The D3A is a blockchain-based, distributed energy market model developed by Grid Singularity with the objective of supporting the Energy Web Foundation (EWF) mission to enable a decarbonized, decentralized, democratized and digitized energy system. See more on .
Please refer to:
Please refer to:
(For instructions using Docker see below)
After cloning this project setup a Python 3.6 virtualenv and install fabric3:
~# pip install fabric3
To install solidity follow the steps here:
To install the dependencies run the following command:
~# fab sync
After installation the simulation can be run with the following command:
~# d3a run
There are various options available to control the simulation run. Help on there is available via:
~# d3a run --help
During a simulation run the following keyboard commands are available:
Key | Command |
i | Show information about simulation |
p | Pause simulation |
q | Quit simulation |
r | Reset and restart simulation |
R | Start a Python REPL at the current simulation step |
s | Save current state of simulation to file (see below for resuming) |
+ | Increase 'slowdown' factor |
- | Decrease 'slowdown' factor |
We use pip-tools managed by fabric3 to handle requirements. To update the pinned requirements use the following command:
~# fab compile
There is also a command to compile and sync in one step:
~# fab reqs
pip-tools: fabric3:
We use py.test managed by tox to run the (unit) tests. To run the test suite simply run the following command:
~# tox
py.test: tox:
The repository contains a docker Dockerfile. To build an image use the following command (change into repository folder first):
~# docker build -t d3a .
After building is complete you can run the image with:
~# docker run --rm -it d3a
Command line parameters can be given normally after the image name:
~# docker run --rm d3a --help ~# docker run --rm d3a run --help ~# docker run --rm d3a run --setup default_2a -t15s
There is also a handy script that deals with the building of the image and running the provided command:
~# ./ "$docker_command" $export_path
where you can provide the d3a_command and export path where the simulation results are stored. For example:
~# ./ "d3a -l ERROR run --setup default_2a -t 15s" $HOME/d3a-simulation
builds a d3a docker image (if not already present), runs the simulation with setup-file default_2a, tick-length 15s and stores the simulation output data into $HOME/d3a-simulation. If no export_path is provided, simulation results will be stored in $HOME/d3a-simulation.
Please refer to: