- how to install
- types
- class
- primitive
- type alias
- white space sensitivity
- it isn't but it seems like it is
- use of semicolons
- comments
- docstrings
- variables
- let vs var
- params
- fields
- literals
- object literals and partial application
- basic control structures
- everything is an expression
- operator precedence
- methods
- named constructors
- functions and partial functions
- named and default arguments
- actors
- behaviours
- capabilities 1. arrow types
- recover and consume
- exceptions
- traits and interfaces
- packages
- builtin
- use statement
- common sugar
- create, apply, update
- composition vs inheritance
- algebraic data types
- union, isect, tuple
- generics
- polymorphic types
- polymorphic methods
- pattern matching
- as expressions
- platform dependent code
- editor plugins
- compiler command line arguments
- nice patterns
- garbage collection
- calling C
- linking C libraries
- building a C ABI library
- pointers to examples