- Ignore @if and @else
- Restore formatting other at-rules
- Disable formatAtRules
- Ignore all atRules in tests
- Fix: Extension ruins ASCII art definitions for grid-template-areas #1
- Fix: Media queries should be last by default
- Fix: @include should be first by default
- Force alphabetical sorting by default
- Fix: At-rules should always be bottom
- Fix: Honor alphabetical order from stylelint-order plugin
- Fix TypeError: sort is not a function at formatOrder stylefmt/lib/formatOrder.js:14:3
- Revert and disable only if else atrule formatting
- Disable outdated formatAtRules
- Fix incorrect Quotation in SCSS @functions
- Fix eslint errors, fix build
- Migrate unit tests to postCSS 8, fix build
- Temporary workaround for maps are forcely inlined.
- Update dependencies
- Replace turbocolor with colorette #338
- Replace minimist with getopts #338
- Replace chalk with turbocolor #336
- Use PostCSS v6
- Use yarn
- Upgrade dependencies
- Add support for *.less and *.pcss files in recursive cli mode. #301
- Update formatZeros regular expressions #286
- Fixed to remove spaces for custom at-rules #283
- Support the new param of
- Support
rule. #270 - Support stylelint-order v0.4.x #267
- Fixed #272
- Support
plugin instead ofdeclaration-block-properties-order
. #263
- Prevent space between EOL and semicolon for
for CSS Modules
- Bump up postcss-sorting version.
- Support
extention. #255
- Fixed #253
- Fixed #246
- Beautify the CLI output. #241
- Fixed:
before globby gets pathes.
- Added: globs support for
option in CLI. #223 - Fixed:
option in CLI, to specify files by glob e.g.stylefmt --list /readdir/**/*.css
instead. - Fixed: options
in CLI can be used together. - Added:
option to CLI. same as stylelint CLI - Added:
option to CLI. same as stylelint CLI - Added:
option to Node.js API. same as stylelint API - Added:
option to configuration file. same as stylelint configuration
- Fixed Same issue in stylelint #218 use
to load configuration file. - Fixed:
option to CLI. same as stylelint CLI - Added:
option to CLI. same as stylelint CLI - Fixed:
option to Node.js API. same as stylelint API - Added:
option to Node.js API. same as stylelint API - Added:
option to Node.js API. same as stylelint API - Added: When
configuration file not found, it will extends fromeditorconfig
: - Fixed: rules that value is an array, can work properly:
- at-rule-semicolon-newline-after
- block-closing-brace-newline-after
- block-opening-brace-newline-before
- block-opening-brace-space-before
- declaration-colon-space-after
- declaration-colon-space-before
- length-zero-no-unit
- number-leading-zero
- number-no-trailing-zeros
- selector-combinator-space-after
- selector-combinator-space-before
- selector-list-comma-newline-after
- selector-list-comma-newline-before
- selector-list-comma-space-after
- selector-list-comma-space-before
- shorthand-property-no-redundant-values
- Fixed #208
- Drop to support Node.js v0.12
- Support the following stylelint rules:
- number-leading-zero
- shorthand-property-no-redundant-values
- number-no-trailing-zeros
- number-leading-zero
- length-zero-no-unit
- color-hex-length
- at-rule-empty-line-before
- Fixed some bugs
Thank you for all contributors :)
- Fixed a bug.
- Support for severities with block-closing-brace-newline-after#173
- Don't format in Sass maps
- Don't space in sass map functions
- Add support for string-quotes rule of stylelint. #164
- Add support for groups in declaration-block-properties and fixed #165. #167
- Fixed #162
- Add support for declaration-block-properties-order rule of stylelint. #161
- Remove the default formatting rules for comments. #158
- Add
option to specific configuration file
- Fixed #150
- Fixed #87
- Support
rule of stylelint - Fixed #146
- Fixed #142
Support the following stylelint rules
Fixed some bugs.
Add support for stylelint extends. #129
@seka implemented this feature. Thanks :) #133
Fixed the bug that occurs with --recursive
Supported the following stylelint rules
- block-closing-brace-newline
- block-closing-brace-newline-after
Implement as an asynchronouse plugin. #85
- Introduce cosmiconfig instead of rc-loader
- Fixed #81
🎉 Renamed to stylefmt, and support to understand stylelint configuration file.
- stylefmt works well with stylelint #79
@seka implemented this feature. Thanks bro :D
Fixed #78
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed var()
Fixed @apply rule format, @custom-selector-params
Support formatting future CSS Syntax using cssnext
- Format hex color code to lowercase.
- Fixed a bug
Fixed some bugs, thanks @kewah .
- Fixed #37
- Fixed #36
- Fixed #35
- Fixed #34
- Fixed #33
- Fixed #32
- Fixed #31
- Set indentation size from
- Fixed some bugs
- Fix some bugs. Thanks @yisible :)
- Support formatting pseudo-element(
- Support formatting
- Fix sass function format
- Introduce repeat-string package
- Fix some bugs
- Hanele multiline comments. #24
Thanks @kewah .
- Fix atrule for comments format
- Change to open 1 brank line between rules. #16
- Support formatting
- Fix #22
- Fix #20
Major release.
Update PostCSS to v5.0.
Support all SCSS syntax.
inline comments
Fix some bugs.
- Fix a bug #17
- Fix a bug #15
- Support formatting comments
- Fix a bug using
- Fix a bug using
- Add
option in CLI.
- Read file from stdin.
- Fix a bug. #9
- Fix a bug. #6
- Implement
- Open 1 space after
in values.
- Open 1 line between rules in atrules.
Support formatting some Sass functions.
- Variables
- Support formatting Sass Mixin.
- Support formatting
- Remove spaces between values and semicolon.
- Support nested selector syntax like SCSS, Less, Stylus, and processor using postcss-nested.
- Can use as a PostCSS plugin.
- Changed
a parameter. (filepath -> file) - Updated package description.
- Sort values of
shorthand property.
- Format media queries into detail.
- Update example in README.
- Format declaration in media queries.
- Fix a CLI bug.
- Initial release.