An ongoing project to create a set of links to free online learning resources for new and experienced Software Testers (Click to view).
Since computer science and IT university departments don't invariably offer dedicated software testing modules and resources are spread among various different providers linked to different methodologies, I created this project to help guide new testers into some sort of useful curriculum and collate some existing web-based resources into lists of links.
The rules I wish to implement are -
- Content must be relevant to testers
- Content must be informative and not overly "salesy"
- Contest must be free of charge
(the exceptions to these being books and magazines, of which most have to be paid for, and blogs - some of which are linked to test consultancies and thus may have promotional pieces in them)
This project is very new and the more resources are added the better. I ask the testing community to help by contacting me to offer new content or fork and create a pull request. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. In the meantime, I hope you find the resources below useful.
Paul Maxwell-Walters @TestingRants, [email protected]
Agile Testing Mindset and the Role of the Agile Tester, Amir Gharai, Testing Excellence
Philosophy for Beginners, Marianne Talbot, University of Oxford CCE
EuroSTAR Software Testing Video: Ten Minute Test Plan with James Whittaker
CAST 2014 Keynote - Test Cases are Not Testing: Toward a Performance Culture
What Testing Tools should I Learn, Mark Winteringham, Ministry of Testing
Investing in Testing - The Importance of the Right Technique, Rex Black
Getting Started with Selenium WebDriver Pt1 (Alan Richardson, Evil Tester)
Getting Started with Selenium Webdriver Pt2 (Alan Richardson, Evil Tester)
Bug Advocacy - How to Win Friends, Impress Programmers and Stomp Bugs, Cem Kaner
Defect Life Cycle: Essentials of Software Testing, Jennifer Marsh, Udemy Blog
Agile Test Planning with the Agile Testing Quadrants, Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory
Quick Tools for Agile Testing, Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory
Introduction to Computer Programming in Python, Fall 2016, MIT OpenCourseWare
Building Dynamic Websites, David J. Malan, CS75.TV, Harvard Extension School
CS2: Data Structures and Algorithms, Richard Buckland, University of New South Wales
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, Udacity
Metasploit for Network Security Tutorials, Bucky Roberts, the New Boston
Web Application Pen Testing tutorials with Mutillidae,
Web Pentesting Workshop with BurpSuite and Mutillidae Pt 1, Jeremy Druin
Basic and Advanced SQL Injection Techniques, Brandon Perry, Infosec Southwest
Ethical Hacking - Hacking for Fun and Profit!, Pentester University
(In last name/company name alphabetical order to avoid order bias)
Lessons Learned in Software Testing by Pettichord, Kaner, Bach.
Perfect Software and Other Illusions about Testing by Weinberg.
Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your Tests: by Gojko Adzic, David Evans and Tom Roden
How Google Tests Software; by James A. Whittaker, Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo
- Skype channel : Women in Testing
- Skype Channel : Software testing 24 * 7
- Slack Channel : Ministry of Testing
- Slack Channel :
- (to be added)