+Situation files
+The situation files specify the traffic situations to be generated. The files are written in JSON format
+and a predefined set of situation files with number of encounters in a situation ranging from 1 to 3 are located in the
+src/trafficgen/data/baseline_situations_input directory.
+Below are some examples given on how to specify a situation:
+Example 1: Complete specified situation:
+ "title": "HO",
+ "description": "A head on situation with one target ship.",
+ "ownShip": {
+ "initial": {
+ "position": {
+ "lat": 58.763449,
+ "lon": 10.490654
+ },
+ "sog": 10.0,
+ "cog": 0.0,
+ "heading": 0.0,
+ "navStatus": "Under way using engine"
+ }
+ },
+ "encounters": [
+ {
+ "desiredEncounterType": "head-on",
+ "beta": 2.0,
+ "relativeSpeed": 1.2,
+ "vectorTime": 15.0
+ }
+ ]
+The values are giben in maritime units. The common_vector is given in minutes. For radar plotting (plotting vessel positions and relative motions),
+the common_vector and vector_time are used together with ship speed to display where the ship will be in e.g. 10 minutes
+(Common vector is the common time vector used on a radar plot, e.g 10, 15, 20 minutes. The length of the arrow in the plot
+will then be the speed times this time vector).
+Speed and course of the own ship, which is the ship to be tested, are given in knots and degrees, respectively.
+The own ship position is given in latitudinal and longitudinal (degree).
+The reference point is the initial position of own ship.
+An encounter may be fully described as shown above, but the user may also deside to input less data,
+as demonstrated in Example 2. Desired encounter type is mandatory,
+while the beta, relative_speed and vector_time parameters are optional:
+desired_encounter_type is either head-on, overtaking-give-way, overtaking-stand-on, crossing-give-way, and crossing-stand-on.
+beta is the relative bearing between the own ship and the target ship as seen from the own shop, given in degrees.
+relative_speed is relative speed between the own ship and the target ship as seen from the own ship, such that a relative speed of 1.2 means that the target ship’s speed is 20% higher than the speed of the own ship.
+An encounter is built using a maximum meeting distance [nm], see the paper linked in the introduction for more info.
+At some time in the future, given by the vector_time, the target ship will be located somewhere inside a circle
+with a radius given by max_meeting_distance and a center point given by the own ship position. This is not necessarily the
+closest point of approach.
+The max_meeting_distance parameter is common for all encounters and is specified in src/trafficgen/settings/encounter_settings.json.
+Example 2: Minimum specified situation:
+ "title": "HO",
+ "description": "A head on situation with one target ship.",
+ "ownShip": {
+ "initial": {
+ "position": {
+ "lat": 58.763449,
+ "lon": 10.490654
+ },
+ "sog": 10.0,
+ "cog": 0.0,
+ "heading": 0.0,
+ "navStatus": "Under way using engine"
+ }
+ },
+ "encounters": [
+ {
+ "desiredEncounterType": "head-on",
+ }
+ ]
+You can also request the generation of several traffic situations of the same encounter type by specifying num_situations:
+Example 3: Generate multiple situations using numSituations:
+ "title": "HO",
+ "description": "A head on situation with one target ship.",
+ "numSituations": 5
+ "ownShip": {
+ "initial": {
+ "position": {
+ "lat": 58.763449,
+ "lon": 10.490654
+ },
+ "sog": 10.0,
+ "cog": 0.0,
+ "heading": 0.0,
+ "navStatus": "Under way using engine"
+ }
+ },
+ "encounters": [
+ {
+ "desiredEncounterType": "head-on",
+ }
+ ]
+The next example show how it is possible to give a range for the relative bearing between own ship and target ship
+Example 4: Assign range for beta:
+ "title": "CR_GW",
+ "common_vector": 10.0,
+ "own_ship": {
+ "speed": 7.0,
+ "course": 0.0,
+ "position": {
+ "lat": 58.763449,
+ "lon": 10.490654
+ }
+ },
+ "encounter": [
+ {
+ "desired_encounter_type": "crossing-give-way",
+ "beta": [45.0,120.0]
+ }
+ ]