- Support for SOS 1.0.0, SOS 2.0.0, SensorML (thanks @kwilcox)
- Support for TMS (thanks @cleder)
- numerous bug fixes
- Support for WMTS (thanks @bradh)
- packaging support (thanks @kalxas) for:
- openSUSE
- Debian
- addition of owslib.__version__
- ISO support:
- multiple gmd:identificationInfo elements
- gmd:distributorInfo elements
- read additional Layer attributes (thanks @elemoine)
- numerous bug fixes
- Support for the following parsers:
- WPS 1.0.0
- WFS 1.1.0
- CRS handling
- URNs
- URIs
- EPSG:xxxx style
- etree.py looks for lxml.etree first now
- catch WMS service exceptions on GetCapabilities
- CSW exceptions are now Pythonic
- Support for the following parsers:
- CSW 2.0.2
- OWS Common 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 2.0.0
- Filter Encoding 1.1.0
- ISO 19115:2003
- Dublin Core
- WFS 2.0
- WCS 1.1
- New SCM/bug/mailing list infrastructure
- Sphinx documentation
- WCS support.
- Support for basic authorization in WMS requests (#107).
- Added support for Python 2.5.
- Fixed ticket #105: Don't depend on Content-length in the http headers for getfeature.
- Change license to BSD.
- Added service contact metadata.
- New and improved metadata API.
- Wrappers for GetCapabilities, WMS GetMap, and WFS GetFeature requests.
- Doctests.
- Brought OWSLib up out of the PCL trunk into its own space.
- Updated the testing frameworm.
- Initial test coverage:
Name Stmts Exec Cover Missing
wms | 105 | 68 | 64% | 36, 41-48, 61-63, 114-118, 125-155, 172, 203-205 |
wfs | 74 | 69 | 93% | 146, 166, 199-201 |
wmc | 111 | 0 | 0% | 33-220 |
TOTAL | 290 | 137 | 47% |