got LVS to work - was due to badly named instances in the verilog stub and mixup between n_rst and rst_n
LVS work in progress. In the mag directory:
- run - this runs the extract_forlvs.tcl script, getting a spice file with no Rs or Cs
- run - this runs netgen with the full_lvs.netgen script. This tries to compare the extracted lvs spice to the schematic (verilog + xschem spice)
At least one issue is that 'schematic' should include the actual verilog design and at the moment it's just the src/project.v blackbox
Feedback from Harald Pretl: Resistors should be larger than the Ron of the MOSFETs, so that R2R action is dominated by the poly resistors, not the MOSFET. I suggest 10kOhm and higher. Since the value is large you should go with the "high" type of the poly res.
the Klayout FEOL DRC errors went away when I used this openlane
and PDK