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This branch is 278 commits behind bytedeco/javacpp-presets:master.


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JavaCPP Presets for OpenBLAS

Gitter Maven Central Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)
Build status for all platforms: openblas Commercial support: xscode


This directory contains the JavaCPP Presets module for:

Please refer to the parent file for more detailed information about the JavaCPP Presets.


Java API documentation is available here:

∗ The JNI bindings can instead link with Intel MKL, or any other arbitrary library found on the "java.library.path" or on the class path, by specifying it with the "org.bytedeco.openblas.load" system property. For example, to use the BLAS library from the Accelerate framework on Mac OS X, we can pass options such as -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/ -Dorg.bytedeco.openblas.load=blas, while for a default installation of MKL that would be -Dorg.bytedeco.openblas.load=mkl_rt.

Intel also offers a stripped-down but free version of MKL named "MKLML" that is bundled with the JavaCPP Presets for MKL-DNN. After adding the JAR files for MKL-DNN to the class path, it can be accessed with an option like -Dorg.bytedeco.openblas.load=mklml. Moreover, it is now possible to do the same with the full version of MKL and the JavaCPP Presets for MKL with the -redist artifacts in the class path and an option like -Dorg.bytedeco.openblas.load=mkl_rt.

Sample Usage

Here is a simple example of LAPACK ported to Java from this C source file:

We can use Maven 3 to download and install automatically all the class files as well as the native binaries. To run this sample code, after creating the pom.xml and source files below, simply execute on the command line:

 $ mvn compile exec:java

The pom.xml build file


The source file

   LAPACKE Example : Calling DGELS using row-major order
   The program computes the solution to the system of linear
   equations with a square matrix A and multiple
   right-hand sides B, where A is the coefficient matrix
   and b is the right-hand side matrix:
   In this example, we wish solve the least squares problem min_x || B - Ax || 
   for two right-hand sides using the LAPACK routine DGELS. For input we will
   use the 5-by-3 matrix

         ( 1  1  1 )
         ( 2  3  4 )
     A = ( 3  5  2 )
         ( 4  2  5 )
         ( 5  4  3 )
    and the 5-by-2 matrix

         ( -10 -3 )
         (  12 14 )
     B = (  14 12 )
         (  16 16 )
         (  18 16 )
    We will first store the input matrix as a static C two-dimensional array,
    which is stored in row-major order, and let LAPACKE handle the work space
    array allocation. The LAPACK base name for this function is gels, and we 
    will use double precision (d), so the LAPACKE function name is LAPACKE_dgels.

    thus lda=3 and ldb=2. The output for each right hand side is stored in b as
    consecutive vectors of length 3. The correct answer for this problem is 
    the 3-by-2 matrix

         ( 2 1 )
         ( 1 1 )
         ( 1 2 )

    A complete C program for this example is given below. Note that when the arrays
     are passed to the LAPACK routine, they must be dereferenced, since LAPACK is
      expecting arrays of type double *, not double **.

   LAPACKE Interface

   LAPACKE_dgels (row-major, high-level) Example Program Results

  -- LAPACKE Example routine (version 3.5.0) --
  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
     February 2012

/* Calling DGELS using row-major order */

/* Includes */
import static*;

public class ExampleDGELSrowmajor {
    /* Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix */
    static void print_matrix_rowmajor(String desc, int m, int n, double[] mat, int ldm) {
        int i, j;
        System.out.printf("\n %s\n", desc);

        for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++) System.out.printf(" %6.2f", mat[i*ldm+j]);

    /* Auxiliary routine: printing a matrix */
    static void print_matrix_colmajor(String desc, int m, int n, double[] mat, int ldm) {
        int i, j;
        System.out.printf("\n %s\n", desc);

        for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++) System.out.printf(" %6.2f", mat[i+j*ldm]);

    /* Auxiliary routine: printing a vector of integers */
    static void print_vector(String desc, int n, int[] vec) {
        int j;
        System.out.printf("\n %s\n", desc);
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) System.out.printf(" %6i", vec[j]);

    /* Main program */
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("vendor = " + blas_get_vendor() + ", num_threads = " + blas_get_num_threads());

        /* Locals */
        double[] A = {1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 2, 5, 5, 4, 3};
        double[] b = {-10, -3, 12, 14, 14, 12, 16, 16, 18, 16};
        int info, m, n, lda, ldb, nrhs;
        int i, j;

        /* Initialization */
        m = 5;
        n = 3;
        nrhs = 2;
        lda = 3;
        ldb = 2;

        /* Print Entry Matrix */
        print_matrix_rowmajor("Entry Matrix A", m, n, A, lda);
        /* Print Right Rand Side */
        print_matrix_rowmajor("Right Hand Side b", n, nrhs, b, ldb);

        /* Executable statements */
        System.out.println("LAPACKE_dgels (row-major, high-level) Example Program Results");
        /* Solve least squares problem*/
        info = LAPACKE_dgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, (byte)'N', m, n, nrhs, A, lda, b, ldb);

        /* Print Solution */
        print_matrix_rowmajor("Solution", n, nrhs, b, ldb);
} /* End of LAPACKE_dgels Example */