All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Settings link appears in plugins page
- Lowercased company name in plugin metadata
- Bug where preview pages had public cache headers set and potentially other pages in developer mode
- Developer mode is only available in 'local' and 'development' environment types
- Meta-cc prefixed http headers, which are used for debugging, now prefixed with X-Debug-dxw-Cache-Control
- BREAKING CHANGE: support for PHP 7.4
- Support for PHP 8.2 and up
- Add an option to set a 5 minute max-age
- Individual post cache config no longer throws a fatal error where the cache value is set as 'default'.
- Where there is an empty row in the individual page cache settings this config will no longer be processed.
- Individual posts (including pages and custom post types) can now be targeted and assigned their own cache values.
- Bug where if the config has been set there is a fatal error caused by a mismatched type.
- Kahlan test suite for the plugin classes
- Checks that the wp_headers filter hasn't modified to cache-control header to no-cache
- Ensure developer-mode can't be configured or run on production instances
- Sane cache configuration for posts or pages with password protection.
- Logic surrounding applied taxonomy configs where post_type is unconfigured
- Make the call to populate the templates array safer, by checking that the function exists
- Tidy taxonomy type group name
- Make the Meta-cc headers consistent
- Use the send_headers action rather than template_redirect (requires wordpress 6.1 or greater)
- Sets the setCacheHeader method to run first in the send_headers action to give other plugins the opportunity to override the cache setting
- Fix namespacing in composer.json
- Fix fatal error caused by passing a string where int expected
- Fix a bug in the taxonomy processing
- Fix bug in template config logic
- Initial release