diff --git a/src/bgen/Enums.cs b/src/bgen/Enums.cs
index 5c1624b1d01..fc5de2230bb 100644
--- a/src/bgen/Enums.cs
+++ b/src/bgen/Enums.cs
@@ -321,6 +321,23 @@ void GenerateEnum (Type type)
print ("return GetValue (str);");
print ("}");
+ if (BindingTouch.SupportsXmlDocumentation) {
+ print ($"/// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .");
+ print ($"/// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.");
+ }
+ print ("public static {0}? GetNullableValue ({1} handle)", type.Name, NativeHandleType);
+ print ("{");
+ indent++;
+ print ("using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject<{0}> (handle);", backingFieldTypeName);
+ print ("if (str is null)");
+ indent++;
+ print ("return null;");
+ indent--;
+ print ("return GetValue (str);");
+ indent--;
+ print ("}");
if (BindingTouch.SupportsXmlDocumentation) {
diff --git a/src/bgen/Generator.cs b/src/bgen/Generator.cs
index 9fbd2e73455..37a3910ae06 100644
--- a/src/bgen/Generator.cs
+++ b/src/bgen/Generator.cs
@@ -500,7 +500,11 @@ string GetFromBindAsWrapper (MemberInformation minfo, out string suffix)
throw GetBindAsException ("unbox", retType.Name, originalReturnType.Name, "container", minfo.mi);
} else if (originalReturnType == TypeCache.NSString && IsSmartEnum (retType)) {
- append = $"{TypeManager.FormatType (retType.DeclaringType, retType)}Extensions.GetValue (";
+ if (isNullable) {
+ append = $"{TypeManager.FormatType (retType.DeclaringType, retType)}Extensions.GetNullableValue (";
+ } else {
+ append = $"{TypeManager.FormatType (retType.DeclaringType, retType)}Extensions.GetValue (";
+ }
suffix = ")";
} else if (originalReturnType.IsArray && originalReturnType.GetArrayRank () == 1) {
var arrType = originalReturnType.GetElementType ();
@@ -2909,14 +2913,8 @@ void GetReturnsWrappers (MethodInfo mi, MemberInformation minfo, Type declaringT
var wrapper = GetFromBindAsWrapper (minfo, out suffix);
var formattedReturnType = TypeManager.FormatType (minfo.type, mi.ReturnType);
if (mi.ReturnType == TypeCache.NSString) {
- if (isNullable) {
- print ("{0} retvaltmp;", NativeHandleType);
- cast_a = "((retvaltmp = ";
- cast_b = $") == IntPtr.Zero ? default ({formattedBindAsType}) : ({wrapper}Runtime.GetNSObject<{formattedReturnType}> (retvaltmp, {owns})!){suffix})";
- } else {
- cast_a = $"{wrapper}Runtime.GetNSObject<{formattedReturnType}> (";
- cast_b = $", {owns})!{suffix}";
- }
+ cast_a = $"{wrapper}";
+ cast_b = $"{suffix}";
} else {
var enumCast = (bindAsType.IsEnum && !minfo.type.IsArray) ? $"({formattedBindAsType}) " : string.Empty;
cast_a = $"{enumCast}Runtime.GetNSObject<{formattedReturnType}> (";
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/BindingSyntaxFactory.Runtime.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/BindingSyntaxFactory.Runtime.cs
index 3aa53744906..a28852f7eb9 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/BindingSyntaxFactory.Runtime.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/BindingSyntaxFactory.Runtime.cs
@@ -268,7 +268,6 @@ internal static InvocationExpressionSyntax StringFromHandle (ImmutableArray
/// Generates a call to the NSArray.ArrayFromHandleFunc with the given arguments.
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/EnumEmitter.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/EnumEmitter.cs
index 4970234551e..d1de240035c 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/EnumEmitter.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/Emitters/EnumEmitter.cs
@@ -112,8 +112,23 @@ void EmitExtensionMethods (TabbedWriter classBlock, string symbolN
return GetValue (str);
+ classBlock.WriteLine ();
+ // get nullable value from a handle, similar to the above but used when the enum could be null (yes, apple
+ // does have methods that return null for enums)
+ classBlock.WriteDocumentation (Documentation.SmartEnum.GetValueHandle (symbolName));
+ using (var getValueFromHandle =
+ classBlock.CreateBlock ($"public static {binding.Name}? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)",
+ true)) {
+ getValueFromHandle.WriteRaw (
+@"using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+if (str is null)
+ return null;
+return GetValue (str);
+ }
classBlock.WriteLine ();
// To ConstantArray
classBlock.WriteDocumentation (Documentation.SmartEnum.ToConstantArray (symbolName));
classBlock.WriteRaw (
diff --git a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.MacCatalyst.xml b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.MacCatalyst.xml
index 0c6e3bf8d3d..9ce7b30bd14 100644
--- a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.MacCatalyst.xml
+++ b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.MacCatalyst.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
The array of enum values to convert.
diff --git a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.iOS.xml b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.iOS.xml
index 502a663e13b..dba5cc1b0cf 100644
--- a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.iOS.xml
+++ b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.iOS.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
The array of enum values to convert.
diff --git a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.macOS.xml b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.macOS.xml
index 0c6e3bf8d3d..9ce7b30bd14 100644
--- a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.macOS.xml
+++ b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.macOS.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
The array of enum values to convert.
diff --git a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.tvOS.xml b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.tvOS.xml
index 0c6e3bf8d3d..9ce7b30bd14 100644
--- a/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.tvOS.xml
+++ b/tests/generator/ExpectedXmlDocs.tvOS.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
The array of enum values to convert.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureDeviceTypeEnum.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureDeviceTypeEnum.cs
index 053fef12920..ee57ea35c70 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureDeviceTypeEnum.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureDeviceTypeEnum.cs
@@ -217,6 +217,18 @@ public static AVCaptureDeviceType GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static AVCaptureDeviceType? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureSystemPressureLevel.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureSystemPressureLevel.cs
index f4f394fd579..70d777dee19 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureSystemPressureLevel.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedAVCaptureSystemPressureLevel.cs
@@ -127,6 +127,18 @@ public static AVCaptureSystemPressureLevel GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static AVCaptureSystemPressureLevel? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnum.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnum.cs
index d76d7ca76c8..935a2e6d5b1 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnum.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnum.cs
@@ -98,6 +98,18 @@ public static CustomLibraryEnum GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static CustomLibraryEnum? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnumInternal.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnumInternal.cs
index 0208d212e14..b1d14378afa 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnumInternal.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedCustomLibraryEnumInternal.cs
@@ -98,6 +98,18 @@ public static CustomLibraryEnumInternal GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static CustomLibraryEnumInternal? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedMacOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedMacOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
index aeb5497653d..bd92d01bc38 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedMacOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectedMacOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
@@ -380,6 +380,18 @@ public static AVMediaCharacteristics GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static AVMediaCharacteristics? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectediOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectediOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
index a856c0e0eb5..62388e373a1 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectediOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator.Tests/SmartEnum/Data/ExpectediOSAVMediaCharacteristics.cs
@@ -399,6 +399,18 @@ public static AVMediaCharacteristics GetValue (NativeHandle handle)
return GetValue (str);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value represented by the backing field value in .
+ ///
+ /// The native handle with the name of the constant to retrieve.
+ public static AVMediaCharacteristics? GetNullableValue (NativeHandle handle)
+ {
+ using var str = Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ return GetValue (str);
+ }
/// Converts an array of enum values into an array of their corresponding constants.