Originally made for the CorkiMains Discord server, Corki Bot now has over 100k users in more than more than 50 communitites. If you think Corki bot might be a good fit for your community, feel free to add it or ask me directly (@ridderhoff#6333) if you have any questions.
- For an up to date list of commands visit: https://corki.js.org
- Web Portal: Change personal and server settings via the web portal (https://corki.js.org/portal), as opposed to memorizing complex command syntax.
- Automatic roles: Roles can be automatically assigned to users who meet conditions evaluated periodically, using data such as guild join dates and Lol stats.
- LoL champion mastery leaderboards:
Periodic leaderboards can be sent to update guild members on who's the best and whos playing any given champ the most
- RSS Feeds: Posts to RSS feeds can automatically be forwarded to a text channel. This can be used for a variety of things you might not initially think of (ie - subreddit feeds)
- More and More to come: Self-assignable roles, server specific commands, new member announcements/messages,
Corki bot originated out of necessity in the CorkiMains Discord server, eventually improving upon the functionality of other bots in order to fit our needs and provide new features. Corki bot is now used in a number of other servers in addition to being the main discord bot CorkiMains. Hosting for Corki bot is provided by Research in English.