
- 14862972
- 14863413
- 174
- 252.15
- 320
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 305
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 9
- 248
- 14862619
- 14862867
- 170
- 245.13
- 301
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 306
- NM_001018113.1
- X
- 10
- 425
- 14861683
- 14862108
- 89
- 194.84
- 294
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.47
- 307
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 2
- 21
- 38318608
- 38318629
- 179
- 181.29
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 308
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 3
- 189
- 38314868
- 38315057
- 148
- 195.44
- 233
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 309
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 4
- 277
- 38287194
- 38287471
- 67
- 131.34
- 190
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.20
- 310
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 5
- 94
- 38285864
- 38285958
- 173
- 191.84
- 208
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 311
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 6
- 183
- 38285433
- 38285616
- 81
- 159.16
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.71
- 312
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 7
- 134
- 38283634
- 38283768
- 95
- 121.24
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.28
- 313
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 8
- 201
- 38282021
- 38282222
- 55
- 111.07
- 154
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 54.22
- 314
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 9
- 155
- 38279309
- 38279464
- 67
- 129.94
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.54
- 315
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 10
- 213
- 38277045
- 38277258
- 88
- 145.34
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.36
- 316
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 11
- 156
- 38275740
- 38275896
- 121
- 152.94
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 317
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 12
- 132
- 38275382
- 38275514
- 118
- 175.52
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 318
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 13
- 121
- 38274818
- 38274939
- 165
- 204.83
- 232
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 319
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 14
- 201
- 38273382
- 38273583
- 85
- 157.56
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.54
- 320
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 15
- 133
- 38272291
- 38272424
- 54
- 129.82
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 71.42
- 321
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 16
- 81
- 38272071
- 38272152
- 158
- 186.69
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 322
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 17
- 148
- 38271664
- 38271812
- 126
- 174.51
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 323
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 18
- 116
- 38271430
- 38271546
- 216
- 260.79
- 285
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 324
- NM_001174067.1
- 8
- 19
- 187
- 38271140
- 38271327
- 112
- 162.83
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 325
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 2
- 119
- 123353217
- 123353336
- 194
- 250.51
- 276
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 326
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 3
- 277
- 123324946
- 123325223
- 104
- 196.15
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 327
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 4
- 88
- 123324010
- 123324098
- 111
- 148.63
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 328
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 5
- 180
- 123310798
- 123310978
- 62
- 116.34
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.22
- 329
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 6
- 134
- 123298100
- 123298234
- 98
- 133.93
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.50
- 330
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 7
- 201
- 123279487
- 123279688
- 182
- 227.47
- 262
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 331
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 8
- 158
- 123278190
- 123278348
- 56
- 105.72
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 60.12
- 332
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 9
- 213
- 123274625
- 123274838
- 83
- 129.16
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.67
- 333
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 10
- 162
- 123263298
- 123263460
- 56
- 111.49
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.66
- 334
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 11
- 132
- 123260334
- 123260466
- 84
- 113.61
- 128
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84.09
- 335
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 12
- 121
- 123258003
- 123258124
- 70
- 96.92
- 112
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 51.23
- 336
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 13
- 201
- 123256040
- 123256241
- 35
- 94.89
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.02
- 40.29
- 337
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 14
- 133
- 123247499
- 123247632
- 72
- 116.54
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 77.44
- 338
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 15
- 81
- 123246862
- 123246943
- 74
- 112.51
- 176
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 44.44
- 339
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 16
- 148
- 123244903
- 123245051
- 58
- 98.98
- 128
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 60.81
- 340
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 17
- 116
- 123243206
- 123243322
- 150
- 233.73
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 341
- NM_022970.3
- 10
- 18
- 175
- 123239365
- 123239540
- 104
- 144.66
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 342
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 2
- 119
- 1795656
- 1795775
- 32
- 61.18
- 74
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 78.15
- 0.00
- 343
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 3
- 280
- 1800975
- 1801255
- 190
- 275.92
- 338
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 344
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 4
- 76
- 1801468
- 1801544
- 128
- 158.43
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 345
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 5
- 180
- 1803088
- 1803268
- 227
- 301.66
- 335
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 346
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 6
- 134
- 1803341
- 1803475
- 252
- 330.51
- 365
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 347
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 7
- 201
- 1803556
- 1803757
- 94
- 196.67
- 241
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.50
- 348
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 8
- 161
- 1804635
- 1804796
- 232
- 263.48
- 302
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 349
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 9
- 201
- 1806051
- 1806252
- 118
- 178.06
- 224
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 350
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 10
- 156
- 1806545
- 1806701
- 242
- 302.02
- 336
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 351
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 11
- 132
- 1807076
- 1807208
- 267
- 339.26
- 409
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 352
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 12
- 121
- 1807280
- 1807401
- 296
- 323.17
- 353
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 353
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 13
- 201
- 1807471
- 1807672
- 218
- 309.04
- 358
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 354
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 14
- 133
- 1807772
- 1807905
- 186
- 223.92
- 246
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 355
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 15
- 81
- 1807978
- 1808059
- 182
- 214.91
- 242
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 356
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 16
- 148
- 1808267
- 1808415
- 271
- 286.11
- 309
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 357
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 17
- 116
- 1808550
- 1808666
- 228
- 274.60
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 358
- NM_001163213.1
- 4
- 18
- 157
- 1808837
- 1808994
- 261
- 291.61
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 359
- NM_024301.4
- 19
- 4
- 1498
- 47258702
- 47260200
- 107
- 209.48
- 414
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 360
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 2
- 115
- 108337308
- 108337423
- 70
- 97.76
- 116
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 43.47
- 361
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 3
- 70
- 108358873
- 108358943
- 205
- 216.46
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 362
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 4
- 214
- 108363420
- 108363634
- 81
- 137.96
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.58
- 363
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 5
- 288
- 108366490
- 108366778
- 111
- 214.05
- 288
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 364
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 6
- 143
- 108370094
- 108370237
- 69
- 109.04
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 72.02
- 365
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 7
- 140
- 108377553
- 108377693
- 80
- 120.92
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.57
- 366
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 8
- 144
- 108380234
- 108380378
- 92
- 185.31
- 253
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.44
- 367
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 9
- 138
- 108382209
- 108382347
- 128
- 174.44
- 217
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 368
- NM_006731.2
- 9
- 10
- 224
- 108397326
- 108397550
- 83
- 213.02
- 259
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.51
- 369
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 1
- 679
- 76045310
- 76045989
- 152
- 234.34
- 350
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 370
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 2
- 152
- 76088416
- 76088568
- 77
- 135.38
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.92
- 371
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 3
- 151
- 76090949
- 76091100
- 66
- 112.62
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 69.53
- 372
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 4
- 78
- 76099966
- 76100044
- 158
- 181.21
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 373
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 5
- 114
- 76101247
- 76101361
- 121
- 150.28
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 374
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 6
- 121
- 76105689
- 76105810
- 72
- 130.15
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.55
- 375
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 7
- 116
- 76107292
- 76107408
- 156
- 188.70
- 213
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 376
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 8
- 122
- 76107519
- 76107641
- 104
- 194.80
- 249
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 377
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 9
- 66
- 76108180
- 76108246
- 147
- 156.66
- 169
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 378
- NM_017791.2
- 14
- 10
- 82
- 76112738
- 76112820
- 107
- 127.79
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 379
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 1
- 61
- 146993692
- 146993753
- 46
- 50.51
- 55
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 57.37
- 0.00
- 380
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 2
- 63
- 147003445
- 147003508
- 84
- 104.97
- 117
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.71
- 381
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 3
- 104
- 147007052
- 147007156
- 141
- 156.94
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 382
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 4
- 82
- 147009834
- 147009916
- 157
- 180.07
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 383
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 5
- 159
- 147010171
- 147010330
- 201
- 249.05
- 285
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 384
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 6
- 104
- 147011461
- 147011565
- 124
- 193.88
- 248
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 385
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 7
- 127
- 147011641
- 147011768
- 153
- 217.46
- 289
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 386
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 8
- 181
- 147013938
- 147014119
- 197
- 225.46
- 255
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 387
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 9
- 89
- 147014198
- 147014287
- 141
- 182.39
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 388
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 10
- 120
- 147018017
- 147018137
- 238
- 284.58
- 318
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 389
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 11
- 145
- 147018979
- 147019124
- 197
- 232.91
- 258
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 390
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 12
- 73
- 147019612
- 147019685
- 200
- 225.34
- 239
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 391
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 13
- 97
- 147022089
- 147022186
- 73
- 115.27
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 67.01
- 392
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 14
- 206
- 147024645
- 147024851
- 77
- 196.78
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.20
- 393
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 15
- 193
- 147026383
- 147026576
- 147
- 184.52
- 211
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 394
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 16
- 93
- 147027048
- 147027141
- 175
- 191.24
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 395
- FMR1
- NM_002024.5
- X
- 17
- 172
- 147030197
- 147030369
- 220
- 264.64
- 349
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 396
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 1
- 471
- 42992388
- 42992859
- 199
- 287.42
- 344
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 397
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 2
- 71
- 42991390
- 42991461
- 85
- 101.49
- 109
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 71.83
- 398
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 3
- 106
- 42991090
- 42991196
- 123
- 139.52
- 153
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 399
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 4
- 172
- 42990631
- 42990803
- 88
- 127.15
- 176
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.53
- 400
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 5
- 136
- 42989034
- 42989170
- 77
- 110.23
- 126
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.52
- 401
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 6
- 231
- 42988598
- 42988829
- 139
- 214.71
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 402
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 7
- 54
- 42987977
- 42988031
- 202
- 235.81
- 319
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 403
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 8
- 96
- 42985426
- 42985522
- 149
- 172.04
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 404
- NM_002055.4
- 17
- 9
- 52
- 42984709
- 42984761
- 136
- 147.58
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 405
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 2
- 134
- 42262723
- 42262857
- 146
- 206.08
- 231
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 406
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 3
- 253
- 42187819
- 42188072
- 73
- 136.82
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.00
- 407
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 4
- 116
- 42116345
- 42116461
- 81
- 121.87
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76.72
- 408
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 5
- 216
- 42088084
- 42088300
- 44
- 105.17
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.22
- 61.11
- 409
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 6
- 157
- 42084977
- 42085134
- 56
- 111.85
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.15
- 410
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 7
- 212
- 42079631
- 42079843
- 74
- 135.47
- 169
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76.41
- 411
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 8
- 224
- 42065792
- 42066016
- 79
- 150.81
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.17
- 412
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 9
- 124
- 42064857
- 42064981
- 134
- 161.88
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 413
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 10
- 151
- 42063061
- 42063212
- 140
- 196.92
- 219
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 414
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 11
- 160
- 42018192
- 42018352
- 188
- 229.52
- 265
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 415
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 12
- 175
- 42017151
- 42017326
- 85
- 122.05
- 157
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84.57
- 416
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 13
- 301
- 42011930
- 42012231
- 84
- 167.40
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.73
- 417
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 14
- 338
- 42007188
- 42007526
- 184
- 239.99
- 285
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 418
- GLI3
- NM_000168.5
- 7
- 15
- 2322
- 42003922
- 42006244
- 96
- 274.83
- 597
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.13
- 419
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 2
- 66
- 109428139
- 109428205
- 257
- 285.62
- 314
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 420
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 3
- 232
- 109439480
- 109439712
- 78
- 133.99
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.31
- 421
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 4
- 146
- 109440108
- 109440254
- 59
- 106.29
- 120
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.87
- 422
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 5
- 153
- 109440575
- 109440728
- 97
- 124.61
- 145
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.73
- 423
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 6
- 134
- 109441258
- 109441392
- 130
- 166.99
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 424
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 7
- 126
- 109441495
- 109441621
- 80
- 172.40
- 233
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.41
- 425
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 8
- 166
- 109444406
- 109444572
- 230
- 256.92
- 284
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 426
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 9
- 119
- 109445742
- 109445861
- 169
- 225.93
- 257
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 427
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 10
- 140
- 109446741
- 109446881
- 223
- 260.81
- 294
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 428
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 11
- 81
- 109456954
- 109457035
- 110
- 133.44
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 429
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 12
- 187
- 109461229
- 109461416
- 213
- 242.85
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 430
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 13
- 170
- 109465033
- 109465203
- 133
- 286.20
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 431
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 14
- 225
- 109466616
- 109466841
- 107
- 196.32
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 432
- NM_013296.4
- 1
- 15
- 250
- 109472317
- 109472567
- 62
- 121.94
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.60
- 433
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 1
- 220
- 65446955
- 65447175
- 92
- 158.77
- 199
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.36
- 434
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 2
- 196
- 65445205
- 65445401
- 170
- 287.49
- 363
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 435
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 3
- 195
- 65444708
- 65444903
- 237
- 284.50
- 311
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 436
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 4
- 153
- 65444380
- 65444533
- 105
- 213.41
- 281
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 437
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 5
- 198
- 65440996
- 65441194
- 51
- 100.47
- 132
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 48.98
- 438
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 6
- 163
- 65439900
- 65440063
- 65
- 140.22
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.00
- 439
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 7
- 189
- 65439507
- 65439696
- 146
- 189.40
- 241
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 440
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 8
- 157
- 65439276
- 65439433
- 151
- 198.42
- 231
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 441
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 9
- 95
- 65435263
- 65435358
- 80
- 104.42
- 115
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.68
- 442
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 10
- 187
- 65432712
- 65432899
- 103
- 158.78
- 200
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 443
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 11
- 146
- 65429304
- 65429450
- 65
- 124.62
- 154
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.65
- 444
- NM_000181.3
- 7
- 12
- 177
- 65425878
- 65426055
- 57
- 84.90
- 109
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 16.94
- 445
- NM_001134793.1
- 11
- 3
- 910
- 125769258
- 125770168
- 83
- 292.70
- 454
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.19
- 446
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 1
- 113
- 148586559
- 148586672
- 131
- 179.94
- 203
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 447
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 2
- 147
- 148585681
- 148585828
- 143
- 220.56
- 261
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 448
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 3
- 188
- 148584836
- 148585024
- 80
- 142.05
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.14
- 449
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 4
- 99
- 148582474
- 148582573
- 67
- 92.07
- 109
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 34.34
- 450
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 5
- 211
- 148579632
- 148579843
- 150
- 210.39
- 253
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 451
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 6
- 181
- 148577871
- 148578052
- 105
- 154.03
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 452
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 7
- 137
- 148571839
- 148571976
- 131
- 170.61
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 453
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 8
- 184
- 148568450
- 148568634
- 202
- 252.97
- 292
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 454
- NM_000202.5
- X
- 9
- 483
- 148564271
- 148564754
- 85
- 158.02
- 226
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.20
- 455
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 1
- 267
- 16460685
- 16460952
- 118
- 181.67
- 232
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 456
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 2
- 287
- 16445680
- 16445967
- 135
- 183.80
- 211
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 457
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 3
- 160
- 16415711
- 16415871
- 75
- 116.34
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.50
- 458
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 4
- 115
- 16348142
- 16348257
- 95
- 129.40
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.13
- 459
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 5
- 56
- 16341040
- 16341096
- 107
- 120.18
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 460
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 6
- 108
- 16317748
- 16317856
- 136
- 181.97
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 461
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 7
- 103
- 16298539
- 16298642
- 79
- 102.47
- 121
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 56.31
- 462
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 8
- 103
- 16298009
- 16298112
- 246
- 259.75
- 299
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 463
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 9
- 142
- 16255685
- 16255827
- 73
- 97.31
- 110
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 53.52
- 464
- NM_001101426.3
- 7
- 10
- 115
- 16131314
- 16131429
- 81
- 107.64
- 125
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.08
- 465
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 1
- 107
- 123091797
- 123091904
- 75
- 117.89
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.76
- 466
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 2
- 127
- 123094185
- 123094312
- 93
- 148.02
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.42
- 467
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 3
- 89
- 123095723
- 123095812
- 104
- 143.71
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 468
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 4
- 75
- 123096999
- 123097074
- 97
- 112.31
- 122
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.66
- 469
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 5
- 197
- 123107185
- 123107382
- 139
- 200.57
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 470
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 6
- 92
- 123108580
- 123108672
- 107
- 121.12
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 471
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 7
- 204
- 123109044
- 123109248
- 106
- 147.26
- 169
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 472
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 8
- 90
- 123111149
- 123111239
- 78
- 99.99
- 118
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 53.33
- 473
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 9
- 161
- 123113378
- 123113539
- 140
- 207.61
- 235
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 474
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 10
- 167
- 123117784
- 123117951
- 160
- 182.08
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 475
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 11
- 89
- 123118345
- 123118434
- 103
- 130.82
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 476
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 12
- 102
- 123120508
- 123120610
- 130
- 162.90
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 477
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 13
- 128
- 123122158
- 123122286
- 121
- 149.72
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 478
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 14
- 166
- 123128259
- 123128425
- 117
- 182.02
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 479
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 15
- 108
- 123128690
- 123128798
- 74
- 99.06
- 110
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.96
- 480
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 16
- 189
- 123130308
- 123130497
- 139
- 181.17
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 481
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 17
- 117
- 123130967
- 123131084
- 75
- 138.96
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.90
- 482
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 18
- 219
- 123132036
- 123132255
- 132
- 204.84
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 483
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 19
- 238
- 123140489
- 123140727
- 142
- 206.84
- 274
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 484
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 20
- 148
- 123141482
- 123141630
- 144
- 242.66
- 293
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 485
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 21
- 190
- 123145647
- 123145837
- 189
- 254.16
- 286
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 486
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 22
- 139
- 123147856
- 123147995
- 80
- 118.60
- 147
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.29
- 487
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 23
- 130
- 123150270
- 123150400
- 89
- 128.56
- 156
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.53
- 488
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 24
- 291
- 123151080
- 123151371
- 130
- 165.95
- 193
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 489
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 25
- 261
- 123155922
- 123156183
- 123
- 155.38
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 490
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 26
- 269
- 123159241
- 123159510
- 140
- 176.18
- 203
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 491
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 27
- 848
- 123160665
- 123161513
- 122
- 265.67
- 374
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 492
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 28
- 81
- 123164147
- 123164228
- 120
- 137.62
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 493
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 29
- 184
- 123165003
- 123165187
- 148
- 255.60
- 290
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 494
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 30
- 131
- 123166169
- 123166300
- 106
- 127.81
- 151
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 495
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 31
- 157
- 123167301
- 123167458
- 223
- 248.12
- 303
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 496
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 32
- 138
- 123167832
- 123167970
- 129
- 155.62
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 497
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 33
- 210
- 123168307
- 123168517
- 152
- 201.85
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 498
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 34
- 208
- 123170634
- 123170842
- 155
- 210.74
- 241
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 499
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 35
- 222
- 123171511
- 123171733
- 134
- 220.43
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 500
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 36
- 162
- 123175344
- 123175506
- 195
- 250.76
- 293
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 501
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 37
- 161
- 123175954
- 123176115
- 166
- 233.55
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 502
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 38
- 163
- 123176280
- 123176443
- 242
- 274.25
- 343
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 503
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 39
- 251
- 123178404
- 123178655
- 166
- 200.37
- 228
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 504
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 40
- 153
- 123179850
- 123180003
- 186
- 257.18
- 293
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 505
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 41
- 230
- 123183913
- 123184143
- 187
- 231.06
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 506
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 42
- 169
- 123184591
- 123184760
- 234
- 313.37
- 350
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 507
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 43
- 186
- 123185401
- 123185587
- 222
- 252.36
- 288
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 508
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 44
- 186
- 123187932
- 123188118
- 96
- 168.73
- 211
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.84
- 509
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 45
- 717
- 123192167
- 123192884
- 146
- 250.06
- 310
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 510
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 46
- 256
- 123193309
- 123193565
- 156
- 188.56
- 246
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 511
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 47
- 104
- 123195492
- 123195596
- 74
- 106.57
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.26
- 512
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 48
- 61
- 123197121
- 123197182
- 128
- 138.05
- 145
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 513
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 49
- 217
- 123200924
- 123201141
- 158
- 205.19
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 514
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 50
- 249
- 123202685
- 123202934
- 122
- 197.18
- 237
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 515
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 51
- 255
- 123207690
- 123207945
- 157
- 193.72
- 225
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 516
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 52
- 116
- 123210236
- 123210352
- 90
- 125.70
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.34
- 517
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 53
- 108
- 123222449
- 123222557
- 61
- 89.78
- 105
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 18.51
- 518
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 54
- 196
- 123225947
- 123226143
- 218
- 284.44
- 318
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 519
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 55
- 179
- 123227026
- 123227205
- 156
- 230.88
- 262
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 520
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 56
- 222
- 123229098
- 123229320
- 150
- 192.86
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 521
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 57
- 209
- 123230415
- 123230624
- 152
- 215.52
- 258
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 522
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 58
- 70
- 123234777
- 123234847
- 77
- 97.71
- 106
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 50.00
- 523
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 59
- 237
- 123236611
- 123236848
- 170
- 223.42
- 262
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 524
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 60
- 141
- 123237881
- 123238022
- 71
- 142.25
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.36
- 525
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 61
- 134
- 123239296
- 123239430
- 103
- 151.90
- 194
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 526
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 62
- 120
- 123245576
- 123245696
- 110
- 143.38
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 527
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 63
- 101
- 123246379
- 123246480
- 118
- 137.79
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 528
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 64
- 264
- 123249253
- 123249517
- 118
- 159.03
- 195
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 529
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 65
- 226
- 123252475
- 123252701
- 208
- 260.93
- 295
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 530
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 66
- 191
- 123254778
- 123254969
- 134
- 205.75
- 240
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 531
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 67
- 212
- 123255493
- 123255705
- 136
- 168.76
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 532
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 68
- 172
- 123257341
- 123257513
- 76
- 153.88
- 200
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.86
- 533
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 69
- 150
- 123258030
- 123258180
- 219
- 268.00
- 297
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 534
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 70
- 212
- 123260356
- 123260568
- 155
- 202.97
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 535
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 71
- 211
- 123264559
- 123264770
- 157
- 224.71
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 536
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 72
- 190
- 123265531
- 123265721
- 171
- 216.80
- 278
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 537
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 73
- 148
- 123267772
- 123267920
- 239
- 283.29
- 308
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 538
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 74
- 268
- 123268671
- 123268939
- 141
- 181.59
- 209
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 539
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 75
- 161
- 123269716
- 123269877
- 174
- 225.36
- 259
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 540
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 76
- 168
- 123270307
- 123270475
- 178
- 248.35
- 291
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 541
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 77
- 203
- 123270599
- 123270802
- 232
- 263.82
- 300
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 542
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 78
- 228
- 123271006
- 123271234
- 183
- 224.13
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 543
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 79
- 262
- 123274053
- 123274315
- 182
- 234.85
- 296
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 544
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 80
- 214
- 123274963
- 123275177
- 147
- 201.60
- 229
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 545
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 81
- 205
- 123276945
- 123277150
- 176
- 245.56
- 286
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 546
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 82
- 145
- 123277770
- 123277915
- 245
- 270.80
- 317
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 547
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 83
- 176
- 123280706
- 123280882
- 187
- 238.26
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 548
- KIAA1109
- NM_015312.3
- 4
- 84
- 227
- 123283180
- 123283407
- 172
- 226.31
- 277
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 549
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 1
- 86
- 153141210
- 153141296
- 213
- 244.15
- 275
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 550
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 2
- 25
- 153138677
- 153138702
- 242
- 259.16
- 278
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 551
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 3
- 116
- 153138041
- 153138157
- 266
- 319.54
- 353
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 552
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 4
- 213
- 153137601
- 153137814
- 96
- 132.57
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.12
- 553
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 5
- 133
- 153136506
- 153136639
- 306
- 341.92
- 372
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 554
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 6
- 181
- 153136239
- 153136420
- 274
- 330.99
- 363
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 555
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 7
- 122
- 153135837
- 153135959
- 280
- 338.57
- 389
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 556
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 8
- 195
- 153135505
- 153135700
- 242
- 321.92
- 365
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 557
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 9
- 142
- 153135252
- 153135394
- 325
- 404.45
- 454
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 558
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 10
- 154
- 153134969
- 153135123
- 149
- 241.80
- 304
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 559
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 11
- 122
- 153134290
- 153134412
- 277
- 336.31
- 441
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 560
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 12
- 177
- 153134010
- 153134187
- 298
- 389.87
- 424
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 561
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 13
- 167
- 153133751
- 153133918
- 203
- 233.15
- 260
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 562
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 14
- 135
- 153133447
- 153133582
- 365
- 407.53
- 433
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 563
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 15
- 121
- 153133249
- 153133370
- 350
- 415.30
- 457
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 564
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 16
- 208
- 153132805
- 153133013
- 152
- 300.08
- 392
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 565
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 17
- 81
- 153132503
- 153132584
- 198
- 209.07
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 566
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 18
- 233
- 153132098
- 153132331
- 220
- 364.51
- 440
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 567
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 19
- 126
- 153131153
- 153131279
- 210
- 247.98
- 270
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 568
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 20
- 212
- 153130748
- 153130960
- 243
- 323.20
- 373
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 569
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 21
- 133
- 153130537
- 153130670
- 328
- 370.18
- 405
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 570
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 22
- 184
- 153130270
- 153130454
- 348
- 433.85
- 486
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 571
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 23
- 130
- 153130034
- 153130164
- 294
- 349.60
- 390
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 572
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 24
- 166
- 153129771
- 153129937
- 288
- 344.89
- 372
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 573
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 25
- 145
- 153129332
- 153129477
- 373
- 414.41
- 452
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 574
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 26
- 83
- 153128926
- 153129009
- 280
- 312.67
- 330
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 575
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 27
- 22
- 153128817
- 153128839
- 154
- 168.14
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 576
- NM_000425.4
- X
- 28
- 242
- 153128112
- 153128354
- 161
- 277.50
- 348
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 577
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 2
- 47
- 107643288
- 107643335
- 94
- 101.09
- 106
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.08
- 578
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 3
- 186
- 107641997
- 107642183
- 196
- 306.98
- 365
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 579
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 4
- 146
- 107638796
- 107638942
- 70
- 97.66
- 117
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 45.89
- 580
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 5
- 84
- 107635326
- 107635410
- 135
- 151.58
- 162
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 581
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 6
- 199
- 107626614
- 107626813
- 193
- 282.73
- 343
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 582
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 7
- 74
- 107626461
- 107626535
- 149
- 212.81
- 238
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 583
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 8
- 213
- 107621048
- 107621261
- 120
- 168.35
- 203
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 584
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 9
- 131
- 107618486
- 107618617
- 66
- 126.28
- 157
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.38
- 585
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 10
- 199
- 107616128
- 107616327
- 133
- 227.50
- 281
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 586
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 11
- 190
- 107615673
- 107615863
- 225
- 270.82
- 299
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 587
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 12
- 123
- 107615425
- 107615548
- 182
- 236.42
- 272
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 588
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 13
- 90
- 107613431
- 107613521
- 126
- 157.09
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 589
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 14
- 146
- 107604991
- 107605137
- 115
- 146.15
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 590
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 15
- 169
- 107603344
- 107603513
- 134
- 212.59
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 591
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 16
- 138
- 107601988
- 107602126
- 113
- 146.32
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 592
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 17
- 134
- 107601645
- 107601779
- 113
- 160.90
- 204
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 593
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 18
- 215
- 107600884
- 107601099
- 125
- 151.38
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 594
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 19
- 154
- 107600130
- 107600284
- 303
- 330.73
- 353
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 595
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 20
- 242
- 107599688
- 107599930
- 129
- 275.51
- 320
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 596
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 21
- 174
- 107595906
- 107596080
- 156
- 230.79
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 597
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 22
- 235
- 107593969
- 107594204
- 107
- 208.34
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 598
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 23
- 225
- 107592448
- 107592673
- 155
- 256.92
- 306
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 599
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 24
- 107
- 107591665
- 107591772
- 131
- 172.30
- 201
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 600
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 25
- 380
- 107580428
- 107580808
- 126
- 243.11
- 338
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 601
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 26
- 195
- 107577532
- 107577727
- 177
- 231.08
- 263
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 602
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 27
- 252
- 107575854
- 107576106
- 110
- 172.14
- 198
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 603
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 28
- 214
- 107572613
- 107572827
- 166
- 238.21
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 604
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 29
- 155
- 107571795
- 107571950
- 118
- 166.65
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 605
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 30
- 218
- 107569851
- 107570069
- 161
- 249.87
- 281
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 606
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 31
- 152
- 107569503
- 107569655
- 123
- 153.63
- 184
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 607
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 32
- 187
- 107566622
- 107566809
- 129
- 199.37
- 236
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 608
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 33
- 170
- 107564669
- 107564839
- 192
- 260.32
- 292
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 609
- NM_002291.2
- 7
- 34
- 147
- 107564390
- 107564537
- 59
- 180.33
- 218
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.79
- 610
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 3
- 116
- 34157352
- 34157468
- 117
- 138.08
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 611
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 4
- 312
- 34046347
- 34046659
- 198
- 287.18
- 360
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 612
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 5
- 93
- 34022222
- 34022315
- 92
- 128.29
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.62
- 613
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 6
- 134
- 34000415
- 34000549
- 175
- 213.04
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 614
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 7
- 182
- 33960828
- 33961010
- 45
- 104.61
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.75
- 67.03
- 615
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 8
- 115
- 33828141
- 33828256
- 136
- 170.72
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 616
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 9
- 123
- 33780172
- 33780295
- 86
- 133.32
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.36
- 617
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 10
- 136
- 33777899
- 33778035
- 197
- 231.20
- 274
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 618
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 11
- 166
- 33733626
- 33733792
- 82
- 122.96
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.13
- 619
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 12
- 174
- 33712065
- 33712239
- 74
- 123.90
- 162
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.31
- 620
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 13
- 289
- 33700209
- 33700498
- 71
- 146.41
- 222
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 77.85
- 621
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 14
- 157
- 33679182
- 33679339
- 69
- 105.49
- 125
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 68.78
- 622
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 15
- 206
- 33673040
- 33673246
- 96
- 131.06
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.66
- 623
- NM_004737.4
- 22
- 16
- 208
- 33670407
- 33670615
- 84
- 139.75
- 190
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84.13
- 624
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 1
- 169
- 12777351
- 12777520
- 133
- 196.22
- 243
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 625
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 2
- 113
- 12776511
- 12776624
- 141
- 181.95
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 626
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 3
- 184
- 12776160
- 12776344
- 100
- 152.91
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 627
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 4
- 204
- 12775600
- 12775804
- 107
- 155.27
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 628
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 5
- 143
- 12774511
- 12774654
- 94
- 149.03
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.10
- 629
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 6
- 156
- 12774125
- 12774281
- 77
- 133.36
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 76.28
- 630
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 7
- 127
- 12772068
- 12772195
- 124
- 171.96
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 631
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 8
- 93
- 12769236
- 12769329
- 181
- 231.27
- 265
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 632
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 9
- 131
- 12769032
- 12769163
- 245
- 281.05
- 313
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 633
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 10
- 89
- 12768871
- 12768960
- 147
- 203.25
- 251
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 634
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 11
- 120
- 12768254
- 12768374
- 226
- 296.87
- 333
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 635
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 12
- 118
- 12767757
- 12767875
- 179
- 224.24
- 262
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 636
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 13
- 127
- 12767379
- 12767506
- 111
- 155.86
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 637
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 14
- 196
- 12766502
- 12766698
- 214
- 249.46
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 638
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 15
- 108
- 12763171
- 12763279
- 141
- 189.41
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 639
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 16
- 128
- 12762961
- 12763089
- 133
- 183.13
- 215
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 640
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 17
- 129
- 12760912
- 12761041
- 198
- 277.33
- 322
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 641
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 18
- 112
- 12760721
- 12760833
- 143
- 218.79
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 642
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 19
- 98
- 12760149
- 12760247
- 105
- 138.65
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 643
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 20
- 91
- 12759944
- 12760035
- 94
- 143.30
- 165
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.60
- 644
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 21
- 238
- 12758983
- 12759221
- 136
- 277.99
- 371
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 645
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 22
- 166
- 12758251
- 12758417
- 107
- 216.23
- 260
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 646
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 23
- 113
- 12758041
- 12758154
- 204
- 222.08
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 647
- MAN2B1
- NM_000528.3
- 19
- 24
- 123
- 12757428
- 12757551
- 113
- 141.63
- 163
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 648
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 1
- 70
- 29422322
- 29422392
- 57
- 63.90
- 71
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 649
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 2
- 154
- 29482995
- 29483149
- 126
- 169.16
- 194
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 650
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 3
- 94
- 29486022
- 29486116
- 111
- 128.03
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 651
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 4
- 201
- 29490198
- 29490399
- 166
- 201.25
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 652
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 5
- 117
- 29496903
- 29497020
- 73
- 109.29
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 55.55
- 653
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 6
- 78
- 29508434
- 29508512
- 121
- 155.04
- 203
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 654
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 7
- 86
- 29508722
- 29508808
- 144
- 207.00
- 255
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 655
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 8
- 168
- 29509520
- 29509688
- 85
- 115.99
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.30
- 656
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 9
- 184
- 29527434
- 29527618
- 43
- 109.63
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 94.02
- 52.71
- 657
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 10
- 133
- 29528049
- 29528182
- 80
- 137.47
- 165
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.22
- 658
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 11
- 85
- 29528423
- 29528508
- 76
- 94.40
- 108
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 41.17
- 659
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 12
- 142
- 29533252
- 29533394
- 66
- 104.34
- 132
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 64.08
- 660
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 13
- 145
- 29541463
- 29541608
- 159
- 188.30
- 225
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 661
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 14
- 124
- 29546017
- 29546141
- 168
- 195.22
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 662
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 15
- 90
- 29548862
- 29548952
- 88
- 127.26
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 83.33
- 663
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 16
- 134
- 29550456
- 29550590
- 193
- 255.38
- 304
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 664
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 17
- 166
- 29552107
- 29552273
- 68
- 119.36
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 84.33
- 665
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 18
- 260
- 29553447
- 29553707
- 79
- 191.04
- 264
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.53
- 666
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 19
- 84
- 29554230
- 29554314
- 202
- 220.62
- 241
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 667
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 20
- 94
- 29554535
- 29554629
- 135
- 155.59
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 668
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 21
- 451
- 29556037
- 29556488
- 53
- 215.91
- 356
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 77.16
- 669
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 22
- 150
- 29556847
- 29556997
- 118
- 144.51
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 670
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 23
- 133
- 29557272
- 29557405
- 108
- 153.43
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 671
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 24
- 94
- 29557854
- 29557948
- 65
- 92.87
- 123
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 35.10
- 672
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 25
- 127
- 29559085
- 29559212
- 52
- 81.69
- 98
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 673
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 26
- 192
- 29559712
- 29559904
- 83
- 101.35
- 134
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 56.77
- 674
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 27
- 222
- 29560014
- 29560236
- 131
- 196.15
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 675
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 28
- 172
- 29562623
- 29562795
- 94
- 143.47
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.67
- 676
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 29
- 114
- 29562930
- 29563044
- 73
- 111.29
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 78.07
- 677
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 30
- 146
- 29575996
- 29576142
- 85
- 114.32
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.98
- 678
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 31
- 169
- 29585356
- 29585525
- 110
- 159.19
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 679
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 32
- 108
- 29586044
- 29586152
- 138
- 210.58
- 255
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 680
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 33
- 157
- 29587381
- 29587538
- 254
- 282.04
- 325
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 681
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 34
- 157
- 29588723
- 29588880
- 41
- 87.62
- 115
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 75.15
- 50.31
- 682
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 35
- 121
- 29592241
- 29592362
- 77
- 93.03
- 101
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 28.09
- 683
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 36
- 443
- 29652832
- 29653275
- 59
- 228.38
- 342
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.87
- 684
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 37
- 351
- 29654511
- 29654862
- 60
- 162.02
- 242
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.75
- 685
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 38
- 213
- 29657308
- 29657521
- 113
- 225.55
- 300
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 686
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 39
- 204
- 29661850
- 29662054
- 113
- 216.78
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 687
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 40
- 151
- 29663345
- 29663496
- 62
- 118.13
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.78
- 688
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 41
- 290
- 29663647
- 29663937
- 61
- 171.65
- 224
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.03
- 689
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 42
- 225
- 29664380
- 29664605
- 210
- 276.45
- 341
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 690
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 43
- 72
- 29664831
- 29664903
- 161
- 205.32
- 229
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 691
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 44
- 125
- 29665037
- 29665162
- 104
- 150.28
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 692
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 45
- 112
- 29665716
- 29665828
- 67
- 107.92
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.96
- 693
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 46
- 151
- 29667517
- 29667668
- 134
- 184.57
- 219
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 694
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 47
- 137
- 29670021
- 29670158
- 80
- 132.09
- 156
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.59
- 695
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 48
- 142
- 29676132
- 29676274
- 56
- 91.03
- 116
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 40.14
- 696
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 49
- 146
- 29677195
- 29677341
- 100
- 171.62
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 697
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 50
- 168
- 29679269
- 29679437
- 203
- 255.07
- 297
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 698
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 51
- 133
- 29683472
- 29683605
- 82
- 112.57
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.70
- 699
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 52
- 141
- 29683972
- 29684113
- 108
- 124.28
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 700
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 53
- 111
- 29684281
- 29684392
- 120
- 148.47
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 701
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 54
- 153
- 29685492
- 29685645
- 69
- 105.38
- 137
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 50.32
- 702
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 55
- 57
- 29685981
- 29686038
- 88
- 103.40
- 111
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.70
- 703
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 56
- 227
- 29687499
- 29687726
- 80
- 179.66
- 229
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.42
- 704
- NF1
- NM_000267.3
- 17
- 57
- 153
- 29701025
- 29701178
- 36
- 65.27
- 84
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.85
- 0.00
- 705
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 2
- 937
- 176562099
- 176563036
- 115
- 246.28
- 389
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 706
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 3
- 146
- 176618879
- 176619025
- 63
- 89.46
- 112
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 37.67
- 707
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 4
- 183
- 176631115
- 176631298
- 234
- 264.12
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 708
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 5
- 2570
- 176636631
- 176639201
- 45
- 257.29
- 371
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.14
- 98.13
- 709
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 6
- 135
- 176662816
- 176662951
- 228
- 267.89
- 295
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 710
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 7
- 281
- 176665232
- 176665513
- 147
- 219.53
- 273
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 711
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 8
- 120
- 176666751
- 176666871
- 83
- 115.58
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.00
- 712
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 9
- 86
- 176671190
- 176671276
- 90
- 100.78
- 114
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 54.65
- 713
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 10
- 129
- 176673673
- 176673802
- 85
- 112.17
- 129
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.94
- 714
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 11
- 154
- 176675176
- 176675330
- 109
- 200.53
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 715
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 12
- 134
- 176678725
- 176678859
- 269
- 290.02
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 716
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 13
- 211
- 176683946
- 176684157
- 110
- 163.11
- 198
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 717
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 14
- 190
- 176686984
- 176687174
- 173
- 240.02
- 300
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 718
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 15
- 167
- 176694557
- 176694724
- 84
- 125.05
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.82
- 719
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 16
- 216
- 176696597
- 176696813
- 50
- 118.09
- 162
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 66.20
- 720
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 17
- 123
- 176700667
- 176700790
- 161
- 211.45
- 235
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 721
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 18
- 280
- 176707560
- 176707840
- 83
- 208.39
- 273
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.35
- 722
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 19
- 127
- 176709460
- 176709587
- 98
- 129.97
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.06
- 723
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 20
- 152
- 176710782
- 176710934
- 258
- 302.91
- 339
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 724
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 21
- 117
- 176715814
- 176715931
- 89
- 117.42
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.90
- 725
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 22
- 215
- 176718949
- 176719164
- 229
- 308.33
- 354
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 726
- NSD1
- NM_022455.4
- 5
- 23
- 1638
- 176720827
- 176722465
- 106
- 286.75
- 466
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 727
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 1
- 412
- 108395448
- 108395860
- 92
- 189.92
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.02
- 728
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 2
- 125
- 108385383
- 108385508
- 73
- 117.45
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.00
- 729
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 3
- 108
- 108375688
- 108375796
- 98
- 170.31
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 99.07
- 730
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 4
- 178
- 108372229
- 108372407
- 66
- 104.30
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 56.17
- 731
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 5
- 176
- 108370451
- 108370627
- 159
- 195.93
- 219
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 732
- NM_014028.3
- 6
- 6
- 66
- 108365983
- 108366049
- 76
- 93.86
- 101
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 24.24
- 733
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 2
- 362
- 178916608
- 178916970
- 165
- 251.23
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 734
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 3
- 220
- 178917472
- 178917692
- 169
- 206.05
- 238
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 735
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 4
- 261
- 178919072
- 178919333
- 63
- 163.15
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.46
- 736
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 5
- 256
- 178921326
- 178921582
- 112
- 192.72
- 219
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 737
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 6
- 96
- 178922285
- 178922381
- 110
- 124.40
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 738
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 7
- 116
- 178927377
- 178927493
- 63
- 86.30
- 109
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 31.03
- 739
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 8
- 163
- 178927968
- 178928131
- 70
- 123.37
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.59
- 740
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 9
- 145
- 178928213
- 178928358
- 136
- 175.40
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 741
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 10
- 135
- 178935992
- 178936127
- 69
- 122.21
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.14
- 742
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 11
- 92
- 178936978
- 178937070
- 102
- 150.65
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 743
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 12
- 175
- 178937353
- 178937528
- 112
- 190.38
- 226
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 744
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 13
- 114
- 178937731
- 178937845
- 147
- 175.29
- 203
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 745
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 14
- 182
- 178938768
- 178938950
- 135
- 205.63
- 237
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 746
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 15
- 117
- 178941863
- 178941980
- 115
- 176.14
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 747
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 16
- 132
- 178942482
- 178942614
- 86
- 120.64
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.39
- 748
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 17
- 89
- 178943744
- 178943833
- 119
- 142.97
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 749
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 18
- 181
- 178947054
- 178947235
- 123
- 187.62
- 222
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 750
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 19
- 128
- 178947786
- 178947914
- 87
- 198.72
- 266
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.50
- 751
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 20
- 162
- 178948007
- 178948169
- 221
- 268.70
- 295
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 752
- NM_006218.2
- 3
- 21
- 281
- 178951876
- 178952157
- 154
- 247.28
- 294
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 753
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 2
- 332
- 18266684
- 18267016
- 150
- 273.55
- 355
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 754
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 3
- 103
- 18271275
- 18271378
- 89
- 128.38
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.26
- 755
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 4
- 61
- 18271723
- 18271784
- 209
- 248.67
- 284
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 756
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 5
- 142
- 18271858
- 18272000
- 254
- 303.45
- 330
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 757
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 6
- 227
- 18272083
- 18272310
- 35
- 69.09
- 118
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 55.06
- 25.55
- 758
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 7
- 96
- 18272770
- 18272866
- 233
- 258.85
- 272
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 759
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 8
- 119
- 18273006
- 18273125
- 255
- 296.14
- 326
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 760
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 9
- 109
- 18273212
- 18273321
- 189
- 259.45
- 290
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 761
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 10
- 191
- 18273771
- 18273962
- 45
- 68.04
- 88
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.57
- 0.00
- 762
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 11
- 136
- 18274067
- 18274203
- 112
- 148.65
- 182
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 763
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 12
- 153
- 18276964
- 18277117
- 114
- 153.60
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 764
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 13
- 187
- 18277934
- 18278121
- 220
- 287.56
- 334
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 765
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 14
- 82
- 18279279
- 18279361
- 205
- 216.17
- 223
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 766
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 15
- 181
- 18279530
- 18279711
- 223
- 338.28
- 379
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 767
- PIK3R2
- NM_005027.3
- 19
- 16
- 218
- 18279891
- 18280109
- 140
- 249.79
- 311
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 768
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 1
- 59
- 161123331
- 161123390
- 168
- 178.15
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 769
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 2
- 146
- 161127433
- 161127579
- 207
- 265.04
- 298
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 770
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 3
- 117
- 161128726
- 161128843
- 148
- 176.01
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 771
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 4
- 125
- 161132103
- 161132228
- 94
- 138.22
- 155
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.80
- 772
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 5
- 150
- 161134012
- 161134162
- 43
- 77.20
- 104
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.00
- 3.33
- 773
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 6
- 131
- 161135820
- 161135951
- 71
- 119.64
- 142
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.67
- 774
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 7
- 129
- 161137671
- 161137800
- 90
- 130.13
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 82.94
- 775
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 8
- 173
- 161139320
- 161139493
- 124
- 153.62
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 776
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 9
- 156
- 161139719
- 161139875
- 137
- 197.54
- 244
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 777
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 10
- 170
- 161143434
- 161143604
- 176
- 203.88
- 228
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 778
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 11
- 192
- 161152077
- 161152269
- 232
- 257.31
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 779
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 12
- 159
- 161152771
- 161152930
- 149
- 212.97
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 780
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 13
- 104
- 161155021
- 161155125
- 56
- 72.43
- 81
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 781
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 14
- 131
- 161157913
- 161158044
- 234
- 270.50
- 302
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 782
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 15
- 85
- 161159564
- 161159649
- 64
- 91.04
- 117
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 45.88
- 783
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 16
- 151
- 161160094
- 161160245
- 89
- 139.31
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.39
- 784
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 17
- 117
- 161162337
- 161162454
- 78
- 112.26
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.35
- 785
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 18
- 156
- 161173141
- 161173297
- 89
- 135.88
- 165
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 79.48
- 786
- NM_000301.3
- 6
- 19
- 172
- 161173926
- 161174098
- 161
- 269.74
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 787
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 2
- 130
- 46663368
- 46663498
- 141
- 171.46
- 199
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 788
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 3
- 125
- 46662636
- 46662761
- 156
- 180.69
- 195
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 789
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 4
- 129
- 46662397
- 46662526
- 142
- 188.71
- 217
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 790
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 5
- 76
- 46661678
- 46661754
- 156
- 221.08
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 791
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 6
- 124
- 46661477
- 46661601
- 120
- 242.10
- 331
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 792
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 7
- 128
- 46660510
- 46660638
- 204
- 294.16
- 338
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 793
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 8
- 109
- 46660219
- 46660328
- 157
- 205.35
- 227
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 794
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 9
- 138
- 46659940
- 46660078
- 127
- 178.37
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 795
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 10
- 81
- 46659521
- 46659602
- 182
- 213.36
- 235
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 796
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 11
- 86
- 46659230
- 46659316
- 191
- 217.59
- 234
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 797
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 12
- 94
- 46658971
- 46659065
- 191
- 235.77
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 798
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 13
- 52
- 46658840
- 46658892
- 194
- 206.62
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 799
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 14
- 69
- 46658566
- 46658635
- 166
- 181.75
- 199
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 800
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 15
- 83
- 46658184
- 46658267
- 246
- 289.37
- 334
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 801
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 16
- 139
- 46657974
- 46658113
- 342
- 371.50
- 409
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 802
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 17
- 136
- 46657764
- 46657900
- 207
- 242.30
- 264
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 803
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 18
- 75
- 46656386
- 46656461
- 141
- 159.65
- 172
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 804
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 19
- 55
- 46656139
- 46656194
- 128
- 143.44
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 805
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 20
- 146
- 46655520
- 46655666
- 131
- 169.53
- 205
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 806
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 21
- 94
- 46655150
- 46655244
- 259
- 323.83
- 353
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 807
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 22
- 126
- 46654908
- 46655034
- 211
- 290.57
- 337
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 808
- NM_001243766.1
- 1
- 23
- 272
- 46654385
- 46654657
- 88
- 195.35
- 279
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.76
- 809
- NM_032806.5
- 3
- 2
- 1753
- 43121175
- 43122928
- 57
- 210.02
- 445
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.93
- 810
- NM_032237.4
- 8
- 4
- 292
- 42958686
- 42958978
- 202
- 277.97
- 337
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 811
- NM_032237.4
- 8
- 5
- 781
- 42977244
- 42978025
- 197
- 310.77
- 470
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 812
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 2
- 132
- 134379600
- 134379732
- 91
- 128.22
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 87.87
- 813
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 3
- 117
- 134381495
- 134381612
- 108
- 156.16
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 814
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 4
- 61
- 134381784
- 134381845
- 141
- 161.22
- 169
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 815
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 5
- 157
- 134382749
- 134382906
- 172
- 250.15
- 291
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 816
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 6
- 122
- 134384292
- 134384414
- 110
- 147.85
- 178
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 817
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 7
- 76
- 134385124
- 134385200
- 131
- 170.82
- 194
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 818
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 8
- 170
- 134385284
- 134385454
- 142
- 190.19
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 819
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 9
- 166
- 134385641
- 134385807
- 99
- 136.97
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.19
- 820
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 10
- 141
- 134386718
- 134386859
- 105
- 131.79
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 821
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 11
- 106
- 134387422
- 134387528
- 110
- 157.13
- 178
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 822
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 12
- 103
- 134388620
- 134388723
- 109
- 139.57
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 823
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 13
- 107
- 134390807
- 134390914
- 112
- 160.97
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 824
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 14
- 103
- 134393826
- 134393929
- 125
- 191.26
- 228
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 825
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 15
- 131
- 134394218
- 134394349
- 124
- 151.05
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 826
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 16
- 108
- 134394770
- 134394878
- 104
- 133.44
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 827
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 17
- 124
- 134395461
- 134395585
- 106
- 151.43
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 828
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 18
- 137
- 134396727
- 134396864
- 108
- 145.53
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 829
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 19
- 188
- 134397428
- 134397616
- 84
- 165.18
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.02
- 830
- NM_007171.3
- 9
- 20
- 185
- 134398313
- 134398498
- 63
- 126.68
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.70
- 831
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 1
- 258
- 77786771
- 77787029
- 116
- 213.98
- 281
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 832
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 2
- 95
- 77778286
- 77778381
- 150
- 164.18
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 833
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 3
- 115
- 77772674
- 77772789
- 111
- 134.12
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 834
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 4
- 119
- 77771029
- 77771148
- 77
- 110.85
- 143
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 59.66
- 835
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 5
- 119
- 77769172
- 77769291
- 79
- 122.71
- 151
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.23
- 836
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 6
- 170
- 77767427
- 77767597
- 103
- 138.06
- 164
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 837
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 7
- 117
- 77765792
- 77765909
- 90
- 134.09
- 168
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.19
- 838
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 8
- 93
- 77765026
- 77765119
- 150
- 178.41
- 204
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 839
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 9
- 120
- 77762501
- 77762621
- 269
- 323.27
- 354
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 840
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 10
- 77
- 77757651
- 77757728
- 94
- 118.83
- 139
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.31
- 841
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 11
- 80
- 77755099
- 77755179
- 107
- 136.18
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 842
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 12
- 89
- 77753081
- 77753170
- 125
- 151.40
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 843
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 13
- 162
- 77751818
- 77751980
- 96
- 162.41
- 198
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.76
- 844
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 14
- 102
- 77751287
- 77751389
- 118
- 157.16
- 178
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 845
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 15
- 87
- 77750134
- 77750221
- 107
- 135.84
- 149
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 846
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 16
- 82
- 77746729
- 77746811
- 160
- 191.48
- 215
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 847
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 17
- 70
- 77746358
- 77746428
- 262
- 296.31
- 314
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 848
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 18
- 116
- 77746160
- 77746276
- 165
- 240.40
- 294
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 849
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 19
- 151
- 77745066
- 77745217
- 109
- 171.50
- 201
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 850
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 20
- 125
- 77744731
- 77744856
- 148
- 184.42
- 210
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 851
- NM_013382.5
- 14
- 21
- 116
- 77743713
- 77743829
- 208
- 247.29
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 852
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 1
- 37
- 42952410
- 42952447
- 115
- 125.84
- 130
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 853
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 2
- 88
- 42957343
- 42957431
- 120
- 150.10
- 164
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 854
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 3
- 227
- 42974195
- 42974422
- 242
- 276.36
- 297
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 855
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 4
- 210
- 42974643
- 42974853
- 290
- 314.88
- 362
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 856
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 5
- 121
- 42974928
- 42975049
- 274
- 296.61
- 319
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 857
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 6
- 103
- 42975146
- 42975249
- 240
- 288.85
- 312
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 858
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 7
- 141
- 42975667
- 42975808
- 176
- 224.43
- 254
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 859
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 8
- 70
- 42975933
- 42976003
- 239
- 269.70
- 288
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 860
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 9
- 119
- 42976099
- 42976218
- 188
- 249.51
- 279
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 861
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 10
- 64
- 42976425
- 42976489
- 201
- 231.88
- 249
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 862
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 11
- 181
- 42976789
- 42976970
- 243
- 303.04
- 349
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 863
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 12
- 138
- 42977054
- 42977192
- 140
- 203.75
- 244
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 864
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 13
- 112
- 42978200
- 42978312
- 151
- 233.60
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 865
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 14
- 83
- 42978396
- 42978479
- 237
- 253.71
- 282
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 866
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 15
- 127
- 42978613
- 42978740
- 305
- 372.95
- 427
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 867
- NM_006245.3
- 6
- 16
- 148
- 42978881
- 42979029
- 334
- 392.07
- 447
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 868
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 1
- 211
- 98270437
- 98270648
- 18
- 89.45
- 139
- 100.00
- 99.05
- 91.94
- 72.51
- 46.44
- 869
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 2
- 203
- 98268683
- 98268886
- 147
- 184.12
- 218
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 870
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 3
- 200
- 98247961
- 98248161
- 181
- 210.55
- 246
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 871
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 4
- 80
- 98244410
- 98244490
- 121
- 139.28
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 872
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 5
- 102
- 98244225
- 98244327
- 117
- 185.44
- 224
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 873
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 6
- 209
- 98242666
- 98242875
- 66
- 109.55
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.20
- 874
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 7
- 132
- 98242245
- 98242377
- 84
- 138.72
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.06
- 875
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 8
- 158
- 98241276
- 98241434
- 65
- 138.27
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 89.87
- 876
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 9
- 142
- 98240331
- 98240473
- 104
- 151.80
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 877
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 10
- 166
- 98239823
- 98239989
- 160
- 180.30
- 213
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 878
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 11
- 109
- 98239035
- 98239144
- 122
- 155.61
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 879
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 12
- 136
- 98238310
- 98238446
- 80
- 128.88
- 157
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.91
- 880
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 13
- 129
- 98232089
- 98232218
- 66
- 128.88
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 85.27
- 881
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 14
- 413
- 98231027
- 98231440
- 81
- 224.44
- 372
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.55
- 882
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 15
- 320
- 98229392
- 98229712
- 116
- 221.40
- 289
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 883
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 16
- 153
- 98224132
- 98224285
- 129
- 176.23
- 206
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 884
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 17
- 194
- 98221876
- 98222070
- 66
- 115.07
- 148
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 69.58
- 885
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 18
- 291
- 98220289
- 98220580
- 154
- 231.19
- 272
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 886
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 19
- 148
- 98218552
- 98218700
- 96
- 121.86
- 156
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.27
- 887
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 20
- 153
- 98215754
- 98215907
- 77
- 131.31
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 71.24
- 888
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 21
- 110
- 98212117
- 98212227
- 115
- 144.25
- 158
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 889
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 22
- 265
- 98211345
- 98211610
- 103
- 180.08
- 250
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 890
- NM_000264.3
- 9
- 23
- 550
- 98209188
- 98209738
- 90
- 244.85
- 428
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.72
- 891
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 1
- 89
- 89624221
- 89624310
- 127
- 148.84
- 163
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 892
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 2
- 95
- 89653776
- 89653871
- 100
- 117.91
- 153
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 893
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 3
- 55
- 89685264
- 89685319
- 98
- 120.07
- 144
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 90.90
- 894
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 4
- 54
- 89690797
- 89690851
- 150
- 161.76
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 895
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 5
- 249
- 89692764
- 89693013
- 81
- 180.66
- 249
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.77
- 896
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 6
- 152
- 89711869
- 89712021
- 124
- 210.88
- 249
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 897
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 7
- 177
- 89717604
- 89717781
- 248
- 285.74
- 348
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 898
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 8
- 235
- 89720645
- 89720880
- 55
- 178.33
- 296
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 65.53
- 899
- NM_000314.4
- 10
- 9
- 196
- 89725038
- 89725234
- 75
- 158.86
- 211
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 81.12
- 900
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 1
- 174
- 29598821
- 29598995
- 190
- 270.77
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 901
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 2
- 164
- 29617073
- 29617237
- 146
- 276.68
- 316
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 902
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 3
- 105
- 29622136
- 29622241
- 111
- 148.38
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 903
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 4
- 101
- 29625599
- 29625700
- 98
- 117.90
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.01
- 904
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 5
- 118
- 29645859
- 29645977
- 103
- 143.88
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 905
- RNF125
- NM_017831.3
- 18
- 6
- 97
- 29648255
- 29648352
- 119
- 142.18
- 178
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 906
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 1
- 79
- 20284676
- 20284755
- 52
- 62.34
- 74
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 0.00
- 907
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 2
- 67
- 20252870
- 20252937
- 105
- 118.79
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 908
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 3
- 127
- 20227400
- 20227527
- 210
- 257.43
- 280
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 909
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 4
- 92
- 20222134
- 20222226
- 102
- 142.72
- 163
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 910
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 5
- 91
- 20213177
- 20213268
- 211
- 222.85
- 231
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 911
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 6
- 90
- 20212301
- 20212391
- 106
- 127.84
- 141
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 912
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 7
- 117
- 20211599
- 20211716
- 193
- 220.65
- 260
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 913
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 8
- 48
- 20206609
- 20206657
- 269
- 291.67
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 914
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 9
- 153
- 20205940
- 20206093
- 235
- 270.18
- 329
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 915
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 10
- 81
- 20204408
- 20204489
- 125
- 168.52
- 191
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 916
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 11
- 99
- 20195108
- 20195207
- 198
- 229.30
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 917
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 12
- 75
- 20194546
- 20194621
- 88
- 126.64
- 136
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.33
- 918
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 13
- 113
- 20194362
- 20194475
- 99
- 136.16
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.80
- 919
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 14
- 135
- 20193276
- 20193411
- 116
- 132.72
- 152
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 920
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 15
- 136
- 20190858
- 20190994
- 68
- 105.16
- 124
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 71.32
- 921
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 16
- 100
- 20187514
- 20187614
- 134
- 172.17
- 186
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 922
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 17
- 169
- 20185701
- 20185870
- 74
- 130.66
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 71.59
- 923
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 18
- 172
- 20183011
- 20183183
- 279
- 336.04
- 369
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 924
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 19
- 87
- 20181076
- 20181163
- 158
- 217.34
- 247
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 925
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 20
- 128
- 20179756
- 20179884
- 146
- 180.66
- 202
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 926
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 21
- 151
- 20174221
- 20174372
- 54
- 111.25
- 146
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.91
- 927
- NM_004586.2
- X
- 22
- 133
- 20173510
- 20173643
- 108
- 139.72
- 166
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 928
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 1
- 179
- 64173735
- 64173914
- 80
- 118.98
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 46.36
- 929
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 2
- 166
- 64174793
- 64174959
- 133
- 245.51
- 292
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 930
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 3
- 113
- 64178744
- 64178857
- 84
- 160.13
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.23
- 931
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 4
- 325
- 64195865
- 64196190
- 153
- 239.41
- 288
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 932
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 5
- 181
- 64199008
- 64199189
- 185
- 222.23
- 266
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 933
- NM_014254.2
- 12
- 6
- 428
- 64202449
- 64202877
- 214
- 301.41
- 385
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 934
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 1
- 979
- 2160200
- 2161179
- 16
- 189.07
- 332
- 100.00
- 99.89
- 99.69
- 94.79
- 76.71
- 935
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 2
- 136
- 2234411
- 2234547
- 137
- 203.24
- 245
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 936
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 3
- 126
- 2234718
- 2234844
- 104
- 175.62
- 235
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 937
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 4
- 273
- 2235273
- 2235546
- 164
- 266.06
- 338
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 938
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 5
- 303
- 2235726
- 2236029
- 107
- 194.09
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 939
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 6
- 241
- 2237453
- 2237694
- 90
- 157.91
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.75
- 940
- NM_003036.3
- 1
- 7
- 199
- 2238010
- 2238209
- 87
- 114.03
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 75.37
- 941
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 2
- 34
- 26386057
- 26386091
- 184
- 191.94
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 942
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 3
- 97
- 26400589
- 26400686
- 94
- 139.34
- 160
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.87
- 943
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 4
- 111
- 26404149
- 26404260
- 99
- 136.31
- 157
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.39
- 944
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 5
- 109
- 26404661
- 26404770
- 119
- 141.22
- 155
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 945
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 6
- 223
- 26411435
- 26411658
- 131
- 196.74
- 248
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 946
- SNX10
- NM_001199835.1
- 7
- 7
- 92
- 26412105
- 26412197
- 102
- 143.78
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 947
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 2
- 46
- 61805688
- 61805734
- 113
- 127.26
- 135
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 948
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 3
- 68
- 61803992
- 61804060
- 137
- 158.18
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 949
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 4
- 39
- 61800652
- 61800691
- 124
- 135.05
- 145
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 950
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 5
- 113
- 61791360
- 61791473
- 117
- 147.50
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 951
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 6
- 132
- 61790760
- 61790892
- 109
- 134.94
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 952
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 7
- 119
- 61788082
- 61788201
- 146
- 186.02
- 217
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 953
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 8
- 134
- 61787845
- 61787979
- 104
- 182.76
- 214
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 954
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 9
- 182
- 61784601
- 61784783
- 111
- 145.86
- 161
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 955
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 10
- 115
- 61783989
- 61784104
- 89
- 155.49
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 92.17
- 956
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 11
- 252
- 61781695
- 61781947
- 196
- 288.06
- 327
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 957
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 12
- 53
- 61781359
- 61781412
- 153
- 166.11
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 958
- NM_001003787.2
- 17
- 13
- 163
- 61780953
- 61781116
- 124
- 153.97
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 959
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 1
- 192
- 104263904
- 104264096
- 166
- 244.11
- 275
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 960
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 2
- 145
- 104268920
- 104269065
- 88
- 138.24
- 167
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.27
- 961
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 3
- 147
- 104309721
- 104309868
- 94
- 199.88
- 260
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.23
- 962
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 4
- 153
- 104352333
- 104352486
- 84
- 138.78
- 187
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.27
- 963
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 5
- 96
- 104353387
- 104353483
- 99
- 164.52
- 217
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.91
- 964
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 6
- 83
- 104353744
- 104353827
- 92
- 117.83
- 133
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.18
- 965
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 7
- 164
- 104356891
- 104357055
- 89
- 152.99
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 88.41
- 966
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 8
- 122
- 104359184
- 104359306
- 105
- 142.02
- 175
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 967
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 9
- 145
- 104375019
- 104375164
- 98
- 144.63
- 180
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.93
- 968
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 10
- 149
- 104377041
- 104377190
- 105
- 160.99
- 191
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 969
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 11
- 79
- 104386926
- 104387005
- 222
- 242.35
- 255
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 970
- NM_016169.3
- 10
- 12
- 100
- 104389817
- 104389917
- 111
- 158.21
- 179
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 971
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 1
- 280
- 4508654
- 4508934
- 113
- 222.13
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 972
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 2
- 184
- 4494554
- 4494738
- 120
- 162.97
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 973
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 3
- 85
- 4490944
- 4491029
- 265
- 288.72
- 304
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 974
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 4
- 93
- 4461742
- 4461835
- 152
- 186.35
- 197
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 975
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 5
- 133
- 4459688
- 4459821
- 110
- 171.62
- 222
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 976
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 6
- 125
- 4458806
- 4458931
- 192
- 227.63
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 977
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 7
- 124
- 4452543
- 4452667
- 150
- 197.34
- 239
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 978
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 8
- 70
- 4418008
- 4418078
- 240
- 257.11
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 979
- NM_182760.3
- 3
- 9
- 121
- 4403822
- 4403943
- 94
- 117.52
- 138
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 93.38
- 980
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 2
- 85
- 57212106
- 57212191
- 113
- 145.58
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 981
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 3
- 83
- 57213218
- 57213301
- 89
- 129.96
- 155
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 80.72
- 982
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 4
- 84
- 57355942
- 57356026
- 144
- 167.58
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 983
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 5
- 113
- 57383981
- 57384094
- 103
- 153.47
- 183
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 984
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 6
- 75
- 57458594
- 57458669
- 131
- 157.63
- 185
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 985
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 7
- 146
- 57484350
- 57484496
- 114
- 199.14
- 228
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 986
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 8
- 63
- 57489965
- 57490028
- 158
- 172.29
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 987
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 9
- 116
- 57523344
- 57523460
- 106
- 150.74
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 988
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 10
- 150
- 57524483
- 57524633
- 206
- 289.37
- 327
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 989
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 11
- 155
- 57524904
- 57525059
- 209
- 318.26
- 356
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 990
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 12
- 75
- 57526235
- 57526310
- 141
- 158.56
- 173
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 991
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 13
- 89
- 57535664
- 57535753
- 149
- 174.30
- 189
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 992
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 14
- 84
- 57543542
- 57543626
- 117
- 140.44
- 159
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 993
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 15
- 82
- 57544613
- 57544695
- 139
- 157.66
- 174
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 994
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 16
- 217
- 57545454
- 57545671
- 128
- 176.24
- 212
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 995
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 17
- 125
- 57554286
- 57554411
- 110
- 141.47
- 190
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 996
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 18
- 173
- 57555304
- 57555477
- 218
- 263.08
- 289
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 997
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 19
- 243
- 57565222
- 57565465
- 203
- 261.27
- 299
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 998
- TCF12
- NM_207036.1
- 15
- 20
- 153
- 57574637
- 57574790
- 200
- 290.86
- 332
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 999
- NM_000474.3
- 7
- 1
- 619
- 19156330
- 19156949
- 6
- 97.66
- 206
- 97.57
- 90.30
- 87.56
- 74.79
- 49.27
- 1000
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 2
- 106
- 40982876
- 40982982
- 286
- 311.45
- 333
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1001
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 3
- 156
- 40988247
- 40988403
- 63
- 91.61
- 113
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 35.89
- 1002
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 4
- 90
- 40990704
- 40990794
- 102
- 115.14
- 121
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1003
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 5
- 123
- 40993972
- 40994095
- 287
- 360.01
- 419
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1004
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 6
- 229
- 40996051
- 40996280
- 138
- 224.93
- 274
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1005
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 7
- 126
- 40999903
- 41000029
- 90
- 148.02
- 171
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 96.82
- 1006
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 8
- 262
- 41000213
- 41000475
- 131
- 258.23
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1007
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 9
- 149
- 41000540
- 41000689
- 190
- 225.80
- 266
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1008
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 10
- 163
- 41002538
- 41002701
- 143
- 255.64
- 291
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1009
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 11
- 115
- 41003769
- 41003884
- 80
- 105.26
- 121
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 62.60
- 1010
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 12
- 217
- 41007616
- 41007833
- 174
- 289.07
- 346
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1011
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 13
- 147
- 41010168
- 41010315
- 221
- 268.73
- 308
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1012
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 14
- 144
- 41012195
- 41012339
- 229
- 281.02
- 322
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1013
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 15
- 98
- 41022037
- 41022135
- 100
- 121.67
- 137
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1014
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 16
- 353
- 41025119
- 41025472
- 160
- 253.75
- 307
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1015
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 17
- 106
- 41026729
- 41026835
- 69
- 100.95
- 125
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 63.20
- 1016
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 18
- 222
- 41027254
- 41027476
- 82
- 149.46
- 190
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.89
- 1017
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 19
- 251
- 41029242
- 41029493
- 155
- 212.47
- 270
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1018
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 20
- 160
- 41029717
- 41029877
- 97
- 119.20
- 154
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 91.87
- 1019
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 21
- 131
- 41031085
- 41031216
- 90
- 109.97
- 131
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 74.04
- 1020
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 22
- 141
- 41043245
- 41043386
- 42
- 57.30
- 74
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 73.04
- 0.00
- 1021
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 23
- 289
- 41043644
- 41043933
- 84
- 157.44
- 196
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 97.23
- 1022
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 24
- 136
- 41045764
- 41045900
- 75
- 98.58
- 126
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 52.94
- 1023
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 25
- 136
- 41047239
- 41047375
- 156
- 227.15
- 256
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1024
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 26
- 177
- 41048556
- 41048733
- 140
- 233.33
- 271
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1025
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 27
- 119
- 41055498
- 41055617
- 110
- 129.50
- 150
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1026
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 28
- 157
- 41055839
- 41055996
- 124
- 148.25
- 177
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1027
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 29
- 157
- 41056611
- 41056768
- 89
- 194.20
- 239
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.54
- 1028
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 30
- 233
- 41057775
- 41058008
- 114
- 159.16
- 181
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1029
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 31
- 231
- 41060307
- 41060538
- 189
- 234.69
- 267
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1030
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 32
- 201
- 41064550
- 41064751
- 94
- 185.31
- 230
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.00
- 1031
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 33
- 184
- 41069756
- 41069940
- 135
- 230.78
- 283
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1032
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 34
- 152
- 41073815
- 41073967
- 175
- 212.68
- 239
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1033
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 35
- 764
- 41075146
- 41075910
- 109
- 322.08
- 476
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1034
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 36
- 134
- 41076467
- 41076601
- 274
- 298.35
- 343
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1035
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 37
- 236
- 41077619
- 41077855
- 156
- 236.58
- 294
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1036
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 38
- 140
- 41078349
- 41078489
- 75
- 99.36
- 122
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 48.57
- 1037
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 39
- 196
- 41082464
- 41082660
- 125
- 175.91
- 208
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1038
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 40
- 231
- 41083989
- 41084220
- 172
- 273.08
- 324
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1039
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 41
- 99
- 41084296
- 41084395
- 104
- 140.09
- 207
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1040
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 42
- 167
- 41088500
- 41088667
- 208
- 251.29
- 277
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1041
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 43
- 271
- 41088814
- 41089085
- 162
- 271.82
- 342
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1042
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 44
- 106
- 41089748
- 41089854
- 126
- 157.22
- 192
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1043
- NM_001039590.2
- X
- 45
- 148
- 41091634
- 41091782
- 45
- 95.54
- 114
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 95.27
- 67.56
- 1044
- ZBTB20
- NM_001164342.1
- 3
- 2
- 21
- 114099618
- 114099639
- 208
- 214.00
- 221
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1045
- ZBTB20
- NM_001164342.1
- 3
- 3
- 198
- 114099058
- 114099256
- 178
- 246.99
- 282
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1046
- ZBTB20
- NM_001164342.1
- 3
- 4
- 1615
- 114069115
- 114070730
- 199
- 329.71
- 448
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1047
- ZBTB20
- NM_001164342.1
- 3
- 5
- 432
- 114057846
- 114058278
- 125
- 187.30
- 224
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1048
- ZIC2
- NM_007129.3
- 13
- 1
- 1085
- 100634313
- 100635398
- 37
- 224.84
- 446
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 98.15
- 90.13
- 1049
- ZIC2
- NM_007129.3
- 13
- 2
- 174
- 100637194
- 100637368
- 152
- 226.39
- 268
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1050
- ZIC2
- NM_007129.3
- 13
- 3
- 370
- 100637571
- 100637941
- 3
- 56.62
- 168
- 75.94
- 70.54
- 48.10
- 33.24
- 25.67
- 1051
- ZIC3
- NM_003413.3
- X
- 1
- 1070
- 136648845
- 136649915
- 115
- 259.27
- 372
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 1052
- ZIC3
- NM_003413.3
- X
- 2
- 174
- 136651055
- 136651229
- 87
- 142.21
- 170
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 86.20
- 1053
- ZIC3
- NM_003413.3
- X
- 3
- 190
- 136652044
- 136652234
- 182
- 255.44
- 295
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
- 100.00
@@ -20293,1002 +291,31 @@ Coverage for all regions of all genes
Coverage of Known Variants
- Below are tables giving coverage of known variants. The low coverage table gives those not covered at 20x,
- and the high coverage table contains those covered above 20x.
+ Below are tables giving coverage of known variants. The low coverage table gives those not covered at 50x,
+ and the high coverage table contains those covered above 50x.
88 variants were within the given panel regions and included for analysis
69 (78.4 % ) were covered at or above 20x
0 (0 % ) variants were not covered at 20x
19 (21.59 % ) variants spanned region boundaries
0 variants were within the given panel regions and included for analysis
0 (0 % ) were covered at or above 50x
0 (0 % ) variants were not covered at 50x
0 (0 % ) variants spanned region boundaries
VCF(s) of known variants included in report:
Variants included in the first table below either fully or partially span panel region(s). These are most likely large structural variants and as such do not have coverage data available. See the "info" column for details on the variant.
Table of variants spanning panel regions(s)  
Show / hide table
- VCF Chromosome Position Ref Alt Info
- 1
- hgmd
- 1
- 238856622
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=244979216;SVLEN=-6122594;GENE=AKT3;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_005465.4%3Ac.-1136046_*4648626del6122594;PHEN="Developmental_delay%2C_microcephaly%2C_agenesis_of_the_corpus_callosum%2C_epilepsy%2C_language_delay_&_hearing_impairment"
- 2
- hgmd
- 1
- 242100310
- G
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=244396370;SVLEN=-2296060;GENE=AKT3;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_005465.4%3Ac.-553200_*1404938del2296060;PHEN="Developmental_delay%2C_microcephaly%2C_and_dysmorphic_features"
- 3
- hgmd
- 3
- 4394808
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=4835003;SVLEN=-440195;GENE=ITPR1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_002222.5%3Ac.-98887_7840-1769del440195;PHEN="Spinocerebellar_ataxia_15"
- 4
- hgmd
- 3
- 4434022
- G
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=4778429;SVLEN=-344407;GENE=ITPR1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_002222.5%3Ac.-59670_6102+1060del344407;PHEN="Spinocerebellar_ataxia_15/16"
- 5
- hgmd
- 3
- 4452827
- A
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=4693732;SVLEN=-240905;GENE=ITPR1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_002222.5%3Ac.-40869_4201del240905;PHEN="Ataxia%2C_adult-onset"
- 6
- hgmd
- 3
- 4481881
- A
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=4719399;SVLEN=-237518;GENE=ITPR1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_002222.5%3Ac.-11816_5031+7531del237518;PHEN="Spinocerebellar_ataxia_15"
- 7
- hgmd
- 4
- 15563872
- C
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=15580017;SVLEN=-16145;GENE=CC2D2A;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_001080522.2%3Ac.3182+355_3825del16145;PROT=NP_001073991.2%3Ap.(Ser1061Argfs*5);PHEN="Rod-cone_dystrophy%2C_non-syndromic"
- 8
- hgmd
- 5
- 176033082
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=177973268;SVLEN=-1940186;GENE=NSD1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_022455.4%3Ac.-1100885_*677811del1940186;PHEN="Sotos_syndrome"
- 9
- hgmd
- 8
- 41346127
- C
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=43050787;SVLEN=-1704660;GENE=SLC20A2;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_006749.4%3Ac.-509231_*1071675del1704660;PHEN="Primary_familial_brain_calcification"
- 10
- hgmd
- 8
- 42481202
- A
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=43061742;SVLEN=-580540;GENE=SLC20A2;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_006749.4%3Ac.-520186_-264-8549del580540;PHEN="Primary_familial_brain_calcification"
- 11
- hgmd
- 9
- 134339872
- A
- CLASS=DM?;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=136212966;SVLEN=-1873094;GENE=COL5A1;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_000093.4%3Ac.-302315_*1370663del1873094;PHEN="Ehlers-Danlos_syndrome"
- 12
- hgmd
- 12
- 92443578
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=95515465;SVLEN=-3071887;GENE=CRADD;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_003805.4%3Ac.-1233900_*1665194del3071887;PHEN="Lissencephaly%2C_thin"
- 13
- hgmd
- 15
- 57186282
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=57271231;SVLEN=-84949;GENE=TCF12;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_207036.1%3Ac.391-5871_1746-1795del84949;PROT=NP_996919.1%3Ap.(Ser131Glnfs*3);PHEN="Coronal_craniosynostosis"
- 14
- hgmd
- 19
- 10164297
- C
- CLASS=DM?;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=13197574;SVLEN=-3033277;GENE=KLF1;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_006563.4%3Ac.-310434_*2720587del3033277;PHEN="Hereditary_persistence_of_foetal_haemoglobin"
- 15
- hgmd
- 19
- 12469611
- A
- CLASS=DM?;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=13919918;SVLEN=-1450307;GENE=KLF1;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_006563.4%3Ac.-1032778_*415273del1450307;PHEN="Hereditary_persistence_of_foetal_haemoglobin"
- 16
- hgmd
- X
- 136621442
- G
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=136655378;SVLEN=-33936;GENE=CD40LG;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_000074.2%3Ac.-26806_346+948del33936;PHEN="Hyper-IgM_syndrome"
- 17
- hgmd
- X
- 136622040
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=136678334;SVLEN=-56294;GENE=CD40LG;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_000074.2%3Ac.-26208_*18919del56294;PHEN="Hyper-IgM_syndrome"
- 18
- hgmd
- X
- 136643745
- T
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=136649114;SVLEN=-5369;GENE=CD40LG;STRAND=+;DNA=NM_000074.2%3Ac.-4500_156+713del5369;PHEN="Hyper-IgM_syndrome"
- 19
- hgmd
- X
- 20204020
- A
- CLASS=DM;MUT=ALT;SVTYPE=DEL;END=20209403;SVLEN=-5383;GENE=RPS6KA3;STRAND=-;DNA=NM_004586.2%3Ac.128_325+1del5383;PROT=NP_004577.1%3Ap.(Glu43_Lys108del);PHEN="Coffin-Lowry_syndrome"
- Table of variants with low coverage (< 20x)  
+ Table of variants with low coverage (< 50x)  
Show / hide table
- No low covered SNPs
+ No variants with coverage < 50x
- Table of variants with high coverage (>= 20x)  
+ Table of variants with high coverage (>= 50x)  
Show / hide table
- VCF Gene Exon Chromosome Position Ref Alt Coverage
- 1
- hgmd
- 5
- 5
- 78181545
- T
- A
- 142
- 2
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 27
- 4
- 15569340
- A
- 212
- 3
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 27
- 4
- 15569345
- G
- 218
- 4
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 27
- 4
- 15569346
- T
- C
- 219
- 5
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 32
- 4
- 15587838
- G
- T
- 166
- 6
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 37
- 4
- 15601264
- T
- C
- 140
- 7
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 37
- 4
- 15601291
- 131
- 8
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 37
- 4
- 15601303
- A
- G
- 128
- 9
- hgmd
- CC2D2A
- 37
- 4
- 15601328
- C
- G
- 109
- 10
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 1
- 7
- 193649
- G
- GC
- 81
- 11
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 1
- 7
- 193671
- GC
- G
- 82
- 12
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 2
- 7
- 195624
- T
- A
- 198
- 13
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 2
- 7
- 195721
- T
- A
- 142
- 14
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 2
- 7
- 195737
- G
- C
- 133
- 15
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 3
- 7
- 208916
- C
- T
- 120
- 16
- hgmd
- FAM20C
- 3
- 7
- 208951
- G
- A
- 138
- 17
- hgmd
- 4
- 4
- 1801519
- C
- T
- 158
- 18
- hgmd
- 7
- 4
- 1803731
- C
- G
- 152
- 19
- hgmd
- 7
- 4
- 1803732
- T
- A
- 152
- 20
- hgmd
- 7
- 4
- 1803744
- A
- T
- 119
- 21
- hgmd
- 7
- 4
- 1803746
- G
- A
- 107
- 22
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806076
- G
- A
- 132
- 23
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806096
- G
- A
- 162
- 24
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806162
- A
- C
- 183
- 25
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806162
- A
- G
- 183
- 26
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806162
- 183
- 27
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806163
- A
- C
- 184
- 28
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806163
- A
- T
- 184
- 29
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806164
- G
- C
- 187
- 30
- hgmd
- 9
- 4
- 1806164
- G
- T
- 187
- 31
- hgmd
- 11
- 4
- 1807189
- C
- 286
- 32
- hgmd
- NF1
- 28
- 17
- 29562625
- C
- T
- 94
- 33
- hgmd
- 5
- 6
- 42975006
- GT
- G
- 300
- 34
- hgmd
- 5
- 6
- 42975040
- T
- C
- 276
- 35
- hgmd
- 13
- 6
- 42978268
- C
- T
- 247
- 36
- hgmd
- 13
- 6
- 42978283
- CT
- C
- 278
- 37
- hgmd
- 13
- 6
- 42978294
- AG
- A
- 260
- 38
- hgmd
- 13
- 6
- 42978298
- G
- C
- 252
- 39
- hgmd
- 14
- 6
- 42978406
- A
- T
- 258
- 40
- hgmd
- 14
- 6
- 42978424
- G
- A
- 262
- 41
- hgmd
- 14
- 6
- 42978460
- A
- 239
- 42
- hgmd
- 14
- 6
- 42978460
- A
- 239
- 43
- hgmd
- 15
- 6
- 42978620
- TG
- T
- 422
- 44
- hgmd
- 15
- 6
- 42978633
- CT
- C
- 403
- 45
- hgmd
- 15
- 6
- 42978640
- C
- CA
- 407
- 46
- hgmd
- 15
- 6
- 42978663
- C
- G
- 370
- 47
- hgmd
- 16
- 6
- 42978903
- A
- G
- 363
- 48
- hgmd
- 16
- 6
- 42978926
- C
- CA
- 406
- 49
- hgmd
- 16
- 6
- 42978981
- A
- G
- 400
- 50
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195115
- C
- G
- 254
- 51
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195118
- T
- C
- 254
- 52
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195128
- T
- A
- 247
- 53
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195131
- G
- A
- 229
- 54
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195137
- G
- A
- 225
- 55
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195143
- G
- A
- 225
- 56
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195146
- C
- G
- 223
- 57
- hgmd
- 11
- X
- 20195156
- T
- C
- 217
- 58
- hgmd
- 13
- 17
- 61780974
- G
- C
- 139
- 59
- hgmd
- 13
- 17
- 61780979
- A
- G
- 150
- 60
- hgmd
- 13
- 17
- 61780982
- G
- T
- 153
- 61
- hgmd
- 13
- 17
- 61780991
- T
- C
- 161
- 62
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418009
- C
- G
- 255
- 63
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418029
- G
- A
- 265
- 64
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418033
- G
- C
- 263
- 65
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418043
- C
- CA
- 261
- 66
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418046
- T
- C
- 256
- 67
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418065
- G
- A
- 252
- 68
- hgmd
- 8
- 3
- 4418073
- GC
- G
- 249
- 69
- hgmd
- TCF12
- 10
- 15
- 57524632
- C
- A
- 286
+ No variants covered at 50x/b>
@@ -21296,17 +323,231 @@
Coverage of Known Variants