Initial release of XBee Python library. The main features of the library include:
- Support for ZigBee, 802.15.4, DigiMesh, Point-to-Multipoint, Wi-Fi, Cellular and NB-IoT devices.
- Support for API and API escaped operating modes.
- Management of local (attached to the PC) and remote XBee device objects.
- Discovery of remote XBee devices associated with the same network as the local device.
- Configuration of local and remote XBee devices: * Configure common parameters with specific setters and getters. * Configure any other parameter with generic methods. * Execute AT commands. * Apply configuration changes. * Write configuration changes. * Reset the device.
- Transmission of data to all the XBee devices on the network or to a specific device.
- Reception of data from remote XBee devices: * Data polling. * Data reception callback.
- Transmission and reception of IP and SMS messages.
- Reception of network status changes related to the local XBee device.
- IO lines management: * Configure IO lines. * Set IO line value. * Read IO line value. * Receive IO data samples from any remote XBee device on the network.
- Support for explicit frames and application layer fields (Source endpoint, Destination endpoint, Profile ID, and Cluster ID).
- Multiple examples that show how to use the available APIs.