Releases: dfinity/orbit
Station Api 0.2.0
Dfx Orbit 0.9.0
Wallet Dapp 0.1.1
0.1.1 (2024-11-28)
🩹 Fixes
- wallet: add new opt candid metadata field (#447)
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
Wallet Dapp 0.1.0
Upgrader 0.1.0
0.1.0 (2024-11-27)
🚀 Features
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🩹 Fixes
- control-panel: fix initial station deploy (#441)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🧱 Updated Dependencies
- Updated orbit-essentials to 0.1.0
- Updated upgrader-api to 0.1.0
- Updated station-api to 0.1.0
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
- olaszakos
Upgrader Api 0.1.0
0.1.0 (2024-11-27)
🚀 Features
dfx-orbit: Review list pagination (#403)
wallet: use didc for candid parsing (#402)
station: add expiration dt during request creation (#424)
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🩹 Fixes
- control-panel: fix initial station deploy (#441)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🧱 Updated Dependencies
- Updated orbit-essentials to 0.1.0
- Updated station-api to 0.1.0
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
- Leon Tan
- olaszakos
Station 0.1.0
0.1.0 (2024-11-27)
🚀 Features
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🩹 Fixes
- control-panel: fix initial station deploy (#441)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🧱 Updated Dependencies
- Updated orbit-essentials to 0.1.0
- Updated upgrader-api to 0.1.0
- Updated station-api to 0.1.0
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
- olaszakos
Station Api 0.1.0
Orbit Essentials 0.1.0
0.1.0 (2024-11-27)
🚀 Features
dfx-orbit: Review list pagination (#403)
wallet: use didc for candid parsing (#402)
station: add expiration dt during request creation (#424)
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🩹 Fixes
- control-panel: fix initial station deploy (#441)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🧱 Updated Dependencies
- Updated orbit-essentials-macros to 0.1.0
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
- Leon Tan
- olaszakos
Orbit Essentials Macros 0.1.0
0.1.0 (2024-11-27)
🚀 Features
station: notify failed station upgrade (#331)
dfx-orbit: dfx-orbitv0.3 (#318)
dfx-orbit: dfx-orbit version 0.4 (#337)
station,upgrader: support large station and upgrader wasm (#353)
dfx-orbit: dfx-orbit version 0.5.0 (#370)
dfx-orbit: support installing canisters with large WASM (#380)
wallet: add external canister method call ui (#385)
dfx-orbit: Review list pagination (#403)
wallet: use didc for candid parsing (#402)
station: add expiration dt during request creation (#424)
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
🩹 Fixes
release: workaround nx bug in release script (#375)
control-panel: fix initial station deploy (#441)
⚠️ Breaking Changes
⚠️ station: multi chain support (#374)
❤️ Thank You
- Kepler Vital
- Leon Tan
- mraszyk @mraszyk
- olaszakos