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538 lines (377 loc) · 13.3 KB

SoftPro Swift Style Guide (draft)

This codestyle is based on two documents:

  1. Apple's Swift API Design Guidelines
  2. Google's Swift Style Guide

and adds some overrides and additions to the latter.

Before reading this document, be sure you are familiar with (1) and (2).

Shoutout to Airbnb team and their styleguide for certain well-stated points.



  1. Use 4 spaces to indent lines

  2. guard and if

    For one expression:

    guard fruitCount > 5 else { return } // (linebreak allowed)   
    if fruitCount < 7 { print("need more fruit for this pie") }

    When multline:

        case let .upsert(message) = anyMessage,
        case let .text(textMessage) = message,
        let correlationID = textMessage.content.correlationID
    else { return .delete($ } // linebreak allowed
  3. Omit return in functions with single expression


  1. throws vs -> ReturnT?

    Prefer throwing an error instead of returning optional in function of initializer:

    // bad: why did it fail? 
    func parse(encoded value: Any) -> String? {
        // ...
    // good
    func parse(encoded value: Any) throws -> String {
        guard let dictionary = value as? [String: String] else { throw ParseError("not a dictionary") }
        guard let value = dictionary["id"] else { throw ParseError("`id` not presented") }
        // ...
  2. Namespaces

    Subclass Namespace class to make it clear that the type is just a namespace:

    // bad
    enum Config {
        static let lengthRange = 10...50
    // good
    class Config: Namespace {
        static let lengthRange = 10...50



  1. Vertical white space

    Add single blank line to separate code parts:

    // ...
    //  Copyright © 2020 SoftPro. All rights reserved.
    import Foundation
    final class EventViewModel {
        // ...
    // MARK: - Auxillary Types
    extension EventViewModel {
        struct Cache {
            // ...
    // MARK: - EventModelDelegate
    extension EventViewModel: EventModelDelegate {
        func model(_ eventModel: EventModel, didUpdateEventFor id: Event.ID) {
            // ...


  1. General rules

    • Word in plural form can only be last part of the name (with rare exceptions):
      let eventsModel: EventsModel // bad
      let eventModel: EventModel // good
      let objectsCount: Int // bad   
      let objectCount: Int // good
      let teamsProvider: Provider<Team> // bad
      let teamProvider: Provider<Team> // good
      func subscribeOnChatNotifications() { ... } // good
      var eventsByID: [Event.ID: Event] // exception, good
  2. Variables

    • For String, Numeric types, Bool and Date omit the type name:

      var title: String
      var id: String
      var personCount: Int
      var bottomMargin: CGFloat
      var isHidden: Bool
      var shouldInvalidate: Bool
      var createdAt: Date
    • For Array use plural form:

      var eventModels: [EventModel]
      var models: [EventModel] // also good if in `Event` context
    • For Dictionary use pattern <ObjectT>sBy<KeyT> (with some exceptions):

      var eventsById: [Event.ID: Event]
      var addressesByPersonName: [String: String]
      var jsonDictionary: [String: Any] // also OK, in case of poor semantics
    • For other types, name should end either with the name of the type or it's suffix:

      var eventSet: Set<Event>
      var containerView: UIView
      var stackView: UIStackView  
      var titleLabel: UILabel
      var eventStatus: EventStatus
      var status: EventStatus // also OK if in `Event` context
      var eventChange: EntityCollectionChange<Event>
  3. Abbreviations

    Abbreviations are prohibited:

    // bad
    var subs: Subscription
    var s: String
    var params: [String: String]
    var val: NSValue
    var i: Int

    Exceptions are:

    str (string)
    config (configuration)
    dict (dictionary)

    Abbreviations from the list above do not reduce clarity, improve code readability and are highly recommeded to use

  4. Acronyms

    Acronyms in names (e.g. URL) should be all-caps except when it’s the start of a name that would otherwise be lowerCamelCase, in which case it should be uniformly lower-cased:

    class URLValidator {
      func isValidURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool { ... }
      func isProfileURL(_ url: URL, for userID: String) -> Bool { ... }
    let urlValidator = URLValidator()
    let isProfile = urlValidator.isProfileUrl(urlToTest, userID: idOfUser)

    Exception: although id is not an acronym, the rules for it are the same

  5. Generics

    For generic type and function declarations, name placeholder types using <Placeholder>T pattern:

    public func index<CollectionT: Collection, ElementT>(
        of element: ElementT,
        in collection: CollectionT
    ) throws -> CollectionT.Index where CollectionT.Element == ElementT, ElementT: Equatable {
        for element in collection {
            // ...

    For generic protocols, name the associated type without T suffix:

    protocol EntityType {
        associatedtype ID
        var id: ID { get }


  1. guard usage

    Prefer using guard at the beginning of a scope. It's easier to reason about a block of code when all guard statements are grouped together at the top rather than intermixed with business logic. Use if otherwise.

  2. property declarations

    • Use let for properties with values injected through the initializer

    • Use var for computed, mutable properties or optional external dependencies (e.g. delegate, dataSource)

    • Use lazy var to avoid implicitly unwrapped optionals

    Use implace property initialization for lazy and mutable properties.

    If property intialization doesn't fit into one line, extract it into make<PropertyName> function. Property observers should also fit into one line or being extracted.

    class EventViewModel {
       var statusObservable: Observable<Status> { statusRelay.asObservable }
       weak var delegate: EventViewModelDelegate? {
          didSet { delegate.viewModel(self, updatedStatus: statusRelay.value) }
       private(set) var cachedHeaderHeight: CGFloat = 0.0 {
          didSet { print("cache updated") }
       private let model: EventModel
       private let soundEffectPlayer: SoundEffectPlayer
       private let config = Config()
       private let bag = DisposeBag()
       private lazy var dateFormatter = makeDateFormatter()
       private lazy var statusRelay = BehaviorRelay(value: .idle)
          model: EventModel,
          soundEffectPlayer: SoundEffectPlayer
       ) {
          self.model = model
          self.soundEffectPlayer = soundEffectPlayer
       // ...
  3. Declaration order (TODO)

    class MyClass {
        var publicVar: Int = 0
        let publicLet: Int
        private var privateVar: Int
        private lazy var privateLazyVar: Int
        private let privateLet: Int
        init() { ... }
        override func overridedMethod() { ... }
        func publicMethod() { ... }
        private func privateMethod() { ... }
    extension MyClass {
        static func publicStaticMethod() { ... }
        private static func privateStaticMethod() { ... }
    extension MyClass {
        enum MyAuxillaryEnum {
            case a
            case b
        enum MyAuxillaryStruct {
            var text: String
            var counter: Int
  4. Splitting up into extensions (TODO)

    Avoid using extensions on your class for splitting logic purposes. Use marks instead.

    Use extensions:

    • to implement protocol conformance
    • when it can be extracted to another file

    TODO: Add an example

  5. Use Pure namespace to group pure functions

    extension MyClass {
        class Pure: Namespace {
            static func pureFunction1(a: Int) -> Int { ... }
            static func pureFunction2(b: Int, c: String) -> String { ... }

Appendix A: Tools


  1. fallback(...) and fatalError(...)

    Handle an unexpected but recoverable condition with an fallback function:

    func eatFruit(at index: Int) {
        guard index < fruits.count else { return fallback() }
        // ...
    func nameForFruit(_ fruit: Fruit) -> String {
        guard knownFruits.contains(fruit) else { return fallback("Unnamed") }
        // ...

    If the unexpected condition is not recoverable, prefer fatalError:

    func fruit(at: index) -> Fruit {
        guard index < fruits.count else { fatalError(.shouldNeverBeCalled) }
        // ...
  2. strongify(self) { ... }

    When capturing self in a closure, use strongify instead of cumbersome weakify-strongify self routine.

    For now, avoid using strongify with closures, since sself is ugly:

    // avoid
            onNext: strongify(self) { sself, error in
        ).disposed(by: disposeBag)

    strongify often allows you to avoid curly brackets:

    // Somewhere in CollectionReloadCoordinator class...
    // bad
            onNext: { [weak self] elements in
        .disposed(by: bag)
    // good
        .subscribe(onNext: strongify(self, CollectionReloadCoordinator.onUpdateElements))
        .disposed(by: bag)

    In case self is nil at the moment of invocation, strongified function returns nil. Use function composition operator (>>>) to remove optionality from the return value of strongified call:

    // in EventViewModel:
        .filter(strongify(self, EventViewModel.shouldUpdateForStatus) >>> { $0 ?? false })
        .subscribe(onNext: strongify(self, EventViewModel.update))
        .disposed(by: bag)

Appendix B: Rx


  1. Indentation

    Example of correctly indented code:

        .filter { $0 == .startLoadNextPage }
        .withLatestFrom( { $0.feed }) // one line is OK for single rx-statement
        .flatMap { state in // use named parameters for multline rx-statement
            messageService.loadMessages(before: state.lastMessageDate(), limit: state.pageSize)
                .catchError { _ in .empty() }
            onNext: { action in
                // ...
            onError: { error in
                // ...
        ).disposed(by: bag)  // the only statement allowed not to start with a line break


  1. Dispose bags

    Omit dispose word when naming DisposeBag's:

    // Single default bag
    lazy var bag = DisposeBag()
    // Specific bag
    lazy var subscriptionBag = DisposeBag()
  2. Abbreviations (TODO?)

    Allowed abbreviations:

    actionObsevable -> $action

Appendix C: UI


Comments: 1. if, guard — ранний выход

if, guard — без однострочности

Исключение — ID — с большой

  1. Single-expression func: ньюанс Двустрочность

  2. Неймспейсы (пример другой)

  3. Марки — на свое усмотрение

  4. Пустые строки — не ставим после объ типа и экстеншна

VC, VM — не пишем i — не пишем

  1. lazy — mutable

  2. didSet, instantiate — oneline

11 Порядок var/let — todo примеры

12 Не бьем класс на экстеншны, только по признаку протоколов + то, что можно унести в отдельный файл

13 Declaration order

static - в конце types - в конце

14 Pure

15 strongify - только 1 строка (метод)

16 ctrl + i recommednation

17 switch — 1 или 2 строки

18 utils, helpers?

19 file naming: +, ., ... (Google)

  1. Можно ссылаться на эппл гайд и гугл гайд

TODO: discuss distinctions from Google's guide: