A collection of definitions of classifications relevant to non profit organisations.
- International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO) - [CSV]
- International Classification of Non-profit Organisations (ICNPO) - [CSV]
- National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) - [CSV]
- Charity Commission for England and Wales - [CSV]
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007 - UK version) - [CSV]
There is also a lookup (csv) between SIC2007 and ISIC and ICNPO. This is based on lookup table T3.3 in the UN Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts 2011 [pdf], updated to SIC2007.
The source for the ICNP/TSO classification is the UN Satellite Account on Non-profit and Related Institutions and Volunteer Work 2018 [pdf].
- Candid Philanthropy Classification System - based on NTEE
- Draft Framework for data on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
- SCVO Taxonomies of organisations
- CLASSIE - A classification system for social sector initiatives and entities - Australia and New Zealand