Let us begin with assuming that Domsed is already installed. First set the root directory for this project
#Ex. export PROJECT_ROOT_DIR=$HOME/repos/domino_extended_api_installation
- First we take a backup of all mutations
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
export compute_namespace=domino-compute
export backup_mutations_path=/tmp/mutations.yaml
kubectl -n $platform_namespace get mutations -oyaml > $backup_mutations_path
##Verify you got all the mutations in yaml format
cat $backup_mutations_path
- First lets delete the current
a. If you have installed the older version of domsed
which did not use helm charts do the following or skip to step b
cd $PROJECT_ROOT_DIR/domsed/scripts
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
export compute_namespace=domino-compute
b. If your Domsed instance was installed using Helm then do the following
cd $PROJECT_ROOT_DIR/domsed/
helm delete domsed -n ${platform_namespace}
kubectl label namespace ${compute_namespace} "operator-enabled"-
c. Install Domsed
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
export compute_namespace=domino-compute
helm install -f values.yaml domsed helm/domsed -n ${platform_namespace}
kubectl label namespace ${compute_namespace} operator-enabled=true
- Upgrade Domsed
To upgrade the version of domsed, pull the updated domsed chart from this git repo for your target release
version before running the upgrade. Note your local values.yaml
file will also need to be updated to point to the
release image version
cd domsed
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
export compute_namespace=domino-compute
helm upgrade -f ./values.yaml domsed helm/domsed -n ${platform_namespace}
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
kubectl -n ${platform_namespace} get pods | grep operator
## Example output
operator-webhook-767cfcfddc-rh685 1/1 Running
kubectl -n ${platform_namespace} logs operator-webhook-767cfcfddc-rh685 -f
- Create this mutation object
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps.dominodatalab.com/v1alpha1
kind: Mutation
name: label
namespace: domino-platform
- # Insert label
key: "foo.com/bar"
value: "out"
- Create this pod in the compute namespace
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
namespace: domino-compute
dominodatalab.com/hardware-tier-id: medium-k8s
dominodatalab.com/project-name: quick-start
dominodatalab.com/project-owner-username: sameer-wadkar
dominodatalab.com/starting-user-username: sameer-wadkar
- name: foo
image: busybox
- Verify the pod has a new label
kubectl -n ${compute_namespace} describe pod busybox
- Delete the test pod and mutation
kubectl -n ${compute_namespace} delete pod busybox
kubectl -n ${platform_namespace} delete mutation label
export platform_namespace=domino-platform
export compute_namespace=domino-compute
export backup_mutations_path=/tmp/mutations.yaml
kubectl apply -f $backup_mutations_path
##Verify they are applied
kubectl -n $platform_namespace get mutations