All Mega Knowledge Effects Primary Splodey Darts Dart Monkey projectiles explode on expiration. Double Ranga Boomerang Monkeys throw 2 Boomerangs at a time! Bomb Voyage Bomb Shooters' projectiles travel much faster and can damage any Bloon type. Tack Attack Tack Shooter attacks constantly, and its projectiles travel farther. Ice See You Ice Monkeys detect and remove Camo from Bloons. Gorilla Glue Glue Gunners' glue globs do moderate damage themselves. Military Rifle Range Sniper Monkey shots can critically strike for double damage. Attack And Support Monkey Subs don't need to submerge to gain submerged benefits. Dreadnought Monkey Buccaneers shoot molten cannon balls instead of darts and grapes. Ace Hardware Monkey Aces get a new shorter ranged focus-firing gunner attack. All Power To Thrusters Heli Pilots can move at hyper-sonic speeds Mortar Empowerment Mortar Monkey can attack like a regular tower. Dartling Empowerment Dartling Gunner can attack like a regular tower. Magic Crystal Ball Instead of letting Wizard Monkeys see through walls, the Guided Magic upgrade gives them Advanced Intel style targeting. The Big Three Sun Avatars, Robo Cops, and Dark Knights buff the attack speed / range / pierce of any of the other two types nearby them. Shadow Double Ninja Monkeys can throw extra Shurikens behind them if Bloons are present. Oktoberfest Alchemist buff potions last for 50% more shots. Bloon Are Not Prepared Druids' personal stacking buffs always have maximum effect. Support Real Healthy Bananas Healthy Bananas makes all Banana Farms give 1 life per round per upgrade (aka tier + 1 per round). Spike Empowerment Spike Factories choose the spot where their spikes land, and spikes damage Bloons while traveling. Digital Amplification Monkey Villages have greatly increased range. Overtime Engineers permanently Overclock themselves. Carry A Big Stick Beast Handlers keep their 000 melee attack, and it gets stronger as you upgrade them.