This repository contains dashboards for monitoring our running solutions, as well as the pipeline to deploy more dashboards. Whenever this repository falls behind the upstream repository, make sure to fetch it.
Grafana has been deployed manually using the powershell script referenced in the main readme.
You must log in with the shared credentials. They are found here.
Dashboards should be created/modified in the UI, then saved as JSON and put in the dashboards folder (/grafana/dashboards). You can save the dashboard configuration as JSON in the UI by going to settings and copying the "JSON Model" text into a file. The pipeline will convert them to configmaps and they should be persisted in k8s this way. The JSON dashboards are converted to configmaps with a powershell script, and deployed using azure pipelines.
To include a data source connection to a postgres database in the grafana deployment you should
include the datasource in datasource.yaml. See
as inspiration. The connection requires the postgres database url and the
username and password (read-only user recommended) which are defined in the ADO library
. More information can be found in
Please name your dashboard dashboard-<name>.json
, where <name>
is some name you come up with (no
spaces, special characters or numbers).
Please refer to the internal docs.