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141 lines (113 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (113 loc) · 4.83 KB

Parse Bulk Landsat Metadata

This project is inspired by parse_landsat_xml, but provides a CLI interface to process the csv metadata file.

Table of Contents


The US Geological Survey provides single files that contain all of the metadata regarding Landsat scenes. Unfortunately, this is a file that, when uncompressed, is several gigabytes in size.

The separate project parse_landsat_xml by Github user and-viceversa already provides a method of parsing the xml file.

This project deals with csv file instead, focusing primarily on the Analysis Ready Data (ARD) scenes. It takes in the decrompressed csv, optionally filtering out certain scenes, and then writes out a txt file of the entity IDs.

A separate tool will be needed to actually download the scenes. I may or may not be working on one, or just incorporating it into this project. But you can likely use the usgs python module to do so.


Simple Example

Just output all entity IDs, no filtering.

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Writing scenes to scene_ids.txt
Done writing


Every flag except -f is optional, and all can be used independently of each other.

Flag Arg Description
-f FILENAME Path to the input CSV file
-o OUTPUT Path to output txt file
--overwrite Auto-overwrite output file
-sd/--start-date START_DATE Earliest desired date, YYYY-MM-DD
-ed/--end-date END_DATE Lateset desired date, YYYY-MM-DD
-c/--cloud-cover CLOUD_COVER Maximum allowable cloud cover
-g/--grid GRID Comma-separated horizontal & vertical ARD Tile Grid
-r/--region REGION ARD region, either CU, AK, or HI
-s/--sensor SENSOR Landsat sensor used*, one or more of OLI/TIRS, ETM, or TM
-v/--verbose Increase verbosity (show pandas progress loading the input file)
* Currently not working correctly, will not return any scenes.
More Examples

Specify output file:

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -o ../../all_tiles.txt

ARD_TILE.csv -> ../../all_tiles.txt
Writing scenes to all_tiles.txt
Done writing

Only return the last three years of scenes (today: 11-July-2019):

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -sd 2016-07-11

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Filtering on 1515075 entries
Removing entries before 2016-07-11 00:00:00
Keeping 217648 entries
Writing scenes to scene_ids.txt
Done writing

Only show dates before 2001:

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -ed 2000-12-31

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Filtering on 1515075 entries
Removing entries after 2000-12-31 00:00:00
Keeping 406336 entries
Writing scenes to scene_ids.txt
Done writing

Cloud cover under 80%:

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -c 80

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Filtering on 1515075 entries
Removing entries with more than 80% CC
Keeping 1166115 entries
Writing scenes to scene_ids.txt
Done writing

ARD Tile Grid horizontal 3, vertical 10 in Alaska for the year 2017:

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -g 3,10 -r AK -sd 2017-01-01 -ed 2017-12-31

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Filtering on 1515075 entries
Removing entries before 2017-01-01 00:00:00
Removing entries after 2017-12-31 00:00:00
Filtering on grid values 3,10
Horizontal: 3
Vertical: 10
Filtering on region AK
Keeping 115 entries
Writing scenes to scene_ids.txt
Done writing

Return only OLI/TIRS or ETM data: (Currently broken)

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv -s OLI/TIRS,ETM

ARD_TILE.csv -> scene_ids.txt
Filtering on 1515075 entries

Output file already exists:

foo@bar:~$ python -f ARD_TILE.csv

File 'scene_ids.txt' exists!
Delete/overwrite? [y/N] n
Not continuing.


This work is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.