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William Lam
Dec 13, 2022
8362902 · Dec 13, 2022


1074 lines (1071 loc) · 134 KB

File metadata and controls

1074 lines (1071 loc) · 134 KB

ESXi 6.7 Update 2 Build 13006603 Advanced Settings

Total: 1067

Name Description Default Current Min Max ESXCLI
BufferCache.FlushInterval Flush at this interval (milliseconds) 30000 30000 100 3600000 True
BufferCache.HardMaxDirty Block writers if this many buffers are dirty (percent) 95 95 0 100 True
BufferCache.PerFileHardMaxDirty Block writers if this many buffers of a given file are dirtied (percent) 50 50 0 100 True
BufferCache.SoftMaxDirty Flush immediately if this many buffers are dirty (percent) 15 15 0 100 True
CBRC.DCacheMemReserved Memory consumed by CBRC Data Cache (in MB) 400 400 100 32768 True
CBRC.DCacheSize Size of CBRC Data Cache in MB. This cannot be changed if CBRC.Enable is set to 1. 32768 32768 32768 32768 True
CBRC.DigestJournalBootInterval Interval (in minutes) for which Digest Journal is temporarily disabled to avoid interfering with the boot process 10 10 0 10000 True
CBRC.Enable Enable Content Based Read Cache False False N/A N/A False
COW.COWMaxHeapSizeMB Maximum size (in MB) to which the COW heap is allowed to grow 192 192 192 256 True
COW.COWMaxREPageCacheszMB Maximum size (in MB) of VMFSSparse metadata cache size before cache eviction kicks in 256 256 32 512 True
COW.COWMinREPageCacheszMB Minimum size (in MB) of VMFSSparse metadata cache size. Valid when cache eviction is enabled. 0 0 0 512 True
COW.COWREPageCacheEviction VMFSSparse metadata cache eviction: 0 - disabled, 1 enabled 1 1 0 1 True Require SSL to be used when communicating with the host over port 902. True True N/A N/A False
Config.Defaults.vGPU.consolidation Assignment policy to place shared passthru graphics VMs on same physical GPU until full. False False N/A N/A False
Config.Etc.issue Contents of /etc/issue N/A N/A False
Config.Etc.motd Contents of /etc/motd TOO LONG TO PRINT N/A N/A False
Config.GlobalSettings.guest.commands.sharedPolicyRefCount Reference count to enable guest operations. 0 0 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Hbrsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to HBR services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Hostsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to Host services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Proxysvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to proxy services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Snmpsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to SNMP services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Statssvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to Stats services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Vcsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggres related to VC services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Vimsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to Virtual infrastructure management services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.level[Vmsvc].logLevel Logging level for the loggers related to VM services. N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.log.level Controls the global log level. info N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroup Active Directory group name that is automatically granted administrator privileges on the ESX. ESX Admins ESX Admins N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroupAutoAdd Controls whether the group specified by 'esxAdminsGroup' is automatically granted administrator permission. True True N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroupUpdateInterval Interval between checks for whether the group specified by 'esxAdminsGroup' has appeared in Active Directory, in minutes. 1 1 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob Enables or disables the Debug Managed Object Browser for the ESXi host. False False N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.webServer.enableWebscriptLauncher Controls the availability of webscript launcher page. True True N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.authValidateInterval Number of minutes between each validation of all known users and groups - set to zero to disable validation. 1440 1440 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.userSearch.maxResults Maximum number of users and groups to display in the Add Permissions dialog - set to zero to disable the limit. 100 100 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.userSearch.maxTimeSeconds Number of seconds to wait for a search for users and groups to return results - set to zero to disable the timeout. 20 20 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.vmsvc.enforceMaxRegisteredVms Enables enforcing the limitation on the number of registered virtual machines in the inventory. True True N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.plugins.vmsvc.productLockerWatchInterval Interval between checks for whether the product locker files are changed, in seconds. Set to -1 to disable checks. 300 300 N/A N/A False
Config.HostAgent.vmacore.soap.sessionTimeout Number of minutes until a VIM API session times out due to inactivity - set to zero to disable timeout. Applies to new sessions only. 30 30 N/A N/A False
Cpu.ActionLoadThreshold load threshold below which vcpu affinity migration is performed, 0 to disable 10 10 0 100 True
Cpu.AllowWideVsmp Allow VMs with more VCPUs than host PCPUs, 0 to disable 0 0 0 1 True
Cpu.BoundLagQuanta Number of global quanta before bound lag 8 8 1 100 True
Cpu.CommRateThreshold threshold for inter-sched-context rate above which the contexts are considered to be related (in num/sec) 500 500 0 50000 True
Cpu.CoschedCostartThreshold costart threshold in usec, costart threshold should be less than costopThreshold 2000 2000 0 100000 True
Cpu.CoschedCostopThreshold maximum skew between vcpus in usec, 0 to disable 3000 3000 0 100000 True
Cpu.CoschedCrossCall 0: disable cosched on crosscall; 1: enable cosched on crosscall 1 1 0 1 True
Cpu.CoschedExclusiveAffinity 1 to enable coscheduling for vcpus with exclusive affinity, 0 to disable 0 0 0 1 True
Cpu.CoschedHandoffLLC 0: handoff by switching pcpu; 1: handoff to LLC if possible 1 1 0 1 True
Cpu.CoschedHandoffSkip only skip handoff if ready time is smaller than this threshold, in usec, 0 to allow skip always 10 10 0 1000 True
Cpu.CoschedPollUsec interval between coscheduling skew checks, in usec 1000 1000 1000 5000 True
Cpu.CreditAgePeriod Period in milliseconds 3000 3000 1000 10000 True
Cpu.FairnessRebalancePcpus max number of PCPUs to be considered when doing fairness rebalance, 0 to disable 4 4 0 32 True
Cpu.HTRebalancePeriod average milliseconds between opportunities for a pcpu to migrate vcpus from within a core 5 5 0 5000 True
Cpu.HTStolenAgeThreshold the amount of htStolen time a vcpu can keep without being aged (in seconds) 8 8 0 500 True
Cpu.HTWholeCoreThreshold a vcpu with vtime falling behind by this threshold (in ms) is eligible to use the whole core (HT only), 0 to disable (may violate resource settings) 800 800 0 5000 True
Cpu.HostRebalancePeriod average milliseconds between opportunities for a pcpu to migrate vcpus from within the whole system, 0 to disable 100 100 0 5000 True
Cpu.L2RebalancePeriod average milliseconds between opportunities for a pcpu to migrate vcpus from within the shared L2 cache, 0 to disable 10 10 0 5000 True
Cpu.L3RebalancePeriod average milliseconds between opportunities for a pcpu to migrate vcpus from within the shared L3 cache, 0 to disable 20 20 0 5000 True
Cpu.LimitEnforcementThreshold Only allows low-vtime children ro run when a group/VM's vtimeLimit is smaller than the global virtual time by less than this threshold (in ms), 0 to disable 200 200 0 10000 True
Cpu.MaxSampleRateLg Sampling system services at most (2^MaxSampleRateLg) times a second 7 7 1 15 True
Cpu.MoveCurrentRunnerPcpus max number of PCPUs to be considered when searching for runner move opportunity, 0 to disable 4 4 0 32 True
Cpu.NonTimerWakeupRate Disable P state if the running vcpu's non-timer wakeup rate is higher than this threshold, 0 to disable 500 500 0 5000 True
Cpu.PackageRebalancePeriod average milliseconds between opportunities for a pcpu to migrate vcpus from within a package, 0 to disable 20 20 0 5000 True
Cpu.PcpuMigrateIdlePcpus max number of PCPUs to be considered when doing pcpu idle rebalance, 0 to disable 4 4 0 32 True
Cpu.Quantum Quantum in milliseconds 200 200 1 1000 True
Cpu.UseMwait use MWAIT vs. HLT in the idle loop; 0: use HLT, 1: use MWAIT if possible, 2: choose by cpu type 2 2 0 3 True
Cpu.VMAdmitCheckPerVcpuMin Perform additional admission control check that per virtual CPU virtual machine minimum does not exceed the speed of a single physical CPU 1 1 0 1 True
Cpu.WakeupMigrateIdlePcpus max number of PCPUs to be considered when doing wakeup idle rebalance, 0 to disable 4 4 0 32 True
DCUI.Access One or more comma-separated local users which are granted unconditional access to DCUI, even if they don't have administrator role on the host. root root N/A N/A False
DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedInit Enable hardware accelerated VMFS data initialization (requires compliant hardware) 1 1 0 1 True
DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedMove Enable hardware accelerated VMFS data movement (requires compliant hardware) 1 1 0 1 True
DataMover.MaxHeapSize Maximum size of the heap in MB used for data movement 64 64 16 256 True
Digest.AlgoType Digest Crypto Hash Type (1=SHA-1, 2=SHA-256). 1 1 1 2 True
Digest.BlockSize Blocksize in the original VMDK to compute crypto hash codes. In pages of 4K size. Value needs to be power of 2. 1 1 1 2 True
Digest.CollisionEnabled Enable collision detection (0=disabled, 1=enabled) 0 0 0 1 True
Digest.JournalCoverage Journal coverage in MB. Value needs to be power of 2. 8 8 0 32 True
Digest.UpdateOnClose Enable crypto-hash updates on DiskLib_Close (0=disabled, 1=enabled). 0 0 0 1 True
DirentryCache.MaxDentryPerObj Maximum directory entries cached per directory 15000 15000 60 30000 True
Disk.AllowUsbClaimedAsSSD Permit claim rules to mark USB disks as SSD 0 0 0 1 True
Disk.ApdTokenRetryCount APD Token Retry Count 25 25 10 99999 True
Disk.AutoremoveOnPDL Autoremove paths to a disk that is in PDL (Permanent Device Loss) 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.BandwidthCap cap on disk bandwidth (KB/s) usage 4294967294 4294967294 10 4294967294 True
Disk.DelayOnBusy Delay in milliseconds for completion of commands with a BUSY status 400 400 0 5000 True
Disk.DeviceReclaimTime The number of seconds between device re-claim attempts 300 300 0 31536000 True
Disk.Disable4knSSD Disable use of 4kn SSDs 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.DisableVSCSIPollInBH Disable VSCSI_Poll in bottom half. Set to 1 to disable. 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.DiskDelayPDLHelper Delay PDL helper in secs 10 10 0 300 True
Disk.DiskMaxIOSize Max Disk READ/WRITE I/O size before splitting (in KB) 32767 32767 32 32767 True
Disk.DiskReservationThreshold Time window within which refcounted reservations on a device are permitted (in msec) 45 45 0 3000 True
Disk.DiskRetryPeriod Retry period in milliseconds for a command with retry status 2000 2000 500 50000 True
Disk.DumpMaxRetries Max number of I/O retries during disk dump 10 10 0 1000 True
Disk.DumpPollDelay Number of microseconds to wait between polls during a disk dump. 1000 1000 1 100000 True
Disk.DumpPollMaxRetries Max number of device poll retries during disk dump 10000 10000 1 100000 True
Disk.EnableNaviReg Enable automatic NaviAgent registration with EMC CLARiiON and Invista 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.FailDiskRegistration Fail device registration if disk has only standby paths and supports only implicit asymmetric logical unit access. 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.FastPathRestoreInterval Time interval (in msec) to monitor the IO latency to evaluate eligibility for fast-path in PSA. 100 100 10 1000 True
Disk.IdleCredit Amount of idle credit that a virtual machine can gain for I/O requests 32 32 1 512 True
Disk.MaxLUN Only LUNs with LUN ID values below this value will be scanned 1024 1024 1 16384 True
Disk.MaxNumIOIntervals Maximum number of IO intervals per device that can be stored in order to detect overlapping IOs to 4Kn disks 1024 1024 64 65535 True
Disk.MaxResetLatency Delay in milliseconds before logging warnings and spawning new reset worlds if a reset is overdue or taking too long 2000 2000 500 600000 True
Disk.NmpMaxCmdExtension Increase the maximum number of commands to be processed at once in NMP 0 0 0 1000000000 True
Disk.PathEvalTime The number of seconds between FC path evaluations 300 300 0 31536000 True
Disk.PreventVMFSOverwrite Prevent overwriting VMFS partitions 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.QFullSampleSize I/O samples to monitor for detecting non-transient queue full condition. Should be nonzero to enable queue depth throttling. 0 0 0 64 True
Disk.QFullThreshold BUSY or QFULL threshold, upon which LUN queue depth will be throttled. Should be <= QFullSampleSize if throttling is enabled. 8 8 1 16 True
Disk.ReqCallThreshold Threshold in number of pending requests before calling into vmkernel to process the requests 8 8 1 129 True
Disk.ResetLatency Delay in milliseconds between reset thread wakeups 1000 1000 100 600000 True
Disk.ResetMaxRetries Maximum number of bus reset retries. Set to 0 for no limit. 0 0 0 10000 True
Disk.ResetOverdueLogPeriod Delay in seconds between logs of overdue reset 60 60 10 86400 True
Disk.ResetPeriod Delay in seconds between bus resets retries 30 30 1 3600 True
Disk.ResetThreadExpires Life in seconds of an inactive reset handle thread 1800 1800 0 86400 True
Disk.ResetThreadMax Maximum number of reset handler threads 16 16 1 16 True
Disk.ResetThreadMin Minimum number of reset handler threads 1 1 1 16 True
Disk.RetryUnitAttention Retry all SCSI commands that return a unit attention error 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.ReturnCCForNoSpace Return CC 0x7/0x27/0x7 in the event where a backing datastore has run out of space as opposed to posting a monitor event to halt the VM 0 0 0 1 True
Disk.SchedCostUnit IO Scheduler block size for accounting 32768 32768 4096 262144 True
Disk.SchedQCleanupInterval Time interval (in secs) to cleanup per device unused schedQ list (default = 5 minutes). 300 300 0 31536000 True
Disk.SchedQControlSeqReqs Number of consecutive requests from a virtual machine required to raise the outstanding commands to maximum 128 128 0 2048 True
Disk.SchedQControlVMSwitches Number of switches between commands issued by different virtual machines required to reduce outstanding commands to CONFIG_DISK_CIF 6 6 0 2048 True
Disk.SchedQPriorityPercentage Percentage of priority commands to serve from priority queue 80 80 10 100 True
Disk.SchedQuantum Number of consecutive requests from one world 8 8 1 64 True
Disk.SchedReservationBurst Permit I/O bursts in mclock scheduler with reservations. 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.SchedulerWithReservation Disk I/O scheduler (0:default 1:mclock) 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.SectorMaxDiff Distance in sectors at which the disk BW schedules affinity stops 2000 2000 0 2000000 True
Disk.SharesHigh Shares for high disk priority 2000 2000 100 10000 True
Disk.SharesLow Shares for low disk priority 500 500 100 10000 True
Disk.SharesNormal Shares for normal disk priority 1000 1000 100 10000 True
Disk.SllThrottleTime Time (in msecs) I/Os to SLLs will be throttled in the event of a TASK_SET_FULL being received. 800 800 25 3000 True
Disk.SupportSparseLUN Support for sparse LUNs if set to one 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.ThroughputCap Cap on disk throughput (IO/s) usage 4294967294 4294967294 10 4294967294 True
Disk.UseDeviceReset Use device reset (instead of bus reset) to reset a SCSI device 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.UseIoPool A bitmask: 0x1 - adapter submission pool, 0x2 - device completion pool, 0x4 - device queueing pool. 0 0 0 7 True
Disk.UseLunReset Use LUN reset (instead of device.bus reset) to reset a SCSI device 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.UseReportLUN Use the REPORT LUN command to increase scanning speed for devices 1 1 0 1 True
Disk.VSCSICoalesceCount Frequency with which the coalesce callback is called. 1000 1000 0 100000 True
Disk.VSCSIEnablePreemption Enable VSCSI Preemption. 0 0 0 1 True
Disk.VSCSIPollPeriod Time in microseconds between VSCSI polls. 1000 1000 1 99999999 True
Disk.VSCSIResvCmdRetryInSecs Time (in secs) to retry on transient errors for Reservation commands for MSCS CAB configs. 1 1 1 60 True
Disk.VSCSIWriteSameBurstSize Max number of split IOs per write same request. 4 4 1 4 True
FSS.FSSLightWeightProbe Enable light-weight efficient probe of ESX supported datastores 1 1 0 1 True
FT.AckIntervalMax Maximum time in microseconds between acks 1000000 1000000 1000000 4000000 True
FT.AckIntervalMin Minimum time in microseconds between acks 0 0 0 100000 True
FT.BackupConnectTimeout Time in milliseconds to wait for the backup to connect 8000 8000 100 30000 True
FT.BackupExtraTimeout Extra milliseconds before backup declares primary dead 100 100 0 30000 True
FT.BadExecLatency Latency considered bad execution latency(ms) 800 800 0 10000 True
FT.BindToVmknic Bind the FT socket to a specific vmknic 0 0 0 1 True
FT.ChargeVMXForFlush Charge the VMX world for log flushing instead of the global flush world 1 1 0 1 True
FT.CheckFCPathState Check storage path state 1 1 0 1 True
FT.CheckForProgress Check for progress on the backup and/or primary 0 0 0 1 True
FT.CoreDumpNoProgressMS Milliseconds before live coredump vmm and vmx if progress isn't made 0 0 0 10000 True
FT.ExecLatencyKill Time to wait for good latency before killing a slow backup(ms) 0 0 0 100000 True
FT.ExtraLogTimeout Time in milliseconds for temporary increase in timeout 10000 10000 500 300000 True
FT.FTCptConcurrentSend Send non-diff pages in parallel with diffing rather than after 1 1 0 1 True
FT.FTCptDelayCheckpoint Delay checkpoint if no network packet waiting 2 2 0 2 True
FT.FTCptDiffCap Max percent pages via diffs (EXPERIMENTAL, failover will not work if not 100) 100 100 0 100 True
FT.FTCptDiffThreads Number of threads for diffing pages 6 6 1 16 True
FT.FTCptDisableFailover Disable failovers (testing only) 0 0 0 6 True
FT.FTCptDiskWriteTimeout Time in milliseconds for backup site to wait for a disk I/O to complete 3000 3000 10 60000 True
FT.FTCptDontDelayPkts Do not delay network packets - for testing only 0 0 0 1 True
FT.FTCptDontSendPages Do not send over modified pages - for testing only 0 0 0 1 True
FT.FTCptEpochList List of potential epochs to try in order of increasing value 5,10,20,100 5,10,20,100 N/A N/A True
FT.FTCptEpochSample Single epoch sampling time in ms 1000 1000 1 60000 True
FT.FTCptEpochWait Wait in ms after epoch sampling 8000 8000 1 4294967295 True
FT.FTCptIORetryExtraInterval Extra sleep interval (in ms) between retries on disk I/O error 200 200 10 2000 True
FT.FTCptIORetryInterval Sleep interval (in ms) between retries on disk I/O error 10 10 10 2000 True
FT.FTCptIORetryTimes Maximum retries on disk I/O error 15 15 5 50 True
FT.FTCptLogTimeout Time in milliseconds to wait for FT log entries (read or write) 8000 8000 500 30000 True
FT.FTCptMaxPktsDelay Max number of packets in the delayed queue before forcing a checkpoint 0 0 0 10000 True
FT.FTCptMinInterval Time in milliseconds to wait between two forced checkpoints 4 4 2 1000 True
FT.FTCptNetDelayNoCpt Delay to impose on virtual machine network output in ms 0 0 0 5000 True
FT.FTCptNumConnections # of data connections to use for page sending 2 2 1 4 True
FT.FTCptNumaIndex Index dirty pages by NUMA node. Workers will use the index to prefer local work. 0 0 0 1 True
FT.FTCptPagePolicy Page placement policy for side data. < 2^16: Use a specific node mask, 0x10000: Put pages anywhere, 0x10001: Match nodes with virtual machine, 0x10002: Avoid matching nodes with virtual machine 65538 65538 1 65538 True
FT.FTCptPoweroff Power off the Primary VM after the next checkpoint 0 0 0 3 True
FT.FTCptRcvBufSize TCP receive buffer size for the backup 562140 562140 131080 16777216 True
FT.FTCptSndBufSize TCP send buffer size for the Primary VM 562140 562140 131080 16777216 True
FT.FTCptStartTimeout Time in milliseconds for backup site to wait for data for the next checkpoint 90000 90000 1000 90000 True
FT.FTCptStatsInterval Time in milliseconds between stat printing 30 30 0 600 True
FT.FTCptThreadPolicy Policy for placing helper threads. < 2^16: Use a fixed NUMA node mask, 0x10000: Put threads anywhere, 0x10001: Match threads to a dynamic node index 65536 65536 1 65537 True
FT.FTCptVcpuMinUsage VCPU usage in percentage below which the VM will be considered for forced checkpoint 40 40 0 100 True
FT.FTCptWaitOnSocket Wait when socket is empty 1 1 0 1 True
FT.FillAffinity Set the fill world/worldlet affinity to the tcp worldlet 1 1 0 1 True
FT.FillWorldlet Fill the buffer from a worldlet 1 1 0 1 True
FT.FlushReservationMax The maximum amount of CPU to reserve for the async flush world 25 25 0 100 True
FT.FlushReservationMin The minimum amount of CPU to reserve for the async flush world 5 5 0 100 True
FT.FlushSleep Sleep time in milliseconds when nothing to flush 0 0 0 10000 True
FT.FlushWorldlet Flush the buffer from a worldlet 1 1 0 1 True
FT.GlobalFlushWorld Use a global async flush world 0 0 0 1 True
FT.GoodExecLatency Latency considered good execution latency(ms) 200 200 0 10000 True
FT.HeartbeatCount Number of failed heartbeats before declare dead. 10 10 5 20 True
FT.HostTimeout Time in milliseconds before declare FT host dead 2000 2000 100 30000 True
FT.IORetryExtraInterval Sleep extra interval (msec) between I/O reissuing on I/O error 200 200 10 2000 True
FT.IORetryInterval Sleep interval (msec) between I/O reissuing on I/O error 10 10 10 2000 True
FT.IORetryTimes Maximum disk I/O reissuing times on I/O error 15 15 5 50 True
FT.LogBufferStallSleep Sleep time in milliseconds when log buffer is full on the primary 1 1 0 100000 True
FT.LogTimeout Time in milliseconds to wait on log socket 8000 8000 500 30000 True
FT.LongFlushDebugMS Long millisecond interval for debugging flushing delays 500 500 100 5000 True
FT.MaxFlushInterval Maximum amount of microseconds to wait before writing to flush socket 0 0 0 10000 True
FT.MinWriteSize Minimum amount of data to write to flush socket 0 0 0 65536 True
FT.NoWaitOnSocket Don't wait on socket 0 0 0 1 True
FT.PanicNoProgressMS Milliseconds before panic if progress isn't made 0 0 0 10000 True
FT.PrimaryConnectTimeout Time in milliseconds to wait when connecting to the primary 8000 8000 100 30000 True
FT.ShortFlushDebugMS Short millisecond interval for debugging flushing delays 100 100 10 5000 True
FT.TCPNoDelayBackup Set TCP_NODELAY on the socket on the backup 1 1 0 1 True
FT.TCPNoDelayPrimary Set TCP_NODELAY on the socket on the primary 1 1 0 1 True
FT.TCPPersistTimer TCP persist timer time in milliseconds 500 500 500 5000 True
FT.TCPRcvBufSize TCP receive buffer size for the backup 131072 131072 16384 1000000 True
FT.TCPSndBufSize TCP send buffer size for the primary 131072 131072 16384 1000000 True
FT.UseHostMonitor Use the host monitor to ping the other host 0 0 0 1 True
FT.Vmknic Vmknic for FT vmkernel VNIC N/A N/A True
FT.XmitSyncQueueLen Length of the Tx synchronization queue 64 64 1 32768 True
FT.adjDownInt CPU adjust down interval in seconds 10 10 3 30 True
FT.adjDownPct CPU slowdown adjustment pct parameter 10 10 1 30 True
FT.adjUpInt CPU adjust up interval in seconds 200 200 5 12000 True
FT.adjUpPct CPU speedup adjustment pct parameter 10 10 1 30 True
FT.execLatExtra Extra execution latency allowed in msec 500 500 0 3000 True
FT.maxLowerBound CPU minimum alloc.max allowed in pct 20 20 5 50 True
FT.slowdownPctMax Maximum primary vm CPU slowdown pct 60 60 0 90 True
FT.slowdownTimeMax Maximum primary vm CPU slowdown duration in seconds 600 600 0 9000 True
HBR.ChecksumIoSize Size in blocks of a checksum read I/O 8 8 1 1024 True
HBR.ChecksumMaxIo Maximum number of I/O chunks read in parallel for checksum 8 8 1 256 True
HBR.ChecksumPerSlice Maximum number of I/O chunks we read in each slice for checksum 2 2 1 64 True
HBR.ChecksumRegionSize Size in blocks of one checksum region, corresponding to one network request 256 256 1 4096 True
HBR.ChecksumUseAllocInfo Use disk allocation info to help speed up the checksum process 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.ChecksumUseChecksumInfo Use disk checksum info to help speed up transfering valid blocks of data. 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.ChecksumZoneSize Size in regions of one checksum zone for which allocation information will be cached 32768 32768 32 1048576 True
HBR.CopySnapDiskMaxExtentCount Number of extents for a single snapshot disk that can be copied in parallel 16 16 1 128 True
HBR.CopySnapFidHashBuckets Number of hash buckets to use to track the snapshot disks open to copy to demand log. 256 256 1 1024 True
HBR.DemandlogCompletedHashBuckets Number of hash buckets to use to track extents that have been written to the demand log. 8 8 1 32 True
HBR.DemandlogExtentHashBuckets Number of hash buckets to use to track extents that haven't been read. 512 512 1 65536 True
HBR.DemandlogIoTimeoutSecs Timeout for IOs for demand log operations. 120 120 0 1000 True
HBR.DemandlogReadRetries Number of times to retry an internal read (for the demand log) before aborting the delta. 20 20 0 1000 True
HBR.DemandlogRetryDelayMs Delay in milliseconds for retrying a demand log write. 10 10 0 100000 True
HBR.DemandlogSendHashBuckets No longer used. 8 8 1 32 True
HBR.DemandlogTransferIoSize Size in blocks of a demandlog transfer read I/O 8 8 1 16 True
HBR.DemandlogTransferMaxCompletion Maximum number of demandlog chunks that are allowed in completion phase per disk 512 512 1 512 True
HBR.DemandlogTransferMaxIo Maximum number of demandlog transfer I/O chunks issued in parallel 32 32 1 128 True
HBR.DemandlogTransferMaxNetwork Maximum number of demandlog chunks transferred in parallel 64 64 1 256 True
HBR.DemandlogTransferPerSlice Maximum number of demandlog chunks issued per slice 16 16 1 128 True
HBR.DemandlogWriteRetries Number of times to retry a demand log write before aborting the delta. 20 20 0 1000 True
HBR.DisableChecksumOffload Disable the use of SSE CRC32 instruction 0 0 0 1 True
HBR.DisconnectedEventDelayMs Time to wait (while attempting reconnection) before posting a 'no connection to VR server' event 60000 60000 100 600000 True
HBR.ErrThrottleChecksumIO Throttle Checksum I/O errors. 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.ErrThrottleDceRead Throttle DCE Read errors. 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.HbrBitmapAllocTimeoutMS A timeout in MS for how long we will wait to allocate a bitmap 3000 3000 0 10000 True
HBR.HbrBitmapVMMaxStorageGB An estimation of the maximum storage allocated per VM in gigabytes 65536 65536 100 131072 True
HBR.HbrBitmapVMMinStorageGB An estimation of the minimum storage allocated per VM in gigabytes 500 500 100 131072 True
HBR.HbrDemandLogIOPerVM Number of concurrent demand log copies per VM 64 64 1 128 True
HBR.HbrDisableNetCompression Disable end-to-end network compression. 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.HbrLowerExtentBreakGB Disks with capacity between the min extent break and this number of gigabytes will have the lower extent size. 8192 8192 1 65536 True
HBR.HbrLowerExtentSizeKB Lower extent size used for disks in kilobytes. 16 16 1 128 True
HBR.HbrMaxExtentSizeKB Maximum extent size in kilobytes. Used for disks with capacity over the upper extent break. 64 64 1 128 True
HBR.HbrMaxGuestXferWhileDeltaMB Maximum single SCSI command transfer size (in megabytes) that will be tolerated while a delta is taking place. 1024 1024 256 3072 True
HBR.HbrMaxUnmapExtents Maximum expected number of extents for SCSI UNMAP commands. 10 10 0 100000 True
HBR.HbrMaxUnmapsInFlight Maximum expected number of SCSI UNMAP commands in flight on a single disk. 128 128 0 1048576 True
HBR.HbrMinExtentBreakGB Disks with capacity under this number of gigabytes will have the min extent size. 2048 2048 1 65536 True
HBR.HbrMinExtentSizeKB Minimum extent size used for disks in kilobytes. 8 8 1 128 True
HBR.HbrOptimizeFullSync Skip transfer of changed blocks during full sync to avoid sending them twice between the full sync and the subsequent delta. 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.HbrResourceHeapPerVMSizeKB The additional amount of memory in KB per VM to add to the resource heap size 128 128 0 4096 True
HBR.HbrResourceHeapSizeMB A base value in MB for the size of the resource heap 3 3 2 256 True
HBR.HbrResourceHeapUtilization Expected usable percentage of the resource heap (minus overheads, fragmentation) 95 95 1 200 True
HBR.HbrResourceMaxCompletionContexts The maximum number of resource contexts allowed in completion phase for all VMs. 8192 8192 16 16384 True
HBR.HbrResourceMaxDiskContexts The maximum number of resource contexts allowed in disk phase for all VMs. 512 512 16 8192 True
HBR.HbrRuntimeHeapMaxBaseMB A base value in MB for the maximum size of the runtime heap 1 1 1 128 True
HBR.HbrRuntimeHeapMinBaseMB A base value in MB for the minimum size of the runtime heap 1 1 1 128 True
HBR.HbrStaticHeapMaxBaseMB A base value in MB for the maximum size of the static heap 1 1 1 128 True
HBR.HbrStaticHeapMinBaseMB A base value in MB for the minimum size of the static heap 1 1 1 128 True
HBR.HbrUpperExtentBreakGB Disks with capacity between the lower extent break and this number of gigabytes will have the upper extent size. 32768 32768 1 65536 True
HBR.HbrUpperExtentSizeKB Upper extent size used for disks in kilobytes. 32 32 1 128 True
HBR.HelperQueueMaxRequests Maximum number of helper requests the helper queue can support 8192 8192 128 16384 True
HBR.HelperQueueMaxWorlds Maximum number of world processing helper queue requests 8 8 1 16 True
HBR.LocalReadIoTimeoutSecs Timeout for IOs for dce local reads. 120 120 0 1000 True
HBR.MigrateFlushTimerSecs Time between attempts to flush the state to the persistent file during migration. 3 3 1 600 True
HBR.NetworkUseCubic Use the cubic TCP congestion algorithm for HBR sockets 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.NetworkerRecvHashBuckets Number of hash buckets to use to track commands waiting to receive a response. 64 64 1 65536 True
HBR.OpportunisticBlockListSize Number of blocks to keep around in a LRU list for opportunistic replication 4000 4000 500 10000 True
HBR.ProgressReportIntervalMs Interval between per-disk progress updates to hostd 5000 5000 1000 600000 True
HBR.PsfIoTimeoutSecs Timeout for IOs for persistent state file/demand log metadata. 300 300 0 1000 True
HBR.ReconnectFailureDelaySecs Additional delay in seconds added per reconnection failure for a session 10 10 10 300 True
HBR.ReconnectMaxDelaySecs Maximum delay in seconds between reconnection attempts for a session 90 90 30 300 True
HBR.ResourceServerHashBuckets Number of hash buckets to use to track remote HBR servers. 8 8 1 65536 True
HBR.RetryMaxDelaySecs Maximum server request retry delay in seconds (for non-fatal errors) 60 60 1 120 True
HBR.RetryMinDelaySecs Minimum server request retry delay in seconds (for non-fatal errors) 1 1 1 60 True
HBR.SyncTransferRetrySleepSecs Time in seconds to wait after a failure before retrying a sync operation. 5 5 1 600 True
HBR.TransferDiskMaxCompletion Maximum number of blocks that are allowed in the completion phase per disk 512 512 1 512 True
HBR.TransferDiskMaxIo Maximum number of blocks that will be read in parallel 32 32 1 128 True
HBR.TransferDiskMaxNetwork Maximum number of blocks that will be transferred in parallel 64 64 1 256 True
HBR.TransferDiskPerSlice Maximum number of blocks that will be read in each slice 16 16 1 128 True
HBR.TransferFileExtentSize Chunk size for config file transfers 8192 8192 512 1048576 True
HBR.TransferMaxContExtents Maximum number of contiguous extents that will be coalesced into a single update 8 8 1 128 True
HBR.WireChecksum Use wire checksums 1 1 0 1 True
HBR.XferBitmapCheckIntervalSecs Time in seconds to wait before checking the transfer bitmap for availability of dirty blocks. 10 10 1 600 True
ISCSI.CloseIscsiConnOnTaskMgmtFailure Close iSCSI connection on task management failure 1 1 0 1 True
ISCSI.MaxIoSizeKB The maximum I/O size of Software iSCSI in KB. Requires rebooting the host. 128 128 128 512 True
Irq.BestVcpuRouting IRQ best virtual CPU routing 0 0 0 1 True
Irq.IRQActionAffinityWeight relative weight for action-vcpu affinity 5 5 0 10 True
Irq.IRQAvoidExclusive Avoid placing interrupts on physical CPUs with exclusive affinity set. 1 1 0 1 True
Irq.IRQBHConflictWeight relative weight for irq/BH conflict 5 5 0 10 True
Irq.IRQRebalancePeriod Time in milliseconds between attempts to rebalance interrupts 50 50 10 20000 True
Irq.IRQVcpuConflictWeight relative weight for irq/vcpu conflict 3 3 1 10 True
LPage.LPageAlwaysTryForNPT Enable always try to alloc large page for NPT 1 1 0 1 True
LPage.LPageDefragEnable Enable large page defragmentation 1 1 0 1 True
LPage.LPageMarkLowNodes Enable marking of nodes with low large pages free 1 1 0 1 True
LPage.MaxSharedPages Maximum number of shared pages in a 2MB region that may be broken to back the region with a large page 510 510 0 512 True
LPage.MaxSwappedPagesInitVal Initial value for maximum number of swapped pages in a 2MB region that may be read to back the region with a large page 10 10 0 512 True
LPage.freePagesThresholdForRemote Maximum number of free small pages on local nodes to allow remote lpages 2048 2048 0 4294967295 True
LSOM.blkAttrCacheSizePercent BlkAttr cache size percent growth rate with peak value (100%) caching almost all blkattrs for the diskgroup. 0 0 0 100 True
Mem.AllocGuestLargePage Enable large page backing of guest memory 1 1 0 1 True
Mem.CtlMaxPercent Vmmemctl limit as percentage of virtual machine maximum size 65 65 0 99 True
Mem.IdleTax Idle memory tax rate 75 75 0 99 True
Mem.IdleTaxType idle tax type. 0=flat, 1=variable 1 1 0 1 True
Mem.MemDefragClientsPerDir Clients that are allowed to defrags per directory. 2 2 0 512 True
Mem.MemEagerZero Zero out userworld and guest memory pages immediately after free 0 0 0 1 True
Mem.MemMinFreePct Percentage of host memory to reserve for accelerating memory allocations when free memory is low, 0 for automatic 0 0 0 50 True
Mem.MemZipEnable Enable the memory compression cache 1 1 0 1 True
Mem.MemZipMaxAllocPct Sets the maximum size for the compression cache as a percentage of allocated VM memory size 50 50 5 100 True
Mem.MemZipMaxPct Sets the maximum target size for the compression cache as a percentage of VM size 10 10 5 100 True
Mem.SampleActivePctMin lower bound for sampled active memory 1 1 0 10 True
Mem.SampleDirtiedPctMin lower bound for sampled active dirtied memory 0 0 0 10 True
Mem.ShareForceSalting PShare salting lest you limit the transparent page sharing only between a set of VMs. PShare salting is controlled by the VMX sched.mem.pshare.salt option. The PShare salting option has three states: 0 - no salting or isolation between VMs; 1 - VMs that have the sched.mem.pshare.salt option set are able to share memory with VMs with the same salt; 2 - VMs that do not have the sched.mem.pshare.salt option set cannot share memory with any other VM, page sharing is possible only inside the VM. If the sched.mem.pshare.salt is present but empty, the VM gest its own unique salt. 2 2 0 2 True
Mem.ShareRateMax per-VM upper limit on pshare scan rate in pages/sec. (0 to disable) 1024 1024 0 32768 True
Mem.ShareScanGHz max page scan rate in MB/sec per GHz of host CPU, 0 to disable 4 4 0 32 True
Mem.ShareScanTime desired time in minutes to scan entire VM 60 60 10 600 True
Mem.VMOverheadGrowthLimit Default limit (in MB) on VM overhead memory growth. Valid values are 0 to maximum memory supported and (uint32)-1 which means "unlimited". 4294967295 4294967295 0 4294967295 True
Migrate.AutoBindVmknic Autobind vMotion socket to the vmknic where data comes from. Used only for the vMotion server side, which is the vMotion listening and receiving side 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.BindToVmknic Bind the vMotion socket to a specific vmknic. 0 for never, 1 to bind only with FT, 2 to bind with FT or for multi-vmknic support, 3 to always bind 3 3 0 3 True
Migrate.CptCacheMaxSizeMB Maximum checkpoint cache size in MB 544 544 8 1024 True
Migrate.DebugChecksumMismatch Debug checksum mismatch. 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.DetectZeroPages Whether vMotion should detect zero pages during page transmission 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.DisableResumeDuringPageIn Disable observation of resume during page-in flag, always completing page-in before VM resume 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.DiskOpsChunkSize Size of each stream chunk in bytes (will be rounded up to multiple of block size) 131072 131072 8096 1000000 True
Migrate.DiskOpsEnabled Enables VMotion disk-backed operation 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.DiskOpsMaxRetries Maximum number of times to retry a diskOp IO upon encountering a reservation conflict 20 20 0 1000 True
Migrate.DiskOpsStreamChunks Stream Chunks to allocate on disk 40 40 1 1024 True
Migrate.Enabled Enable hot migration support 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.GetPageSysAlertThresholdMS Threshold in milliseconds for the source host to prepare a page for transmission above which a SysAlert is triggered 10000 10000 1000 100000 True
Migrate.LowBandwidthSysAlertThreshold Threshold in KB/s for VMotion bandwidth below which a SysAlert is triggered 0 0 0 100000 True
Migrate.LowMemWaitSysAlertThresholdMS Threshold in milliseconds for the dest host to leave the low-memory state above which a SysAlert is triggered 10000 10000 1000 100000 True
Migrate.MigrateCpuMinPctDefault Desired default shared CPU reservation (in %) for VMotions 30 30 0 400 True
Migrate.MigrateCpuPctPerGb Desired per Gbit shared CPU reservation (in %) for VMotions 10 10 0 100 True
Migrate.MigrateCpuSharesHighPriority CPU shares for a high priority VMotion 60000 60000 1 100000 True
Migrate.MigrateCpuSharesRegular CPU shares for a regular VMotion 30000 30000 1 100000 True
Migrate.MonActionWaitSysAlertThresholdMS Threshold in milliseconds for the monitor to process a pre-copy action after which a SysAlert is triggered 2000 2000 1 100000 True
Migrate.NetExpectedLineRateMBps Expected network throughput, in MBps, for bandwidth-delay calculation 133 133 1 2000 True
Migrate.NetLatencyModeThreshold Lowest possible round-trip time, in ms, before vMotion must operate in latency-aware mode. 4 4 1 1000 True
Migrate.NetTimeout Time-out for migration network operations 20 20 1 3600 True
Migrate.OutstandingReadKBMax Maximum socket-backed mbuf bytes vMotion will allow to be outstanding while drained concurrently with reads, 0 for unlimited 128 128 0 2048 True
Migrate.PanicOnChecksumMismatch 1 for world panic, 2 for vmkernel panic 0 0 0 2 True
Migrate.PreCopyCountDelay Delay preCopy next action every n action posts 10 10 0 1000 True
Migrate.PreCopyMinProgressPerc Minimum allowed transmit to dirty page ratio per pre-copy iteration 130 130 1 1000 True
Migrate.PreCopyPagesPerSend Maximum number of pages to send per precopy transmit 32 32 1 1024 True
Migrate.PreCopySwitchoverTimeGoal Goal time in milliseconds to send changed pages after pre-copy completes 500 500 100 100000 True
Migrate.PreallocLPages Attempt to prealloc destination pages via large page allocation 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.ProhibitInstantClone Prohibit instant clone from a VM 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.RcvBufSize TCP receive buffer size for the destination 562540 562540 65536 1000000 True
Migrate.RdpiTransitionTimeMs Milliseconds to wait for page-in completion before resuming, if rdpi is enabled 1 1 1 300000 True
Migrate.SdpsDynamicDelaySec Delay, in seconds, between polling when considering enabling SDPS in the first preCopy iteration. 30 30 0 10000 True
Migrate.SdpsEnabled Stuns VMotion source in small increments during precopy, 0=disabled, 1=always enabled, 2=dynamic 2 2 0 2 True
Migrate.SdpsTargetRate Percent by which transmit should be made to exceed dirty 500 500 1 10000 True
Migrate.SndBufSize TCP send buffer size for the source 562540 562540 65536 1000000 True
Migrate.TSMaster Pseudo-synchronize clocks for migration to and from this machine 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.TcpTsoDeferTx Use TCP tso defer optimization for transmit 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.TryToUseDefaultHeap Attempt use the default migration heap when beginning new migrations 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.VASpaceReserveCount Number of migrations to reserve virtual address space for at module load time 64 64 2 64 True
Migrate.VASpaceReserveSize Megabytes of virtual address space to reserve per migration at module load time 2048 2048 64 2048 True
Migrate.VMotionLatencySensitivity Make vMotion helper worlds latency sensitive, avoid transmit delays. 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.VMotionResolveSwapType Attempt to resolve swap type during VMotion initialization 1 1 0 1 True
Migrate.VMotionStreamDisable Pretend to not support streams 0 0 0 1 True
Migrate.VMotionStreamHelpers Number of helpers to allocate for VMotion streams 0 0 0 32 True
Migrate.Vmknic vmknic for vMotion vmkernel VNIC N/A N/A True
Misc.APDHandlingEnable Enable Storage APD Handling. 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.APDTimeout Number of seconds a device can be in APD before failing User World I/O. 140 140 20 999999 True
Misc.BHTimeout Time-out for bottom-half handlers in milliseconds 0 0 0 5000 True
Misc.BhTimeBound Time bound on BH checking in us (microseconds). 2000 2000 0 500000 True
Misc.BlueScreenTimeout Time-out in seconds. Set to 0 for no time-out. 0 0 0 65535 True
Misc.ConsolePort Name of serial port to use for visor console (COM1, COM2) none none N/A N/A True
Misc.DebugBuddyEnable Enable buddy debugging. Set to 0 to disable. 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.DebugLogToSerial Send vmkernel LOG messages to the serial port 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.DefaultHardwareVersion Default virtual machine compatibility N/A N/A True
Misc.EnableHighDMA Enable DMA above 4GB 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.EnablePSPLatencyPolicy Enable latency based sub-policy of Round-robin path selection plugin 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.GDBPort Name of serial port to use for GDB debugging (COM1, COM2) none none N/A N/A True
Misc.GuestLibAllowHostInfo Allow guest to read host-level metrics 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.HeapMgrGuardPages Number of guard pages to insert between heap VA regions 1 1 0 512 True
Misc.HeapPanicDestroyNonEmpty Panic when a non-empty heap gets destroyed 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.HeartbeatInterval Interval to check CPU lockups 1000 1000 100 86400000 True
Misc.HeartbeatPanicTimeout Interval in seconds after which to panic if no heartbeats received 14 900 1 86400 True
Misc.HeartbeatTimeout Time-out for sending NMI to the locked CPU 7 90 1 86400 True
Misc.HordeEnabled Enables horde mode 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.IntTimeout Time-out for interrupt handlers in milliseconds 0 0 0 5000 True
Misc.IoFilterWatchdogTimeout Timeout for the I/O filter watchdog in seconds. 0 means the watchdog is disabled. 120 seconds is the minimum timeout value. 120 120 0 3600 True
Misc.LogDumpShutdownTimeout The maximum amount of time during shutdown that the kernel logger will spend dumping logs from the log buffer 180 180 0 1800 True
Misc.LogPort Name of serial port to use for logging (COM1, COM2) none none N/A N/A True
Misc.LogTimestampUptime Use uptime rather than UTC for vmkernel log 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.LogToFile Send VMkernel log messages to /var/log/vmkernel 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.LogToSerial Send VMkernel log messages to the serial port 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.LogWldPrefix Include running world on every log statement 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.MCEMonitorInterval Interval[0 - 0x7fffffff ms] to check Machine Check Errors(0=never) 250 250 0 2147483647 True
Misc.MinimalPanic Do not attempt core dump after purple screen 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.NMILint1IntAction Change how a hardware generated NMI should be handled (1=enter debugger, 2=panic) 0 0 0 3 True
Misc.PSPDeactivateFlakyPath Deactivate flaky path if IOs are failing with HOST ERROR 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.PanicLogToSerial Send Panic log messages to the serial port 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.PowerButton Action to take on a momentary press of the soft power button (0=ignore, 1=request graceful system shutdown and power-off) 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.PowerOffEnable Action to take on system power-off request (0=halt only, 1=power off) 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.PreferredHostName Preferred Host name N/A N/A True
Misc.ProcVerbose Option unused N/A N/A True
Misc.SIOControlFlag1 Storage I/O Control Internal Flag 0 0 0 2147483647 True
Misc.SIOControlFlag2 Storage I/O Control Internal Flag 0 0 0 2147483647 True
Misc.SIOControlLoglevel Storage I/O Control Log Level 0 0 0 7 True
Misc.SIOControlOptions Storage I/O Control Options N/A N/A True
Misc.ScreenSaverDelay Delay in minutes before screensaver kicks in 0 0 0 60 True
Misc.ShaperStatsEnabled Enable stats in shaper module 1 1 0 1 True
Misc.ShellPort Name of serial port to use for visor shell (COM1, COM2) none none N/A N/A True
Misc.TimerMaxHardPeriod Maximum hard timer interrupt period in microseconds 500000 500000 100 10000000 True
Misc.TimerTolerance Default timer lateness tolerance in microseconds 2000 2000 100 1000000 True
Misc.UsbArbitratorAutoStartDisabled Disable automatic start of USB Arbitrator. If set USB passthrough will not be available until USB arbitrator is started at the command line. 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.UserDuctDynBufferSize Max buffer size for UW duct (bytes) 16384 16384 0 32768 True
Misc.UserSocketUnixMaxBufferSize Max buffer size for UW unix domain sockets (bytes) 65536 65536 0 131072 True
Misc.WatchdogBacktrace Backtrace on every Nth watchdog 0 0 0 10 True
Misc.WorldletActivationUS Number of microseconds a worldlet may execute prior to being asked to yield. 500 500 1 10000 True
Misc.WorldletActivationsLimit Number of worldlet activations permissible in each interruption (0==unlimited). 8 8 0 1000 True
Misc.WorldletGreedySampleMCycles million cycles between greedy samples, controls greedy sampling rate 10 10 1 1000 True
Misc.WorldletGreedySampleRun number of runs between greedy samples, controls greedy sampling rate 256 256 16 4096 True
Misc.WorldletIRQPenalty constant load penalty for worldlets driven by interrupts 10 10 0 200 True
Misc.WorldletLoadThreshold Worldlet load/score level below which a placement is deemed desirable 90 90 0 200 True
Misc.WorldletLoadType Worldlet load type medium medium N/A N/A True
Misc.WorldletLocalityBonus load score bonus for keeping a worldlet on it's last PCPU/LLC 10 10 0 200 True
Misc.WorldletLoosePenalty load penalty for leaving LOOSE affinity topology level 30 30 0 200 True
Misc.WorldletMigOverheadLLC intra-cache worldlet migration overhead, default = 4/1024=0.39% 4 4 0 1024 True
Misc.WorldletMigOverheadRemote inter-cache worldlet migration overhead, default = 16/1024=1.56% 16 16 0 1024 True
Misc.WorldletPreemptOverhead overhead if worldlet preempts a running no-idle world, in percentage 30 30 0 100 True
Misc.WorldletRemoteActivateOverhead remote activate overhead, in cycles 0 0 0 50000 True
Misc.WorldletWorldOverheadLLC overhead if worldlet is on the same cache as its affinity world, in cycles 0 0 0 50000 True
Misc.WorldletWorldOverheadRemote overhead if worldlet is on different cache as its affinity world, in percentage 10 10 0 100 True
Misc.vmmDisableL1DFlush Disable L1D flush on VM entry 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.vsanWitnessVirtualAppliance Indicates a vSAN witness host running in a Virtual Appliance. VM services (create/register/power on) are blocked 0 0 0 1 True
Misc.DsNsMgrTimeout Timeout for DatastoreNamespaceManager operations in milliseconds 1200000 1200000 10000 1800000 False
Misc.HostAgentUpdateLevel The update level of Host Agent. 2 N/A N/A False
Misc.MetadataUpdateTimeoutMsec Timeout for VM MetadataManager operations in milliseconds 30000 30000 0 600000 False
NFS.ApdStartCount Number of sequential heartbeat failures after which APD start event is triggered 3 3 1 5 True
NFS.DiskFileLockUpdateFreq Time (in seconds) between updates to a disk lock file 10 10 8 3600 True
NFS.HeartbeatDelta Time in seconds since the last successful update before a heartbeat is sent 5 5 3 30 True
NFS.HeartbeatFrequency Time in seconds between heartbeats 12 12 5 86400 True
NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures Number of sequential failures before a volume is marked down 10 10 6 10 True
NFS.HeartbeatTimeout Time in seconds before an outstanding heartbeat is stopped 5 5 3 30 True
NFS.LockBreakTimeout Time (in seconds) to wait to check for expired races when breaking lock 10 10 0 3600 True
NFS.LockRenewMaxFailureNumber Number of update failures before a disk file lock is declared stale 3 3 1 100 True
NFS.LockSWMRTimeout Time (in seconds) to wait to check for expired races when acquiring SWMR lock 10 10 0 3600 True
NFS.LockSharedTimeout Time (in seconds) to wait to check for expired races when sharing (read) lock 0 0 0 3600 True
NFS.LockUpdateTimeout Time (in seconds) before we abort an outstanding lock update 5 5 1 8 True
NFS.LogNfsStat3 Log nfsstat3 code 0 0 0 1 True
NFS.MaxQueueDepth Maximum per-Volume queue depth 4294967295 4294967295 1 4294967295 True
NFS.MaxVolumes Maximum number of mounted NFS v3 volumes 8 8 8 256 True
NFS.ReceiveBufferSize Default size of socket receive buffer (KB) 256 256 64 512 True
NFS.SendBufferSize Default size of socket send buffer (KB) 264 264 32 512 True
NFS.SyncRetries Number of retries before synchronous IO fails (10 seconds per retry) 25 25 3 360 True
NFS.VolumeRemountFrequency Time in seconds before attempting to remount a volume 30 30 30 3600 True
NFS41.EOSDelay Request EOS safety delay in seconds 30 30 0 90 True
NFS41.IOTaskRetry Synchronous I/O task number of retries 25 25 1 100 True
NFS41.MaxRead Maximum read transfer size in bytes (use the smaller of this value and the server advertised value) 4294967295 4294967295 256 4294967295 True
NFS41.MaxVolumes Maximum number of mounted NFS v4.1 volumes 8 8 8 256 True
NFS41.MaxWrite Maximum write transfer size in bytes (use the smaller of this value and the server advertised value) 4294967295 4294967295 256 4294967295 True
NFS41.MountTimeout Mount timeout in seconds 30 30 1 60 True
NFS41.RecvBufSize Socket receive buffer size in kilobytes (using default if set to zero) 1024 1024 0 2048 True
NFS41.SendBufSize Socket send buffer size in kilobytes (using default if set to zero) 1024 1024 0 2048 True
Net.AdvertisementDuration duration of RARP advertisements 60 60 0 255 True
Net.AllowPT Whether to enable UPT/NPA 1 1 0 1 True
Net.BlockGuestBPDU Block guest sourced BPDU frames 0 0 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceDefaultOn Dynamic coalescing on by default 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceFavorNoVmmVmkTx Favor disabling all vmm->vmk tx transitions; boost its score by factor of this/64. 1 1 0 64 True
Net.CoalesceFineTimeoutCPU Set which CPU the fine timer will run on 2 2 0 512 True
Net.CoalesceFineTxTimeout set the fine coalesce timeout in microseconds 1000 1000 1 4294967295 True
Net.CoalesceFlexMrq Whether to dynamically switch on/off multiRxQCalib. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceLowRxRate No Rx coalescing calibration when the number of pkts Rx per timeout is lower than this number. 4 4 0 256 True
Net.CoalesceLowTxRate No tx coalescing calibration when the number of pkts tx per timeout is lower than this number. 4 4 0 256 True
Net.CoalesceMatchedQs Whether to use matched TxRxQ-pairs mode when applicable. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqLt Whether to set a RxQ's coalesce to zero based on per-RxQ Low Traffic. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqMetricAllowTxOnly Whether to allow's individual RxQ's perf metric to be tx pkt cnt only; if not, it will be tx + rx, or rx only. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqMetricRxOnly Whether to force individual RxQ's perf metric to be rx pkt cnt only. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqOverallStop Whether to use overall performance to stop RxQ Calib. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqRatioMetric Whether Tx perf score is attributed to RxQ according to rxPktCnt ratio. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMrqTriggerReCalib Whether to let individual RxQ's perf change trigger re-calib. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceMultiRxQCalib When not in matched TxRxQ-pairs mode, whether to uses separate RxQ Calib. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceNoVmmVmkTx Whether to try disable all vmm->vmk tx transitions. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceParams Set parameters for the default virtual NIC coalescing scheme. N/A N/A True
Net.CoalesceRBCRate Target event rate for RateBasedCoalescing 4000 4000 100 100000 True
Net.CoalesceRxLtStopCalib Whether Rx Low Traffic stops Rx calibration. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceRxQDepthCap Cap of Rx coalescing size. 40 40 0 80 True
Net.CoalesceScheme Set the default virtual NIC coalescing scheme. rbc rbc N/A N/A True
Net.CoalesceTimeoutType set the coalesce timeout type: fine(1 ms by default) or coarse (4 ms by default) 2 2 1 2 True
Net.CoalesceTxAlwaysPoll Whether always poll Tx at coalesce timeout handler. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.CoalesceTxQDepthCap Cap of Tx coalescing size. 40 40 0 80 True
Net.CoalesceTxTimeout Set the coalesce time-out in microseconds 4000 4000 1 4294967295 True
Net.DCBEnable Enable DCB for FCoE 1 1 0 1 True
Net.DVFilterBindIpAddress DVFilter internal communication endpoint N/A N/A True
Net.DVFilterPriorityRdLockEnable Use priority locking in dvfilter to read lock portsets 1 1 0 1 True
Net.DVSLargeHeapMaxSize Max size for the dvsLargeHeap 80 80 64 256 True
Net.DontOffloadInnerIPv6 Don't offload inner IPv6 CSO/TSO packets to physical NICs 0 0 0 1 True
Net.E1000IntrCoalesce Whether to enable interrupt coalescing for e1000 vNIC. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.E1000TxCopySize e1000 tx less than or equal to this will be fully copied with no need for completion. 2048 2048 0 4294967295 True
Net.E1000TxZeroCopy Use tx zero copy for non-tso packets for e1000. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.EnableDMASgCons When non-zero, enable the DMA SG constraints support in uplink layer 1 1 0 1 True
Net.EnableOuterCsum Enable uplink layer outer checksumming 1 1 0 1 True
Net.EnsMbufpoolMaxMBPerGB Maximum MB of the ENS slab memory to be allocated per GB of physical memory 200 200 10 500 True
Net.EnsMbufpoolMinMBPerGB Minimum MB of the ENS slab memory to be allocated per GB of physical memory 10 10 0 500 True
Net.EtherswitchAllowFastPath Allow Etherswitch fast path 0 0 0 1 True
Net.EtherswitchHashSize Number of ports on the etherswitch x 2^N is the size of the hash table for looking up MACs 1 1 0 4 True
Net.EtherswitchHeapMax The maximum size (in Megabytes) to which the etherswitch heap can grow. (REQUIRES REBOOT!) 512 512 86 2047 True
Net.EtherswitchNumPerPCPUDispatchData The dispatch data number in the etherswitch per-pCPU dispatch data cache. (REQUIRES REBOOT!) 3 3 3 63 True
Net.FollowHardwareMac If set to 1, the management interface MAC address will update whenever the hardware MAC address changes. 0 1 0 1 True
Net.GuestIPHack Enable guest arp inspection IOChain to get IP 0 0 0 1 True
Net.GuestTxCopyBreak Transmits smaller than this will be copied rather than mapped 64 64 60 4294967295 True
Net.IGMPQueries Number of IGMP Queries to send during after VMotion/Teaming failover 2 2 0 2 True
Net.IGMPQueryInterval Interval(in seconds) for IGMP/MLD general query in multicast snooping 125 125 32 3600 True
Net.IGMPRouterIP Router IP Address for IGMP (generally not necessary to set this) N/A N/A True
Net.IGMPV3MaxSrcIPNum Max per-group srouce IP number for IGMP V3 10 10 1 32 True
Net.IGMPVersion IGMP Version (2 or 3) 3 3 2 3 True
Net.LRODefBackoffPeriod After adaptive LRO decided not to do LRO, how many intervals to wait before trying again. 8 8 0 65535 True
Net.LRODefMaxLength LRO default max length 65535 65535 1 65535 True
Net.LRODefThreshold After this # packets, evaluate whether to continue SW LRO 4000 4000 0 65535 True
Net.LRODefUseRatioDenom If SW LRO reduce pkt count to be smaller than ratio, continue to do LRO. Denominator of ratio. 3 3 0 255 True
Net.LRODefUseRatioNumer If SW LRO reduce pkt count to be smaller than ratio, continue to do LRO. Numerator of ratio. 1 1 0 255 True
Net.LinkFlappingThreshold Max number of link down events per minute before considering a link unstable (0 to deactivate) 60 60 0 65535 True
Net.LinkStatePollTimeout Link State poll timer period in milliseconds. 500 500 100 90000 True
Net.MLDRouterIP Router IPv6 Address for MLD (generally not necessary to set this) FE80::FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF FE80::FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF N/A N/A True
Net.MLDV2MaxSrcIPNum Max per-group srouce IP number for MLD V2 10 10 1 32 True
Net.MLDVersion MLD Version (1 or 2) 2 2 1 2 True
Net.MaxBeaconVlans maximum number of VLANs to probe with beacons. 100 100 0 4096 True
Net.MaxBeaconsAtOnce Maximum number of beacons to send in one beacon cycle 100 100 0 4096 True
Net.MaxGlobalRxQueueCount Global max length of rx queues for all virtual ports on a ESX host that support queueing 100000 100000 0 4294967295 True
Net.MaxNetifTxQueueLen Maximum length of the Tx queue for the physical NICs 2000 2000 1 10000 True
Net.MaxPageInQueueLen Maximum number of paging requests to queue for guest DMA 75 75 0 500 True
Net.MaxPktRxListQueue Maximum packet we can queue in rxList 3500 3500 0 200000 True
Net.MaxPortRxQueueLen Maximum length of the rx queue for virtual ports whose clients support queuing 80 80 1 500 True
Net.MinEtherLen Minimum size ethernet frame to transmit 60 60 60 1518 True
Net.NcpLlcSap beacon/color NCP messages created with this SAP (DSAP/SSAP) 0 0 0 255 True
Net.NetBHRxStormThreshold Declare Rx Storm after this number of consecutive rx pkt drops during queuing in NetBH rxList. 320 320 0 200000 True
Net.NetDebugRARPTimerInter RARP timer will be triggered at this interval. 30000 30000 0 16777215 True
Net.NetDeferTxCompletion Whether to defer tx completion to tx worldlet/world. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetDiscUpdateIntrvl Set interval (in milliseconds) of networking discovery to update the VLAN information 300 300 1 4294967295 True
Net.NetEnableSwCsumForLro Whether enable software checksum for LRO 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetEsxfwPassOutboundGRE Whether outbound GRE traffic is passed by ESXi firewall 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetInStressTest If set to 1, suppress certain logs to avoid log spew. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetLatencyAwareness Whether to check virtual machine's latency settings or not for vmxnet2/3 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetMaxRarpsPerInterval Max number of RARPs dispatched per timer callback. 128 128 1 4294967295 True
Net.NetNetqNumaIOCpuPinThreshold CPU threshold for pinning device queues in NUMA I/O 0 0 0 60 True
Net.NetNetqRxRebalRSSLoadThresholdPerc Threshold percentage to rebalance RSS(Receive Side Scaling) queue 10 10 0 100 True
Net.NetNetqTxPackKpps Max TX queue load (in thousand packet per second) to allow packing on the corresponding RX queue 300 300 1 10000 True
Net.NetNetqTxUnpackKpps Threshold (in thousand packet per second) for TX queue load to trigger unpacking of the corresponding RX queue 600 600 1 10000 True
Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit Whether allow NIOC overcommit when a vNIC is in connected state for DVS 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetPTMgrWakeupInterval How often the PTMgr will wakeup and trigger the UPT mode switch in second. 6 6 5 10 True
Net.NetPktAllocTries Number of attempts for allocating packet within the page 5 5 1 10 True
Net.NetPktSlabFreePercentThreshold Percent of free network memory pool, below which an event is reported. 2 2 2 50 True
Net.NetPortFlushIterLimit when input is serialized, this bounds the number of times a thread flushes the deferred list. 2 2 0 127 True
Net.NetPortFlushPktLimit when input is serialized, this bounds the number of pkts a thread flushes from the deferred list. 64 64 0 255 True
Net.NetPortTrackTxRace if enabled(1), collect statistics on potential tx race between concurrent threads. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetRmDistMacFilter Activate/Deactivate the MAC filter on distributed NetRM 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetRmDistSamplingRate Sampling rate on distributed NetRM 0 0 0 10000 True
Net.NetRxCopyInTx Whether to enable rx copy in tx worldlet/world. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetSchedCoalesceTxUsecs Maximum number of microseconds the device can delay tx completions 33 33 1 125 True
Net.NetSchedDefaultResPoolSharesPct Percent share given to unclassified traffic 5 5 1 99 True
Net.NetSchedDefaultSchedName Default networking packet scheduler fifo fifo N/A N/A True
Net.NetSchedECNEnabled Enable net scheduler to send congestion notification to switch ports. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetSchedECNThreshold Percentage queue utilization at which net scheduler will start sending congestion notifications to switch ports. 70 70 0 100 True
Net.NetSchedHClkLeafQueueDepthPkt Maximum number of packets each HClk leaf node can hold 500 500 1 10000 True
Net.NetSchedHClkMQ Enable multiple hardware queue for hclk netsched 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetSchedHClkMaxHwQueue Maximum number hardware queue that HClock can use 2 2 1 128 True
Net.NetSchedHClkVnicMQ Enable multiple VNIC queue for hardware send queue selection 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetSchedHeapMaxSizeMB Size of the netsched subsystem heap in MB 64 64 0 96 True
Net.NetSchedInFlightMaxBytesDefault Number of bytes fed to the nic for nics with a normal (1Gbps) linkspeed 20000 20000 1500 1500000 True
Net.NetSchedInFlightMaxBytesInsane Number of bytes fed to the nic for nics that don't support tx completion coalescing 1500000 1500000 1500 1500000 True
Net.NetSchedMaxPktSend Maximum number of packets that we can send to the driver at a time 256 256 100 4096 True
Net.NetSchedQoSSchedName Default networking packet scheduler for QoS hclk hclk N/A N/A True
Net.NetSchedSpareBasedShares Enable shares scheduling only on spare bandwidth. Don't bill while doing reservation scheduling 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetSendRARPOnPortEnablement Ensure one RARP is sent immediately when a port is enabled 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetShaperQueuePerL3L4Flow Enable queuing per L3/L4 flow hashing 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetShaperQueueSizeMax Maximum shaper queue size 500 500 1 5000 True
Net.NetShaperQueueSizeMin Minimum shaper queue size 10 10 1 500 True
Net.NetSplitRxMode Whether to enable automatic splitRxMode 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NetTraceEnable Enable virtual network tracing 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NetTuneHostMode Tuning mode for networking default default N/A N/A True
Net.NetTuneInterval Tuning interval in seconds 60 60 1 3600 True
Net.NetTuneThreshold Threshold for activating a tuned mode 1n 2n 50 1n 2n 50 N/A N/A True
Net.NetTxDontClusterSize Transmits smaller than this will not be subject to clustering.coalescing 0 0 0 8192 True
Net.NetVMTxType Worldlet/world for asynchronous Tx for net devices. 1 for one tx context per vNIC. 2 for one tx context per VM 2 2 1 3 True
Net.NetpollSwLRO Whether to perform SW LRO on pkts in netPoll 1 1 0 1 True
Net.NoLocalCSum Do not checksum local tx.rx frames 0 0 0 1 True
Net.NotifySwitch Broadcasts an arp request on net handle enable 1 1 0 1 True
Net.PTSwitchingTimeout Timeout (in ms) when asking the VMX/guest to switch in/out of passthru 20000 20000 0 60000 True
Net.PVRDMAVmknic Vmknic for PVRDMA N/A N/A True
Net.PktagingDropPolicy Dropping policy for vmxnet3 rx burst queue. 1 for PKTAGING_TAIL_DROP. 2 for PKTAGING_RED 0 0 0 1 True
Net.PortDisableTimeout Maximum time to wait for ports to complete I/O before disabling 5000 5000 0 2147483647 True
Net.ReversePathFwdCheck Block the multicast/broadcast packets that come back from physical switches in a teamed environment 1 1 0 1 True
Net.ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc Block duplicate packet in a teamed environment when the virtual switch is set to Promiscuous mode. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.TcpipCopySmallTx Copy and tx complete small packets for tcp tx 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipDefLROEnabled LRO enabled for TCP/IP 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipDefLROMaxLength LRO default max length for TCP/IP 32768 32768 1 65535 True
Net.TcpipDgramRateLimiting Enable Tx rate limiting for UDP sockets 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipEnableABC Enable Appropriate Byte Counting for TCP (RFC 3465) 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipEnableFlowtable Enable route caching through the use of flowtable 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipEnableSendScaling Enable Send-Side Scaling (requires RSS) 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipHWLRONoDelayAck Delayed ack timer not armed for Hardware LRO (socket option needs to be set in addition). 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipHeapMax Max megabytes the tcpip module heap can grow to. (REQUIRES REBOOT!) 512 512 32 1536 True
Net.TcpipHeapSize Size of the TCP/IP module heap in megabytes (requires reboot) 0 0 0 32 True
Net.TcpipIGMPDefaultVersion Default version of IGMP, in the absence of a querier 3 3 1 3 True
Net.TcpipIGMPRejoinInterval Delay in seconds between automatic IGMP rejoins when no querier is present 60 60 10 3600 True
Net.TcpipLODispatchQueueMaxLen Max # of pkts queued into the per-protocol queue used for dispatching loopback traffic (REQUIRES REBOOT!) 128 128 50 512 True
Net.TcpipLRONoDelayAck Delayed ack timer not armed for LRO 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipLogPackets Turns on packet logging for a vmknic on debug builds, in a circular & in-memory buffer (Takes effect during vmknic creation time) 0 0 0 1 True
Net.TcpipLogPacketsCount Number of packets to log in the in-memory logger. 24570 packets take up about 1.2 MB, and Tx & Rx use separate buffers. (Takes effect during vmknic creation time) 24570 24570 1024 49140 True
Net.TcpipMaxNetstackInstances The maximum number of TCP/IP stack instances that can exist concurrently. If you increase this number, you must also increase the TcpipHeapSize by about 2.5 MB per instance. Requires rebooting the host. 48 48 48 513 True
Net.TcpipNoBcopyRx Avoid bcopy in tcp rx 1 1 0 1 True
Net.TcpipPendPktSocketFreeTimeout Time Delay in seconds, for freeing UDP sockets that have pending packets for Tx completion 300 300 1 300 True
Net.TcpipRxDispatchQueueMaxLen Max # of pkts queued into a tcpip vmknic by an execution context (applied when vmknic is created) 2000 2000 1 20000 True
Net.TcpipRxDispatchQueues Max # of dispatch queues used for RX. For low memory systems, this should be minimum value(REQUIRES REBOOT!) 1 1 1 8 True
Net.TcpipRxDispatchQuota Max # of pkts dispatched into the tcpip stack by an execution context 200 200 1 1000 True
Net.TcpipRxVmknicWorldletAffinityType Use exact affinity for tcpip input worldlet (Takes hold at port creation time) 0 0 0 1 True
Net.TcpipTxDispatchQuota Max # of pkts dispatched from the tcpip stack by an execution context 100 100 1 1000 True
Net.TcpipTxqBackoffTimeoutMs Duration (in milli seconds) for which backoff is effective when the tx queue has reached the NET_TCPIP_TXQ_MAX_USAGE_THRESHOLD 70 70 20 1000 True
Net.TcpipTxqMaxUsageThreshold Tx queue usage threshold in percent at which to start throttling 80 80 50 100 True
Net.TeamPolicyUpDelay Delay (ms) before considering an `uplink up' event relevant 100 100 0 600000 True
Net.TrafficFilterIpAddress Alternate DVFilter internal communication endpoint N/A N/A True
Net.TsoDumpPkt detailed dump of every pkts 0 0 0 2147483647 True
Net.UplinkAbortDisconnectTimeout Timeout (ms) waiting for pending calls to finish when disconnecting. 5000 5000 1 6000000 True
Net.UplinkKillAsyncTimeout Timeout (ms) waiting for async when world is killed. 10000 10000 1 6000000 True
Net.UplinkTxQueuesDispEnabled Enables dispatching of port traffic on multiple tx queues 1 1 0 1 True
Net.UseHwCsumForIPv6Csum When non-zero, use pNIC HW_CSUM, if available, as IPv6 csum offload 1 1 0 1 True
Net.UseHwIPv6Csum When non-zero, use pNIC HW IPv6 csum offload if available 1 1 0 1 True
Net.UseHwTSO When non-zero, use pNIC HW TSO offload if available 1 1 0 1 True
Net.UseHwTSO6 When non-zero, use pNIC HW IPv6 TSO offload if available 1 1 0 1 True
Net.UseLegacyProc Enable or disable populating legacy entries in /proc/vmware/net 0 0 0 1 True
Net.UseProc Populate /proc/vmware/net 0 0 0 1 True
Net.VLANMTUCheckMode Set the unicast/broadcast checking mode in VLAN MTU check 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmklnxLROEnabled LRO enabled in vmklinux 0 0 0 1 True
Net.VmklnxLROMaxAggr LRO max aggr in vmklinux 6 6 0 24 True
Net.VmknicDoLroSplit whether for vmknic LRO avoids aggregating all pkts into a single (> 2 ms) large pkt. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.VmknicLroSplitBnd when VmknicDoLroSplit is non-zero, while pktList is larger than this number, lroSplit is not done. 12 12 2 255 True
Net.Vmxnet2HwLRO Whether to perform HW LRO on pkts going to a LPD capable vmxnet2 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet2PinRxBuf Pin RX buffers for vmxnet2 clients (windows guest only) 0 0 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet2SwLRO Whether to perform SW LRO on pkts going to a LPD capable vmxnet2 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet3HwLRO Whether to enable HW LRO on pkts going to a LPD capable vmxnet3 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet3PageInBound max # pageIn requests to handle per helper call for vmxnet3. 32 32 1 1024 True
Net.Vmxnet3RSSHashCache Enable RSS hash cache. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet3RxPollBound max # pkts to receive per timeout for vmxnet3. 256 256 0 4096 True
Net.Vmxnet3SwLRO Whether to perform SW LRO on pkts going to a LPD capable vmxnet3 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet3WinIntrHints whether intr hints are used for Windows vmxnet3. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.Vmxnet3usePNICHash Reuse pnic computed RSS hash. 0 0 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetBiDirNeedsTsoTx Need to see Tso Tx to qualify for tsoSplit bidirectional traffic condition. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetBiDirNoTsoSplit For bidirectional traffic, don't do tsoSplit. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetCopyTxRunLimit non-Win vmxnet2/3 tx will have at most so many fully copied tx's in a row (65536 and larger means never). 16 16 0 4294967295 True
Net.VmxnetDoLroSplit whether for vmxnet LRO avoids aggregating all pkts into a single (> 2 mss) large pkt. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetDoTsoSplit whether to split TSO pkts before LPD; 1: halved; 3: VmxnetTsoSplitSize; 2: hybrid. 1 1 0 3 True
Net.VmxnetLROBackoffPeriod After adaptive LRO decided not to do LRO, how many intervals to wait before trying again. 8 8 0 65535 True
Net.VmxnetLROMaxLength LRO default max length for TCP/IP 32000 32000 1 65535 True
Net.VmxnetLROThreshold After this # packets, evaluate whether to continue SW LRO 4000 4000 0 65535 True
Net.VmxnetLROUseRatioDenom If SW LRO reduce pkt count to be smaller than ratio, continue to do LRO. Denominator of ratio. 3 3 0 255 True
Net.VmxnetLROUseRatioNumer If SW LRO reduce pkt count to be smaller than ratio, continue to do LRO. Numerator of ratio. 2 2 0 255 True
Net.VmxnetLroSplitBnd when VmxnetDoLroSplit is non-zero, while pktList is larger than this number, lroSplit is not done. 64 64 2 255 True
Net.VmxnetPromDisableLro Whether to disable SW LRO when vNIC goes into promiscuous mode. 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetSwLROSL Whether to use ShortLived for vmxnet SW LRO 1 1 0 1 True
Net.VmxnetTsoSplitBnd when VmxnetDoTsoSplit is 1 or 2, use targetSize as the tsoSplit threshold if the overall pkt list already has this number of pkts. 12 12 2 255 True
Net.VmxnetTsoSplitSize split (byte) size; only used if DoTsoSplit >= 2. 17500 17500 1500 65535 True
Net.VmxnetTxCopySize vmxnet tx <= than this will be fully copied with no need for completion. 256 256 0 4294967295 True
Net.VmxnetWinCopyTxRunLimit Win vmxnet2/3 tx will have at most so many fully copied tx's in a row (65536 and larger means never). 65535 65535 0 4294967295 True
Net.VmxnetWinUDPTxFullCopy whether Windows vmxnet UDP tx is fullCopy. 1 1 0 2 True
Net.vNicNumDeferredReset max # normalPkts per poll. 12 12 0 4096 True
Net.vNicTxPollBound max # normalPkts per poll. 192 192 0 4096 True
Net.vmxnetThroughputWeight How far to favor throughput in vmxnet behavior. 0 0 0 255 True
Net.IOControlPnicOptOut List of physical NICs to opt out of network I/O control N/A N/A False
Nmp.NmpPReservationCmdRetryTime Time (in secs) to retry on transient errors for Persistent reservation commands for MSCS CAB configs 1 1 1 300 True
Nmp.NmpSatpAluaCmdRetryTime Time (in secs) to retry on transient errors 10 10 0 50 True
Numa.CoreCapRatioPct The capacity of a core in percent. When exceeded, locality migration is rejected. Set to 0 to disable this check 90 90 0 100 True
Numa.CostopSkewAdjust way to handle costop skew, 0:do nothing, 1:interleave vcpus among clients, 2:allow vcpus on all nodes 1 1 0 2 True
Numa.FollowCoresPerSocket 1: if the vNUMA topology should strickly follow core-per-socket config, 0: to remove the restriction 0 0 0 1 True
Numa.LTermFairnessInterval duration of long term fairness interval in terms of NUMA rebalance period, 0 indicates that long term fairness is disabled 5 5 0 1000 True
Numa.LTermMigImbalThreshold imbalance in long term owed, in percentage, required to trigger migration for long term fairness 10 10 0 100 True
Numa.LargeInterleave Always use large page interleaving; 0 to disable. 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.LatencyProbePeriod Time (in ms) in between dynamic latency probing 500 500 10 100000 True
Numa.LocalityWeightActionAffinity Benefit of improving action affinity by 1. 130 130 0 200 True
Numa.LocalityWeightMem Benefit of improving memory locality by 1 pct. 1 1 0 100 True
Numa.MigImbalanceThreshold Minimum percent load imbalance between nodes to trigger migration 10 10 1 200 True
Numa.MigPreventLTermThresh long term owed for a VM, in percentage, above which NUMA migration and swaps are disabled for that VM 0 0 0 100 True
Numa.MigThrashThreshold Maximum post-migration load imbalance as a percentage of pre-migration imbalance to prevent thrashing 50 50 0 100 True
Numa.MigThreshold Minimum percent load balance improvement to allow single migration.swap 2 2 0 100 True
Numa.MonMigEnable Allow NUMASched monitor migrations. Set to 1 to enable; set to 0 to disable. 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.PageMigEnable Permit NUMASched to manipulate page migration. Set to 1 to enable; set to 0 to disable. 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.PageMigLinearRun page migration candidates for linear scan, 0 to disable 95 95 0 10000 True
Numa.PageMigRandomRun page migration candidates for random scan, 0 to disable 5 5 0 10000 True
Numa.PageMigRateMax max page migration rate 8000 8000 0 250000 True
Numa.PreferHT Prefer using HyperThreads on the same NUMA node over full cores on multiple nodes; 0 to disable. 0 0 0 1 True
Numa.RebalanceCoresNode Minimum number of cores per node required to enable NUMA rebalancer 2 2 1 8 True
Numa.RebalanceCoresTotal Minimum number of total host cores required to enable NUMA rebalancer 4 4 1 32 True
Numa.RebalanceEnable Enable or disable NUMA scheduler rebalancer 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.RebalancePeriod Frequency of NUMA node rebalancing in milliseconds 2000 2000 100 60000 True
Numa.SwapConsiderPeriod time between reconsidering a client for swap, in units of NUMA rebalance period 15 15 0 10000 True
Numa.SwapInterval frequency of NUMA node swap rebalancing, in units of NUMA rebalance period 3 3 1 10000 True
Numa.SwapLoadEnable Enable or disable virtual machine swaps across nodes to balance CPU load 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.SwapLocalityEnable Enable or disable virtual machine swaps across nodes to improve memory locality 1 1 0 1 True
Numa.SwapMigrateOnly frequency of NUMA VM migration only considerations, in units of NUMA rebalance period, 0 to disable pure migrations 2 2 0 100 True
Power.CStateMaxLatency In Custom policy, avoid a C-state whose latency is larger than this value (us) 500 500 0 1000000 True
Power.CStatePredictionCoef In Custom policy, predict non-timer wakeup with error probability p, where CStatePredictionCoef = -ln(1 - p) * (1 << 20) 110479 110479 0 2000000 True
Power.CStateResidencyCoef In Custom policy, avoid a C-state whose latency * CStateResidencyCoef > predicted residence time 5 5 0 1000000 True
Power.ChargeMemoryPct Percentage of idle power consumed by memory 20 20 0 100 True
Power.MaxCpuLoad In Custom policy, CPU utilization threshold below which CPU frequency can be dynamically adjusted 60 60 0 100 True
Power.MaxFreqPct In Custom policy, do not use P-states faster than the given percentage of full CPU speed, rounded up to the next available P-state 100 100 0 100 True
Power.MinFreqPct In Custom policy, do not use P-states slower than the given percentage of full CPU speed 0 0 0 100 True
Power.PerfBias In Custom policy, Performance Energy Bias Hint (Intel-only), where 0-15 specify the exact value, while 16-18 choose an automatically determined value from a preset policy: 16=Low Power, 17=Balanced, 18=High Performance 17 17 0 18 True
Power.PerfBiasEnable Use Performance Energy Bias Hint 1 1 0 1 True
Power.TimerHz In Custom policy, dynamic power management timer sampling rate 100 100 1 1000 True
Power.UseCStates In Custom policy, use ACPI C-states when processor is idle 1 1 0 1 True
Power.UsePStates In Custom policy, use ACPI P-states to save power when processor is busy 1 1 0 1 True
RdmFilter.HbaIsShared Allow local disks to be RDM candidates for Virtual Machines False True N/A N/A False
ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation The directory configured to be used for scratch space. Changes will take effect on next reboot. N/A N/A False
ScratchConfig.CurrentScratchLocation The directory currently being used for scratch space. /tmp/scratch N/A N/A False
Scsi.ChangeQErrSetting Change the QErr value of devices to 0x0. 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.CompareLUNNumber Consider LUN number when determining LUN identity. 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.EnableCmdSanityCheck Enable Scsi command basic sanity checks. This option can crash the system if Scsi Command signature mismatches 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.ExtendAPDCondition Trigger APD condition when paths are in unavailable states 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.FailVMIOonAPD Fast fail virtual machine I/Os on APD Timeout. 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.LogCmdErrors Log SCSI Device command errors. 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.LogCmdRCErrorsFreq Number of consecutive RC errors to be seen before logging SCSI Device command. 0 0 0 4294967295 True
Scsi.LogMPCmdErrors Log SCSI Multi-path plugin command errors. 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.LogScsiAborts Log SCSI abort errors and success. 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.LunCleanupInterval Timeout for purging stale LUNs. Any LUN which was seen more than the configured number of days ago, will be deleted by the daily cleanup operation 7 7 1 100 True
Scsi.MaxReserveBacktrace Log a backtrace if caller exceeds SCSI_MAX_RESERVE_TIME or SCSI_MAX_RESERVE_TOTALTIME (debug only) 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.MaxReserveTime Maximum time (in milliseconds) a system-initiated reservation is normally held 200 200 50 500 True
Scsi.MaxReserveTotalTime Maximum time (in msecs) a system-initiated reservation normally takes from issue to release (debug only) 250 250 50 500 True
Scsi.PassthroughLocking SCSI passthrough locking 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.ReserveBacktrace Log a backtrace for all Reserve/Release pairs (debug only) 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.SCSIEnableDescToFixedConv Enable or disable conversion of descriptor format sense to fixed for older plugins 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.SCSIEnableIOLatencyMsgs Enable or disable storage latency-related error messages from PSA 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.SCSIStrictSPCVersionChecksForPEs Only LUNs with version >= SCSI_ANSI_SCSI3_SPC4 can be PEs 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.SCSITimeout_ReabortTime Delay (in milliseconds) after a stop due to time-out before the stop is re-issued 5000 5000 1 99999999 True
Scsi.SCSITimeout_ScanTime Time (in milliseconds) to sleep between checking for timed-out asynchronous I/O 1000 1000 1 99999999 True
Scsi.SCSIioTraceBufSizeMB Logchannel buffer size for per device IO tracing in MB 1 1 1 2 True
Scsi.ScanOnDriverLoad Scan new SCSI buses on device driver load 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.ScanSync Force LU scanning operations to be synchronous if set. 0 0 0 1 True
Scsi.ScsiAllowDeviceSpinup Allow device spin up, if device is in spun down state. 1 1 0 1 True
Scsi.ScsiRestartStalledQueueLatency Delay in ms before restarting a stalled queue 500 500 1 60000 True
Scsi.ScsiVVolPESNRO Default schedNumReqOutstanding value for a PE LUN. 128 128 32 4096 True
Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadExpires Life in seconds of timeout task mgmt handler thread 1800 1800 1 86400 True
Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadLatency Delay in ms before waking up new task mgmt thread 2000 2000 1 600000 True
Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMax Max number of timeout task-mgmt handler threads 16 16 1 16 True
Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMin Min number of timeout task-mgmt handler threads 1 1 1 16 True
Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadRetry Delay in milliseconds before retrying taskmgmt which failed or for which the I/O did not complete 2000 2000 1000 10000 True
Scsi.TransFailLogPct Percent of Transient failures seen on Scsi Device that will be logged. 20 20 0 100 True
Scsi.UseAdaptiveRetries Use adaptive retries for transient errors. 1 1 0 1 True
Security.AccountLockFailures Maximum allowed failed login attempts before locking out a user's account. Zero disables account locking. 5 5 N/A N/A False
Security.AccountUnlockTime Duration in seconds to lock out a user's account after exceeding the maximum allowed failed login attempts. 900 900 N/A N/A False
Security.PasswordHistory Number of passwords to remember for each user. Zero disables password history. 0 0 N/A N/A False
Security.PasswordMaxDays Maximum number of days between password changes. Affects all existing and new users. 99999 99999 N/A N/A False
Security.PasswordQualityControl Raw options for pam_passwdqc PAM module. This value is used as is in PAM's configuration file, so use with caution. retry=3 min=disabled,disabled,disabled,7,7 retry=3 min=disabled,disabled,disabled,7,7 N/A N/A False
SunRPC.MaxConnPerIP Max number of TCP/IP connection per IP 4 4 1 128 True
SunRPC.SendLowat Send buffer lowat (%) 25 25 1 100 True
SunRPC.WorldAffinity TX Affinity: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Issuing world, 2 - Exact RX world, 3 - Loose RX world 2 2 0 2 True
SvMotion.SvMotionAvgDisksPerVM Initial Storage vMotion Heap Size is proportional to this setting 8 8 4 1024 True Default number of rotated logs to keep. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False Default size of logs before rotation, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False Enforce checking of SSL certificates when logging to a remote host. True True N/A N/A False Datastore path of directory to output logs to. Reset to default on null. Example: [datastoreName]/logdir [] /scratch/log N/A N/A False Place logs in a unique subdirectory of logdir, based on hostname. False False N/A N/A False The remote host to output logs to. Reset to default on null. Multiple hosts are supported and must be separated with comma (,). Example: udp://hostName1:514, hostName2, ssl://hostName3:1514 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.Xorg.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.Xorg.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.auth.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.auth.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.clomd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.clomd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.clusterAgent.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.clusterAgent.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.cmmdsTimeMachine.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.cmmdsTimeMachine.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.cmmdsTimeMachineDump.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 20 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.cmmdsTimeMachineDump.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 10240 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.ddecomd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.ddecomd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.dhclient.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.dhclient.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.epd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.epd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.esxupdate.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.esxupdate.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.fdm.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.fdm.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hbragent.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hbragent.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostd-probe.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostd-probe.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostdCgiServer.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostdCgiServer.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostprofiletrace.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.hostprofiletrace.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.iofiltervpd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.iofiltervpd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.lacp.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.lacp.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.loadESX.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.loadESX.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.nfcd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.nfcd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.osfsd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.osfsd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.rabbitmqproxy.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.rabbitmqproxy.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.rhttpproxy.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.rhttpproxy.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.sdrsInjector.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.sdrsInjector.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.storageRM.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.storageRM.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.swapobjd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.swapobjd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.syslog.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.syslog.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.upitd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.upitd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.usb.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.usb.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vitd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vitd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 10240 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmauthd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmauthd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkdevmgr.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkdevmgr.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkernel.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkernel.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkeventd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkeventd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmksummary.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmksummary.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkwarning.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vmkwarning.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vobd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vobd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vprobe.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vprobe.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vpxa.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vpxa.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsandpd.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsandpd.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsanmgmt.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsanmgmt.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 10240 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsansystem.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 10 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsansystem.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 10240 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsantraceUrgent.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 8 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vsantraceUrgent.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 1024 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vvold.rotate Number of rotated logs to keep for this logger. Reset to default on zero. 0 16 N/A N/A False
Syslog.loggers.vvold.size Set size of logs before rotation for this logger, in KiB. Reset to default on zero. 0 8192 N/A N/A False
USB.quirks Additional USB device quirks to be added to the vmkusb native driver default quirks. Device quirks are software workarounds for hardware errata. String format is ::::, with colon delimted fields. vid and pid are the "usb id" numbers for the USB device vendor and product, respectively (and e.g., 0x0e0f for vendor VMware), and low and high rev are the revisions (inclusive) between which to apply the quirk (e.g., 0 and 0xffff). Quirk name is a string constant starting with UQ_. Contact VMware support for a full list of valid quirk names. N/A N/A True
User.PTEDisableNX Disables the use of NX bit in user pagetable entries 0 0 0 1 True
User.ReaddirRetries Maximum number of retries when reading entries from directories 10 10 1 20 True
UserVars.ActiveDirectoryPreferredDomainControllers Preferred Domain Controllers for Active Directory N/A N/A True
UserVars.ActiveDirectoryVerifyCAMCertificate Enable or disable verification of SSL certificate for vSphere Authentication Proxy server 1 1 0 1 True
UserVars.DcuiTimeOut An idle time in seconds before DCUI is automatically logged out. Setting 0 disables the timeout. 600 600 0 86400 True
UserVars.ESXiShellInteractiveTimeOut Idle time before an interactive shell is automatically logged out (in seconds, 0 disables). Takes effect only for newly logged in sessions. 0 0 0 86400 True
UserVars.ESXiShellTimeOut Time before automatically disabling local and remote shell access (in seconds, 0 disables). Takes effect after the services are restarted. 0 0 0 86400 True
UserVars.ESXiVPsAllowedCiphers ESXi VPs allowed ciphers. List of allowed ciphers to be used by the VPs. Must be in the form accepted by the SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list API. !aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES !aNULL:kECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:kECDH+AES:ECDH+AES:RSA+AES N/A N/A True
UserVars.ESXiVPsDisabledProtocols ESXi VPs disabled protocols. Choices are sslv3, tlsv1, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2. By default sslv3 is disabled. If no protocol is specified, all protocols are enabled. sslv3,tlsv1,tlsv1.1 sslv3,tlsv1,tlsv1.1 N/A N/A True
UserVars.EsximageNetRateLimit Set the maximum rate, in bytes/sec, for downloading VIBs (0=no limit) 0 0 0 2147483647 True
UserVars.EsximageNetRetries Set the number of times to retry in case of failure while downloading VIBs 10 10 0 1024 True
UserVars.EsximageNetTimeout Set the timeout in seconds for downloading VIBs (0=no timeout) 60 60 0 1024 True
UserVars.HardwareHealthIgnoredSensors List of comma-seperated sensor ID's to ignore for alarm generation. N/A N/A True
UserVars.HardwareHealthSyncTime Interval in minutes for periodic synchronization of hardware sensor state with VC alarm state. Setting 0 disables synchronization. 360 360 0 43200 True
UserVars.HostClientCEIPOptIn Whether or not to opt-in for the Customer Experience Improvement Program in Host Client, 0 for ask, 1 for yes, 2 for no 0 0 0 2 True
UserVars.HostClientDefaultConsole The default console to use when clicking on a VM screen shot in Host Client, webmks or vmrc webmks webmks N/A N/A True
UserVars.HostClientEnableMOTDNotification Whether or not to enable MOTD notification on login for Host Client 1 1 0 1 True
UserVars.HostClientEnableVisualEffects Whether or not to enable visual effects for Host Client 1 1 0 1 True
UserVars.HostClientSessionTimeout Default timeout for Host Client sessions in seconds 900 900 0 7200 True
UserVars.HostClientShowOnlyRecentObjects Whether or not to show only recent objects in Host Client 1 1 0 1 True
UserVars.HostClientWelcomeMessage The welcome message that is displayed when a user logs into the Host Client Welcome to {{hostname}} Welcome to {{hostname}} N/A N/A True
UserVars.HostdStatsstoreRamdiskSize Explicitly specify size for the ramdisk hostd uses to store stats (in megabytes, 0 default). Takes effect after hostd service is restarted. 0 0 0 1024 True
UserVars.ProductLockerLocation Path to VMware Tools and vSphere Client repository /locker/packages/vmtoolsRepo/ /locker/packages/vmtoolsRepo/ N/A N/A True
UserVars.SuppressCoredumpWarning Do not show warning for disabled or unconfigured coredump target 0 0 0 1 True
UserVars.SuppressHyperthreadWarning Do not show warning for potential security vulnerability due to hyperthreading 0 0 0 1 True
UserVars.SuppressShellWarning Do not show warning for enabled local and remote shell access 0 1 0 1 True
UserVars.ToolsRamdisk Use VMware Tools repository from /tools ramdisk. 0 0 0 1 True
UserVars.vGhettoSetup Run vGhetto Guest Customization on Nested ESXi Appliance 0 1 0 1 True
VFLASH.CacheStatsEnable Vitual Flash Read Cache statistics enable ? 1 1 0 1 True
VFLASH.CacheStatsFromVFC Use cache statistics from virtual Flash Read Cache module ? 1 1 0 1 True
VFLASH.MaxCacheFileSizeMB Maximum file size (in MB) of virtual Flash Read supported 409600 409600 4 409600 True
VFLASH.MaxDiskFileSizeGB Maximum supported disk size (in GB) with virtual Flash Read Cache configuration 16384 16384 0 16384 True
VFLASH.MaxHeapSizeMB Maximum size (in MB) to which the virtual flash heap is allowed to grow 32 32 16 128 True
VFLASH.MaxResourceGBForVmCache Maximum supported virtual flash resource (in GB) to be allocated for VM caches 2048 2048 N/A N/A False
VFLASH.ResourceUsageThreshold Threshold (in percentage) of virtual flash resource usage 80 80 N/A N/A False
VMFS.UnresolvedVolumeLiveCheck Enable/disable liveliness check during unresolved volume query. True True N/A N/A False
VMFS3.EnableBlockDelete Enable VMFS block delete when UNMAP is issued from guest OS 0 0 0 1 True
VMFS3.FailVolumeOpenIfAPD Fail VMFS volume open operation if the underlying device is deemed to be under an all-paths-down condition 0 0 0 1 True
VMFS3.GBLAllowMW Enable support for more than 8 hosts using multi-writer mode locks on virtual-disks 0 0 0 1 True
VMFS3.HardwareAcceleratedLocking Enable hardware accelerated VMFS locking (requires compliant hardware). Please see before disabling this option 1 1 0 1 True
VMFS3.LFBCSlabSizeMaxMB Maximum size (in MB) to which the VMFS affinity manager cluster cache is allowed to grow. 8 8 1 32 True
VMFS3.MaxAddressableSpaceTB Maximum size of all open files that VMFS cache will support before eviction mechanisms kick in 32 32 32 128 True
VMFS3.MaxHeapSizeMB Maximum size (in MB) to which the VMFS heap is allowed to grow 256 256 16 256 True
VMFS3.MaxextendedTxnsUsingfs3Heap Maximum number of extended transactions for which log space can be allocated from VMFS3 heap when the extendedTxnRegion is full 20 20 20 40 True
VMFS3.MinAddressableSpaceTB Minimum size of all open files that VMFS cache will support (guaranteed) 0 0 0 10 True
VMFS3.OpenWithoutJournal Open file system when out of space for journal allocation, allowing reads and no meta-data updates 1 1 0 1 True
VMFS3.PBCapMissRatioIntervalSec Frequency (in seconds) that the Capacity Miss Ratio is computed for the VMFS Pointer Block cache. 60 60 1 1800 True
VMFS3.StAtExclLockEnd Generate Back Trace in FS3_EndIOExclusive 0 0 0 1 True
VMFS3.UseATSForHBOnVMFS5 Use ATS for Heartbeat on ATS supported VMFS5 volumes 1 1 0 1 True
VMkernel.Boot.autoCreateDumpFile If enabled and if no suitable dump partition or dump file exists, create a dump file. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.autoPartition Enable/Disable auto-partitioning of empty local disks. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.autoPartitionCreateUSBCoreDumpPartition Enable/Disable auto-partitioning of core dump partition for USB boot devices. Requires that autoPartition is set to TRUE as well. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.autoPartitionDiskDumpPartitionSize Disk dump partition size in MB that gets configured during the auto-partition process. 2560 2560 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.bootDeviceRescanTimeout Boot device rescan timeout (in minutes). 1 1 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.busSpeedMayVary Allow different APIC timer speeds on different CPUs. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.cacheFlushImmOnAllHalt Flush caches immediately if all cores sharing LLC halt (AMD only) False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.checkCPUIDLimit Refuse to run on CPUID limited cpus. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.checkPages Check that free and free-lpage-pool pages are not corrupted. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.com1_baud Baud rate for COM1. 115200 115200 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.com2_baud Baud rate for COM2. 115200 115200 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.coresPerPkg Number of cores per package that vmkernel should use 0 0 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.debugBreak Break into debugger during vmkernel initialization. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.debugLogToSerial 0=Serial debug logging off, 1=Serial debug logging on, 2=Defer to config option DebugLogToSerial. 2 2 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.disableACSCheck Bypass ACS capability checks on all PCIE devices False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.disableCFOH Disable Cache Flush on Halt False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.disableHwrng Disable hardware random number generator (RDRAND, RDSEED) False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.diskDumpSlotSize Disk dump slot size in MB. 0 = automatically sized, otherwise requsted size >= 100 MB. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.dmaEngineExposeIdentityMapping Whether to expose whether DMA engines do identity mapping. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.dmaMapperPolicy DMA mapping policy to use. disabled disabled N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.enableACSCheckForRP Enable ACS capability checks for Root Port False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.execInstalledOnly Execute only those files that have been installed via a vib package and have not been modified. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.fakePMemPct Amount of fake persistent memory (in pct of all volatile memory) 0 0 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.fsCheck Run filesystem checks on system partitions. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.gdbPort gdb port; com1 or com2 default default N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapCheckTimerInterval Interval in seconds between heap timer checks 10 10 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.heapFreeOwnerCheck Check heap ownership on free operations False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapFreePoisonByte Byte pattern used to poison freed memory 255 255 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapMetaPoisonByte Byte pattern used to poison red zones for allocations 90 90 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapMetadataProtect Use poisoned red zones to protect against under/overruns False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapMgr2mbTotalVASpaceGB VA space (in GB) that is allocated by heap manager for 2m page heaps 5 5 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.heapMgrTotalVASpaceGB VA space (in GB) that is allocated by heap manager for ordinary heaps 2048 2048 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.heapPoisonFreeMem Poison free memory to catch use after free bugs False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.heapPoisonTimerChecks Check heap poisoned areas for corruption on regular intervals False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreading Enable hyperthreading if available. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigation Restrict the simultaneous use of logical processors from the same hyperthreaded core as necessary to mitigate a security vulnerability. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM Restrict the simultaneous use of logical processors from the same hyperthreaded core as necessary to mitigate a security vulnerability within a single VM. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.ignoreMsrFaults Ignore general protection faults as a result of rdmsr and wrmsr instructions False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.intrBalancingEnabled Indicates if interrupt balancing is enabled. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.ioAbilityChecks Enforce checking of whether regions can be DMA mapped. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.iovDisableIR Disable Interrrupt Remapping in the IOMMU. Not applicable for platforms pre-configured by firmware to use x2APIC (e.g., platforms with >= 256 logical processors); for these interrupt remapping is always enabled. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.ipmiEnabled Enable IPMI True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.isPerFileSchedModelActive Enable per file scheduling model on this host True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.leaveWakeGPEsDisabled Disallow a wake GPE from also being a runtime GPE True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.logPort Serial port to enable for logging; com1 or com2 default default N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.maxLogEntries Size of the kernel log buffer in 256-byte lines. 0=Use default. Min is 1024. Max is 32768. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.maxPCPUS Number of PCPUs vmkernel should use. 1024 1024 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.maxPCPUsNUMAInterleaving Enable NUMA-node interleaving of enabled PCPUs. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.maxVMs Max number of VMs VMKernel should support. 0 == determine at runtime 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.memCheckEveryWord Check every single word when checking mem. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.memLowReservedMB Amount of low memory (< 4 GB) which gets reserved. 0 == determine at runtime 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.memmapMaxEarlyPoisonMemMB Memory that should be poisoned during early initialization. 65536 65536 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.memmapMaxPhysicalMemMB Maximum physical memory (in MB) addressable by kernel. 0 0 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 False
VMkernel.Boot.memmapMaxRAMMB Maximum conventional memory (RAM) supported on the system. Additional RAM above this limit will not be used by the system. 33585088 33585088 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.microcodeUpdate Update microcode from boot module if available True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.microcodeUpdateForce Disable check that microcode update is newer than installed microcode and that both are released versions False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.netCoalesceTimerHdlrPcpu Pcpu that coalesce timeout handler runs on. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netGPHeapMaxMBPerGB Maximum MB of the general purpose networking heap to be allocated per GB of physical memory. 4 4 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netMaxPktsToProcess Maximum number of packets to process in each invocation packet processing routine 64 64 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netMaxPktsToRelease Maximum number of packets to release in each invocation packet releasing routine 128 128 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netNetqueueEnabled Enable/Disable NetQueue support. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.netNetqueueMaxFiltersPerUplink Maximum number of netqueue filters for Uplink. Maximum value for this setting is 32768. Requires REBOOT. 4096 4096 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netNetqueueMaxLearnedFilters Maximum number of hostwide netqueue learned filters. Maximum value for this setting is 16384. Requires REBOOT. 9216 9216 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netNetqueueMaxStaticFilters Maximum number of hostwide netqueue static filters. Maximum value for this setting is 16384. Requires REBOOT. 10240 10240 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPagePoolLimitCap Maximum number of pages period for the packet page pool. 98304 98304 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPagePoolLimitPerGB Maximum number of pages for the packet page pool per gigabyte. 5120 5120 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPagePoolResvCap Maximum number of pages to reserve for the packet page pool. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPagePoolResvPerGB Number of pages to reserve for the packet page pool per gigabyte. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPktHeapMaxMBPerGB Maximum MB of low-memory packet heap to be allocated per GB of physical memory. Maximum value for this setting is 512. 6 6 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPktHeapMinMBPerGB Minimum MB of low-memory packet heap to be allocated per GB of physical memory. Maximum value for this setting is 512. 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPktPoolMaxMBPerGB Maximum MB of networking packet buffer pool to be allocated per GB of physical memory. Maximum value for this setting is 512. Net packet pool maximum per system will be at least 656MB. 75 75 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPktPoolMinMBPerGB Minimum MB of networking packet buffer pool to be allocated per GB of physical memory (multiple of 24) 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.netPreemptionEnabled Enable/disable preemption support in overall networking area False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.nmiAction Action on hardware generated NMI: 0=default (panic, unless changed by advanced config option), 1=enter debugger, 2=panic, 3=log and ignore (not recommended) 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.numSpareCoresPerLLC Number of spare cores reserved at boot time per last-level cache (LLC) 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.numaLatencyRemoteThresholdPct Maximum measured memory access latency difference (in percent units) between 2 pairs of NUMA nodes for the pairs to be considered equidistant 10 10 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.overrideDuplicateImageDetection Override duplicate ESXi image detection False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.pciBarAllocPolicy PCI BAR allocation policy; 0=first-fit, 1=smallest-fit 1 1 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.pcipDisablePciErrReporting Disable error reporting for PCI passthru devices. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.poisonMarker Value used to poison memmap pages -6148914691236517206 -6148914691236517206 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 False
VMkernel.Boot.poisonPagePool Poison memmap pages False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.preferVmklinux Boost priority of vmklinux drivers to trump native drivers. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.preventFreePageMapping Prevent mapping of free pages False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.rdmaRoceIPBasedGidGeneration Use the new IP-based GID generation for RoCE True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.rtcEnableEFI Enable UEFI Runtime Services as real time clock True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.rtcEnableLegacy Enable legacy CMOS device as real time clock True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.rtcEnableTAD Enable ACPI 5.0 Time and Alarm Device as real time clock True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.scrubIgnoredPages Check pages that were ignored due to vmbIgnoreStartMPN and vmbIgnoreNumMPNs boot options. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.scrubMemoryAfterModuleLoad Check all memory after each module load. This causes booting to be very slow. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.serialUntrusted Disable serial port if UART misbehaves. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.skipPartitioningSsds If enabled, skip auto-partitioning of empty local SSDs. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.storageHeapMaxSize Maximum size in bytes of the main storage heap 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.storageHeapMinSize Minimum size in bytes of the main storage heap 0 0 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.storageMaxDevices Maximum number of supported SCSI devices 1024 1024 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.storageMaxPaths Maximum number of supported SCSI paths 4096 4096 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.storageMaxVMsPerDevice Maximum number of VMs expected to use a given device 32 32 0 4294967295 False
VMkernel.Boot.terminateVMOnPDL Terminate virtual machine on permanent loss of storage False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.timerEnableACPI Enable ACPI PM timer as system reference timer. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.timerEnableHPET Enable HPET as system reference timer. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.timerEnableTSC Enable TSC as system reference timer. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.timerForceTSC Always use TSC as system reference timer. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.tscSpeedMayVary Allow different TSC speeds on different CPUs. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.tty1Port TTY1 port; com1, com2 ... to enable default default N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.tty2Port TTY2 port; com1, com2 ... to enable default default N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.updateBusIRQ Allow adding/removing busIRQ information False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.useNUMAInfo Enable/disable NUMA-ness True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.useReliableMem System is aware of reliable memory. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.useSLIT Use NUMA latency information from the SLIT table if available True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.vmkATKeyboard Enable VMkernel AT keyboard driver. False False N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.vmkacEnable 0=Disabled, 1=Enforcing, 2=Do not enforce, just warn 1 1 N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.vtdSuperPages Enables support for VT-d Super Pages (aka 2MB, 1GB large pages); super-page usage is dependent on this option as well as hardware support. True True N/A N/A False
VMkernel.Boot.x2ApicPreferred Use x2APIC if available, even with less than 256 cpus. False False N/A N/A False
VSAN-iSCSI.iscsiPingTimeout Interval between ping (NOP-Out) requests, in seconds 5 5 0 60 True
VSAN.AutoRestoreDecomState Whether to restore vSAN node decommission state automatically during vSAN refresh 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.AutoTerminateGhostVm Automatically terminate ghost VM(s) during network partition 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.ClomForceProvisionPlacements Add Force provisioning flag for all new object placement requests 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.ClomMaxComponentSizeGB Maximum component size used for new placements 255 255 180 255 True
VSAN.ClomMaxDiskUsageRepairComps Percentage disk fullness after which no new repair components can be placed on a given disk 95 95 0 100 True
VSAN.ClomRebalanceThreshold Percentage disk fullness after which rebalancing is triggered 80 80 0 100 True
VSAN.ClomRepairDelay Minutes to wait for absent components to come back before starting repair 60 60 0 4294967295 True
VSAN.DedupScope The default deduplication scope for in all-flash disk group 0 0 0 3 True
VSAN.DefaultHostDecommissionMode Default host decommission mode for a given node ensureAccessibility ensureAccessibility N/A N/A True
VSAN.DomBriefIoTraces Enables a brief set of per-IO DOM traces for debugging 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.DomFullIoTraces Enables the full set of per-IO DOM traces for debugging 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.DomLongOpTraceMS Trace ops that take more than the specified value in milliseconds 1000 1000 0 600000 True
VSAN.DomLongOpUrgentTraceMS Urgent trace ops that take more than the specified value in milliseconds 10000 10000 0 600000 True
VSAN.ObjectScrubsPerYear Option to set the scrubbing rate as scrubs-per-year 1 1 1 525600 True
VSAN.PerTraceBandwidthLimit Max number of traces per second (0 to disable limits) 0 0 0 1000000 True
VSAN.PerTraceBandwidthLimitPeriodMs Add BANDWIDTH_LIMIT * PERIOD_MS tokens (traces) every PERIOD_MS. 10000 10000 0 10000000 True
VSAN.PerTraceMaxRolloverPeriods Maximum number of periods where unused bandwidth can accumulate 360 360 0 1000000 True
VSAN.SwapThickProvisionDisabled Turn off default thick provisioning type for VM swap object and allow user to control the provisioning type using policy. 1 0 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableCmmds Enables tracing for vSAN CMMDS and CMMDSResolver components 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableDom Enables tracing for vSAN DOM component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableDomIo Enables tracing for vSAN DOMIO component 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableLchk Enables LCHK tracing 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableLsom Enables tracing for vSAN LSOM component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnablePlog Enables tracing for vSAN PLOG component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableRdt Enables tracing for vSAN RDT component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableSsdLog Enables tracing for vSAN SSDLOG component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableVirsto Enables tracing for vSAN Virsto component 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableVsanSparse Enables tracing for VsanSparse FDS operations 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableVsanSparseIO Enables tracing for VsanSparse I/O operations 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceEnableVsanSparseVerbose Enables tracing for details of VsanSparse I/O operations 0 0 0 1 True
VSAN.TraceGlobalBandwidthLimit Max number of traces per second (0 to disable limits) 0 0 0 1000000 True
VSAN.TraceGlobalBandwidthLimitPeriodMs Add BANDWIDTH_LIMIT * PERIOD_MS tokens (traces) every PERIOD_MS. 10000 10000 0 10000000 True
VSAN.TraceGlobalMaxRolloverPeriods Maximum number of periods where unused bandwidth can accumulate 360 360 0 1000000 True
VSAN.VsanSparseCacheOverEvict Percentage of VsanSparseCacheThreshold to add to eviction 5 5 0 100 True
VSAN.VsanSparseCacheThreshold Maximum VsanSparse cache size, in cache entries 1024 1024 0 4294967295 True
VSAN.VsanSparseEnabled Enable auto-creation of vsanSparse instead of vmfsSparse redologs, for vSAN 2.0 datastore only. 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.VsanSparseHeapSize Maximum heap size for VsanSparse snapshot consolidation buffers (in KiB) 65536 65536 256 131072 True
VSAN.VsanSparseMaxExtentsPrefetch Maximum number of extents to fetch during interrogation 64 64 0 128 True
VSAN.VsanSparseParallelLookup Request written extent data from each layer in parallel 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.VsanSparseRetainCacheOnSnapshots Try to retain VsanSparse in-memory cache content when taking VM snapshots 1 1 0 1 True
VSAN.VsanSparseRetainCacheTTL Maximum time to retain VsanSparse in-memory cache content between snapshots, in seconds 20 20 0 3600 True
VSAN.VsanSparseSpeculativePrefetch Number of bytes to add to each extent interrogation request 4194304 4194304 0 4294967295 True
Virsto.DiskFormatVersion Virsto Disk Format version 7 7 2 7 True
Virsto.Enabled Use Virsto format for new disks 1 1 0 1 True
Virsto.FlusherRegistryThreshold Flusher registry data size threshold (percentage) when metadata flush is forced 50 50 10 100 True
Virsto.GweFetchExtentsFactor Multiplier controlling how many on-disk extents fetched based on GWE request size 3 3 1 10 True
Virsto.InstanceHeapLimit Heap limit for each Virsto instance (disk) in MB 130 130 128 4095 True
Virsto.MapBlocksFlushThreshold A threshold for dirty entries of map block cache when metadata flush is forced (in count of 4KB blocks) 90 90 50 100 True
Virsto.MapBlocksMin Map block cache minimum for each Virsto instance (in count of 4KB blocks) 16384 16384 16 4294967295 True
Virsto.MaxMFRetryCount How many times Virsto metadata flusher retries in case of a transient error. 3 3 0 4294967295 True
Virsto.MsecBeforeMetaFlush Force Virsto metadata flush after this many msec 10000 10000 0 86400000 True
Virsto.RecordsPerFormatWrite Number of (LSAR) records written per format write operation 16 16 1 128 True
Virsto.SharedHeapLimit Shared heap limit for Virsto module in MB 4 4 2 4095 True
XvMotion.VMFSOptimizations Enable VMFS-specific IO optimizations 1 1 0 1 True