Currently API server is not able to run locally as it performs a kubernetes client initialization trying to read in-cluster config rather than load kubeconfig. This limitation is addressed in this issue. Meanwhile for running locally we can follow this guide.
Prerequisites: Docker, kustomize, kubectl
For development you need a local or remote cluster so Pipelines code can connect to services like MinIO, Mysql and Kubernetes API Server.
For a local Kubernetes cluster, depending on available resources, recommended options are:
- Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.
kind create cluster --name kfp
- MiniKF. Full-fledged local kubeflow deployment by Arrikto.
- K3S. Lightweight and fully functional certified distribution of Kubernetes by Rancher. Alternative to miniKF if RAM or CPU resources are scarce. If using this option, need to install Kubeflow pipelines on top of it.
- Minikube is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using a Hypervisor. - (not tested)
On top of the kubernetes cluster Kubeflow Pipelines should be installed. Kubeflow Pipelines could be standalone installed or or as part of the full-fledged Kubeflow installation/deployment.
Note: This is a standalone deployment of pipelines. Check updated standalone deployment doc here.
kubectl apply -k "$PIPELINE_VERSION"
kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/
kubectl apply -k "$PIPELINE_VERSION"
kubectl get pods -n kubeflow
Clone the manifest
mkdir -p ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace;
git clone [email protected]:kubeflow/manifests.git && cd manifests;
Install Kubeflow using kustomize
while ! kustomize build example | kubectl apply -f -; do echo "Retrying to apply resources"; sleep 10; done
apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake clang musl-dev openssl
GO111MODULE=on go build -o bin/apiserver backend/src/apiserver/*.go
The following config has been added
Optionally change DBConfig.DBName
and ObjectStoreConfig.BucketName
to use separate DB and Bucket for dev
"DBConfig": {
"Host": "",
"DriverName": "mysql",
"DataSourceName": "",
"DBName": "mlpipeline",
"GroupConcatMaxLen": "4194304"
"ObjectStoreConfig": {
"Host": "",
"Port": "9000",
"AccessKey": "minio",
"SecretAccessKey": "minio123",
"BucketName": "mlpipeline",
"PipelinePath": "pipelines"
"InitConnectionTimeout": "6m",
"DefaultPipelineRunnerServiceAccount": "pipeline-runner",
"CacheEnabled": "true",
"SharedPipelinesEnabled": "true"
Need to expose cluster services locally, so the local code can connect to services that runs in the cluster as - mysql, minio and etc. The commands that expose the cluster service locally slightly differs between KFP standalone installation and full-fledged Kubeflow installation.
!!! These commands need to be repeated after each computer and/or cluster restart !!!
# copy in-cluster service account at /var/run/secrets/ to local dev
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/
POD=$(kubectl get pods -n kubeflow -l app=ml-pipeline -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -ti $POD -n kubeflow -- cat /var/run/secrets/ > $HOME/ca.crt
kubectl exec -ti $POD -n kubeflow -- cat /var/run/secrets/ > $HOME/token
sudo mv $HOME/ca.crt /var/run/secrets/
sudo mv $HOME/token /var/run/secrets/
# copy samples to /samples in local dev
rm -rf $HOME/samples
sudo rm -rf /samples
kubectl cp kubeflow/$POD:/samples/ $HOME/samples/
sudo mv $HOME/samples /
# expose kubernetes API server, mysql, minio and visualization server on localhost
kubectl proxy --port=8080 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/mysql 3306 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/minio-service 9000 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/ml-pipeline-visualizationserver 8889:8888 &
#note visualization server will listen locally on 8889 port
# copy in-cluster service account at /var/run/secrets/ to local dev
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/
POD=$(kubectl get pods -n kubeflow -l app=ml-pipeline -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -ti $POD -c ml-pipeline-api-server -n kubeflow -- cat /var/run/secrets/ > $HOME/ca.crt
kubectl exec -ti $POD -c ml-pipeline-api-server -n kubeflow -- cat /var/run/secrets/ > $HOME/token
sudo mv $HOME/ca.crt /var/run/secrets/
sudo mv $HOME/token /var/run/secrets/
# copy samples to /samples in local dev
rm -rf $HOME/samples
sudo rm -rf /samples
kubectl cp kubeflow/$POD:/samples/ $HOME/samples/ -c ml-pipeline-api-server
sudo mv $HOME/samples /
# expose kubernetes API server, mysql, minio and visualization server (note it will listen on 8889 locally) on localhost
kubectl proxy --port=8082 &
kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system 8080:80 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/mysql 3306 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/minio-service 9000 &
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/ml-pipeline-visualizationserver 8889:8888 &
Kubeflow Pipeline API Server
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="APIServer" type="GoApplicationRunConfiguration" factoryName="Go Application">
<module name="pipelines" />
<working_directory value="$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<parameters value="--config=$PROJECT_DIR/backend/src/apiserver/config --sampleconfig=$PROJECT_DIR$/../../../didi/git/pipelines/backend/src/apiserver/config/sample_config.json -logtostderr=true" />
<env name="KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST" value="" />
<env name="KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT" value="6443" />
<env name="MULTIUSER" value="True" />
<env name="MULTIUSER_SHARED_READ" value="False" />
<env name="POD_NAMESPACE" value="kubeflow-user-example-com" />
<env name="PROJECT_DIR" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/../test-pipelines" />
<env name="KUBEFLOW_USERID_HEADER" value="kubeflow-userid" />
<env name="KUBEFLOW_USERID_PREFIX" value="" />
<kind value="DIRECTORY" />
<package value="" />
<directory value="$PROJECT_DIR$/backend/src/apiserver" />
<filePath value="$PROJECT_DIR$/backend/src/apiserver/main.go" />
<method v="2" />
Kubeflow Persistent Agent
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="PersistentAgent" type="GoApplicationRunConfiguration" factoryName="Go Application">
<module name="pipelines" />
<working_directory value="$PROJECT_DIR$" />
<useCustomBuildTags value="true" />
<parameters value="--kubeconfig=$USER_HOME$/.kube/config --master= --mlPipelineAPIServerName=localhost --mlPipelineServiceHttpPort=8888 --namespace=kubeflow-user-example-com" />
<env name="KUBEFLOW_USERID_HEADER" value="kubeflow-userid" />
<env name="KUBEFLOW_USERID_PREFIX" value="" />
<env name="KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST" value="" />
<env name="KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT" value="6443" />
<kind value="DIRECTORY" />
<directory value="$PROJECT_DIR$/backend/src/agent/persistence" />
<filePath value="$PROJECT_DIR$/backend/src/agent/persistence/main.go" />
<method v="2" />
ml-pipeline | backend/src/apiserver | api-server |
ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow | backend/src/crd/controller/scheduledworkflow | scheduledworkflow |
ml-pipeline-viewer-crd | backend/src/crd/controller/viewer | viewer-crd-controller |
ml-pipeline-persistenceagent | backend/src/agent/persistence | persistenceagent |
ml-pipeline-visualizationserver | backend/src/apiserver/visualization | visualization-server |
cache-deployer-deployment | backend/src/cache/deployer | cache-deployer |
cache-server | backend/src/cache | cache-server |
To build the API server image and upload it to your own docker hub on x86_64 machines:
export DOCKER_REGISTRY=<|other>
export DOCKER_USER=<myuser>
export DOCKER_PASSWORD=<mypassword>
echo $DOCKER_PASSWORD |docker login $DOCKER_REGISTRY --username=$DOCKER_USER --password-stdin
docker build -t "${IMAGE}:${TAG}" -f backend/Dockerfile .
docker push ${IMAGE}:${TAG}
To get details for cluster registry
kubectl get secret -n kubeflow regcred -o jsonpath='{.data}' | sed 's/\.//' | jq .dockerconfigjson | tr -d \" | base64 -d | jq .auths
For other machine architectures or to use registry, check
kubectl exec -it -n kubeflow $(kubectl get pods -l app=mysql -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubeflow) -- /bin/bash
show databases;
Minio provides its own UI to inspect the object store directly:
kubectl port-forward -n ${NAMESPACE} $(kubectl get pods -l app=minio -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n ${NAMESPACE}) 9000:9000
Access Key:minio
Secret Key:minio123
Follow instructions in frontend/
Also make sure to do edit frontend/package.json
and set proxy to hit the right backend api-server port.
"proxy": "http://localhost:8888",
ml-pipeline-ui | frontend | frontend |
metadata-writer | ||
metadata-grpc-deployment | ||
metadata-envoy-deployment | ||
controller-manager | ||
minio | ||
mysql | ||
workflow-controller |
Often with Kind Cluster we should increase the number of max_user_watches and max_user_instances, otherwise we get an error in pods - "too many open files".
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1280
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=655360