This library enables adding new API endpoints to support customer requirements
From the root folder of this project run the following commands:
- First publish the image
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t ${operator_image}:${tag} .
docker push ${operator_image}:${tag}
or run
./ ${tag}
Check if you have domino-field namespace in the current cluster
kubectl get ns
if domino-field namspace is not present create using below command
kubectl create namespace domino-field
kubectl label namespace domino-field domino-compute=true
Install using Helm
export field_namespace=domino-field
helm install -f helm/domino-extensions-api/values.yaml domino-extensions-api helm/domino-extensions-api -n ${field_namespace}
- To upgrade use helm
export field_namespace=domino-field
helm upgrade -f helm/domino-extensions-api/values.yaml domino-extensions-api helm/domino-extensions-api -n ${field_namespace}
- To delete use helm
export field_namespace=domino-field
helm delete domino-extensions-api -n ${field_namespace}
This API Service supports endpoints which are broadly classified into two major categories:
- Extending the existing API - If the objects returned by the existing endpoints are missing certain attributes, use this section of the service to invoke the existing API endpoints and decorate the returned objects with additional details.
- Central Management of Workspace Autoshutdown Rules - These are endpoints provided to enable administrator actions not currently supported via endpoints.
- Domsed WebClient - Endpoints to manage (list/create/update/delete) Domsed mutations.
Invoke this endpoint if you want to refresh all caches. To avoid having to read Mongo repeatedly, the EnvironmentRevision and Project information from the Mongo collections are cached. If you want to refresh the cache invoke this method.
This is an extension of the endpoint /api/projects/beta/projects
The returned json contains an attribute projects
which is a list of the projects the user is member of.
Each project json in the list contains two additional attributes as compared to the orignal from the projects
Mongo collection
This is an extension of the endpoint /api/environments/beta/environments
The returned json contains an attribute environments
which is a list of the environments the user has access to
Each environment instance in the list has two attributes , latestRevision
and selectedRevision
. Each of them
is enhanced by adding attributes
(This is the root docker image based on the env hierarchy that the environment revsion is based on)basedOnDockerImageStatusMessage
(This will contain an error message orSuccess
For brevity the attribute availableTools
is replaced with None
Currently there are two levers to manage the workspace auto-shutdown intervals:
- Central config parameter -
which defines both, the default value and the maximum value for the workspace auto-shutdown interval. - User can choose a lower value from the
User Settings
These endpoints support a Domino Administrator to centrally manage an individual users workspace auto-shutdown interval.
The full endpoint inside the Domino workspace is (assuming domino-platform
as the platform namespace)
Type : POST
Headers and Body:
--header 'X-Domino-Api-Key: ADD YOUR API KEY HERE ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"users": {
"wadkars": 3600,
"integration-test": 21600
"override_to_default" : false
Or if using the bearer token obtained from http://localhost:8899/access-token
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <ADD YOUR TOKEN HERE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"users": {
"wadkars": 3600,
"integration-test": 21600
"override_to_default" : false
For each user you want to override the default value update the users
attribute above as:
: {auto_shutdown_duration_in_seconds}
The default auto-shutdown-duration is obtained from the central config parameter:
The override_to_default
attribute is used to determine if all users (not specificied)
in the users
attribute tag as also update to have their default autoshutdown duration
set to default.
if override_to_default
is set to true
every user except the users mentioned in the
attribute will be configured for the default value of autoshutdown
The value of com.cerebro.domino.workspaceAutoShutdown.globalDefaultLifetimeInSeconds
is expected to be lower than com.cerebro.domino.workspaceAutoShutdown.globalMaximumLifetimeInSeconds
Likewise for the values provided for each user in the users
If not, the auto shutdown duration is capped at the value of com.cerebro.domino.workspaceAutoShutdown.globalMaximumLifetimeInSeconds
These endpoints allow managing Domsed mutations from a Domino Admin workspace
List all mutations.
Invoke using python client code client.domsed_webclient.list
Get the definition of a mutation with name = <name>
Invoke using python client code client.domsed_webclient.get(name)
Delete mutation with name = <name>
Invoke using python client code client.domsed_webclient.delete(name)
Apply mutation. It takes the mutation yaml file in JSON format
Invoke using python client code client.domsed_webclient.apply_file(yaml_file_name)
Invoke using python client code client.domsed_webclient.apply(mutation_json)
These endpoints allow a Domino Administrator to do the following:
- Find which accounts have been inactive for
number of days. An inactive account is an account that has not started a workload for x number of days - Deactivate a list of users
- ReActivate a list of users
Returns a list of inactive accounts. Expect a json which looks like this
"inactive_accounts": [
"is_svc_account": true,
"user_name": "svc-user-ds-2"
"is_svc_account": true,
"user_name": "svc-user-ds-3"
"is_svc_account": true,
"user_name": "svc-test-app-1"
"is_svc_account": true,
"user_name": "svc-prod-app-1"
"is_svc_account": true,
"user_name": "svc-admin"
"is_svc_account": false,
"user_name": "user-ds-1"
"is_svc_account": false,
"user_name": "user-ds-2"
Client code
import os
import json
import requests
def get_token():
# Fetch the mounted service account token
uri = os.environ['DOMINO_API_PROXY']
return requests.get(f"{uri}/access-token").text
dns_name = f"{service_name}.domino-field.svc.cluster.local"
endpoint = "user-management/inactivefor/5"
url = f"http://{dns_name}/{endpoint}"
token = get_token()
my_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
domino_api_host = os.environ['DOMINO_API_HOST']
r = requests.get(url,headers=my_headers)
# Pretty-print the JSON object
pretty_json = json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4)
Example payload
Client code
import os
import json
import requests
def get_token():
# Fetch the mounted service account token
uri = os.environ['DOMINO_API_PROXY']
return requests.get(f"{uri}/access-token").text
dns_name = f"{service_name}.domino-field.svc.cluster.local"
endpoint = "user-management/deactivate"
url = f"http://{dns_name}/{endpoint}"
payload = {"users":['user-ds-1','user-ds-2']}
token = get_token()
my_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
domino_api_host = os.environ['DOMINO_API_HOST']
r =,headers=my_headers,json=payload)
Output should look like this when successful
Example payload
Client code
import os
import json
import requests
def get_token():
# Fetch the mounted service account token
uri = os.environ['DOMINO_API_PROXY']
return requests.get(f"{uri}/access-token").text
dns_name = f"{service_name}.domino-field.svc.cluster.local"
endpoint = "user-management/activate"
url = f"http://{dns_name}/{endpoint}"
payload = {"users":['user-ds-1','user-ds-2']}
token = get_token()
my_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
domino_api_host = os.environ['DOMINO_API_HOST']
r =,headers=my_headers,json=payload)
Output should look like this when successful
When a user is deactivated their roles are removed. When reactivated, there is no memory of what roles were held by the user prior to being deactivated. A newly reactivated user is a
user orResultsConsumer
The following lists the use-cases which motivated the endpoints in this service
A customer wants to retire Environments periodically (say every 3 months). However, these environments are
actively used in a large number of projects. You cannot archive an environment (or its derivatives) without removing the environment from a
projects default setting. The /api-extended/environments/beta/environments
all the environments along with their base environments. Iterating over this list will help you determine
all the environments that are derived from the to-be-archived
The /api-extended/projects/beta/projects
supports identifying all the projects which use the to-be-archived environment and its
derivatives (obtained from the previous call). You can use this information to update the default environment of these projects
import requests
import json
import os
api_host = os.environ.get("EXTENDED_API_HOST", "extendedapi-svc.domino-platform")
api_port = os.environ.get("EXTENDED_API_PORT", "80")
auth_token = requests.get(os.environ.get('DOMINO_API_PROXY') + '/access-token').text
api_key = os.environ.get("DOMINO_USER_API_KEY")
url = f"http://{api_host}:{api_port}/v4-extended/autoshutdownwksrules"
payload = json.dumps(
"users": {"wadkars": 3600, "integration-test": 21600},
"override_to_default": False,
headers = {
"X-Domino-Api-Key": api_key,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# Or the newer, more auth standards compliant version
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
## Update Project Settings
project_id = "ADD HERE"
url = f"http://nucleus-frontend.domino-platform.svc.cluster.local:80/v4/projects/{project_id}/settings"
payload = json.dumps({"defaultEnvironmentId": "ADD THE ENV ID TO REPLACE WITH"})
response = requests.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
The default value for com.cerebro.domino.workspaceAutoShutdown.globalMaximumLifetimeInSeconds
is 72 hours. Customers rarely
change this. Users can proactively choose a lower value by updating their user-settings but rarely have a good motivation
to do this. Consequently workspaces keep running forever, even if idle. This causes a significant increase cloud costs. This functionality is
provided to allow administrators to manage the auto-shutdown interval to manageable level.
In the central config, configure an additional parameter
(Set default to a typical working day say 10 hours)
The value for this parameter should be lower than the value for the central config parameter
(Default 72 hours)
As an Domino Administrator user, run the following
import requests
import json
import os
api_host = "domino-extensions-api-svc.domino-platform"
api_port = "80"
auth_token = requests.get(os.environ.get('DOMINO_API_PROXY') + '/access-token').text
api_key = os.environ.get("DOMINO_USER_API_KEY")
url = f"http://{api_host}:{api_port}/autoshutdown/interval"
payload = json.dumps(
"users": {"wadkars": 3600, "integration-test": 21600},
"override_to_default": False,
headers = {
"X-Domino-Api-Key": api_key,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# Or the newer, more auth standards compliant version
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
payload = json.dumps(
"users": {"wadkars": 3600, "integration-test": 21600},
"override_to_default": False,
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)