diff --git a/_visual-editor/README.md b/_visual-editor/README.md
index a1d1125..eef0d5a 100644
--- a/_visual-editor/README.md
+++ b/_visual-editor/README.md
@@ -1 +1,375 @@
-# migraiton to visual studio
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+# Migrating `flutter-quill` to `visual-editor`
+> At the time of writing,
+> `visual-editor` is still in development and **does not offer all the features `flutter-quill` offers**.
+> There are a few bugs that are noticeable (more specifically, text selection) 
+> that do not work properly on mobile devices.
+> We will make a migration to a **fork of `visual-editor`** - https://github.com/LuchoTurtle/visual-editor.
+> This is because the PR that was opened to `visual-editor` has need yet been merged
+> (https://github.com/visual-space/visual-editor/pull/237).
+> Once it is merged and this document has yet to be updated, 
+> [please open an issue](https://github.com/dwyl/flutter-wysiwyg-editor-tutorial/issues/).
+[`visual-editor`](https://github.com/visual-space/visual-editor) is a fork of `flutter-quill` that,
+unlike the latter,
+is actively maintained.
+They've done a complete refactor of `flutter-quill`, 
+documented the code and made it easier to contribute to.
+Because it offers some new features that can be easily integrated into your app,
+we've created this small migration guide so you can leverage this library 
+from the app you've just implemented with `flutter-quill`.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `visual-editor` provides a migration guide.
+> Check it in https://github.com/visual-space/visual-editor.
+# 0. Pre-requisites
+This guide builds upon the app that was created in 
+Make sure you have completed the tutorial first
+and head back here so the code is in the same state.
+# 1. Install dependencies
+Head over to `pubspec.yaml` 
+and change the `dependencies` section to the following.
+  flutter:
+    sdk: flutter
+  file_picker: ^5.3.3
+  universal_io: ^2.2.2
+  responsive_framework: ^1.1.0
+  universal_html: ^2.2.3
+  path: ^1.8.3
+  path_provider: ^2.1.0
+  http: ^1.1.0
+  mime: ^1.0.4
+  http_parser: ^4.0.2
+  visual_editor:
+    git:
+      url: https://github.com/LuchoTurtle/visual-editor.git
+      ref: update_dependencies#236
+- we've removed `flutter_quill` and `flutter_quill_extensions`.
+- we've upgraded `http` to version `1.1.0`.
+- we've installed `visual_editor` through the aforementioned fork.
+Normally you'll follow the guidelines in [`visual_editor`](https://github.com/visual-space/visual-editor#getting-started).
+# 2. Delete `web_embeds`
+With `visual-editor`, we do not need to use separate web embeds
+to make it work on the web.
+So you can safely delete 🗑️
+and `web_platform_registry.dart`,
+as they no longer will be needed.
+# 3. Update import, rename classes and delete unnecessary code
+The classes from `visual_editor`,
+although similar to `flutter-quill`,
+have different constructors and some will differ,
+so renaming classes won't work sometimes.
+But let's do that first! 
+We'll deal with each issue along the way.
+Let's start with replacing the imports.
+Change the imports like so:
+`import 'package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart';` -> `import 'package:visual_editor/visual-editor.dart';`
+Add `import 'package:visual_editor/document/models/attributes/attributes.model.dart';`, as well.
+We are going to need it.
+You can now delete any `flutter_quill` and `flutter_quill_extensions` import.
+You can also delete `import 'web_embeds/web_embeds.dart';`, 
+since it no longer exists.
+Now, it's time to rename some classes!
+Follow the next steps.
+`QuillEditor` -> `VisualEditor`
+`QuillController` -> `EditorController`
+`QuillToolbar` -> `EditorToolbar`
+`DefaultTextBlockStyle` -> `TextBlockStyleM`
+`DefaultStyles` -> `EditorStylesM`
+`Document` -> `DeltaDocM`
+The last thing we need to do is 
+deleting our `_SelectionType` methods and classes.
+We have used these to handle the triple click selection behaviour
+on tap up.
+We don't need this any more.
+- delete the `_SelectionType` enum.
+- delete `_SelectionType _selectionType = _SelectionType.none;` field from `HomePageState`.
+- delete the `_onTripleClickSelection()` function inside `HomePageState`.
+Great job! 🥳
+We are now ready to 
+change how our `visual-editor` classes are constructed!
+# 4. Update `visual-editor` classes invocations
+**From now on, we'll only be working inside the `HomePageState` class.**
+Let's start by changing our `_initializeText` function.
+`EditorController` now only receives one argument,
+which is the `document`.
+Change it to look like so:
+  Future<void> _initializeText() async {
+    final doc = DeltaDocM();
+    setState(() {
+      _controller = EditorController(
+        document: doc,
+      );
+    });
+  }
+## 4.1 `VisualEditor`
+Let's move to the `VisualEditor`.
+We previously used `QuillEditor`,
+where we had a myriad of parameters we set.
+These parameters *are now more organised*, 
+and will be changed like so.
+    Widget quillEditor = VisualEditor(
+      controller: _controller!,
+      scrollController: ScrollController(),
+      focusNode: _focusNode,
+      config: EditorConfigM(
+        scrollable: true,
+        autoFocus: false,
+        readOnly: false,
+        placeholder: 'Write what\'s on your mind.',
+        enableInteractiveSelection: true,
+        expands: false,
+        padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
+        customStyles: const EditorStylesM(
+          h1: TextBlockStyleM(
+            TextStyle(
+              fontSize: 32,
+              color: Colors.black,
+              height: 1.15,
+              fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
+            ),
+            VerticalSpacing(top: 16, bottom: 0),
+            VerticalSpacing(top: 0, bottom: 0),
+            VerticalSpacing(top: 16, bottom: 0),
+            null,
+          ),
+          sizeSmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 9),
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+As you can see, most of the configuration
+is now done under the `config` parameter,
+which receives an `EditorConfigM`.
+- `enableSelectionToolbar` becomes `enableInteractiveSelection`.
+- we define the `customStyles` with the `EditorStyleM` class.
+In this case, we are defining the `h1` field with `TextBlockStyleM` class,
+which has also changed.
+- `TextBlockStyleM` has an additional parameter, where you will need to define 4 arguments, instead of 3. 
+The added argument pertains to `lastLineSpacing`, the spacing at the end of the text block.
+We've just added a `VerticalSpacing(top: 16, bottom: 0)`
+- we can't set the `subscript` and `superscript` fields in `EditorStylesM` (previously `DefaultStyles`), 
+as they're not yet available.
+- we've also removed the `onTapUp` callback field, 
+as we no longer need it.
+In the same file,
+we've re-defined `quillEditor` if it was in a web platform.
+Let's update that as well.
+It now becomes the following:
+    // Alternatively, the web editor version is shown  (with the web embeds)
+    if (widget.platformService.isWebPlatform()) {
+      quillEditor = VisualEditor(
+        controller: _controller!,
+        scrollController: ScrollController(),
+        focusNode: _focusNode,
+        config: EditorConfigM(
+          scrollable: true,
+          enableInteractiveSelection: false,
+          autoFocus: false,
+          readOnly: false,
+          placeholder: 'Add content',
+          expands: false,
+          padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
+          customStyles: const EditorStylesM(
+            h1: TextBlockStyleM(
+              TextStyle(
+                fontSize: 32,
+                color: Colors.black,
+                height: 1.15,
+                fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
+              ),
+              VerticalSpacing(top: 16, bottom: 0),
+              VerticalSpacing(top: 0, bottom: 0),
+              VerticalSpacing(top: 16, bottom: 0),
+              null,
+            ),
+            sizeSmall: TextStyle(fontSize: 9),
+          ),
+        ),
+      );
+    }
+## 4.2 `EditorToolbar`
+`QuillToolbar` now becomes `EditorToolbar`.
+With `flutter-quill`, 
+we used `FlutterQuillEmbeds.buttons` and appended these custom embed buttons
+this to the toolbar's children.
+**This is not the case in `visual-editor`.**
+You will simply list the buttons in the `customButton` field 
+and add the necessary callbacks (like `webImagePickImpl` or `onImagePickCallback`, for example) to the relevant buttons. 
+You can also use the `children` field to enforce a custom order, 
+feeding the list straight to `EditorToolbar`'s constructor.
+However, in this case, it's almost pointless to use this field as it does not provide much functionality on top of the customs buttons set.
+Let's add our buttons to the toolbar, then!
+Locate the `toolbar` variable, 
+and change it.
+// Toolbar definitions
+    const toolbarIconSize = 18.0;
+    const toolbarButtonSpacing = 2.5;
+    // Instantiating the toolbar
+    final toolbar = EditorToolbar(
+      children: [
+        HistoryButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          icon: Icons.undo_outlined,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+          isUndo: true,
+        ),
+        HistoryButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          icon: Icons.redo_outlined,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+          isUndo: false,
+        ),
+        ToggleStyleButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          attribute: AttributesM.bold,
+          icon: Icons.format_bold,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+        ),
+        ToggleStyleButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          attribute: AttributesM.italic,
+          icon: Icons.format_italic,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+        ),
+        ToggleStyleButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          attribute: AttributesM.underline,
+          icon: Icons.format_underline,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+        ),
+        ToggleStyleButton(
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          attribute: AttributesM.strikeThrough,
+          icon: Icons.format_strikethrough,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          controller: _controller!,
+        ),
+        // Our embed buttons
+        ImageButton(
+          icon: Icons.image,
+          iconSize: toolbarIconSize,
+          buttonsSpacing: toolbarButtonSpacing,
+          controller: _controller!,
+          onImagePickCallback: _onImagePickCallback,
+          webImagePickImpl: _webImagePickImpl,
+          mediaPickSettingSelector: (context) {
+            return Future.value(MediaPickSettingE.Gallery);
+          },
+        ),
+      ],
+    );
+Here's a list of relevant changes we've made:
+- removed `FlutterQuillEmbeds.buttons` - we don't need to use `FlutterQuillEmbeds` to create embed buttons any more. 
+We simply create them normally in the children field.
+- removed the `afterButtonPressed` field from `EditorToolbar` constructor.
+- added `buttonsSpacing` field to all buttons, as it's required.
+- `Attribute` is now renamed to `AttributesM`
+(which is why we imported it in the beginning of this guide).
+- `MediaPickSetting` is now renamed to `MediaPickSettingE`.
+Each button we add needs to have the `buttonsSpacing` field defined.
+But now can simply define our array of buttons,
+display them in the order we like,
+and not have to worry about web embeds or anything like that!
+All the necessary callbacks (like `onImagePickCallback`)
+are related to relevant buttons (`CameraButton`, for example).
+So we don't add this behaviour to the definition of the `toolbar`,
+but **to the adequate button**.
+Much simpler, right?
+# 5. Changing tests
+Let's fix the compiling errors on our tests.
+Luckily, it's simple.
+Just change the imports like we've done at the beginning of this guide,
+and replace `QuillEditor` with `VisualEditor`
+(and other necessary classes).
+The method `tester.quillEnterText()` no longer exists,
+so you can safely delete it.
+# 6. You're done! 🎉
+Congratulations, you've successfully migrated 
+the app from `flutter-quill` to `visual-editor`!
+Give yourself a pat on the back! 👏
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