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Front End

Emad Aghayi edited this page May 23, 2018 · 18 revisions

Front-end Implementation

All files of the front end part are placed in the public package. The project uses Grunt to concatenate files. It is placed in public/client/Gruntfile.js

Some important files and the logic they are implemented

  • clientDist/client.ejs is the entry point for the project
  • public/client/microtasks/microtasks.service.js, this file handle all function call between front-end and backend
  • Welcome.html, login.html is the first pages.
  • All third parties are downloaded and placed in the include folder
  • api.js file tell you which functions are connected to the backend
  • describeBehavior.js is the entry point for running tests
  • public/client/test_runner is the directory is for debugging the test section
  • lib/dependencies.js is responsible for dependency injection
  • public/client/microtasks/microtaskForm.directive.js is responsible for submitting the function and skip a task.

Under cunstruction

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