I hesitate to call gorp an ORM. Go doesn't really have objects, at least not in the classic Smalltalk/Java sense. There goes the "O". gorp doesn't know anything about the relationships between your structs (at least not yet). So the "R" is questionable too (but I use it in the name because, well, it seemed more clever).
The "M" is alive and well. Given some Go structs and a database, gorp should remove a fair amount of boilerplate busy-work from your code.
I hope that gorp saves you time, minimizes the drudgery of getting data in and out of your database, and helps your code focus on algorithms, not infrastructure.
The database/sql package that gorp relies on is under active development. Please use the latest Go weekly when building gorp. Specifically, the 2012-01-20 weekly contains the change to rename exp/sql to database/sql, and the 2012-01-27 weekly contains the additional Null* types that the gorp tests rely on.
Once Go 1 lands (real soon now), building gorp should become a reliable, boring afair, as it should be.
- Support for transactions
- Forward engineer db schema from structs (great for unit tests)
- Pre/post insert/update/delete hooks
- Automatically generate insert/update/delete statements for a struct
- Automatic binding of auto increment PKs back to struct after insert
- Delete by primary key(s)
- Select by primary key(s)
- Optional trace sql logging
- Bind arbitrary SQL queries to a struct
- Optional optimistic locking using a version column (for update/deletes)
- Test with more exp/sql drivers, such as Postgresql
- Reconcile the exp/sql changes I've made for Nullables with the standard Go lib
# install the library:
goinstall github.com/coopernurse/gorp
// use in your .go code:
import (
The included tests are written against MySQL at the moment. I need to look into adding additional drivers to the test suite, but for now you can clone the repo and setup an environment variable before running "go test"
# Set env variable with dsn using mymysql format. From the mymysql docs,
# the format can be of 3 types:
# for example, on my box I use:
export GORP_TEST_DSN=gomysql_test/gomysql_test/abc123
# run the tests
go test
# run the tests and benchmarks
go test -bench="Bench" -benchtime 10
gorp uses reflection to construct SQL queries and bind parameters. See the BenchmarkNativeCrud vs BenchmarkGorpCrud in gorp_test.go for a simple perf test. On my MacBook Pro gorp is about 2-3% slower than hand written SQL.
First define some types:
type Invoice struct {
Id int64
Created int64
Updated int64
Memo string
PersonId int64
type Person struct {
Id int64
Created int64
Updated int64
FName string
LName string
Then create a mapper, typically you'd do this one time at app startup:
// connect to db using standard Go exp/sql API
// use whatever exp/sql driver you wish
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "myuser:mypassword@localhost:3306/dbname")
// construct a gorp DbMap
dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"}}
// register the structs you wish to use with gorp
// you can also use the shorter dbmap.AddTable() if you
// don't want to override the table name
// SetKeys(true) means we have a auto increment primary key, which
// will get automatically bound to your struct post-insert
t1 := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Invoice{}, "invoice_test").SetKeys(true, "Id")
t2 := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Person{}, "person_test").SetKeys(true, "Id")
Automatically create / drop registered tables. Great for unit tests:
// create all registered tables
// drop
Optionally you can pass in a log.Logger to trace all SQL statements:
// Will log all SQL statements + args as they are run
// The first arg is a string prefix to prepend to all log messages
dbmap.TraceOn("[gorp]", log.New(os.Stdout, "myapp:", log.Lmicroseconds))
// Turn off tracing
Then save some data:
// Must declare as pointers so optional callback hooks
// can operate on your data, not copies
inv1 := &Invoice{0, 100, 200, "first order", 0}
inv2 := &Invoice{0, 100, 200, "second order", 0}
// Insert your rows
err := dbmap.Insert(inv1, inv2)
// Because we called SetKeys(true) on Invoice, the Id field
// will be populated after the Insert() automatically
fmt.Printf("inv1.Id=%d inv2.Id=%d\n", inv1.Id, inv2.Id)
You can execute raw SQL if you wish. Particularly good for batch operations.
res, err := dbmap.Exec("delete from invoice_test where PersonId=?", 10)
Want to do joins? Just write the SQL and the struct. gorp will bind them:
// Define a type for your join
// It *must* contain all the columns in your SELECT statement
// The names here should match the aliased column names you specify
// in your SQL - no additional binding work required. simple.
type InvoicePersonView struct {
InvoiceId int64
PersonId int64
Memo string
FName string
// Create some rows
p1 := &Person{0, 0, 0, "bob", "smith"}
// notice how we can wire up p1.Id to the invoice easily
inv1 := &Invoice{0, 0, 0, "xmas order", p1.Id}
// Run your query
query := "select i.Id InvoiceId, p.Id PersonId, i.Memo, p.FName " +
"from invoice_test i, person_test p " +
"where i.PersonId = p.Id"
list, err := dbmap.Select(InvoicePersonView{}, query)
// this should test true
expected := &InvoicePersonView{inv1.Id, p1.Id, inv1.Memo, p1.FName}
if reflect.DeepEqual(list[0], expected) {
fmt.Println("Woot! My join worked!")
You can also batch operations into a transaction:
func InsertInv(dbmap *DbMap, inv *Invoice, per *Person) error {
// Start a new transaction
trans := dbmap.Begin()
inv.PersonId = per.Id
// if the commit is successful, a nil error is returned
return trans.Commit()
Use hooks to update data before/after saving to the db. Good for timestamps:
// implement the PreInsert and PreUpdate hooks
func (i *Invoice) PreInsert(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error {
i.Created = time.Now().UnixNano()
i.Updated = i.Created
return nil
func (i *Invoice) PreUpdate(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error {
i.Updated = time.Now().UnixNano()
return nil
// You can use the SqlExecutor to cascade additional SQL
// Take care to avoid cycles. gorp won't prevent them.
// Here's an example of a cascading delete
func (p *Person) PreDelete(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error {
query := "delete from invoice_test where PersonId=?"
err := s.Exec(query, p.Id); if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Full list of hooks that you can implement:
All have the same signature. for example:
func (p *MyStruct) PostUpdate(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error
Optimistic locking (similar to JPA)
// Version is an auto-incremented number, managed by gorp
// If this property is present on your struct, update
// operations will be constrained
// For example, say we defined Person as:
type Person struct {
Id int64
Created int64
Updated int64
FName string
LName string
// automatically used as the Version col
// use dbmap.SetVersionCol() to map a different
// struct field as the version field
Version int64
p1 := &Person{0, 0, 0, "Bob", "Smith", 0}
dbmap.Insert(p1) // Version is now 1
obj, err := dbmap.Get(Person{}, p1.Id)
p2 := obj.(*Person)
p2.LName = "Edwards"
dbmap.Update(p2) // Version is now 2
p1.LName = "Howard"
// Raises error because p1.Version == 1, which is out of date
count, err := dbmap.Update(p1)
if _, ok := err.(OptimisticLockError); !ok {
// should reach this statement
// in a real app you might reload the row and retry, or
// you might propegate this to the user, depending on the desired
// semantics
fmt.Printf("Tried to update row with stale data: %v\n", err)