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Packetizer for ROS (Robot Operating System)

This repo has some modifications by Drew Hamilton to hidetaki's excellent Packetizer code.

Here's a snippet:

    Packetizer::Packet packet_in;
    packet_in.index = JOINT_POSITION_PACKET;

    uint8_t MCU_flags; 
        setFlag(MCU_flags, UNUSED_FLAG0,    0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, UNUSED_FLAG1,    0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, UNUSED_FLAG2,    0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, UNUSED_FLAG3,    0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, COMPLETED_FLAG,  0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, WAITING_FLAG,    0);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, BUSY_FLAG,       1);
        setFlag(MCU_flags, ERROR_FLAG,      0);
    std::vector<float> JOINT_POSITIONS{0, -3.1415, 0, 6.2, 0, 99, 0};

    push_back_type(, MCU_flags, JOINT_POSITIONS);

    uint8_t receive_flags;
    std::vector<float> receive_JOINTS(NUM_JOINTS);

    const auto& p_buff = Packetizer::encode(packet_in.index,,, USE_CRC);
    const auto& packet_out = Packetizer::decode(,, USE_INDEX, USE_CRC);

    unpack_type(, receive_flags, receive_JOINTS);

    std::cout << std::endl << "MCU Flags: "; printFlags(receive_flags);

    std::cout << std::endl << "Joint Positions after unpacking: " << std::endl;
    int i = 0;
    for (auto joint_pos : receive_JOINTS)
        std::cout << "  [" << i++ << "]: " << std::setprecision(5) << joint_pos << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

I'm using this with CRC between ROS and a Teensy 3.6 and it works great.

Thanks, hideataki, great code. Please read all of their README stuff below...

Install / Use

In a catkin workspace

git clone
rosrun packetizer packetizer_example
rosrun packetizer packetizer_example2

This is a very barebones ROS example. It doesn't even use ROS_INFO, it uses std::cout. There is also no handling of the actual serial communication. I'm doing that with Boost. I intended for this to have no extra bloat.

binary data packetization encoder / decoder based on COBS / SLIP encoding


  • encode / decode binary arrays to COBS / SLIP packet protocol
  • one-line packetizing and sending with Serial (or other Stream class)
  • callback registration with lambda and automatic execution
  • optionally following features are available
    • packet verification using crc8
    • send / subscribe data with index to indentify packet type
  • this library is embeded and used inside of my other libraries
    • MsgPacketizer : recommend to use this to serialize any value type

Packet Protocol

COBS (Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing)

  • default encoding of this library
  • refer here for more detail
  • this library follows encoding described above, note difference pointed out in this discussion

SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)

  • optional encoding of this library
  • refer here for more detail

Index and CRC8 Option

You can optionally add index byte to idetify packet type, and crc8 byte to verify packet structure. These options are disabled by default. If you use them, original data array is modified like:

index data crc8
1 byte N bytes 1 byte

CRC8 will be calculated including index byte. After that, these byte arrays will be coverted to COBS / SLIP encoding.


COBS Encoding

#include <Packetizer.h>

void setup()

    // register callback called if packet has come
        [](const uint8_t* data, const size_t size)
            // one-line send data array
            Packetizer::send(Serial, data, size);

void loop()
    Packetizer::parse(); // should be called to trigger callback

Use SLIP Encoding

To use SLIP encoding by default, just define this macro before you #include <Packetizer.h>.


Enable Index and CRC8 Options

To enable indexing and verifying packet by crc8, define following macros each.

// define these macros before include, to enable indexing and verifying

#include <Packetizer.h>

uint8_t recv_index = 0x12;
uint8_t send_index = 0x34;

void setup()

    // you can add callback depending on index value
    Packetizer::subscribe(Serial, recv_index,
        [&](const uint8_t* data, const size_t size)
            Packetizer::send(Serial, send_index, data, size); // send back packet

    // you can also add callback called every time packet comes
        [&](const uint8_t index, const uint8_t* data, const size_t size)
            // send back to same index
            Packetizer::send(Serial, index, data, size);

void loop()
    Packetizer::parse(); // automatically incoming packets are verified by crc

Just Encoding

Just to encode / decode packets, you can use global mathod like:

Packetizer::Packet p_in {0xAB, {0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x33}}; // {index, {data}}
const auto& p_buff = Packetizer::encode(p_in.index,,;
const auto& p_out = Packetizer::decode(,;

Packetizer::Packet is alias for struct { uint8_t index; std::vector<uint8_t> data };.

Other Options

Packet Data Storage Class Inside

STL is used to handle packet data by default, but for following boards/architectures, ArxContainer is used to store the packet data because STL can not be used for such boards. The storage size of such boards for packets, queue of packets, max packet binary size, and callbacks are limited.

  • AVR
  • megaAVR
  • SAMD

Memory Management (for NO-STL Boards)

As mentioned above, for such boards like Arduino Uno, the storage sizes are limited. And of course you can manage them by defining following macros. But these default values are optimized for such boards, please be careful not to excess your boards storage/memory.

// max number of decoded packet queues
// max data bytes in packet
// max number of callback for one stream
// max number of streams

For other STL enabled boards, only max packet queue size can be changed. Default value is 0 and not limited.

#define PACKETIZER_MAX_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE 3 // default: 0


Teensy 3.x on Arduino IDE

Other Platforms


Embedded Libraries

Used Inside of
