All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added
utility for wrapping synchronous and asynchronous functions into Promises - Full TypeScript support and comprehensive tests for the new feature
- Added publint script for package validation
- Improved test coverage for promise utilities
- Added proper CHANGELOG and updated CONTRIBUTION guidelines
- Updated package description to better reflect library capabilities
- Enhanced keywords for better npm discoverability
- Upgraded dev dependencies
- Improved project structure
- Removed redundant test:coverage from test script (already part of jest)
- Fixed minification process in build pipeline
- Fixed CommonJS module generation for all files
- Fixed package.json configuration
- Improved Deno support
- Added publint script for package validation
- Added keywords and TypeScript type definitions
- Upgraded development dependencies
- Improved project structure
- Fixed package configuration
- Added comprehensive documentation
- Added guidelines
- Enhanced documentation with usage examples
- Improved package description
- Support for Deno runtime
- CommonJS and ES6 module builds
- Jest and VSCode integration
- ESLint, Prettier configuration
- Cleaned up unused modules
- Fixed Jest-VSCode plugin integration
- Initial implementation of Promise utilities
- Core functionality: getLastPromise and getRaceWonPromise
- Basic test suite with Jest
- ESLint and Prettier setup
- Project initialization and structure