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Build Workflow for Markdown-plus-plus

In v3, this repo is maintained as a npm package (What is npm?). It mainly utilize Node API fs to read/write files, and easy-to-use template engine Handlebars.js (Enhanced version of Mustache.js).

This document focus on the build workflow. In addition, you will understand more about the configs available for this package.

Prepare for Your Environment

  1. Make sure Notepad++, Git and Node.js are available in your machine. Open command prompt (cmd.exe) in Windows, then run:

    git --version
    node -v

    Build script screenshot 1: Check system environment

    If it cannot return version numbers, install the missing package:

  2. Fork this repo:

    Build script screenshot 2: Fork this repository

  3. Clone and install markdown-plus-plus:

    :: Go to your development directory, example:
    cd %UserProfile%\dev
    :: Clone to your local machine
    :: Replace my username with yours
    git clone
    :: Install dependencies in your project directory
    cd markdown-plus-plus
    npm install

    Build script screenshot 3: Results of git-clone and npm-install

You only need to run the above commands once.

Understand The Build Scripts

In simple words, the <build/build.js> does the following things:

  • Reads the config files in <config/> folder,
  • use Handlebars.js library to render <build/template.hbs.xml> file, then
  • writes UDL files in <udl/> folder.

Importantly, naming conversion follows the below rules:

  • Config files are named <markdown.[theme-name].config.json>.
  • UDL (output) files are named <markdown.[theme-name].udl.xml>. They are generated automatically.
  • For theme name, I recommend naming it in lower-case English or number characters, and separating the words by hyphen. Optionally, you also can add more information for your needs, for example, <markdown.magic-theme_by-your-name_v3.1.config.json>.

Build script screenshot 4: Understand the file structure in Notepad++

In most situations, you only need to edit the config files in <config/>. You don't need to dig deep in build scripts, unless you want to change the build process, or fix things.

Understand the Config and Options

To change highlighting behaviors, you need to edit the config files.

Open <*.config.json> file(s) in <config/> folder using Notepad++. As you see, the context in the file has to be valid json data.

Option Descriptions
themeName The theme name that will be displayed in Notepad++ menu under "Language".
goodies.hex Highlight HEX value. It is not a Markdown syntax but eye candy.
flags.transparentBg By default, each text has background color set in default.bgColor. You can take out the background color by switching this option to true. However, some text or style may not display clearly on your screen. ⚠️ Use it with caution
flags.asteriskUnorderedList By default, you cannot use asterisk-style bullet points (* a \<li\> bullet point). By switching this option to true, you can write in this markdown style. However, there will be a side effect: *multiple em words* will only parse the first word because it will screw up unordered list in some situations. ⚠️ Use it with caution
(Others) All of them are standard markdown syntax suggested by Daring Fireball.

Finally || Anytime You Feel Good

Run the build script when you want some outputs:

:: Build UDLs in <udl/>
npm run build

Remember to include the word "run"! npm build is totally different thing in npm.

Build script screenshot 5: Results of running npm run build

Now, the UDL files are ready for you to import to Notepad++. Congratulation! 🎉 🎉

:: Copy file(s) to serve Notepad++ (May vary to your system environment)
set npp_udl=%AppData%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs
dir udl /w
copy udl\markdown.zenburn.udl.xml %npp_udl%

Build script screenshot 6: Copy UDL file to serve Notepad++

Other Notable Commands

:: See the difference of a file, e.g. an output file after build
git diff udl/markdown.zenburn.udl.xml

:: Discard all changes to latest commit
git checkout -- .

:: Make sure you are pushing/pulling the correct remote
git remote -v

Experience and enjoy. Happy coding! 🍕