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Official implementation of DP-NeRF.

DP-NeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors (CVPR 2023)

We propose DP-NeRF, a novel neural radiance field (NeRF) framework, that reconstructs the clean 3D scene from blurry images applying rigid blurring kernel (RBK) based on physical scene priors. We impose the physical constraints on the blurring kernel of neural radiance field inspired by the in-camera blurring process during image acquisition on the 3D scene.


DP-NeRF models the rigid blurring kernel (RBK) which preserve the 3D geomentric and appearance consistency to reconstruct the clean neural radiance field (NeRF) from blurry inputs. RBK is formulated as rigid motions of the cameras which are shared with all pixels in a single image. It effectively model the blind blurring kernel on each images by imposing physical constraints of the acquired blurred image imitating blurring process.

Training & Evaluation

1. Environment

git clone
cd DP-NeRF
pip install -r requirements.txt
Dependencies (click to expand)
  • numpy
  • scikit-image
  • torch>=1.8
  • torchvision>=0.9.1
  • imageio
  • imageio-ffmpeg
  • matplotlib
  • configargparse
  • tensorboardX>=2.0
  • opencv-python
  • einops
  • tensorboard
  • 2. Download dataset

    We use the dataset from Deblur-NeRF to train the DP-NERF. Download the dataset from here.

    There are total of 31 scenes used in the paper, 5 synthetic scene and 10 real-world scene for each blur type: camera-motion blur, defocus blur. In addition, there are 1 scene for object motion blur which are refered as temporal inconsistency in our paper.

    Note that, quantitative evaluation of the bush scene in real-defocus dataset is excluded in the paper since there are no clean ground truth image to evaluate.

    3. Set parameters

    Change the training parameters to train on your computer. You must change the basedir, datadir, and tbdir.

    Training Options (click to expand)
    • expname: name of the experiment.
    • rbk_use_origin: use origin ray to train the RBK. Default to use.
    • rbk_num_motion: the number of rigid motion. k in the paper.
    • use_dpnerf: use rigid blurring kernel.
    • use_awp: use adaptive weight proposal.
    • use_coarse_to_fine_opt: use coarse-to-fine optimization.

    4. Train

    For example, to train blurpool scene,

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --expname $experiment_name

    The training and tensorboard results will be save in <basedir>/<expname> and <tbdir>.

    5. Evaluation

    Evaluation is automatically executed every --i_testset iterations. Please refer the other logging options in to adjust save and print the results.

    After the training, execute the evaluation results following command. For example, to evaluate blurpool scene after 200000 iteration,

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --expname $dir_to_log --ft_path ./<basedir>/<expname>/200000.tar --render_only --render_test

    Pretrained Weights

    We additionally provide the pretrained weight sample for blurpool scene in here.

    We cannot provide the pretrained weights for full scene since we did refactoring on the code after submit our work on the conference.

    Hence, we trained our model again for blurpool scene.

    The evaluation result of the provided sample weight is as follows:

    Blurpool(paper) 31.96 0.8768 0.0908
    Blurpool(provided weight) 32.04 0.8754 0.0873


    You can render or save the results after 200000 iteration of training following process.

    1. Visualization of trained model

    Visualize the trained model as videos of spiral-path.

    Results will be saved in ./<basedir>/<dir_to_log>/renderonly_path_199999.

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --expname $dir_to_log --ft_path ./<basedir>/<expname>/200000.tar --render_only 

    Visualize the trained model as images of training views in datasets.

    Results will be saved in ./<basedir>/<dir_to_log>/renderonly_test_199999

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --expname $dir_to_log --ft_path ./<basedir>/<expname>/200000.tar --render_only  --render_test

    2. Save the warped poses and images

    Results will be saved in ./<basedir>/<dir_to_log>/warped_ray_img_path_199999

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --expname $dir_to_log --ft_path ./<basedir>/<expname>/200000.tar --save_warped_ray_img

    3. Visualize the warped rays

    You can visualize the warped rays in specific image index using following command.

    Note that, you should modify the code of plotting rays in here of correponding to your trained model (rbk_num_motion) in saved checkpoint.

    python --config ./configs/blurpool/tx_blurpool_dpnerf.txt --warped_rays_path $warped_ray_saved_dir/rays_warped.npy


    GPU memory

    DP-NeRF require gradually large memory as the number of rigid motion increases. It is same drawback with Deblur-NeRF. If you have not enough memory to train on your single GPU, set N_rand to a smaller value, or use multiple GPUs.

    Multi-GPUs training

    To train the DP-NeRF with multiple gpus, please set num_gpu=<num_gpu>.

    Original NeRF training

    To train original NeRf, set blur_model_type = none.


    MIT License


    If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

        author    = {Lee, Dogyoon and Lee, Minhyeok and Shin, Chajin and Lee, Sangyoun},
        title     = {DP-NeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Field With Physical Scene Priors},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
        month     = {June},
        year      = {2023},
        pages     = {12386-12396}
      title={Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors},
      author={Lee, Dogyoon and Lee, Minhyeok and Shin, Chajin and Lee, Sangyoun},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12046},


    The structure of this codebase is borrowed from Deblur-NeRF.