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dscbot edited this page Dec 23, 2022 · 4 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
CAServerFQDN Key String The FQDN of the Active Directory Certificate Service Certificate Authority to wait for.
CARootName Key String The name of the Active Directory Certificate Service Certificate Authority to wait for.
RetryIntervalSeconds Write UInt32 Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the Active Directory Certificate Service Certificate Authority to become available. Defaults to 10 seconds.
RetryCount Write UInt32 The number of times to loop the retry interval while waiting for the Active Directory Certificate Service Certificate Authority. Defaults to 60 retries.


The resource is used to wait for a Active Directory Certificate Services Certificate Authority to become available.


Example 1

Request and Accept a certificate from an Active Directory Root Certificate Authority. The CA may not be initially available (e.g. it may still be being installed) so the config will first wait for it to become available.

This example is allowing storage of credentials in plain text by setting PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword to $true. Storing passwords in plain text is not a good practice and is presented only for simplicity and demonstration purposes. To learn how to securely store credentials through the use of certificates, please refer to the following TechNet topic:

configuration WaitForCertificateServices_RequestSSLCertWithWait_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc

    Node localhost
        WaitForCertificateServices RootCA
            CARootName   = 'test-dc01-ca'
            CAServerFQDN = 'dc01.test.pha'

        CertReq SSLCert
            CARootName          = 'test-dc01-ca'
            CAServerFQDN        = 'dc01.test.pha'
            Subject             = ''
            KeyLength           = '2048'
            Exportable          = $true
            ProviderName        = '"Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"'
            OID                 = ''
            KeyUsage            = '0xa0'
            CertificateTemplate = 'WebServer'
            AutoRenew           = $true
            FriendlyName        = 'SSL Cert for Web Server'
            Credential          = $Credential
            DependsOn           = '[WaitForCertificateServices]RootCA'
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