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Quick Tests Introduction

This is a brief and quick guide that covers the bare essentials needed to set up PHP and JS tests on your local plugin copy. Please refer to Codeception and WP Browser documentation for any PHP test issues or Jest for any JS test issues that are not ET related.

PHP Tests

Set up

After cloning the ET repository on your local machine change directory to the plugin root folder and pull in any needed dependency using Composer:

composer install

Using composer install in place of composer update will ensure you are using working and known dependencies; only run composer update if you know what you are doing. When Composer finished the update process (might take a while) set up your own Codeception installation to work in your local setup. Create a codeception.yml file in the plugin root folder with this content: (note: if you copy/paste this, make sure it's using spaces and not tabs!)

  - .env.testing.local

Codeception will process configuration files in a cascading way, think of CSS, so the codeception.dist.yml file will be read first and whatever you set in codeception.yml will be applied on top of it. Now create, again in the plugin root folder, a .env.testing.local file copying the .env. file and changing any value in it to match your local installation, e.g.:


If you look at any tests/*.suite.dist.yml file you will see that the configuration contains placeholders like %WP_ROOT_FOLDER% that Codeception will configure at runtime. Once those are correct you are ready to run, no need to change anything else.

Errors with populator

The restv1 test suite uses the Codeception populator functionality; this means that that the database dump is imported not using PHP code but using the mysql command. It's highly probable that, depending on your host machine and configuration you will need to either:

  • not use populator - create a copy of the /tests/restv1.suite.dist.yml and call it /tests/restv1.suite.yml; in that file remove the WPDb > populator entry.
  • configure the populator parameter to work differently - create a copy of the /tests/restv1.suite.dist.yml and call it /tests/restv1.suite.yml; in that file edit the WPDb > populator entry to suite your local environment.

Running the tests

Nothing different from a default Codeception environment so this command will run all the tests in the wpunit suite:

vendor/bin/codecept run wpunit

Do not run all the suites at the same time using vendor/bin/codecept run: due to WordPress love for globals and side-effects this will mean disaster. To run a specific test case (a class) use:

vendor/bin/codecept run tests/wpunit/Some/Path/MyTest.php

To run a single test method (a function) in a test case use:

vendor/bin/codecept run tests/wpunit/Some/Path/MyTest.php:some_test

Failing tests are ok in set up terms: the system works. Errors should be reported. Please refer to Codeception documentation to learn about more run and configuration options.

Where to find help

Look for test examples in the code; look for configuration guides on Codeception and wp-browser site; ask for help to other testers for things like "How should I test this?" or "In what suite should I add this test?".

JS Tests

Set up

After cloning the ET repository on your local machine change directory to the plugin root folder. Ensure that you have node, npm, and nvm installed and are using the correct node version. If you are using an incorrect version of node, you will receive an error. In this case, run:

nvm install <version>

Where <version> is the node version that was specified. This version can also be found in .nvmrc. Once you have the correct node version, check that you are using the correct version:

nvm ls

There will be an arrow pointing to the version number. If you are not using the correct version, run:

nvm use <version>

where <version> is the version number. Once that is set, run:

npm install

This will install all the packages required.

Running the tests

To run the tests, simply use:

npm run test

This will run all JS tests in the plugin (including common). If you want to run a specific test or group of tests, you can do the following:

npm run test -- path/to/test
npm run test -- path/to/first/test path/to/second/test
npm run test -- path/to/specific/test/file.test.js

Jest matches the pattern supplied to the path to each test. If there is a match, Jest will run the test.

Some tests may fail due to snapshots not matching, this is OK. You can fix this by running:

npm run test -- -u path/to/test

NOTICE: Do not run the above script without confirming first which snapshots will be updated. If updated without confirming, incorrect snapshots could be stored and faulty test results could produce a passing test.

Where to find help

Look at example tests in the code to write a specific test. You can also find more information from Jest or Enzyme on writing tests.