In your theme html
{{ vertical.street }}
{{ }}, {{ vertical.state }} {{ vertical.postal_code }}
{{ }}
<input type="text" id="header_border_color" name="header_border_color" class="color" value="#cccccc" />
This should be placed outside of the <table>
in your settings html
<input type="hidden" id="logo_width" name="logo_width" class="text" value="" data-max-width="250" />
You will still want to set a max width in the CSS for the logo
#logoimg {
max-width: 250px;
This should be placed outside of the <table>
in your settings html
<input type="hidden" id="logo_font_size" name="logo_font_size" class="text" value="34px" data-font-size-max="50" data-font-size-min="12" data-font-size-unit="px" />
You should have references in your CSS. Usually it is a good idea to also set the line-height
#logotext {
font-size: {{ settings.logo_font_size }};
line-height: {{ settings.logo_font_size }};
<input type="file" id="id_background_image" name="background_image" data-file-type="image" />
Example of specific width, but flexible height
<input type="file" name="custom_hero" data-file-type="image" data-width="925" />
Example of specific width and height
<input type="file" name="custom_hero" data-file-type="image" data-width="900" data-height="300" />