Using the binary is recommended for better startup time, but you can run clj-kondo as a command line program on the JVM as well. Additionally, there is an API to use clj-kondo from other Clojure programs.
You can add clj-kondo to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
to make it available as a lein
{:user {:dependencies [[clj-kondo "RELEASE"]]
:aliases {"clj-kondo" ["run" "-m" "clj-kondo.main"]}}}
$ lein clj-kondo --lint src
Run clj-kondo as an ad-hoc command line dependency:
$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {clj-kondo/clj-kondo {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -m clj-kondo.main --lint src
Or add it as an alias to ~/.clojure/deps.edn
{:extra-deps {clj-kondo/clj-kondo {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "clj-kondo.main"]}}}
$ clj -M:clj-kondo --lint src
Run clj-kondo.main
{:dependencies [[clj-kondo "RELEASE"]]}
$ shadow-cljs run clj-kondo.main --lint src
Execution will be much faster if there's a background server (either shadow-cljs server
or shadow-cljs watch
) running.
To use clj-kondo from other Clojure programs, use the API in
$ clj
Clojure 1.10.0
user=> (require '[clj-kondo.core :as clj-kondo])
user=> (-> (clj-kondo/run! {:lint ["corpus"]}) :summary)
{:error 41, :warning 43, :info 0, :type :summary, :duration 139}
user=> (-> (clj-kondo/run! {:lint ["corpus"]}) clj-kondo/print!)
corpus/cljc/datascript.cljc:8:1: error: wrong number of args (2) passed to datascript.db/seqable?
corpus/cljc/test_cljc.cljc:3:26: warning: unused binding y