Email Address to send errors to
default: root
By default, on Debian systems (and maybe others), only postgres
user is allowed to access PostgreSQL databases without password.
In order to dump databases we need to run pg_dump/psql commands as postgres
with su.
This setting makes possible to run backups with a substitute user using su
. If empty, su
usage will be disabled)
default: ""
(empty, not used)
Username to access the PostgreSQL server
default: postgres
Host name (or IP address) of PostgreSQL server
default: localhost
Port of PostgreSQL server (only used if ${DBHOST} != localhost
default: 5432
List of database(s) names(s) to backup
If you would like to backup all databases on the server set DBNAMES="all"
. If set to "all"
then any new databases will automatically be backed up without needing to modify this settings when a new database is created.
If the database you want to backup has a space in the name replace the space with a %
("data base"
will become "data%base"
default: all
example: "users pages user%data"
List of databases to exclude if DBNAMES
is not set to all
default : ""
example: "pages user%data"
Pseudo database name used to dump global objects (users, roles, tablespaces)
default: postgres_globals
Backup directory
default: /var/backups
Include CREATE DATABASE in backups?
default: yes
Which day do you want weekly backups? (1 to 7 where 1 is Monday)
When set to 0, weekly backups are disabled
default: 7
Which day do you want monthly backups?
When set to 0, monthly backups are disabled
default: 1
(first day of the month)
Backup retention count for daily backups, older backups are removed.
default: 14
(14 days)
Backup retention count for weekly backups, older backups are removed.
default: 5
(5 weeks)
Backup retention count for monthly backups, older backups are removed.
default: 12
(12 months)
Compression tool. It could be gzip, pigz, bzip2, xz, zstd or any compression tool that supports to read data to be compressed from stdin and outputs them to stdout).
If the tool is not in ${PATH}
, the absolute path can be used.
default: gzip
Compression tools options to be used with COMP
default: ""
COMP_OPTS="-f -c"
Options string for use with pg_dump (see pg_dump manual page).
default: ""
Options string for use with pg_dumpall (see pg_dumpall manual page).
default: ""
Backup files extension
default: sql
Backup files permission
default: 600
Minimum size (in bytes) for a dump/file (compressed or not). File size below this limit will raise an warning.
default: 256
Enable encryption (asymmetric) with GnuPG.
default: no
Encryption public key (path to the key)
default: ""
gpg --export 0xY0URK3Y1D --output mypubkey.gpg
or gpg --export --armor 0xY0URK3Y1D --output mypubkey.asc
then copy mypubkey.asc
or mypubkey.gpg
to the path pointed by the ${ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY}
gpg --decrypt --output backup.sql.gz backup.sql.gz.enc
Suffix for encyrpted files
default: .enc
Command or script to execute before backups
default: ""
(empty, not used)
Command or script to execute after backups
default: ""
(empty, not used)
In order to use a password to connect to database create a file ${HOME}/.pgpass
containing a line like this
replace hostname
with the value of ${DBHOST}
, dbuser
with the value of ${USERNAME}
and dbpass
with the password.